892 research outputs found

    Measurement of the η\eta -η\eta' mixing angle in π\pi^{-} and KK^{-} beams with GAMS-4π4\pi Setup

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    The results of mixing angle measurement for η\eta', η\eta mesons generated in charge exchange reactions with π\pi^{-} and KK^{-} beams are preseneted. When the η\eta', η\eta mesons are described in nonstrange(NS)--strange(S) quark basis the π\pi^{-} and KK^{-} beams allow to study ηq>|\eta_{q}> and ηs>|\eta_{s}> parts of the meson wave function. The cross section ratio at t=0t'=0 (GeV/c)2^{2} in the π\pi^{-} beam is Rπ(η/η)=0.56±0.04R_{\pi}(\eta'/\eta)= 0.56 \pm 0.04, results in mixing angle ϕP=(36.8±1.)o\phi_{P} = (36.8 \pm 1.)^{o} . For KK^{-} beam the ratio is RK(η/η)=1.30±0.16R_{K}(\eta'/\eta)= 1.30 \pm 0.16. It was found that gluonium content in η\eta' is sin2ψG=0.15±0.06\sin^{2}\psi_{G}= 0.15 \pm 0.06. The experiment was carried out with GAMS-4π\pi Setup.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, to be submitted in European physical journal C. Minor changes, the Bibliography extende

    The first report of Bakerdania graciloides (Acari: Prostigmata: Pygmephoroidea) from Iran

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    During an investigation on edaphic mite fauna of orchards and parks of Tehran, some species belonging to the superfamily Pygmephoroidea were collected and identified, of which Bakerdania graciloides Sevastianov is considered to be a new record for Iran

    Mathematical model of stacked one-sided arrangement of the burners

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    Paper is aimed at computer simulation of the turbulent methane-air combustion in upgraded U-shaped boiler unit. To reduce the temperature in the flame and hence NOx release every burner output was reduced, but the number of the burners was increased. The subject of studying: complex of characteristics with space-time fields in the upgraded steam boiler E-370 with natural circulation. The flare structure, temperature and concentrations were determined computationally

    Carst marble on Tyrnyauz deposit

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    The karst of marbles is considered as the least studied type of karst. Here we have pinpointed the karst area of the ore field of the Tyrnyauz deposit. Lithological and petrographic characteristics of the skarned marbles of Tyrnyauz are given, their chemical activity is determined. Tectonogenic fissure-karst drainage system of the deposit is analyzed. The main factors of karst formation have been determined and the development of the karst marbles of the Tyrnyauz ore field at various depths is predicte

    New faunistic and taxonomic data on oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) of Thailand

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    This study is based on oribatid mite materials collected from the vicinities of Phatthaya city and the Samet Island in Thailand; 18 species from 14 genera and 11 families are registered, of these, nine species are recorded from the Thai fauna for the first time. A new species of the genus Dolicheremaeus (Otocepheidae) – D. phatthayaensis sp. n. – is described. The supplementary description of Galumna paracalcicola Ermilov et Anichkin, 2014 is presented based on specimens from Thailand. Identification keys to the known representatives of the genera Dolicheremaeus from Thailand and Galumna from the Oriental region are presented. Galumna indica Hafeez Kardar, 1989 and G. striata Hafeez Kardar, 1989 are combined in the genus Setogalumna

    Dislocation of the penis: a rare case of genital trauma

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    Traumatic dislocation of the penis is one of the rarest types of genital trauma. This type of injury is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin and the penile ligamentous apparatus, with the dislocation of the penis into the scrotum under the skin of the thigh, or the area of the pubic joint. The low occurrence frequency of such injuries and the small number of observations described in the literature entails the absence of generally accepted treatment tactics for this category of patients. The article describes a clinical case of successfully treated traumatic dislocation of the penis with penile transposition into the pubic joint area and the formation of subcutaneous urinary leakage after late treatment of the patient for medical care

    A transitional fossil mite (Astigmata: Levantoglyphidae fam. n.) from the early Cretaceous suggests gradual evolution of phoresy-related metamorphosis

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    Abstract Metamorphosis is a key innovation allowing the same species to inhabit different environments and accomplish different functions, leading to evolutionary success in many animal groups. Astigmata is a megadiverse lineage of mites that expanded into a great number of habitats via associations with invertebrate and vertebrate hosts (human associates include stored food mites, house dust mites, and scabies). The evolutionary success of Astigmata is linked to phoresy-related metamorphosis, namely the origin of the heteromorphic deutonymph, which is highly specialized for phoresy (dispersal on hosts). The origin of this instar is enigmatic since it is morphologically divergent and no intermediate forms are known. Here we describe the heteromorphic deutonymph of Levantoglyphus sidorchukae n. gen. and sp. (Levantoglyphidae fam. n.) from early Cretaceous amber of Lebanon (129 Ma), which displays a transitional morphology. It is similar to extant phoretic deutonymphs in its modifications for phoresy but has the masticatory system and other parts of the gnathosoma well-developed. These aspects point to a gradual evolution of the astigmatid heteromorphic morphology and metamorphosis. The presence of well-developed presumably host-seeking sensory elements on the gnathosoma suggests that the deutonymph was not feeding either during phoretic or pre- or postphoretic periods