9 research outputs found

    Estimasi Umur Simpan Pliek-U Berdasarkan Kadar Air Menggunakan Model Arrhenius dan Metode Q10

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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga umur simpan  Pliek-U  menggunakan model Arrhenius dan metode Q10. Sebanyak 6 sampel Pliek-U yang sudah diketahui kadar air awalnya diberikan perlakuan suhu ekstrim 50, 60, dan 70˚C sampai kondisi Pliek-U mengalami penurunan mutu yang ditandai dengan perubahan warna dan bau. Perubahan berat sampel diamati dalam interval 30 menit. Selanjutya dilakukan perhitungan kadar air Pliek-U dan nilainya diplotkan dalam grafik di mana koordinat x nya sebagai waktu dan koordinat y nya sebagai kadar air. Gradien grafik adalah laju reaksi perubahan kadar air Pliek-U (k). Model Arrhenius adalah hasil plot nilai ln k terhadap 1/T dalam skala Kelvin. Selanjutnya dihitung nilai Q10 dan umur simpan Pliek-U dengan asumsi bahwa umur simpan sampel pada suhu ruang (30ºC) adalah 32 bulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai k Pliek-U pada suhu 50ºC 0,0621 dan nilai R2 sebesar 15,52%. Nilai k Pliek-U pada suhu 60ºC adalah 0,0826 dan nilai R2 sebesar 67,9%, dan nilai k Pliek-U pada suhu 70ºC adalah 0,0877 dan nilai R2 sebesar 54,39%. Persamaan Arrhenius Pliek-U berdasarkan perubahan kadar air adalah k = 27,454 . e-1.925(1/T) dengan R2 sebesar 91,47%. Nilai faktor percepatan reaksi (Q10) Pliek-U adalah 1,214. Umur simpan Pliek-U dapat ditentukan dengan persamaan tT1=32 .1,214(∆T/10).Shelf-life estimation of Pliek-U based on moisture changes by using Arrhenius and Q10 approachAbstract. The study aimed to predict the shelf-life of Pliek-U by using Arrhenius and Q10 approach. About 6 samples of Pliek-U, already known its moisture, were exposed to high temperatures of 50, 60, dan 70ºC to reach degradation quality characterized by color and odor changes. The alteration of weight was also observed at interval of 30minutes. Based on these data, the changes of moisture were calculated and the trend was drawn on a XY scatter chart. The gradien of the chart was the reaction rate of quality degradation (k). Then, the Arrhenius model was constructed by plotting ln k and 1/T (K) into a graph. Lastly, the Q10 and shelf-life were calculated by using assumption that the shelf-life at room temperature was about 32 months. Results showed that the k-value and R-square of Pliek-U at 50˚C was 0.0621 and 15.52%, respectively. The k-value and R-square of Pliek-U at 60˚C was 0,0826 and 67,9%, whereas the k-value and R-square of Pliek-U at 70˚C was 0,0877 and 54,39%. The Arrhenius model of Pliek-U based on moisture changes was k = 27,454. e-1.925(1/T) and R-square was 91.47%. The Q10-value of Pliek-U was 1,214 and the shelf-life of Pliek-U can be adjusted by using the model tT1=32 .1,214(∆T/10)

    Pengaruh Metode Blanching Terhadap Karakteristik Pengeringan Cabai Rawit Hijau Menggunakan Alat Pengering Terowongan Hohenheim Aceh

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     Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat karakteristik pengeringan cabai rawit hijau (Capsicum frustescens) yang diberi perlakuan blanching dan dikeringkan dengan alat pengering terowongan Hohenheim Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan 1 faktor blanching dengan 3 taraf perlakuan yaitu non blanching (B0), hot water blanching pada suhu 90ºC selama 2 menit (B1), dan steam blanching pada suhu 95ºC selama 1 menit (B2). Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali dan sebanyak 1kg cabai rawit digunakan per satuan percobaan. Parameter yang diamati adalah iradiasi matahari, suhu, kelembaban relatif, perubahan berat sampel, kadar air, rendemen, vitamin C, tingkat penerimaan konsumen dan warna. Teknik analisa data meliputi analisis laju pengeringan, energi pengeringan, dan efisiensi pengeringan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses pengeringan cabai rawit hijau yang diberi perlakuan steam blanching dapat mempercepat proses pengeringan dengan kualitas yang lebih baik. Perlakuan steam blanching menghasilkan laju pengeringan cabai rawit tertinggi, nilai efisiensi pengeringan tertinggi, dan penyimpangan warna paling rendah dibandingkan cabai rawit segar. Hal ini didukung oleh kinerja kendali PID pada alat pengering yang menghasilkan kombinasi suhu dan RH yang meningkatkan efektifitas proses pengeringan cabai rawit, dengan mencegah terjadinya suhu di atas 60ºC dan menciptakan sistem operasi kipas yang periodik sesuai kebutuhan. 

    Analisis Efisiensi Pada Sistem Pengeringan Bunga Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa L) Menggunakan Alat Pengering Tipe Lemari

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    Efficiency Analysis in Drying System for Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa L) Using Cabinet Type DryerABSTRACT. Drying is one of the most important process in producing a good quality of rosella tea. The study was aimed to evaluate the drying efficiency of rosella tea by using a cabinet dryer. The source of energy for the dryer was from the burning of charcoal. The charcoal was prepared from the coconut shell since it was abundant biomass product. About 7.5 kg of fresh rosella flower was dried for 17 hours. The total of charcoal consumed was 17 kg. The moisture content of rosella flower was reduced from 90 to 12 %. The analysis showed that the total of energy produced from the burning of 17 kg charcoal was 309.4 MJ, whilst the total energy needed to dry the flower was 15,72 MJ. Therefore, the drying efficiency was still low about 4.58%. Further study is recommended to improve the drying efficiency for example by the use of deeper depth of dried products between 2 and 6 cm as well as by improving the system of hot air circulation.

    Performansi Alat Pengering Terowongan Tenaga Surya Tipe Hohenheim untuk Pengeringan Kerupuk Tiram

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the performance of type Hohenheim solar tunnel dryer in drying Oyster kerupuk. This dryer was designed based on solar energy under two systems i.e. by using a solar collector and a greenhouse effect. The dryer has a dimension of 2 m length and 1m width, with about 1.5 m² and 0.5 m² drying and absorber area, respectively. In addition, oyster kerupuk were dried at 3 different depth layers, including at 2, 4, and 6 mm, and the parameters observed comprise solar irradiation, temperature and humidity, moisture and the protein content of oyster kerupuk. The results showed an average solar irradiation of 370-390 W/m², with potential application between 9.00 am-17.00 pm, daily. Moreover, the temperature at the drying chamber was gained within the range 39.7-40.9 °C, while the average ambient temperature was 31.3-3.6 °C. The drying chamber had a relative humidity of 47.8-50.5%, and was reportedly lower than the ambient value. Furthermore, the drying time used at a 2 mm layer depth was 10 h, while 12 hours was required for the 4 and 6 mm. The moisture content of samples at 2, 4, and 6 mm was 6.5%, 10.08 and 9.68%, respectively, while the protein composition was 6.52%, 7.62%, and 8.89%, correspondingly. Hence, the Hohenheim tunnel dryer is estimated to possess adaptive characteristics required for the drying process of oyster kerupuk at the 6 mm depth, although further evaluation is needed to improve its performance.

    Penentuan Umur Simpan Lengkuas dengan Model Arrhenius Berdasarkan Kadar Air dan Kadar Sari Larut dalam Air

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    Abstrak. Lengkuas (Alpinia galanga) adalah salah satu tanaman penting bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Tanaman ini dapat digunakan untuk bumbu masakan dan obat herbal. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menduga umur simpan lengkuas segar dengan menggunakan model Arrhenius. Lengkuas segar yang baru dipanen dibersihkan dan dipotong-potong dengan ukuran 2cm, kemudian disimpan pada suhu 5, 10 dan 28°C. Evaluasi dilakukan oleh 25 orang panelis dengan menggunakan skala hedonic dari sangat suka sampai sangat tidak suka terhadap warna, kesegaran, aroma dan tekstur. Parameter yang diamati adalah kadar air dan kadar sari larut dalam air. Parameter tersebut diamati dalam interval 3 hari selama 21 hari atau sampai sampel dinyatakan tidak disukai oleh panelis pada salah satu kriteria hedoniknya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pad asuhu 28°C, lengkuas dapat disimpan selama 3 hari, sedangkan pada suhu 10 dan 5°C, lengkuas dapat disimpan selama 12 dan 21 hari. Energi aktivasi (EA) dan tingkat perubahan mutu (Q10) karena kadar sari larut dalam air lebih besar dari energi aktivasi (EA) dan tingkat perubahan mutu (Q10) karena kadar air lengkuas. Namun demikian, kedua parameter tersebut tidak tepat digunakan untuk menduga umur simpan lengkuas. Shelf-Life Prediction of Galanga by Using Arrhenius Model Based on Its Moisture and Water Soluble Extract Content Abstract. Galanga (Alpinia galanga) is one of important plants for Indonesian people. It can be used as spices and also as herbal medicine. The aim of this study is to predict the shelf-life of fresh galanga by using Arrhenius model. Fresh harvested galanga, which was cleaned and chopped at width about 2 cm, was stored at temperatures 5, 10, and 28°C. The evaluation was done by 25 respondents by using hedonic scale from the range of like very much until dislike very much. This hedonic evaluation was assessed, based on colour, freshness, aroma, and texture. Parameters observed were moisture and water soluble extract content. These parameters observed at interval 3 days for 21 days or until the samples were rejected by respondents for at least one of hedonic factors. Results showed that at temperature 28°C, galangal can be stored for 3 days. However, at temperature 10 and 5 °C, galangal can be stored for 12 and 21 days, respectively. The energy act ivation (EA) and the rate of quality change (Q10) due to water soluble extract were higher than those of water content. Nevertheless, these two parameters cannot be used in prediction the shelf-life of fresh galanga

    Pendugaan Umur Simpan Tomat (Lycopersium esculentum Mill) berdasarkan Kandungan Total Padatan Terlarut dengan Model Arrhenius dan Q10

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    Abstrak. Informasi umur simpan tomat sangat penting untuk proses penanganan pasca panennya sehingga dapat mengurangi resiko kerugian yang dihadapi oleh para petani dan pedagang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah model Arrhenius dan Q10 dapat digunakan untuk menduga umur simpan tomat berdasarkan nilai total padatan terlarut (TPT). Tomat segar terbaik yang diperoleh dari pasar induk disimpan dengan 3 variasi suhu ekstrim yaitu 50˚C, 60˚C dan 70 ˚C. Selama penyimpanan tersebut dilakukan pengamatan nilai TPT setiap 1 jam sekali, sampai keadaan tomat sudah tidak layak untuk dikonsumsikan lagi. Peralatan yang digunakan adalah refraktometer digital. Analisis model Arrhenius dilakukan dengan pendekatan persamaan linier. Pendugaan umur simpan dilakukan dengan metode Q10. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model Arrhenius perubahan TPT tomat adalah k = 7,46x1012. e -8666/T . Energi aktivasi perubahan TPT buah tomat adalah 17.158 kal/mol. Nilai Q10 diperoleh sebesar 2,18. Pendugaan umur simpan dapat dilakukan dengan pendekatan ini baik menggunakan basis suhu penyimpanan 10 maupun 30 °C. Umur simpan tomat pada suhu 30 °C adalah 4,4 dan 5 hari, sedangkan umur simpan tomat pada suhu 10 °C adalah 21 dan 23,8 hari. Perlu penelitian lanjutan untuk menduga umur simpan tomat menggunakan parameter mutu lain seperti vitamin C dan kekerasan untuk meningkatkan validitas hasil pendugaan umur simpannya.  The prediction of Tomato shelf life Based on Its Total Soluble Solid by Using Arrhenius and Q10 Model Abstract. The information about shelf life of tomato is necessary for its post harvest handling to reduce the loss facing by farmers and sellers. The study aimed to observe that the Arrhenius model and Q10 can be used to estimate the shelf life of tomatoes based on its total soluble solid (TSS). The fresh tomatoes obtained from the market were stored at three extreme temperatures i.e. 50˚C, 60 ˚C, and 70 ˚C. During the storing, the TSS was analyzed every hour, until the tomatoes quality was decreased. The TSS was observed by using refractometer. The Arrhenius model were evaluate through the TSS model in linier model. The shelf life estimation were calculated by Q10 method. Results showed that the Arrhenius model of TSS changes in tomatoes was k = k = 7.46x1012. e -8,666/T. The energy activation of TSS changes was about 17,158 kal/mol. The Q10 value was 2.18. The estimation of tomato shelf life can be run successfully by using the Arrhenius and Q10 approach, both at storage temperature basis of 10 and 30 °C. The shelf life of tomatoes at storage temperature 30 were 4.4 and 5 days, respectively, whereas at storage temperature 10 °C were 21 and 23.8 days, respectively. Therefore it is recommended for the further study to evaluate the other quality parameter changes such as vitamin C and hardness to improve the model

    Evaluasi Pengaruh Volume Minyak Simplah Terhadap Kualitasnya Pada Pemanasan Menggunakan Energi Mikrowave

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    Abstract. Minyak simplah adalah produk lokal Aceh dari proses fermentasi kelapa yang mempunyai manfaat seperti minyak kelapa murni (VCO). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemanasan energi mikrowave terhadap kualitas minyak simplah berdasarkan variasi volume minyak. Metode yang dilakukan adalah memanaskan minyak simplah dalam mikrowave oven frekuensi 2,450 MHz selama 60 detik dengan energi 800W pada variasi volume yakni 20, 40,dan 60 ml, dengan 3x ulangan. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap suhu, kadar air, derajat keasaman, asam lemak bebas, bilangan peroksida dan warna. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan variasi volume minyak pada pemanasan mikrowave selama 60 detik meningkatkan suhu minyak secara signifikan, namun perlakuan tersebut tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap kadar air, pH, asam lemak bebas dan bilangan peroksida. Kualitas minyak simplah sebelum dan setelah pemanasan dengan mikrowave belum memenuhi standar sehingga penelitian lanjutan sangat diperlukan untuk mengkaji kemungkinan peningkatan kualitas minyak menggunakan energi mikrowave dengan memperlama waktu pemanasan.The Influence of Oil Simplah Volume to Its Quality under Microwave HeatingAbstract. The simplah oil, contained a lot of benefits as virgin coconut oil (VCO), is traditionally produced during fermentation of coconut by Acehnese. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of microwave heating on the simplah oil quality based on the variation of its volume. The study was conducted by heating the simplah oil by using a microwave oven at frequency of 2.450MHz for 60s at power level 800W under the variation of oil volume i.e. 20, 40, and 60 ml in three replications. The parameters observed were temperature, water content, degree of acidity, free fatty acids, peroxide number and color. Results showed that the variation of oil volume after microwave heating had significant effect on temperature, but did not significantly influence the rest parameters. Since the quality of simplah oil before and after treatment did not meet the standard yet, it is very important to conduct the further study by extending the exposure time of the oil under microwave heating. 

    Modifikasi alat pengering tipe hohenheim untuk pliek-U

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    vi, 45 hlm.;29 c

    Performansi Alat Pengering Terowongan Tenaga Surya Tipe Hohenheim untuk Pengeringan Kerupuk Tiram

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the performance of type Hohenheim solar tunnel dryer in drying Oyster kerupuk. This dryer was designed based on solar energy under two systems i.e. by using a solar collector and a greenhouse effect. The dryer has a dimension of 2 m length and 1m width, with about 1.5 m² and 0.5 m² drying and absorber area, respectively. In addition, oyster kerupuk were dried at 3 different depth layers, including at 2, 4, and 6 mm, and the parameters observed comprise solar irradiation, temperature and humidity, moisture and the protein content of oyster kerupuk. The results showed an average solar irradiation of 370-390 W/m², with potential application between 9.00 am-17.00 pm, daily. Moreover, the temperature at the drying chamber was gained within the range 39.7-40.9 °C, while the average ambient temperature was 31.3-3.6 °C. The drying chamber had a relative humidity of 47.8-50.5%, and was reportedly lower than the ambient value. Furthermore, the drying time used at a 2 mm layer depth was 10 h, while 12 hours was required for the 4 and 6 mm. The moisture content of samples at 2, 4, and 6 mm was 6.5%, 10.08 and 9.68%, respectively, while the protein composition was 6.52%, 7.62%, and 8.89%, correspondingly. Hence, the Hohenheim tunnel dryer is estimated to possess adaptive characteristics required for the drying process of oyster kerupuk at the 6 mm depth, although further evaluation is needed to improve its performance