6 research outputs found

    Genotype x culture media interaction effects on regeneration response of three indica rice cultivars

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    Interactive effects of genotypes with callus induction and regeneration media combinations on green plantlet regeneration response were studied for three indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars, IR-72, IR-54 and Karnal Local. Isolated mature-embryoswere used to derive scutellar callus and fifteen media combinations involvingMS, N6, R2, SK1 and some modifications were tested. Regeneration percentage as well as the shoot-bud induction frequency were influenced by genotype, callus induction medium, regeneration medium, interaction between genotype and the two media (callus induction and regeneration) as well the interaction between the callus induction medium and regeneration medium. Basal media combination of SK1m (callusing) and MS (regeneration) was found to be the best for cv. Karnal Local in which regeneration frequency of 88% and shoot-bud induction of 233% was observed. In IR-72, the highest regeneration frequency of 47.5% and shoot-bud induction frequency of 77% was obtained on MS-MS combination. In IR-54, highest regeneration frequency (25%) was recorded on MMS(N)-MMS(N) combination, whereas, highest frequency of shoot-bud induction (50%) was observed on MMS(S)-MS combination. Although genotype and the composition of the callus induction basal medium were the major determinants of regeneration response, an overall analysis of variation also revealed a significant interaction between the media used for de-differentiation (callusing) and re-differentiation (plantlet regeneration

    Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of indica rice cultivars using binary and superbinary vectors

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    The Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system was extended to two indica cultivars: a widely cultivated breeding line IR-64 and an elite basmati cultivar Karnal Local. Root tips and shoot tips of seedlings, and scutellar-calli derived from mature seeds showed high-efficiency Agrobacterium tumefaciens infection and stable transformation. In addition to the superbinary vector pTOK233 in Agrobacterium strain LBA4404, almost equally high levels of transformation were achieved with a relatively much smaller (13.1 kb) binary vector (pCAMBIA1301) in a supervirulent host strain AGL1. In both cases, as well as in both cultivars, while 60–90% of the infected explants produced calli resistant to the selectable agent hygromycin, 59–75% of such calli tested positive for GUS. A high level (400 μM) of acetosyringone in the preinduction medium for Agrobacterium and a higher level (500 μM) in the cocultivation medium was necessary for an enhancement in transformation frequency of the binary vector to levels comparable to a superbinary. Hygromycin-resistant calli could be produced from all the explants used. Transformants could be regenerated for both cultivars using the superbinary and binary vector, but only for calli of scutellar origin. In addition to the molecular confirmation of hpt and gus gene transfer and transcription, absence of gene sequences outside the transferred DNA (T-DNA) region confirmed absence of any long T-DNA transfer

    Biolistic transformation of elite indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars through semi-solid and liquid medium selection systems

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    Following microprojectile mediated delivery of a plasmid construct (pAHC-25) encoding bar (bialophos resistance) gene into five-day-old scutellar calli derived from mature embryos, the effectiveness of selection procedure for bar-gene expressing tissue was compared for two indica rice cultivars (IR-64 and Karnal Local). While IR-64 transformants could be selected through the generally used semi-solid selection medium, the same procedure was not effective in the basmati cultivar Karnal Local. In the latter case, while lower concentrations (2–4 mg 1−1) of the selective agent phosphinothricin (PPT) yielded only escapes, higher concentrations (6–8 mg l−1) inhibited proliferation of transformed as well as untransformed sectors. For Karnal Local, a liquid medium based selection system was successfully utilized for recovering transformed sectors and, eventually, regenerants. The study demonstrates the generation of transformants of two elite indica cultivars using the environment-independent system of mature embryos from seeds

    Enhancing agrobacterium-mediated transformation efficiency of sugarcane : progress towards an efficient, genotype-independent method

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    Several key issues need to be resolved before an efficient and reproducible Agrobacterium-mediated sugarcane transformation method can be developed for a wider range of sugarcane cultivars. These include loss of morphogenetic potential in sugarcane cells after Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, effect of exposure to abiotic stresses during in vitro selection, and most importantly the hypersensitive cell death response of sugarcane (and other nonhost plants) to Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Eight sugarcane cultivars (Q117, Q151, Q177, Q200, Q208, KQ228, QS94-2329, and QS94-2174) were evaluated for loss of morphogenetic potential in response to the age of the culture, exposure to Agrobacterium strains, and exposure to abiotic stresses during selection. Corresponding changes in the polyamine profiles of these cultures were also assessed. Strategies were then designed to minimize the negative effects of these factors on the cell survival and callus proliferation following Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Some of these strategies, including the use of cell death protector genes and regulation of intracellular polyamine levels, will be discussed

    Targeted expression of redesigned and codon optimised synthetic gene leads to recrystallisation inhibition and reduced electrolyte leakage in spring wheat at sub-zero temperatures

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    Abstract Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) adsorb to ice crystals and inhibit their growth, leading to non-colligative freezing point depression. Crops like spring wheat, that are highly susceptible to frost damage, can potentially be made frost tolerant by expressing AFPs in the cytoplasm and apoplast where ice recrystallisation leads to cellular damage. The protein sequence for HPLC-6 α-helical antifreeze protein fromwinter flounderwas rationally redesigned after removing the prosequences in the native protein. Wheat nuclear gene preferred amino acid codons were used to synthesize a recombinant antifreeze gene, rAFPI. Antifreeze protein was targeted to the apoplast using a Murine leader peptide sequence from the mAb24 light chain or retained in the endoplasmic reticulum using C-terminus KDEL sequence. The coding sequences were placed downstream of the rice Actin promoter and Actin-1 intron and upstream of the nopaline synthase terminator in the plant expression vectors. Transgenic wheat lines were generated through micro projectile bombardment of immature embryos of spring wheat cultivar Seri 82. Levels of antifreeze protein in the transgenic lines without any targeting peptide were low (0.06–0.07%). The apoplast-targeted protein reached a level of 1.61% of total soluble protein, 90% of which was present in the apoplast. ER-retained protein accumulated in the cells at levels up to 0.65% of total soluble proteins. Transgenic wheat line T-8 with apoplast-targetedantifreeze protein exhibited the highest levels of antifreeze activity and provided significant freezing protection even at temperatures as low as −7◦C