9 research outputs found

    Ellipsometric study of ion implanted copper surface and its room temperature oxidation

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    The room temperature oxidation of ion-implanted copper surface has been studied ex situ and in situ using ellipsometry. The ellipsometric parameters T and Д were measured at light incidence angle 75° for different wavelength values in the range of 280 to 760 nm using averaging both over two azimuthal zones and single one. The oxide layer was removed from the copper surface during the aluminum ion implantation an then the growth of the newly formed oxide film on the ion implanted surface was studied by ellipsometry. Basing on the spectroellipsometric data, the oxide film thickness has been calculated for two types of copper oxides.Проведены эллипсометрические исследования окисления при комнатной температуре ионно-имплантированных поверхностей меди. Эллипсометрические параметры T и Д измерены при угле падения света 75° для различных величин длины волны света в области 280—760 нм с усреднением как по двум, так и по одной азимутальным зонам. Оксидная пленка с поверхности меди удалялась в процессе ее имплантации ионами алюминия, а затем рост вновь формируемой пленки оксида меди на имплантированной поверхности исследован эллипсометрическим методом. Проведены на основе спектроэллипсометрических данных расчеты толщин пленок для двух типов оксидов меди.Проведено еліпсометричні дослідження окиснення при кімнатній температурі іонно-імплантованих поверхонь міді. Еліпсометричні параметри Т і Д виміряно при куті падіння світла 75° для різних величин довжини хвилі світла в області 280-760 нм з усередненням як за двома, так і за однією азимутальними зонами. Оксидна плівка з поверхні міді розпилювалась у процесі її імплантації іонами алюмінію, і наступний ріст нової плівки оксиду міді на імплантованій поверхні досліджено еліпсометричним методом. На основі спектроеліпсометричних даних розраховано товщину плівок для двох типів оксидів міді

    From a Hard to Soft Approach for Flood Management in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta: Integrating Ecological Engineering for Urban Sustainability in My Tho City

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    Flooding is one of the leading challenges faced by delta cities in the world. Flood risk management using flood control infrastructure (FCI) is a popular solution to prevent flood damage; however, this is receiving enormous criticism due to its negative impacts on urban ecosystems. Recently, there have been new approaches to flood risk management that gradually shifted the focus away from FCI, such as ecological infrastructure (EI) based approaches. However, the conventional thinking that cities cannot be safe without FCI seems an immutable one, especially in developing countries. This study firstly assessed human–river interaction in direct relation to FCI and outlined the limitations of FCI. Then, an urban ecology research model was used to conduct a case study in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD), in which the interaction between factors, including riverine urbanization, FCI formation dynamics, the changing hydrological regime, flood risk, and riverine ecosystem degradation were evaluated. Due to the dynamism and complexity of the interactions between humans and rivers at the VMD, this study attempts to demonstrate that building the ability to adapt to flood risks based on EI will have a crucial role in enhancing the sustainability of delta cities. Through a case study in My Tho City (MTC) a flood resilience management scenario for a riverine urban area along the Mekong River was developed to discuss the role of EI in flood risk reduction and the restoration of riverine native ecosystems. The findings from this study suggests that EI should be considered as an effective and indispensable design tool for the conservation of riparian ecological corridors and public open spaces—which is a major challenge for urban areas in the context of increasing climate change impacts in the VMD

    Households' willingness to pay for a motorcycle helmet in Hanoi, Vietnam

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    Injuries caused by both non-use of and substandard helmets in motorcycle accidents place a substantial cost on both the Vietnamese government and on victims and their families who are unfortunate enough to experience such an event.To estimate Vietnamese households' willingness to pay (WTP) for a standard motorcycle helmet and to determine factors that affect the households' decision regarding the price at which they would purchase a motorcycle helmet.A contingent valuation survey was administered to 420 households in two urban districts and one suburban district of Hanoi from January 2007 to February 2007. Both discrete-choice format and open-ended questions were used to examine households' WTP for a motorcycle helmet. Descriptive analysis and multivariate analysis were used to estimate possible predictors of households' WTP.A total of 414 households agreed to participate in the study, giving a response rate of 98%. Eighty-seven percent of respondents owned a motorcycle helmet. Sixty-two percent of respondents agreed to purchase a helmet at the market price of Vietnamese Dong (VND)150 000 (US9.38)[year2007values].HouseholdsWTPvariedfromVND81635toVND289674( US 9.38) [year 2007 values]. Households' WTP varied from VND81 635 to VND289 674 (US 5.1-18.1), with a mean of VND163 794 (US10.24)andamedianofVND161718(US 10.24) and a median of VND161 718 (US 10.11). It was estimated that if the government subsidizes VND61 043 ($US 3.82) for a helmet, 99% of the study population are willing to pay the additional cost for a standard helmet. Those households with a higher income and where the respondents were aged 40-55 years were more likely to purchase a helmet than those with a lower income and those of other ages.Respondents were prepared to pay a higher price than the market price of a standard helmet. To improve the quality of helmets in Vietnam, it is recommended that the government subsidize a helmet programme in conjunction with other programmes (such as education and strict enforcement policies) in order to increase the ownership of quality helmets in Vietnam and thereby reduce the severity of motorcycle road traffic injuries

    Effect of double dose oseltamivir on clinical and virological outcomes in children and adults admitted to hospital with severe influenza: Double blind randomised controlled trial

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    10.1136/bmj.f3039BMJ (Online)3467911-BMJO

    Abstracts of 1st International Conference on Machine Intelligence and System Sciences

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    This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at the International Conference on Machine Intelligence and System Sciences (MISS-2021) Organized by the Techno College of Engineering, Agartala, Tripura, India & Tongmyong University, Busan, South Korea, held on 1–2 November 2021. This conference was intended to enable researchers to build connections between different digital technologies based on Machine Intelligence, Image Processing, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Conference Title: 1st International Conference on Machine Intelligence and System SciencesConference Acronym: MISS-2021Conference Date: 1–2 November 2021Conference Location: Techno College of Engineering Agartala, Tripura(w), IndiaConference Organizer: Techno College of Engineering, Agartala, Tripura, India & Tongmyong University, Busan, South Korea

    Modulatory Effects of Food Restriction on Brain and Behavioral Effects of Abused Drugs

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