176 research outputs found

    Effective Advertising and its Influence on Consumer Buying Behavior

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    Advertising is a way of communication to convince an audience for taking purchase decision about a product or service and delivering information to viewers. This paper examines the relationship between environmental response and emotional response which are independent variables with dependent variable i.e. consumer buying behavior. This research investigates the relationship between the variables involved, by taking the 200 responses in twins’ cities of Pakistan. Findings of this study show the moderate relationship between independent variables and dependent variable. It shows that consumer purchase those brands from which they are emotionally attached. This study reports new results in the field of buying behavior of consumers’ response

    Computing Graph Descriptors on Edge Streams

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    Feature extraction is an essential task in graph analytics. These feature vectors, called graph descriptors, are used in downstream vector-space-based graph analysis models. This idea has proved fruitful in the past, with spectral-based graph descriptors providing state-of-the-art classification accuracy. However, known algorithms to compute meaningful descriptors do not scale to large graphs since: (1) they require storing the entire graph in memory, and (2) the end-user has no control over the algorithm's runtime. In this paper, we present streaming algorithms to approximately compute three different graph descriptors capturing the essential structure of graphs. Operating on edge streams allows us to avoid storing the entire graph in memory, and controlling the sample size enables us to keep the runtime of our algorithms within desired bounds. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed descriptors by analyzing the approximation error and classification accuracy. Our scalable algorithms compute descriptors of graphs with millions of edges within minutes. Moreover, these descriptors yield predictive accuracy comparable to the state-of-the-art methods but can be computed using only 25% as much memory.Comment: Extension of work accepted to PAKDD 202

    An eco-friendly dyeing of woolen yarn by Terminalia chebula extract with evaluations of kinetic and adsorption characteristics

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    In the present study Terminalia chebula was used as an eco-friendly natural colorant for sustainable textile coloration of woolen yarn with primary emphasis on thermodynamic and kinetic adsorption aspects of dyeing processes. Polyphenols and ellagitannins are the main coloring components of the dye extract. Assessment of the effect of pH on dye adsorption showed an increase in adsorption capacity with decreasing pH. Effect of temperature on dye adsorption showed 80 °C as optimum temperature for wool dyeing with T. chebula dye extract. Two kinetic equations, namely pseudo first-order and pseudo second-order equations, were employed to investigate the adsorption rates. Pseudo second-order model provided the best fit (R2 = 0.9908) to the experimental data. The equilibrium adsorption data were fitted by Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm models. The adsorption behavior accorded well (R2 = 0.9937) with Langmuir isotherm model. Variety of eco-friendly and sustainable shades were developed in combination with small amount of metallic mordants and assessed in terms of colorimetric (CIEL∗a∗b∗ and K/S) properties measured using spectrophotometer under D65 illuminant (10° standard observer). The fastness properties of dyed woolen yarn against light, washing, dry and wet rubbing were also evaluated

    PO5.53 critical illness polyneuropathy and myopathy: experience at a tertiary care center in Pakistan

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    Background: Polyneuropathy and Myopathy are frequently encountere in the setting of Critical illness patients. Up to 50% of intensive care unit (ICU) patients show electrophysiological features of either or both conditions. These conditions interfere with functional recovery and delay weaning from mechanical ventilation, resulting in excess morbidity,mortality and cost of care. This study was to define the clinical spectrum of critical illness Polyneuropathy (CIP) and Myopathy (CIM) in a setting of developing country. Methods: Hospital records spanning the period 2000 through 2005 weresearched with ICD-9 codes to identify patients with CIP and CIM. Functional improvement was judged by (i) increment of at least 1grade on the Medical Research Council scale of motor strength: and (ii)reappearance of deep-tendon reflexes. Results: CIP or CIM was established in 47 patients of these, mean age was 54: mean length of stay in hospital 34 (range 8100) electrophysiological studiesrevealed CIP in 31 patients (66%) CIM in 12 (26%) and a mixedpicture in 4 (8%). Major co-morbid conditions included sepsis (39%) anddiabetes mellitus (17%), with an additional 28% having both and 17% having either. Neuromuscular blocking drugs were administered to 14 (30%) and steroids to 10 (21%) patients: an additional 11 (23%) patients received both agents while 12 (26%) patients received neither. In hospital mortality was 51%. At discharge and follow-up, motor improvement was seen in 11 (23%) while 12 (26%) remained neurologically unchanged. Conclusions: We conclude that CIP and CIM are frequent identifiable complications of critical illness in our setting. These observations need further prospective studies to delineate risk factors and out come predictors, to improve critical care patients

    An exploration of IQ, EQ, spiritual quotient (SQ) elements in the human reengineering program (HRP) practices: A study on the drug rehabilitation Centre in Malaysia

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    This study is entitled An Exploration of IQ, EQ and Spiritual Quotient (SQ) Elements in the Human Re-Engineering Program (HRP) Practices: A Study on the Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Malaysia. This study involved four drug rehabilitation centres in Northern Malaysia which are Perak, Penang, Kedah and Perlis. However, the rehabilitation centres involved in this study came from three different states only which are Cure and Care rehabilitation centre (CCRC) Kampung Selamat, Penang, Klinik Cure & Care 1 Malaysia, Bukit Mertajam, Penang, Cure & Care rehabilitation centre (CCRC) Batu Kurau, Perak and Cure & Care Rehabilitation Centre (CCRC) Bukit Chabang, Perlis. This study using Qualitative Method and Exploratory Research. Therefore, to explore the phenomenon an in-depth interview has been conducted with one officer of the CCRC and at least 3 patients of the CCRC. In total, 17 respondents had been interviewed for this research. All the respondents are male. Results of the study showed that approximately only 30% of the patients recover. However, this figure is still doubtful due to no exact statistic revealed. The reasons why they are failed to sustain themselves after being freed from the CCRC due to peer’s factor (40%), low of self-confidence (30%) and weak of religious practice (30%). Family support is one of the main factors contributed to their recovering process as 90% of the respondents admitted that. Majority of the patients admitted that peers’ factor is the main reason they involved with the drug abuse (50%) besides self-exploration (30%) and other factors (20%). In order to rebuild the self-confidence, rehabilitation centre used multi programs such as religious activity, peer’s guidance or group maker (Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya (PRS), and therapy community. This study also revealed that 3 out of 4 rehabilitation centres used more than 50% of SQ program in their healing process, 20-25% on EQ activities and IQ activities. Amongst favourite SQ activities are Iqra’ class, which is learning how to read the Quran, and Halaqah is where they will discuss about religion and do some self-reflection. Family support and religious commitment and practices are the main contributor to patient’s recovery survival after they are freed. As a conclusion, healing process in the rehabilitation centre highly influenced with Spiritual Quotient programs besides others. This shows that internal strength gained via religious commitment and attachment besides continuous practices will be a significant factor of the recovering.The authors acknowledge the support of Bridging grant with account no: 304 PMGT 6316039 RCMO University Sains Malaysia as well as The Sumitomo Foundation, Japan in conducting this research

    Sensibilidade do fluxo de caixa de investimento em empresas paquistanesas familiares

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    Different governance structure of family owned firms may impact their investment decisions and hence performance in the long run. This study investigates the impact of family ownership and control on investment-cash flow sensitivity of family owned firms listed in Pakistan Stock Exchange. Using the ownership threshold of >50% share holdings, panel data of 135 firms is analyzed from 2004-2017. Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) was used to estimate the coefficients of model. Results reveal the financing decisions are significantly sensitive to the cash flows generated by the firms in a credit constraint environment. The study recommends policy makers to facilitate capital funding to family owned firms and encourage the placement of professional CEOs instead of family members.La mayoría de la estructura de gobierno de la familia de propiedad propia puede afectar sus inversiones tomadas y rendimiento en el largo plazo. Este estudio investiga el impacto de la propiedad de la propiedad y el control en la inversión de flujo de flujo de la población de la sociedad de propiedad de la sociedad en cuestión. El uso de la propiedad de propiedad del 50% de los contenedores, se establece el certificado de seguridad de 135 de 135 a partir de 2004-2017. Se utilizó el método utilizado para medir los coeficientes del modelo (GMM). Los resultados que muestran las medidas de aprobación son sensibles a los flujos de flujo generados por la entidad en un entorno de restricción de contenido. El estudio considera que los responsables de la política de toma de posesión de capital para una sociedad de propiedad privada y la colocación de profesionales profesionales en lugar de miembros de familia.Diferentes estruturas de governança de empresas familiares podem afetar suas decisões de investimento e, portanto, o desempenho a longo prazo. Este estudo investiga o impacto da propriedade familiar e controle sobre a sensibilidade do fluxo de caixa de investimento das empresas familiares listadas na Bolsa de Valores do Paquistão. Utilizando o limite de propriedade de mais de 50% das participações acionárias, os dados de painel de 135 empresas são analisados de 2004 a 2017. O Método Generalizado de Momentos (GMM) foi utilizado para estimar os coeficientes do modelo. Os resultados revelam que as decisões de financiamento são significativamente sensíveis aos fluxos de caixa gerados pelas empresas em um ambiente de restrição de crédito. O estudo recomenda formuladores de políticas para facilitar o financiamento de capital para empresas familiares e incentiva a colocação de CEOs profissionais em vez de membros da família

    Dyeing studies and fastness properties of brown naphtoquinone colorant extracted from Juglans regia L on natural protein fiber using different metal salt mordants

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    In this study, wool fibers are dyed with a natural colorant extracted from walnut bark in presence and absence of mordants. The effect of aluminum sulfate, ferrous sulfate, and stannous chloride mordants on colorimetric and fastness properties of wool fibers was investigated. Juglone was identified as the main coloring component in walnut bark extract by UV visible and FTIR spectroscopic techniques. The results showed that pretreatment with metallic mordants substantially improved the colorimetric and fastness properties of wool fibers dyed with walnut bark extract. Ferrous sulfate and stannous chloride mordanted wool fibers shows best results than potassium aluminum sulfate mordanted and unmordanted wool fibers. This is ascribed due to strong chelating power of ferrous sulfate and stannous chloride mordants

    Accuracy of spontaneous breathing trial using ET-CPAP in predicting successful extubation of neonates

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    Objective: Extubation failure is common in mechanically ventilated neonates. Finding objective criteria for predicting successful extubation may help to reduce the incidence of failure and the length of mechanical ventilation (MV). We conducted this study to determine the accuracy of the spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) and lung function measurements in predicting successful extubation in neonates.Methodology: This cross-sectional validation study was conducted at a tertiary care neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) over 12 months from December 2019 to December 2020. Neonates intubated for \u3e24 hours and considered ready for extubation were enrolled in the study. Neonates who met defined eligibility criteria underwent a three minutes SBT using endotracheal continuous positive airway pressure (ET-CPAP) before extubation. The primary clinical team was blinded to the results, and all neonates were extubated after SBT. Extubation was considered successful if patients remained extubated for 48 hours.Results: Among the 107 infants, 77.5% (n=83) of infants passed the SBT. Of these, 78 were successfully extubated, giving the positive predictive value of 93.97%. The overall extubation success rate was 90% (n=96). The sensitivity and specificity of SBT were 81.2% and 54.5%, respectively. VE (ET-CPAP) and VE-ventilator at a cutoff of ≥238 ml and ≥143.7 ml have an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.77 and 0.75 respectively to predict successful extubation (p-value 0.003, 0.008 respectively).Conclusion: SBT predicts extubation success with pronounced accuracy. Therefore, we propose SBT as a valuable and crucial step that guides clinicians\u27 decision-making regarding extubation preparedness or impending failure in neonates

    Effectiveness of transcutaneous bilirubin measurement in high-risk neonates and to evaluate validity of transcutaneous bilirubin with total serum bilirubin levels in both low and high-risk neonates at a tertiary care center in a developing country

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    Objectives: To evaluate the usefulness of transcutaneous bilirubin (TcBR) nomogram in high-risk neonates and to identify the validity of TcBR and total serum bilirubin (TsBR) in both low and high-risk neonates to guide management in under-resourced settings.Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the well-baby nursery of a tertiary care center in Karachi, Pakistan. All neonates admitted in the well-baby nursery with jaundice were stratified into high and low-risk groups. Eighty-seven neonates were included in the low-risk group and 121 neonates in the high-risk group. The usefulness of the TcBR nomogram in high-risk neonates and the validity of TcBR and TsBR in both low and high-risk neonates were determined through sensitivity and specificity analysis.Results: The correlation coefficients (r) were found to be comparable in the high-risk group (r = 0.82, p \u3c 0.001) and the low-risk group (r = 0.87, p \u3c 0.001). The specificity of cutaneous bilirubin measurement based on bilirubin levels in the high-risk group was higher (93.0%) than that of the low-risk group (90.1%). However, the sensitivity was found to be lower (60.0%) in the high-risk group compared to the low-risk group (68.8%). The mean value of TsBR was equal in both groups. The mean TcBR in the high-risk group was 10 ± 2.3 compared to 11 ± 2.1 in the low-risk group. Phototherapy was given in 67.0% of the high-risk cases and 41.4% of the low-risk cases. Bland Altman analysis was also performed to depict the relationship between TcBR and TsBR measurements.Conclusion: The TcBR nomogram was effective in high-risk neonates and also had validity in both high and low-risk neonates. A phototherapy-driven protocol based on TcBR would be a cost-effective and useful tool in the identification and management of neonatal jaundice in both high and low-risk groups in developing countries like Pakistan
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