111 research outputs found

    Carers' Perspectives on Sustainability of Informal Care for People With Dementia

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    The majority of people with dementia, even at advanced stages, receive most of their care and support from family members, friends, and neighbors, rather than formal support systems. This qualitative research undertaken in the Australian state of Queensland explored how family carers of people with dementia living in the community successfully manage and sustain informal caring. It also considers challenges these carers anticipated in continuing to support their family member with dementia in the future. What emerges through this analysis of the carers’ perspective on the sustainability of care is the impact of factors including the living arrangements, generational cohort and life stage of the carer, financial issues, and ability to effectively combine caring with their other roles and responsibilities in life

    Murree (Pakistan) çevresindeki oldukça bozulmuş iğne yapraklı ormanların vejetasyonu

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    This phytosociological investigation is conducted in various disturbed forests around Murree hills. The main purpose of study is to explore community types, associated ground flora and their relation to soil characteristics. Eight community types and two monospecific tree stands have been recognized as follows: Pinus wallichiana (pure), Pinus roxburghii (pure), Pinus wallichiana-Quercus baloot, Pinus wallichiana-Cedrus deodara, Pinus wallichiana-Abies pindrow, Pinus wallichiana-Quercus dilatata, Quercus dilatata-Cedrus deodara, Pinus roxburghii-Pinus wallichiana, Pinus roxburghii-Cedrus deodara, Pinus roxburghii-Quercus dilatata. Pinus wallichiana dominates monospecifically in 8 stands while Pinus roxburghii -Pinus wallichiana community types found at 5 locations. Pinus wallichiana formed community type with Cedrus deodara and Abies pindrow at 4 locations separately. Highest stand density achieved in Pinus wallichiana-Cedrus deodara and Pinus roxburghii-Quercus dilatata community i.e. 128 trees/h. Highest basal area (48.06 (m²/ha) recorded from Pinus wallichiana (pure) stands. Pinus wallichiana-Pinus roxburghii communities correlated significantly (p < 0.05) with tree density. Range of DO. pH, Temperature, Conductivity, Salinity, ORP and chemical parameters in each community type has also shown and discussed.Bu fitososyolojik araştırma, Murree tepeleri çevresindeki çeşitli bozulmuş ormanlarda yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın temel amacı topluluk türlerini, ilişkili zemin florasını ve toprak özellikleri ile ilişkilerini araştırmaktır. Sekiz bitki topluluğu ve iki monospesifik meşcere tanımlanmıştır: Pinus wallichiana (saf), Pinus roxburghii (saf), Pinus wallichiana-Quercus baloot, Pinus wallichiana-Cedrus deodara, Pinus wallichiana-Abies pindrow, Pinus wallichiana-Quercus dilatata, Quercus dilatat-Cedrus deodara, Pinus roxburghii-Pinus wallichiana, Pinus roxburghii-Cedrus deodara, Pinus roxburghii-Quercus dilatata. Pinus wallichiana 8 standda monospesifik olarak baskınken, 5 yerde bulunan Pinus roxburghii-Pinus wallichiana topluluk türleri. Pinus wallichiana, Cedrus deodara ve Abies ile 4 yerde ayrı ayrı topluluk oluşturmuştur. Pinus wallichiana-Cedrus deodara ve Pinus roxburghii-Quercus dilatata topluluğunda, yani 128 ağaç/saatte elde edilen en yüksek meşcere yoğunluğu olarak gözlenmiştir. Pinus wallichiana (saf) meşcerelerinden kaydedilen en yüksek bazal alan (48.06 (m²/ha) olarak kaydedilmiştir. Pusus wallichiana-Pinus roxburghii toplulukları ağaç yoğunluğu ile anlamlı bir şekilde korelasyon göstermiştir (p <0.05). DO. PH, Sıcaklık, İletkenlik, Tuzluluk, ORP her topluluk türündeki kimyasal parametreler de gösterilmiş ve tartışılmıştır

    Understanding the work of hospital managers in the public sector in Saudi Arabia

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    This paper reports some of the preliminary findings of research that proposes to explore the nature of the hospital managers' work, their opinions about the most essential functions, roles, skills and training courses needed to manage the Ministry of Health (MOH) hospitals in Saudi Arabia (SA). It intends to describe four types of hospital managers according to their educational background and managerial experience. Self-administered postal questionnaires were distributed to 218 managers working in MOH hospitals across the country. The use of postal survey allowed coverage of a sample across a wide geographical region. 72.9% of questionnaires were completed, which were valid for descriptive and univariate analysis

    Managing Sexually Transmissible Infections in Clinical Practice: Evidence from New South Wales, Australia

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    Sexually transmissible infections (STIs) are on the increase in Australia. The considerable health, psychosocial, and economic consequences of STIs underscores the need for their better prevention and control. As primary health care providers, general practitioners (GPs) with their incomparable access to the Australian population are best placed to provide effective sexual health services. However, earlier research suggests that there are inconsistencies in the provision of clinical care for STIs in general practice in Australia, although little is known about STI care by GPs in the state of New South Wales (NSW). The purpose of this study is to develop an understanding of how STIs are managed in general practice, and to examine how STI care in general practice differs to that in specialised practice staffed by sexual health physicians (SHPs)

    Pneumonia perceptions and management: an ethnographic study in urban squatter settlements of Karachi, Pakistan

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    Childhood pneumonia continues to be the second highest contributor to childhood morbidity and mortality in all ethnic groups in Pakistan. Information on community perceptions and management is largely limited to the Punjabi populace. In this study, ethno-specific illness terminologies, recognition and severity indicators and resort to treatment options for childhood pneumonia are explored among the two main ethnic groups in Sindh. Results are based on focus group discussions with 90 caretakers and 16 case history interviews. The findings indicate that pneumonia recognition is almost universal. The main recognition and severity indicator was pasli chalna (chest indrawing) followed by signs and symptoms relating to the quality of breathing and presence of high fever, lethargy and anorexia. Recognition of rapid breathing was low and mostly associated with fever. Exposure to thand (cold) through a variety of mechanisms was perceived to be the dominant causal model. The concept of contagion was virtually non-existent. Despite this, belief in efficacy of allopathic care was very high. Most caretakers reported seeking outside care within one to three days of the onset of symptoms. However, unrealistic expectations of cure often led to change in physicians and treatment regimen, if no improvement was observed by the second day. On the other hand, the quality of care provided by the physicians (both licensed and unlicensed) left much to be desired. Female autonomy and mobility did not appear to be a major constraint in seeking outside care other than for hospitalisation. Implications of these findings for the national acute respiratory infections control programme and future research are discusse

    Identification of new key genes and their association with breast cancer occurrence and poor survival using in silico and in vitro methods

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    Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent types of cancer diagnosed globally and continues to have a significant impact on the global number of cancer deaths. Despite all efforts of epidemiological and experimental research, therapeutic concepts in cancer are still unsatisfactory. Gene expression datasets are widely used to discover the new biomarkers and molecular therapeutic targets in diseases. In the present study, we analyzed four datasets using R packages with accession number GSE29044, GSE42568, GSE89116, and GSE109169 retrieved from NCBI-GEO and differential expressed genes (DEGs) were identified. Protein–protein interaction (PPI) network was constructed to screen the key genes. Subsequently, the GO function and KEGG pathways were analyzed to determine the biological function of key genes. Expression profile of key genes was validated in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cell lines using qRT-PCR. Overall expression level and stage wise expression pattern of key genes was determined by GEPIA. The bc-GenExMiner was used to compare expression level of genes among groups of patients with respect to age factor. OncoLnc was used to analyze the effect of expression levels of LAMA2, TIMP4, and TMTC1 on the survival of breast cancer patients. We identified nine key genes, of which COL11A1, MMP11, and COL10A1 were found up-regulated and PCOLCE2, LAMA2, TMTC1, ADAMTS5, TIMP4, and RSPO3 were found down-regulated. Similar expression pattern of seven among nine genes (except ADAMTS5 and RSPO3) was observed in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. Further, we found that LAMA2, TMTC1, and TIMP4 were significantly expressed among different age groups of patients. LAMA2 and TIMP4 were found significantly associated and TMTC1 was found less correlated with breast cancer occurrence. We found that the expression level of LAMA2, TIMP4, and TMTC1 was abnormal in all TCGA tumors and significantly associated with poor survival.Indian Council of Medical Research | Ref. BMI/11/(35)/2020MICINN | Ref. RYC-2017-2289

    Transmission of human hepatitis C virus from patients in secondary cells for long term culture

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    Infection by human hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the principal cause of post-transfusion hepatitis and chronic liver diseases worldwide. A reliable in vitro culture system for the isolation and analysis of this virus is not currently available, and, as a consequence, HCV pathogenesis is poorly understood. We report here the first robust in vitro system for the isolation and propagation of HCV from infected donor blood. This system involves infecting freshly prepared macrophages with HCV and then transmission of macrophage-adapted virus into freshly immortalized B-cells from human fetal cord blood. Using this system, newly isolated HCV have been replicated in vitro in continuous cultures for over 130 weeks. These isolates were also transmitted by cell-free methods into different cell types, including B-cells, T-cells and neuronal precursor cells. These secondarily infected cells also produced in vitro transmissible infectious virus. Replication of HCV-RNA was validated by RT-PCR analysis and by in situ hybridization. Although nucleic acid sequencing of the HCV isolate reported here indicates that the isolate is probably of type 1a, other HCV types have also been isolated using this system. Western blot analysis shows the synthesis of major HCV structural proteins. We present here, for the first time, a method for productively growing HCV in vitro for prolonged periods of time. This method allows studies related to understanding the replication process, viral pathogenesis, and the development of anti-HCV drugs and vaccines