107 research outputs found

    Sustainable management of mango nutrition for better yield and quality

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    Optimum supply of macro and micronutrients is of critical importance in improving the yield and quality of horticultural crops. Alike, the quality and yield of mango plants significantly increase by balanced application and uptake of macro and micronutrients. However, soil type and characteristics are important factors that directly influence the bio-availability of these nutrients to the plants. In addition, variability in climate has an impact on mango yield in the current scenario. Many scientists have found that mango cultivation in saline soils is a major obstacle to achieving the desired yield and improving quality. Overdose of fertilization is the major factor for the development of saline soils, furthermore, rise in climate temperatures is also a major factor. Therefore, to overcome this problem, nutrient management and the use of balanced fertilizer are the important factors to be controlled. Thus, this review focuses on the performance and importance of essential macro and micronutrients to improve the yield and quality of mango fruits. To understand the effective use of macro and micronutrients, the positive and negative impacts of the nutrients are explained. It is suggested that analyzing the soil, mango fruits, and mango plant leaves for their nutrient status can be useful to formulate fertilization strategies for higher fruit production and quality. Research and development, along with agricultural extension, should focus more on introducing genetically effective mango varieties to improve nutrient and water utilization efficiency

    Corporate environmental responsibility and accountability:what chance in vulnerable Bangladesh?

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    Bangladesh has recently been enjoying significant economic growth mainly arising from an export led development strategy. However, in that process its natural environment has been degraded and become more vulnerable in geophysical terms (e.g. environmental pollution). Much of the Bangladeshi population are also vulnerable in socio-economic terms due primarily to widespread poverty. In this context we ask, albeit sceptically, whether there is any chance of holding corporations to account for their environmental responsibilities. Using the notions of vulnerability and ecological rifts we answer this question by providing evidence from published sources and a series of 32 semi-structured interviews with Bangladeshi stakeholder groups. Key findings include, inter alia, corporate reluctance to take responsibility for the environmental impact of their activities. Our interviewees discuss the possibility of a role for mandatory corporate reporting in enhancing corporate accountability and we argue that this is essential if the contradictions and irrationalities of the globalized capitalist system are to be made visible. Achieving such accountability, however, will not be easy due to a lack of political will and the prohibitive costs involved. Incurring such costs could raise the dangerous prospect of Bangladesh losing business to other, less regulated, economies

    The Spillover Effect of Global Uncertainty on BRICS Stock Markets

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    Using monthly data spanning from 1993 to 2021 and employingthe DCC-GARCH model, this study examines the role ofEconomic Policy Uncertainty (EPU) as a potential exogenousfactor impacting the correlation of Brazil, Russia, India, andChina (BRIC) economies’ stock markets, which is new to theliterature. Further, this dynamic correlation series is used as adependent variable while EPU of BRIC and USA is used as anindependent variable by utilizing the autoregressive distributedlag (ARDL) model. The study finds a positive and significantshort-run as well as the long-run impact of Russia’s and theUS’s EPU on their stock markets. In other words, as the EPUof the USA increases, the correlation of BRIC with the USAStock Market and the World Stock Market increases, suggestingminimum diversification opportunities for the investors. Thestudy also recommends that investors diversify their portfoliosby considering cross borders assets avenues to gain maximumreturns and reduce portfolio risk.JEL Classification: E44, C32, E52, E60, E62, C58How to Cite:Nawaz, A. D., Bhutto, N. A., & Khan, S. (2023). The Spillover Effect of Global Uncertainty on BRICS Stock Markets. Etikonomi, 22(1), 45–64. https://doi.org/10.15408/etk.v22i1.24617

    Examining citizens’ trust in local government institutions: a focus on upazila parishads (sub-district councils) in Bangladesh

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    Against a backdrop of strikingly limited research on the subject, this article examines citizens’ trust in upazila parishads (UzPs) – a historically significant form of local government institution (LGI) in Bangladesh. A set of indicators has been developed that help to evaluate citizens’ trust in these LGIs. Alongside secondary literature and official document reviews, a mixed-method approach was adopted for empirical data collection combining quantitative (a questionnaire targeting a cross-section of service recipients) and qualitative ( key informant interviews with LGI service providers) methods. The results revealed a poor level of citizen trust in UzPs, as the majority of respondents expressed dissatisfaction with their performance. This low level of citizens’ trust was attributable to such reasons as delays in service delivery, dishonest and unfair practices, and disrespectful treatment by service providers. From a ‘supply-side’ perspective, service providers mentioned many constraints to good performance including the challenge of meeting growing demand with inadequate resources, frequent staff transfers, limited scope for training on modern technologies, and pressure and interference from influential elites

    Commercial cultivation by farmers of medicinal plants in Northern Bangladesh

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    Medicinal plants (MPs) are an important component of non-timber forest products (NTFPs), which are traditionally used in healthcare and source of livelihood all over the world. In an over-populated country like Bangladesh, the pressure on natural forests is immense; thus the cultivation of MPs can significantly contribute towards improving the livelihood of poor people, reducing the pressure on natural forests and enhancing biological diversity. Notwithstanding the growing recognition of its importance and economic and ecological potential, there has been little research on MPs, especially the cultivation, management and marketing aspects, in Bangladesh. Based on extensive fieldwork in a northern district of Bangladesh, this study explores various aspects of the cultivation, management and marketing of MPs. How collective efforts have brought economic and social benefits to communities was also examined in this study. It assesses the major processes and elements of management, identifies key problems and challenges and indicates ways of maximizing the potential of this important sector. The issues covered in this research include: farmers ’ perceptions and experiences; existing research and policy-making processes related to the MP sector; constraining factors (such as lack of processing technology, inadequate transportation, logistics, financial and storage infrastructure, lack of institutional capacity); markets, finance and networking; land use; pattern of livelihood and value chain issue

    Acute toxicity, brine shrimp cytotoxicity and relaxant activity of fruits of callistemon citrinus curtis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Callistemon citrinus </it>Curtis belongs to family Myrtaceae that has a great medicinal importance. In our previous work, fruits of <it>Callistemon citrinus </it>were reported to have relaxant (antispasmodic) activity. The current work describes the screening of fractions of the crude methanol extract for tracing spasmolytic constituents so that it shall help us for isolation of bioactive compounds. Acute toxicity and brine shrimp cytotoxicity of crude methanol extract are also performed to standardize it.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The crude methanol extract was obtained by maceration with distilled water (500 ml) three times and fractionated successively with <it>n-</it>hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and <it>n-</it>butanol (300 ml of each solvent). Phytochemical analysis for crude methanol extract was performed. Acute toxicity studies were performed in mice. Brine shrimp cytotoxicity studies were performed to determine its cytotoxicity and standardize it. In other series of experiments, rabbits' jejunum preparations were used in screening for possible relaxant activities of various fractions. They were applied in concentrations of 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0 and 10.0 mg/ml on spontaneous rabbits' jejunum preparations. In similar fashion, fractions were also tested on KCl (80 mM) -induced contractions. Calcium chloride curves were constructed in K-rich Tyrode's solution. The effects of various fractions were tested on calcium chloride curves at concentrations 1.0, 3.0, 5.0 and 10.0 mg/ml. Curves of verapamil used as reference drug at concentration 0.1 μM and 0.3 μM were also constructed. The curves were compared with their respective controls for possible right shift.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Methanol extract tested strongly positive for saponins and tannins. However, it tested mild positive for presence of proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates and phenolic compounds. LD<sub>50 </sub>value for crude methanol extract is 476.25 ± 10.3 (470-481, n = 4) mg/ml. Similarly, EC<sub>50 </sub>value for brine shrimp cytotoxicity is 65.5 ± 7.28 (60.8- 69.4, n = 4) mg/ml. All the fractions relaxed the spontaneous and KCl-induced contractions. EC<sub>50 </sub>values (mg/ml) for effects of ethyl acetate fraction on spontaneous and KCl induced contractions are 2.62 ± 0.78 (2.15-3.0, n = 4) and 3.72 ± 0.86 (3.38-4.28, n = 4) respectively. Respective EC<sub>50 </sub>values (mg/ml) for <it>n-</it>butanol fraction are 3.59 ± 0.2(3.07-3.9, n = 4) for spontaneous, and 5.57 ± 0.2 (5.07-6.11, n = 4) for KCl- induced contractions. EC<sub>50 </sub>value for control calcium chloride curve (without extract) is -2.73 ± 0.19 (-2.6 - -2.81, n = 4) while EC<sub>50 </sub>for curves treated with 5.0 mg/ml of chloroform is -2.22 ± 0.02 (-2.16 - -2.3, n = 4). EC<sub>50 </sub>value for ethyl acetate treated (1.0 mg/ml) tissues is -1.95 ± 0.10 (-1.88 - -2.0, n = 4) <it>vs</it>. control EC<sub>50 </sub>= -2.71 ± 0.08 (-2.66 - -2.76, n = 4). All the fractions, except <it>n-</it>hexane, showed a right shift like that of verapamil (EC<sub>50 </sub>= -1.72 ± 0.15 (-1.62 - -1.8, n = 4) vs. Control EC<sub>50 </sub>= -2.41 ± 0.06 (-2.38 - - 2.44, n = 4), a standard drug that blocks voltage operated calcium channels.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Relaxant constituents were more concentrated in ethylacetate fraction followed by chloroform, <it>n -</it>butanol and aqueous fractions that warrant for its isolation. The crude methanol extract is safe at concentration 250 mg/ml or below and results of brine shrimp cytotoxicity assay imply the plant specie may be a source of cytotoxic agents.</p

    A new estimate of carbon for Bangladesh forest ecosystems with their spatial distribution and REDD+ implications

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    In tropical developing countries, reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) is becoming an important mechanism for conserving forests and protecting biodiversity. A key prerequisite for any successful REDD+ project, however, is obtaining baseline estimates of carbon in forest ecosystems. Using available published data, we provide here a new and more reliable estimate of carbon in Bangladesh forest ecosystems, along with their geo-spatial distribution. Our study reveals great variability in carbon density in different forests and higher carbon stock in the mangrove ecosystems, followed by in hill forests and in inland Sal (Shorea robusta) forests in the country. Due to its coverage, degraded nature, and diverse stakeholder engagement, the hill forests of Bangladesh can be used to obtain maximum REDD+ benefits. Further research on carbon and biodiversity in under-represented forest ecosystems using a commonly accepted protocol is essential for the establishment of successful REDD+ projects and for the protection of the country’s degraded forests and for addressing declining levels of biodiversity

    Clinicopathological Profile and Surgical Treatment of Abdominal Tuberculosis: A Single Centre Experience in Northwestern Tanzania.

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    Abdominal tuberculosis continues to be a major public health problem worldwide and poses diagnostic and therapeutic challenges to general surgeons practicing in resource-limited countries. This study was conducted to describe the clinicopathological profile and outcome of surgical treatment of abdominal tuberculosis in our setting and compare with what is described in literature. A prospective descriptive study of patients who presented with abdominal tuberculosis was conducted at Bugando Medical Centre (BMC) in northwestern Tanzania from January 2006 to February 2012. Ethical approval to conduct the study was obtained from relevant authorities. Statistical data analysis was performed using SPSS version 17.0. Out of 256 patients enrolled in the study, males outnumbered females. The median age was 28 years (range = 16-68 years). The majority of patients (77.3%) had primary abdominal tuberculosis. A total of 127 (49.6%) patients presented with intestinal obstruction, 106 (41.4%) with peritonitis, 17 (6.6%) with abdominal masses and 6 (2.3%) patients with multiple fistulae in ano. Forty-eight (18.8%) patients were HIV positive. A total of 212 (82.8%) patients underwent surgical treatment for abdominal tuberculosis. Bands /adhesions (58.5%) were the most common operative findings. Ileo-caecal region was the most common bowel involved in 122 (57.5%) patients. Release of adhesions and bands was the most frequent surgical procedure performed in 58.5% of cases. Complication and mortality rates were 29.7% and 18.8% respectively. The overall median length of hospital stay was 32 days and was significantly longer in patients with complications (p < 0.001). Advanced age (age ≥ 65 years), co-morbid illness, late presentation, HIV positivity and CD4+ count < 200 cells/μl were statistically significantly associated with mortality (p < 0.0001). The follow up of patients were generally poor as only 37.5% of patients were available for follow up at twelve months after discharge. Abdominal tuberculosis constitutes a major public health problem in our environment and presents a diagnostic challenge requiring a high index of clinical suspicion. Early diagnosis, early anti-tuberculous therapy and surgical treatment of the associated complications are essential for survival
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