1,374 research outputs found

    Trusted SoC Realization for Remote Dynamic IP Integration

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    Heutzutage bieten field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) enorme Rechenleistung und Flexibilität. Zudem sind sie oft auf einem einzigen Chip mit eingebetteten Multicore-Prozessoren, DSP-Engines und Speicher-Controllern integriert. Dadurch sind sie für große und komplexe Anwendungen geeignet. Gleichzeitig führten die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der High-Level-Synthese und die Verfügbarkeit standardisierter Schnittstellen (wie etwa das Advanced eXtensible Interface 4) zur Entwicklung spezialisierter und neuartiger Funktionalitäten durch Designhäuser. All dies schuf einen Bedarf für ein Outsourcing der Entwicklung oder die Lizenzierung von FPGA-IPs (Intellectual Property). Ein Pay-per-Use IP-Lizenzierungsmodell, bei dem diese IPs vor allen Marktteilnehmern geschützt sind, kommt den Entwicklern der IPs zugute. Außerdem handelt es sich bei den Entwicklern von FPGA-Systemen in der Regel um kleine bis mittlere Unternehmen, die in Bezug auf die Markteinführungszeit und die Kosten pro Einheit von einem solchen Lizenzierungsmodell profitieren können. Im akademischen Bereich und in der Industrie gibt es mehrere IP-Lizenzierungsmodelle und Schutzlösungen, die eingesetzt werden können, die jedoch mit zahlreichen Sicherheitsproblemen behaftet sind. In einigen Fällen verursachen die vorgeschlagenen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen einen unnötigen Ressourcenaufwand und Einschränkungen für die Systementwickler, d. h., sie können wesentliche Funktionen ihres Geräts nicht nutzen. Darüber hinaus lassen sie zwei funktionale Herausforderungen außer Acht: das Floorplanning der IP auf der programmierbaren Logik (PL) und die Generierung des Endprodukts der IP (Bitstream) unabhängig vom Gesamtdesign. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Pay-per-Use-Lizenzierungsschema vorgeschlagen und unter Verwendung eines security framework (SFW) realisiert, um all diese Herausforderungen anzugehen. Das vorgestellte Schema ist pragmatisch, weniger restriktiv für Systementwickler und bietet Sicherheit gegen IP-Diebstahl. Darüber hinaus werden Maßnahmen ergriffen, um das System vor einem IP zu schützen, das bösartige Schaltkreise enthält. Das „Secure Framework“ umfasst ein vertrauenswürdiges Betriebssystem, ein reichhaltiges Betriebssystem, mehrere unterstützende Komponenten (z. B. TrustZone- Logik, gegen Seitenkanalangriffe (SCA) resistente Entschlüsselungsschaltungen) und Softwarekomponenten, z. B. für die Bitstromanalyse. Ein Gerät, auf dem das SFW läuft, kann als vertrauenswürdiges Gerät betrachtet werden, das direkt mit einem Repository oder einem IP-Core-Entwickler kommunizieren kann, um IPs in verschlüsselter Form zu erwerben. Die Entschlüsselung und Authentifizierung des IPs erfolgt auf dem Gerät, was die Angriffsfläche verringert und es weniger anfällig für IP-Diebstahl macht. Außerdem werden Klartext-IPs in einem geschützten Speicher des vertrauenswürdigen Betriebssystems abgelegt. Das Klartext-IP wird dann analysiert und nur dann auf der programmierbaren Logik konfiguriert, wenn es authentisch ist und keine bösartigen Schaltungen enthält. Die Bitstrom-Analysefunktionalität und die SFW-Unterkomponenten ermöglichen die Partitionierung der PL-Ressourcen in sichere und unsichere Ressourcen, d. h. die Erweiterung desKonzepts der vertrauenswürdigen Ausführungsumgebung (TEE) auf die PL. Dies ist die erste Arbeit, die das TEE-Konzept auf die programmierbare Logik ausweitet. Bei der oben erwähnten SCA-resistenten Entschlüsselungsschaltung handelt es sich um die Implementierung des Advanced Encryption Standard, der so modifiziert wurde, dass er gegen elektromagnetische und stromverbrauchsbedingte Leckagen resistent ist. Das geschützte Design verfügt über zwei Gegenmaßnahmen, wobei die erste auf einer Vielzahl unterschiedler Implementierungsvarianten und veränderlichen Zielpositionen bei der Konfiguration basiert, während die zweite nur unterschiedliche Implementierungsvarianten verwendet. Diese Gegenmaßnahmen sind auch während der Laufzeit skalierbar. Bei der Bewertung werden auch die Auswirkungen der Skalierbarkeit auf den Flächenbedarf und die Sicherheitsstärke berücksichtigt. Darüber hinaus wird die zuvor erwähnte funktionale Herausforderung des IP Floorplanning durch den Vorschlag eines feinkörnigen Automatic Floorplanners angegangen, der auf gemischt-ganzzahliger linearer Programmierung basiert und aktuelle FPGAGenerationen mit größeren und komplexen Bausteine unterstützt. Der Floorplanner bildet eine Reihe von IPs auf dem FPGA ab, indem er präzise rekonfigurierbare Regionen schafft. Dadurch werden die verbleibenden verfügbaren Ressourcen für das Gesamtdesign maximiert. Die zweite funktionale Herausforderung besteht darin, dass die vorhandenen Tools keine native Funktionalität zur Erzeugung von IPs in einer eigenständigen Umgebung bieten. Diese Herausforderung wird durch den Vorschlag eines unabhängigen IP-Generierungsansatzes angegangen. Dieser Ansatz kann von den Marktteilnehmern verwendet werden, um IPs eines Entwurfs unabhängig vom Gesamtentwurf zu generieren, ohne die Kompatibilität der IPs mit dem Gesamtentwurf zu beeinträchtigen

    Torsion of fallopian tube, fimbrial cyst

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    A case of fallopian tube fimbrial cyst torsion with haemorrhage is presented, occurring in a 37-year-old female who had tubal ligation 6 years back. She presented in emergency with acute abdomen. Initial assessment of ovarian cyst haemorrhage or torsion was made. Ultrasound showed cystic structures in left adnexa and complex cyst in right adnexa with suspicion of torsion. Laparoscopy was performed and bilateral fimbrial cysts in fallopian tubes were identified with torsion on right side, and a left ovarian haemorrhagic cyst, which was subsequently confirmed on histopathology. Although fallopian tube torsion of fimbrial cyst is rare, it should be considered in patients who had history of bilateral tubal ligation. Again it should also be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen in females

    A survey of factors influencing career preference in new-entrant and exiting medical students from four UK medical schools

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    Our thanks to Professor Gillian Needham and Dr Murray Lough for their encouragement and support, and their comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript. Our thanks also to NHS Education for Scotland [NES] for funding, and the Scottish Medical Deans Education Group [SMDEG] for supporting this project. We are grateful to all the students who gave their time to complete the survey questionnaire and to those who helped organise and carry out data collection.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Hyperprolactinaemia induced by proton pump inhibitor

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    A case of a 13 year old girl who manifested hyperprolactinaemia and galactorrhea induced by Omeprazole, a commonly used proton pump inhibitor is presented

    Cerebral salt wasting syndrome in tuberculous meningitis

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    Case of a seventy year old female, who developed cerebral salt wasting syndrome in association with Tuberculous Meningitis is presented

    Impact of On-Job Training on Performance of Telecommunication Industry

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    This research is about On-Job training and Performance of organization. It discusses the importance of training and its output, which is very necessary for individual performance and over all organizational performance. In this research study, various variables, which are the outcome of Training, have been taken into account. Further, more the relationship of all those variables with the over all organizational performance has been studied. A structural model has been developed according to the results and relationship of these variables. The research will add a significant figure to the performance of organization and will raise the importance and value of training in organizations. The results are applicable to all type of organizations and will help managers to make their firms more productive and stable

    Industry Automation and Controls Lab

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    This work details our efforts to build a new industrial automation lab for the Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Electrical Engineering department from the ground up. Thanks to a donation of Modicon M580 programmable logic controllers (PLCs) from Schneider Electric, we built a lab hardware layout to support a learning environment for students. The Electrical Engineering department currently doesn’t offer any courses for students to learn about automation in topics more closely following the topics learned in their curriculum. It will be beneficial for the school and the students to have graduates in the major with some knowledge of controls in the field of industrial automation. Many large corporations including Rockwell Automation, Schneider Electric, Siemens, Yokogawa, and Mitsubishi Electric all have substantial jobs in the workplace. For the lab, research led to multiple different designs of how to layout the DIN rail and other equipment. Our final layout placed a strong emphasis on reducing cost, including removing a metal backplane and using a flexible mounting system for the touchscreen. The results shown in the the work illustrate the flexibility of the lab bench setup moving forward, as future students will need room for growth as they continue to develop the lab. Additional time was spent developing lab instructions for the first lab of the course, a simple introduction into programming with ladder logic and function block diagram

    Approaches of three Pakistani architects

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1990.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 101-104).This thesis attempts to deal with some of the major issues relating to Pakistani architecture today as well as the consequent development of an architectural identity. In order to establish the framework for the study various discourses that reflect on the notion of identity have been examined. Due to the lack of an indigenous architectural discourse, and the consequent absence of critically rigorous information on the subject, this work is devoted to augmenting the very limited material available on the state of the architectural profession in Pakistan and to increasing an awareness of the directions that this architecture is presently taking. As a means of furthering an understanding of architecture in Pakistan the first part of this thesis provides some information on the development of architecture in Pakistan both in terms of historical evolution as well as through the development of educational institutions such as The National College of Arts. The rest of the work deals with the existing and emerging 'directions' (in Pakistani architecture) as they are manifested in the projects of several influential architects. The three architects chosen for this study and whose work best represents the current range of architecture in Pakistan are; Habib Fida Ali, one of the most experienced and respected architects in Karachi, who having studied at the Architectural Association is a strong proponent of the modern aesthetic. Habib Fida Ali represents the 'modern' current that runs through Pakistani architecture.(cont.) Nayyar Ali Dada, an N.C.A. trained architect who has had the opportunity to do a great deal of important work both in Lahore and Islamabad. Nayyar Dada embodies in his work and approach the majority of architecture in Pakistan, which while aspiring towards modernism is affected not only by the living vernacular traditions but also by the fast developing rejectionist attitude towards modernism. Kamil Khan Mumtaz, as he makes quite clear in his book Architecture in Pakistan is a supporter of the "vernacular tradition". Kamil Khan is an architectural practitioner and a noted academic, who was the head of the department of architecture at the National College of Arts, Lahore between the years 1%6-1975. An evaluation of these architects' work is to be undertaken on two levels - a critical analysis of their built work and an understanding of their own attitudes and approaches towards architecture, especially their evaluations of Pakistani architecture. This thesis can only be viewed as an introduction to their work and aims to get others interested in the multifaceted architecture being carried out in Pakistan today. I conclude with some thoughts on the notion of a Pakistani architectural identity and on the question of 'revivalism' which is gaining considerable prominence among influential circles in Pakistan.by Nadir Mohammad Khan.M.S

    New Inflation in Waterfall Region

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    We introduce a class of new inflation models within the waterfall region of a generalized hybrid inflation framework. The initial conditions are generated in the valley of hybrid preinflation. Both single-field and multi-field inflationary scenarios have been identified within this context. A supersymmetric realization of this scenario can successfully be achieved within the tribrid inflation framework. To assess the model's viability, we calculate the predictions of inflationary observables using the δN\delta N formalism, demonstrating excellent agreement with the most recent Planck data. Furthermore, this model facilitates successful reheating and nonthermal leptogenesis, with the matter-field component of the inflaton identified as a sneutrino.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Has the significance of incidental findings on unenhanced computed tomography for urolithiasis been overestimated? A retrospective review of over 800 patients

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    Objectives: To evaluate the detection of clinically unsuspected pathologies using 64-slice multidetector computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen in patients with flank pain. The presence of significant incidental findings (those warranting immediate management) was also correlated with that of urolithiasis, to assess potential changes of management.PATIENTS AND Methods: The study included 899 patients undergoing CT in a 6-month period between June and December 2008. Patients who were referred from outside, with no medical record in the hospital where the study was conducted, and those who were lost to follow-up, were excluded. All of the CT examinations were reported after a radiology resident and a consultant radiologist with \u3e4years of experience evaluated the CT. Genitourinary and extra-genitourinary findings were assessed and divided into clinically significant or not.Results: The overall incidence of additional and incidental findings was 14%. Besides urolithiasis and obstruction there were 34 (28%) genitourinary findings and 87 (72%) extra-genitourinary findings; most of the former were insignificant. Of the extra-genitourinary findings, significant diagnoses were documented in 34 cases.CONCLUSIONS: Abdominal multidetector CT detects more incidental findings which are clinically significant