26 research outputs found

    Population Health Surveillance Using Mobile Phone Surveys in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Methodology and Sample Representativeness of a Cross-sectional Survey of Live Poultry Exposure in Bangladesh

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    Background: Population-based health surveys are typically conducted using face-to-face household interviews in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). However, telephone-based surveys are cheaper, faster, and can provide greater access to hard-to-reach or remote populations. The rapid growth in mobile phone ownership in LMICs provides a unique opportunity to implement novel data collection methods for population health surveys. Objective: This study aims to describe the development and population representativeness of a mobile phone survey measuring live poultry exposure in urban Bangladesh. Methods: A population-based, cross-sectional, mobile phone survey was conducted between September and November 2019 in North and South Dhaka City Corporations (DCC), Bangladesh, to measure live poultry exposure using a stratified probability sampling design. Data were collected using a computer-assisted telephone interview platform. The call operational data were summarized, and the participant data were weighted by age, sex, and education to the 2011 census. The demographic distribution of the weighted sample was compared with external sources to assess population representativeness. Results: A total of 5486 unique mobile phone numbers were dialed, with 1047 respondents completing the survey. The survey had an overall response rate of 52.2% (1047/2006) and a co-operation rate of 89.0% (1047/1176). Initial results comparing the sociodemographic profile of the survey sample to the census population showed that mobile phone sampling slightly underrepresented older individuals and overrepresented those with higher secondary education. After weighting, the demographic profile of the sample population matched well with the latest DCC census population profile. Conclusions: Probability-based mobile phone survey sampling and data collection methods produced a population-representative sample with minimal adjustment in DCC, Bangladesh. Mobile phone–based surveys can offer an efficient, economic, and robust way to conduct surveillance for population health outcomes, which has important implications for improving population health surveillance in LMICs

    Frequency and patterns of exposure to live poultry and the potential risk of avian influenza transmission to humans in urban Bangladesh

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    Avian influenza is endemic in Bangladesh, where greater than 90% of poultry are marketed through live poultry markets (LPMs). We conducted a population-based cross-sectional mobile telephone survey in urban Dhaka, Bangladesh to investigate the frequency and patterns of human exposure to live poultry in LPMs and at home. Among 1047 urban residents surveyed, 74.2% (95% CI 70.9-77.2) reported exposure to live poultry in the past year, with the majority of exposure occurring on a weekly basis. While visiting LPMs was less common amongst females (40.3%, 95% CI 35.0-45.8) than males (58.9%, 95% CI 54.0-63.5), females reported greater poultry exposure through food preparation, including defeathering (13.2%, 95% CI 9.5-17.9) and eviscerating (14.8%, 95% CI 11.2-19.4) (p < 0.001). A large proportion of the urban population is frequently exposed to live poultry in a setting where avian influenza viruses are endemic in LPMs. There is thus not only ample opportunity for spillover of avian influenza infections into humans in Dhaka, Bangladesh, but also greater potential for viral reassortment which could generate novel strains with pandemic potential

    Floristic Association of Moist Temperate Forests of Shangla District, Delineated by a Multivariate Approach

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    Multivariate analysis was conducted to explore the moist temperate forests of the Shangla district, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The prime objective was to quantitatively describe and differentiate the vegetation groups and the factors that determine the boundaries and composition of plant communities in the Shangla district. This was achieved by sampling all common species in a complex vegetation mosaic coinciding with local gradients in topography and soil distribution. Ward&rsquo;s clustering dendrogram demonstrated four significant vegetation clusters with respect to environmental effects. These four major groups of the tree vegetation were superimposed on the ordination plane: 1. Pinus wallichiana, the dominant group associated with Abies pindrow; 2. Abies pindrow and the Picea&nbsp;smithiana group; 3. Dominant Cedrus&nbsp;deodara associated with the Pinus&nbsp;wallichiana,&nbsp;Abies pindrow, Picea&nbsp;smithiana, and Quercus baloot group; 4. Pinus&nbsp;roxberghii pure group. The key controlling factors for each group were the environmental characteristics (i.e., edaphic factors, topographic factors, soil physical properties, and soil nutrients). The results revealed elevation (p &lt;0.001) to be the prominent factor in the composition of plant communities. Furthermore, pH, soil moisture, maximum water holding capacity, and soil physical properties (sand, silt, and clay) also showed a significant (p &lt; 0.05) relationship with vegetation. The other environmental factor did not show a significant relationship with vegetation. Ward&rsquo;s cluster dendrogram of understory species also demonstrated four groups. Group 1 comprises two subgroups, a and b, with the highest number of species, i.e., Digeteria sanguinalis, Fragaria nubicola, Verbascum Thapsus, Pinus wallichiana seedlings, and Polygonatum multiflorium, respectively. The second large group contains twenty-five species out of eight stands, and the dominant species was Tagetis minuta. Eighteen species out of six stands were found in group 3, which was considered the smallest group. Group 4 consisted of seven stands containing twenty-four species of ground flora, with Anaphalis scopulosa followed by Adiantum venustum as the dominant species. The environmental characteristics of the understory vegetation showed a resemblance with the tree communities. With the exception of elevation, the other factors did not show a significant correlation

    Organization and implementation of an oral cholera vaccination campaign in an endemic urban setting in Dhaka, Bangladesh

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    Bangladesh has historically been cholera endemic, with seasonal cholera outbreaks occurring each year. In collaboration with the government of Bangladesh, the Infectious Diseases Division, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b) initiated operational research to test strategies to reach the high-risk urban population with an affordable oral cholera vaccine (OCV) “ShancholTM” and examine its effectiveness in reducing diarrhea due to cholera. Here we report a sub-analysis focusing on the organization, implementation and effectiveness of different oral cholera vaccine delivery strategies in the endemic urban setting in Bangladesh. We described how the vaccination program was planned, prepared and implemented using different strategies to deliver oral cholera vaccine to a high-risk urban population in Dhaka, Bangladesh based on administrative data and observations made during the program. The objective of this study is to evaluate the organization, implementation and effectiveness of different oral cholera vaccine delivery strategies in the endemic urban setting in Bangladesh. OCV administration by trained local volunteers through outreach sites and mop-up activities yielded high coverage of 82% and 72% of 172,754 targeted individuals for the first and second dose respectively, using national Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) campaign mechanisms without disrupting routine immunization activities. The cost of delivery was low. Safety and cold chain requirements were adequately managed. The adopted strategies were technically and programmatically feasible. Current evidence on implementation strategies in different settings together with available OCV stockpiles should encourage at-risk countries to use OCV along with other preventive and control measures

    Effect of the Data Collection Method on Mobile Phone Survey Participation in Bangladesh and Tanzania: Secondary Analyses of a Randomized Crossover Trial

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    BackgroundMobile phone surveys provide a novel opportunity to collect population-based estimates of public health risk factors; however, nonresponse and low participation challenge the goal of collecting unbiased survey estimates. ObjectiveThis study compares the performance of computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) and interactive voice response (IVR) survey modalities for noncommunicable disease risk factors in Bangladesh and Tanzania. MethodsThis study used secondary data from a randomized crossover trial. Between June 2017 and August 2017, study participants were identified using the random digit dialing method. Mobile phone numbers were randomly allocated to either a CATI or IVR survey. The analysis examined survey completion, contact, response, refusal, and cooperation rates of those who received the CATI and IVR surveys. Differences in survey outcomes between modes were assessed using multilevel, multivariable logistic regression models to adjust for confounding covariates. These analyses were adjusted for clustering effects by mobile network providers. ResultsFor the CATI surveys, 7044 and 4399 phone numbers were contacted in Bangladesh and Tanzania, respectively, and 60,863 and 51,685 phone numbers, respectively, were contacted for the IVR survey. The total numbers of completed interviews in Bangladesh were 949 for CATI and 1026 for IVR and in Tanzania were 447 for CATI and 801 for IVR. Response rates for CATI were 5.4% (377/7044) in Bangladesh and 8.6% (376/4391) in Tanzania; response rates for IVR were 0.8% (498/60,377) in Bangladesh and 1.1% (586/51,483) in Tanzania. The distribution of the survey population was significantly different from the census distribution. In both countries, IVR respondents were younger, were predominantly male, and had higher education levels than CATI respondents. IVR respondents had a lower response rate than CATI respondents in Bangladesh (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]=0.73, 95% CI 0.54-0.99) and Tanzania (AOR=0.32, 95% CI 0.16-0.60). The cooperation rate was also lower with IVR than with CATI in Bangladesh (AOR=0.12, 95% CI 0.07-0.20) and Tanzania (AOR=0.28, 95% CI 0.14-0.56). Both in Bangladesh (AOR=0.33, 95% CI 0.25-0.43) and Tanzania (AOR=0.09, 95% CI 0.06-0.14), there were fewer completed interviews with IVR than with CATI; however, there were more partial interviews with IVR than with CATI in both countries. ConclusionsThere were lower completion, response, and cooperation rates with IVR than with CATI in both countries. This finding suggests that, to increase representativeness in certain settings, a selective approach may be needed to design and deploy mobile phone surveys to increase population representativeness. Overall, CATI surveys may offer a promising approach for surveying potentially under-represented groups like women, rural residents, and participants with lower levels of education in some countries

    Feasibility, coverage and cost of oral cholera vaccination conducted by icddr,b using the existing national immunization service delivery mechanism in rural setting Keraniganj, Bangladesh

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    Background: Cholera is a considerable health burden in developing country settings including Bangladesh. The oral cholera vaccine (OCV) is a preventative tool to control the disease. The objective of this study was to describe whether the International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b), could provide the OCV to rural communities using existing government infrastructure. Methods: The study was conducted in rural sub-district Keraniganj, 20 km from the capital city Dhaka. All listed participants one year and above in age (excluding pregnant women) were offered two doses of OCV at a 14 day interval. Existing government facilities were used to deliver and also maintain the cold chain required for the vaccine. All events related to vaccination were recorded at the 17 vaccination sites to evaluate the coverage and feasibility of OCV program. Results: A total of 29,029 individuals received the 1st dose (90% of target) and 26,611 individuals received the 2nd dose (83% of target and 92% of 1st dose individuals) of OCV. The highest vaccination coverage was in younger children (1–9 years) and the lowest was amongst 18–29-year age group. Somewhat better coverage was seen amongst the female participants than males (92% vs. 88% for the 1st dose and 93% vs. 90% for the 2nd dose). The cost of vaccine cost was calculated as US1.00perdoseplusfreight,insurance,andtransportationandthetotalvaccinedeliverycostwasUS1.00 per dose plus freight, insurance, and transportation and the total vaccine delivery cost was US70,957. Conclusion: This was a project undertaken using existing public health program resources to collect empirical evidence on the use of a mass OCV campaign in the rural setting. Mass vaccination with the OCV is feasible in the rural setting using existing governmental vaccine delivery systems in Bangladesh

    Safety of the oral cholera vaccine in pregnancy: retrospective findings from a subgroup following mass vaccination campaign in Dhaka, Bangladesh

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    Background: Pregnant women are vulnerable to complications of cholera. Killed oral cholera vaccines (OCV) are not recommended for pregnant women though there is no evidence of harmful effects during pregnancy. We evaluated the effect of a killed OCV, Shanchol (TM), on pregnancy outcomes during an effectiveness trial of the vaccine in urban Bangladesh.Methodology: Individuals >= 1 year were invited to participate in the trial, conducted in 2011 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Pregnancy by history was an exclusion criterion and all women of reproductive age (15-49 years) were verbally questioned about pregnancy at enrollment and prior to vaccination. Out of 48,414 women of reproductive age 286 women received the OCV unknowingly while pregnant. Out of these, we could recruit 69 women defined as exposed to OCV. Accordingly, we selected 69 pregnant women randomly from those who did not take the OCV (non-exposed to OCV). We evaluated adverse pregnancy outcome (spontaneous miscarriages, still births, or congenital malformations) between those who were exposed to OCV and those who were not exposed to OCV.Results: About 16% of pregnant women exposed to OCV had pregnancy loss, as compared to 12% of unvaccinated pregnant women (P = 0.38). One congenital anomaly was observed and occurred in women non exposed to OCV group. Models that adjusted for baseline characteristics that were unbalanced between the exposed and non-exposed groups, revealed a no elevation of risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in vaccinees versus non-vaccinees (Adj. OR (95% CI): 0.45 (0.11-1.88).Conclusions: No excess of adverse fetal outcomes associated with receipt of OCV was observed in this study. Conclusions: Trial registration: Clinical Trials.gov number NCT01339845. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

    Promised and Lottery Airtime Incentives to Improve Interactive Voice Response Survey Participation Among Adults in Bangladesh and Uganda: Randomized Controlled Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Increased mobile phone penetration allows the interviewing of respondents using interactive voice response surveys in low- and middle-income countries. However, there has been little investigation of the best type of incentive to obtain data from a representative sample in these countries. OBJECTIVE: We assessed the effect of different airtime incentives options on cooperation and response rates of an interactive voice response survey in Bangladesh and Uganda. METHODS: The open-label randomized controlled trial had three arms: (1) no incentive (control), (2) promised airtime incentive of 50 Bangladeshi Taka (US 0.60;1BDTisapproximatelyequivalenttoUS0.60; 1 BDT is approximately equivalent to US 0.012) or 5000 Ugandan Shilling (US 1.35;1UGXisapproximatelyequivalenttoUS1.35; 1 UGX is approximately equivalent to US 0.00028), and (3) lottery incentive (500 BDT and 100,000 UGX), in which the odds of winning were 1:20. Fully automated random-digit dialing was used to sample eligible participants aged ≥18 years. The risk ratios (RRs) with 95% confidence intervals for primary outcomes of response and cooperation rates were obtained using log-binomial regression. RESULTS: Between June 14 and July 14, 2017, a total of 546,746 phone calls were made in Bangladesh, with 1165 complete interviews being conducted. Between March 26 and April 22, 2017, a total of 178,572 phone calls were made in Uganda, with 1248 complete interviews being conducted. Cooperation rates were significantly higher for the promised incentive (Bangladesh: 39.3%; RR 1.38, 95% CI 1.24-1.55, P\u3c.001; Uganda: 59.9%; RR 1.47, 95% CI 1.33-1.62, P\u3c.001) and the lottery incentive arms (Bangladesh: 36.6%; RR 1.28, 95% CI 1.15-1.45, P\u3c.001; Uganda: 54.6%; RR 1.34, 95% CI 1.21-1.48, P\u3c.001) than those for the control arm (Bangladesh: 28.4%; Uganda: 40.9%). Similarly, response rates were significantly higher for the promised incentive (Bangladesh: 26.5%%; RR 1.26, 95% CI 1.14-1.39, P\u3c.001; Uganda: 41.2%; RR 1.27, 95% CI 1.16-1.39, P\u3c.001) and lottery incentive arms (Bangladesh: 24.5%%; RR 1.17, 95% CI 1.06-1.29, P=.002; Uganda: 37.9%%; RR 1.17, 95% CI 1.06-1.29, P=.001) than those for the control arm (Bangladesh: 21.0%; Uganda: 32.4%). CONCLUSIONS: Promised or lottery airtime incentives improved survey participation and facilitated a large sample within a short period in 2 countries. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03773146; http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03773146

    Diarrheal Illness and Healthcare Seeking Behavior among a Population at High Risk for Diarrhea in Dhaka, Bangladesh

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    <div><p>Diarrhea remains one of the major causes of death in Bangladesh. We studied diarrheal disease risk and healthcare seeking behavior among populations at high risk for diarrhea in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Data were obtained from a cross-sectional survey conducted during April and September 2010. The prevalence of diarrhea was calculated by age-group and sex. A generalized estimating equation with logit link function was used to predict diarrheal disease risk and seeking care from a professional healthcare provider. Of 316,766 individuals, 10% were young children (<5 years). The prevalence of diarrhea was 16 per 1000 persons among all ages; young children accounted for 44 per 1000 persons. Prevalence of diarrhea was significantly higher (p=.003) among younger males (<15 years) compared to that among younger females. In contrast, prevalence of diarrhea was significantly higher (p<.0001) among older females (≥15 years) compared to that among older males. An increased risk for diarrhea was observed in young children, males, and those staying in rented houses, lower family members in the house, using non-sanitary toilets, living in the area for short times, living in a community with less educated persons, living in a community with less use of safe water source for drinking, or living close to the hospital. About 80% of those with diarrhea sought care initially from a non-professional healthcare provider. Choice of the professional healthcare provider was driven by age of the patient, educational status of the household head, and hygienic practices by the household. The study reaffirms that young children are at greater risk for diarrhea. Like other developing countries most people in this impoverished setting of Dhaka are less likely to seek care from a professional healthcare provider than from a non-professional healthcare provider, which could be attributed to a higher number of diarrheal deaths among young children in Bangladesh. Dissemination of information on health education, increasing the supply of skilled healthcare providers, and low-cost and quality healthcare services may encourage more people to seek care from professional healthcare providers, thus may help reduce child mortality in the country. Further studies are warranted to validate the results.</p></div