67 research outputs found

    Treatment of a Wife\u27s Body in the Fiction of Indian Sub-continental Muslim Women Writers

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    Ismat Chughtai of India, Tehmina Durrani of Pakistan, and Selina Hossain of Bangladesh depict some of the sociological, religious and legal aspects of wife abuse that is a chronic, yet little discussed anathema in a Sub-Continental Muslim wife\u27s life. Treatment of the Wife\u27s Body in the Fiction of Indian Sub-Continental Muslim Women Writers, examines the fiction and autobiographical works of these women writers who problematize the deeply ingrained traditional modes of domestic violence as perpetuated upon the minds and bodies of Sub-Continental Muslim wives. Chughtai, Hossain and Durrani identify culture specific practices such as child marriage, dowry, polygamy, honor crimes, marital rape as primary sources of masculinist power that convert a wife\u27s body into a site of oppression. It has been the aim of this dissertation to prove that in the absence of sufficiently adequate and specific Muslim Personal Laws pertaining to marriage, a gnawing gap exists between what the core discourses of Islamic heritage and attitude towards gender hold, and the actual situation of repression of Muslim wives that becomes apparent from the fiction of Chugatai, Hossain and Durrani. These writers contend that marriage does not entirely deprive a wife of her agency to subvert the status quo although socialization of her body under the auspice of the institution often proves devastating for her irrespective of her class, age and location

    South Asian Fiction and Marital Agency of Muslim Wives

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    This essay deals with the treatment of wifely agency as delineated by three South Asian women writers: Ismat Chughtai, Tehmina Durrani and Selina Hossain. It tries to prove that the Muslim wives as projected in the fiction of these writers from the patriarchal societies of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are not uniformly oppressed victims of socio-religious discourses. Though often their bodies are subjected to rigorous discipline, docility and even battery, these wives still demonstrate sufficient agential powers to resist the status quo and chalk out a fresh trope of identity for themselves. Their domestic agency, sexual agency and decision-making powers, are some of the agential strengths that are analyzed in this paper, along with their bargaining and networking skills. Under their “Micro Mechanisms of Power,” gossip and indifference are also depicted as powerful tools for wives to retaliate against oppressive conditions in marriage

    Effects of Hepatitis C on Hematological Parameters in local areas of Mirpurkhas

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    Introduction: Various diseases have emerged as a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B virus (HCV) confection, now that antiretroviral therapies become more effective e and has prolonged life expectancy in HIV-infected patients1. One of the most frequently identified extra-hepatic abnormalities often seen at the time of diagnosis of HIV is the hematological abnormalityObjective: To determine possible effects of Hepatitis C in local Population of MirpurkhasMethodology:140 diagnosed patients of Hepatitis C were selected from OPD/Ward MMCH and Civil Hospital Mirpurkhas, Patients of Hypertension, Heart Failure, Renal diseases and respiratory disease were excluded Their ALT, GGT, Alk Sodium was determined by kit method. Their RBC count, TLC, Platelet Count was counted and ESR was determinedResults: It was a prospective study and out of 140 hepatitis C patients 86 were male and 54 were female. The mean age was 54.77 ± 14.046 years. The mean height was 159.42 ± 11.188 cm and the mean weight was 53.69±10.604 Kgs. The mean BMI was calculated as 21.235 ± 5.0607 kgs/m2 (Table.1). The mean Hemoglobin was estimated as 10.639± 2.6924 gm% the mean RBC count was found 3.832 ± .8460 millions/cmm. The mean total leukocyte count was 9111.63 ± 4612.845 per cmm and the mean Platelet count was 160447.67 ± 93788.194 /dl. the mean ESR was 51.70 ± 26.320 (Table.2) The mean Alkaline phosphatase was 273.76± 96.818 IU, the mean GGT was 83.40 ± 102.650 IU and the mean ALT was 74.98 ± 58.614 IU. (Table.3.) The Correlation of hepatitis C was estimated by Pearson’s correlation using SPSS 15 and found that hepatitis has a significant correlation with Hemoglobin, RBC count, TLC and Platelet count (r=.167, .165, .181, 238 and p=.092̽*, .031*, 018* and .002** respectively) and it has an inverse correlation with ESR (r=-.213, p=.005**)Conclusion: Our data shows that hepatitis C has positive correlation with Hb, RBC Count, TLC and Platelet count while the hepatitis has a significant inverse correlation with ESR. More work is required to establish criteria regarding correlation between Hepatitis C and Hematological parameter

    Comparison of haemoglobin level between high altitude people and low altitude people

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    Background: Hemoglobin is the iron holding and oxygen carrying protein found inside the red blood cells. Studies have been done on Hb level variations in gender, race and region but no comparative study on different altitude effects in Pakistan is reported. Comparison of Hemoglobin level between people living at high altitude and low altitude was done in this study. Samples from district Skardu Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan were used as high-altitude samples and samples from district Lahore, Pakistan were utilized as low altitude samples. Samples were obtained from those people who don’t have any haemoglobinopathies.Methods:  50 blood samples were collected for this study; 25 individuals were from low altitude level and 25 of high-altitude level. Estimation of hemoglobin concentration was done by Cyanmethemoglobin method to compare the individuals HB from low altitude with high altitude.Results: All the blood samples were properly analyzed, and the results extracted from the samples, living at low altitude were compared with those living at high altitude. Mean and standard deviation values were calculated, and they found to be different for both populations, people at high altitude and the people living at low altitude. 25 residents of high altitude showed following results of hemoglobin: mean=15.0 and SD=0.632. On the other hand, 25 individuals of low altitude revealed these results: mean=14.53 and SD=0.633.Conclusion: There was a significant difference in Hb level in blood at high altitude (7500 feet) and low altitude (711 feet from sea level) P=0.004.  Keywords: Hemoglobin, Standard Deviatio

    Some morphometric relationship traits of Labeo bata (Hamilton, 1822) from Head Panjnad, Pakistan

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    In the present research work, 127 Labeo bata having diverse body size ranging from 8.20 to 16.00 cm total length collected from Head Panjnad, Pakistan were used for the analysis of some morphometrics, that is, length-weight and length-length relationships. Condition factor and their relationships to investigate growth external morphometric characters, that is, total length (TL), standard length (SL), fork length (FL), head length (HL), head width (HW), body girth (BG), dorsal fin length (DFL), dorsal fin base (DFB), pectoral fin length (PtFL), pectoral fin base (PtFB), pelvic fin length (PvFL), anal fin length (AFL), caudal fin length (CFL) and caudal fin width (CFW) showed highly significant correlation with both cases, that is, increasing total length and body weight. A significant positive relationship was found between condition factor (K) and body weight, while no significant correlation was found in condition factor and total length.Key words: Morphometry, length-weight, length-length relationship, condition factor, Labeo bata


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo explorar o efeito da disparidade de riqueza entre os distritos de Punjab na matrícula escolar de crianças de 3 a 14 anos de idade no período de 2008, 2011, 2014. Este estudo utilizou o modelo probit e também usa o componente principal análise para criar um índice de disparidade de riqueza distrital para examinar como isso influencia a escolarização das crianças nas economias em desenvolvimento. As descobertas expõem que a probabilidade de matrícula escolar é influenciada negativamente pela disparidade de riqueza dos distritos nos três modelos, ou seja, para todas as crianças. Nas variáveis de controle, os domicílios que recebem remessas levam ao aumento da escolaridade das crianças. A educação dos pais aumenta a possibilidade de escolaridade nos três modelos. A educação da mãe afeta mais a matrícula infantil do que a educação da cabeça em todos os modelos. As crianças estavam menos dispostas a estudar no ano de 2007 para todos os três modelos. Os resultados sugerem que a diminuição da disparidade entre os distritos de Punjab deseja uma distribuição equivalente de fundos do governo de Punjab para os distritos. Pode aumentar o bem-estar da família através da matrícula de crianças no ensino médio. Este estudo cria um índice de disparidade de riqueza distrital usando a análise de componentes principais e utiliza uma fórmula diferencial para explicar as disparidades socioeconômicas regionais nos distritos de Punjab, no Paquistão.Este documento tiene como objetivo explorar el efecto de la disparidad de riqueza entre los distritos de Punjab en la inscripción escolar de niños de 3 a 14 años de edad para el período 2008, 2011, 2014. Este estudio ha utilizado el modelo probit y también utiliza el componente principal análisis para crear un índice de disparidad de riqueza del distrito para examinar cómo influye en la escolarización de los niños en las economías en desarrollo. Los resultados exponen que la probabilidad de inscripción escolar está influenciada negativamente por la disparidad de riqueza de los distritos en los tres modelos, es decir, para todos los niños. En las variables de control, los hogares que reciben remesas conducen a aumentar la escolarización de los niños. La educación de los padres plantea la posibilidad de escolarizar en los tres modelos. La educación de la madre afecta más la matrícula infantil en comparación con la educación de la cabeza en todos los modelos. Los niños estaban menos dispuestos a estudiar en el año 2007 para los tres modelos. Los resultados sugieren que la disminución de la disparidad entre los distritos de Punjab desea una distribución equivalente de fondos del gobierno de Punjab a los distritos. Puede aumentar el bienestar del hogar mediante la inscripción de niños en la escuela secundaria. Este estudio crea un índice de disparidad de riqueza en el distrito utilizando el análisis de componentes principales y utiliza una fórmula diferencial para explicar las disparidades socioeconómicas regionales en los distritos de Punjab en Pakistán.This paper aims is to explore the effect of wealth disparity between the districts of Punjab on school enrolment of children 3-14 years age group for the period 2008, 2011, 2014. This study has used the probit model and it also uses the principal component analysis to create an index for district wealth disparity to examine how it influences schooling of children in developing economies. The findings expose that probability of school enrolment is negatively influenced by wealth disparity of the districts in all three models, i.e., for all children. In the control variables, the households getting remittances lead to increase the schooling of children. Parents’ education raises the possibility of schooling in all the three models. The education of mother affects child enrolment more as compared education of head in all models. Children were less willing for schooling in the year 2007 for all the three models. The findings suggest that the sliding down the disparity among the districts of Punjab desires equivalent distribution of funds from government of Punjab to the districts. It may increase the household welfare by high school enrolment of children. This study creates district wealth disparity index by using the principal component analysis and uses differential formula to explain the socioeconomic regional disparities across the districts of Punjab in Pakistan

    Prevalence of syphilis in Pakistani blood donors

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    Abstract Background: Blood transfusion is one among the common sources for transmission of the infectious diseases. In Pakistan, a country of population about 1.8 billions, blood required for transfusion is approximately 1.5 million bags per year. So, evaluation of the prevalence of syphilis among the blood donors by a retrospective study is important and critical to give a vivid picture of current situation for both the donors involved and medical practitioners.  Method: A questioner was administered and consent was taken before obtaining the blood sample for the syphilis serology from all the blood donors. ARCHITECT syphilis Treponema Pallidum (TP) assay was performed to detect the syphilis.Results: There were 449 (3.1%) confirmed cases found to be syphilis positive out of total 14,352 tested individuals. We found that male population is at far higher risk than female population. Out of 179 females, only 3 (1.6%) were found to be syphilis positive and out of 14173 males, 446 (3.1%) were having syphilis infection.Conclusions: We report high prevalence of syphilis in blood donors which was unexpected as in accordance with the previous studies. This calls for mandatory syphilis screening test of donor before transfusion of blood.  As this high prevalence poses a great risk to public health, we strongly suggest that there should me be more public awareness campaign to fight against this infectious disease