78 research outputs found

    The Interplay of Visual Attention and Saccade Planning in Active Vision

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    Vision is a highly active process. When we view the world, we do not hold our eyes still, but constantly move them around in order to view the object or area of interest with the fovea (the region of the retina with the highest acuity). Saccades are the step-like movements that we most often employ for this purpose. In addition, our attention is constantly being covertly attracted or directed to points of interest. Combining these different aspects of viewing: visual processing, the orienting of attention, and eye movements can be referred to as `active vision\u27. Most work on active vision or attention and saccades has concentrated on performance improvements preceding saccades, but relatively little is yet known about how attention affects later stages of saccade planning. That is the focus of this thesis. First we look at the temporal dynamics of the scaling of attention and what influence that attention scale exerts on the decision to make a saccade. We are able to infer the attention scale during individual trials from their saccade latencies. We find that the scale of attention changes very rapidly, and faster than previously reported. The remainder of the thesis concentrates on the effects of attention scale and locus on post-saccade adaptive processes: how the success of the current plan influences learning. Saccades maintain their accuracy through an adaptive process, slowly to compensate for muscle weakening, or rapidly in a lab setting using intra-saccadic steps. Little is known about how covert attention interacts with this process. The second study of this thesis looks at how the scale of attention can affect the magnitude of saccade adaptation. We use a novel paradigm in which the intrasaccadic steps change from trial-to-trial so that over many trials the displacement produces a sine wave pattern. We find that when attending to larger targets, there is proportionally greater adaptation than when attending to smaller targets. Finally, we demonstrate that the locus of attention at the end of a saccade contributes to the error signal for saccade adaptation. Instead of intra-saccadically moving the target in order to induce saccade adaptation, we present a distractor briefly after the saccade on the near side or far side of the target. By drawing attention away from the saccade target immediately after the saccade, the distractor is able to induce saccade adaptation. The magnitude of the saccade adaptation depends on the novelty of the distractor. These experiments highlight the interplay between attention and saccades. Using novel paradigms, we show that the locus of attention can induce saccade adaptation, and that the scale of attention influences both the magnitude of saccade adaptation as well as the decision to move. While conventionally, saccade experiments are performed using very small stimuli, we see that using larger stimuli can greatly change saccade performance. Use of larger, more complicated stimuli as compared to simple spot targets is a step closer to natural viewing and very important to our understanding of active vision

    Using XTCE on the GOES-R Series

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    This presentation provides an overview of the mechanisms and methods used to implement the XTCE (XML (eXtensible Markup Language) Telemetric and Command Exchange format) schema for Telemetry and Command databases for the GOES-R series satellites

    Limon otu (Cymbopogon erectus) ekstresinin etkisi altında ayçiçeği (Helianthus annuus) bitkilerinin biyokütle üretiminde varyasyon

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    Plant extract is being used for crop yield and biomass enhancement since long time. Using plants extract for the enhancement of growth of other plant is a worthwhile strategy so as to enhance crop yield and crop biomass. Current study is an attempt to increase growth in sunflower plants using lemongrass foliar extract. For this purpose, various trials based on computer modeling have conducted. Pot experiment of sunflower plants has performed in greenhouse conditions that have irrigated by different concentrations of lemongrass extract. Results show that lower concentrations produced significant gain in biomass of crop i.e. greater fresh and dry weight was achieved by 1% samples (7.4±0.8mg and 2.0±0.3mg respectively) while lowest fresh and dry weight attained by 3% samples (2.5±0.2mg and 1.1±0.1mg respectively). Absolute growth rate (AGR) and Relative growth rate (RGR) of the plants are obtained in sequential order of treatment. Control, 0.5% and 2% samples form close linear fit to the model while 0.5% samples produce long tailed positive correlation fit whereas 3% samples are negatively fitted to the model. CDF model produce closely fitted relationship of 1% and control samples while 3% samples negatively corresponded to normal fit. Therefore, current study suggests promoting an efficient agriculture strategy that would be helpful in biomass gain of the crops to sequester carbon and effectively take part in climate mitigation.Bitki özütü, uzun süredir ürün verimi ve biyokütle arttırımı için kullanılmaktadır. Bitki ekstraktının diğer bitkilerin büyümesini arttırmak için kullanılması, mahsul verimini ve bitki biyokütlesini arttırmak için değerli bir stratejidir. Mevcut çalışma limon yaprakçık özü kullanarak ayçiçeği bitkilerinde büyümeyi artırma girişimidir. Bu amaçla bilgisayar modellemesine dayalı çeşitli denemeler yapılmıştır. Ayçiçeği bitkilerinin pot deneyi, farklı konsantrasyonlarda limon otu ekstresi ile sulanan sera koşullarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuçlar, daha düşük konsantrasyonların mahsul biyokütlesinde önemli bir kazanç sağladığını, yani daha yüksek taze ve kuru ağırlığın% 1 numunelerle (sırasıyla 7.4 ± 0.8mg ve 2.0 ± 0.3mg), en düşük taze ve kuru ağırlığın ise% 3 numunelerle (2.5 ± Sırasıyla 0.2mg ve 1.1 ± 0.1mg) elde edildiğini gösterir. Bitkilerin mutlak büyüme oranı (AGR) ve nispi büyüme oranı (RGR), sırayla değerlendirme sırasına göre elde edilir. Kontrol,% 0.5 ve% 2 numuneler modele yakın doğrusal uyum sağlarken,% 0.5 numuneler uzun kuyruklu pozitif korelasyon uyumu üretir. % 3 numuneler modele negatif bağlanmıştır. CDF modeli % 1 ile yakın ilişki kurar ve kontrol numuneleri oluştururken,% 3 örnekler normal uyuma negatif olarak karşılık gelir. Bu nedenle, mevcut çalışma, karbonu ayırmak ve iklimin azaltılmasında etkin bir şekilde yer almak için bitkilerin biyokütle kazancında yardımcı olacak verimli bir tarım stratejisinin geliştirilmesini önermektedir

    Disinfection Methods

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    Water must be made safe to drink, and an important step in ensuring water safety is disinfection. Disinfectants are added to water to kill disease-causing microorganisms. Ground water sources can be disinfected by “The Water Treatment Rule,” which requires public water systems for disinfection. Chlorination, ozone, ultraviolet light, and chloramines are primary methods for disinfection. However, potassium permanganate, photocatalytic disinfection, nanofiltration, and chlorine dioxide can also be used. Organic material is naturally present in water. Certain forms of chlorine can react with these organic materials and result in the formation of harmful by-products; the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has anticipated maximum levels for these contaminants

    İki tarla bitkisinde Euphorbia hirta ve PEG 6000 ile oluşan engelleyici etkilerin karşılaştırması üzerine bir ön çalışma

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    Euphorbia hirta is commonly found in all tropical regions of the world, as invasive weed with an adverse effect on other plants. The current study features two important aspects: (i), Effects of E. hirta roots exudates (0, 50, 75 and 100% concentrations) (ii), Influence of PEG 6000 “Polyethylene glycol” (8, 16 and 40 g/l concentrations) on germination and growth criterion of Cicer arietinum (Chick pea) and Phaseolus vulgaris (French bean). In this regard osmotic potential of all the solutions have been balanced. It is observed that the root leachates of spurge weed significantly (p < 0.05) affected the germination rate while PEG has no positive or negative effect on growth activity. The growth parameters in both crops have altered by spurge weed and PEG solutions while highest inhibition was recorded in root length root exudates (3.5 cm) of C. arietinum which is in contrast to PEG (11.97 cm), this might be due to the presence of allelochemicals. The prescribed treatments also raised their pH values, where highest pH (7.9) obtained from 100% spurge weed induction which is relatively a stronger basic nature rather than neutral control samples. Comparative studies of both test crops shows that C. arietinum has appeared to be more influential than P. vulgaris. Two-way ANOVA has produced a significant difference (p < 0.05) between the effects of both treatments on germination and growth of test crops while within group (concentrations of each treatment) are weakly significant (p < 0.1) to each other. This would rather intimates that the inhibition has strongly emerged as an allelopathic response on Cicer arietinum and Phaseolus vulgaris plants by the induction of spurge weed (Euphorbia hirta) root exudates.Euphorbia hirta, diğer bitkiler üzerinde olumsuz etkiye sahip istilacı bir yabancı ot türü olarak dünyanın bütün tropikal bölgelerinde yaygın olarak bulunmaktadır. Yürütülen çalışmada, Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Fasulye) ve Cicer arietinum L. (Nohut) çimlenme ve büyüme kriteri üzerine (i) E. hirta'nın kök salgılarının etkileri (0, 50, 75 ve %100 konsantrasyon), (ii) PEG 6000'nin (8, 16 ve 40 g/l konsantrasyon) “Polietilen glikol” etkisi olmak üzere iki önemli husus bulunmaktadır. Bu bakımdan bütün solüsyonların osmotik potansiyeli dengelenmiştir. Sütleğen bitkisinin kök salgılarının çimlenme oranını önemli ölçüde (p <0.05) etkilediği, PEG'in ise büyüme aktivitesi üzerinde olumlu veya olumsuz bir etkisinin olmadığı gözlemlenmiştir. PEG solüsyonları ve sütleğen bitkisi her iki üründeki büyüme parametrelerini değiştirmiş, C. arietinum'un kök uzunluğunda PEG (11.97 cm)'in aksine en yüksek oranda inhibisyon kök salgıları uygulamasında (3.5 cm) kaydedilmiştir. Bu durum alelokimyasalların varlığından kaynaklanmış olabilir. En yüksek pH (7.9) nötr kontrol örneklerine göre daha güçlü bir bazik yapısı olan %100 sütleğen otu indüksiyonundan elde edilmiş, yapılan uygulamalar ayrıca pH değerlerini de yükseltmiştir. Çalışmadaki her iki test bitkisi karşılaştırıldığında C. arietinum'un P. vulgaris'ten daha fazla etkilendiği görülmüştür. İki yönlü varyans analizine göre (Two-way ANOVA) her iki uygulamanın test bitkilerinin çimlenme ve büyümesi üzerindeki etkileri grup içerisinde (her bir uygulama konsantrasyonları) az oranda önemli olmasına rağmen (p <0.1) her iki uygulama arasında önemli bir fark (p <0.05) oluşturmuştur. Bu inhibisyonun sütleğen bitkisinin (Euphorbia hirta) kök salgılarının Cicer arietinum ve Phaseolus vulgaris bitkileri üzerine alelopatik etkisine karşı güçlü bir yanıt olarak ortaya çıktığı düşünülmektedir

    Effect of Gender on the Outcome of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    OBJECTIVES To determine the frequency of acute coronary syndrome presentations among diabetic patients and in-hospital outcomes based on gender variance. METHODOLOGY This observational cross-sectional study was conducted at the cardiology department of the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad. 106 consecutive diabetic patients with acute coronary syndrome were enrolled. Patients were assessed for in-hospital outcomes like congestive heart failure, recurrent angina, and mortality. The outcomes were evaluated based on gender. The Chi-Square test was used for significant differences keeping the P value &lt; 0.05.  RESULTSThe mean age of the patients was 57.75±8.16 years. Males were 57 (53.8%), and females were 49 (46.2%). Congestive heart failure, re-angina, and mortality were significant in both genders yielding a P value of &lt;0.05. CONCLUSION Diabetes is an important predictor of acute coronary syndrome. The complications related to congestive heart failure and mortality are more prevalent in males than females

    Murree (Pakistan) çevresindeki oldukça bozulmuş iğne yapraklı ormanların vejetasyonu

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    This phytosociological investigation is conducted in various disturbed forests around Murree hills. The main purpose of study is to explore community types, associated ground flora and their relation to soil characteristics. Eight community types and two monospecific tree stands have been recognized as follows: Pinus wallichiana (pure), Pinus roxburghii (pure), Pinus wallichiana-Quercus baloot, Pinus wallichiana-Cedrus deodara, Pinus wallichiana-Abies pindrow, Pinus wallichiana-Quercus dilatata, Quercus dilatata-Cedrus deodara, Pinus roxburghii-Pinus wallichiana, Pinus roxburghii-Cedrus deodara, Pinus roxburghii-Quercus dilatata. Pinus wallichiana dominates monospecifically in 8 stands while Pinus roxburghii -Pinus wallichiana community types found at 5 locations. Pinus wallichiana formed community type with Cedrus deodara and Abies pindrow at 4 locations separately. Highest stand density achieved in Pinus wallichiana-Cedrus deodara and Pinus roxburghii-Quercus dilatata community i.e. 128 trees/h. Highest basal area (48.06 (m²/ha) recorded from Pinus wallichiana (pure) stands. Pinus wallichiana-Pinus roxburghii communities correlated significantly (p < 0.05) with tree density. Range of DO. pH, Temperature, Conductivity, Salinity, ORP and chemical parameters in each community type has also shown and discussed.Bu fitososyolojik araştırma, Murree tepeleri çevresindeki çeşitli bozulmuş ormanlarda yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın temel amacı topluluk türlerini, ilişkili zemin florasını ve toprak özellikleri ile ilişkilerini araştırmaktır. Sekiz bitki topluluğu ve iki monospesifik meşcere tanımlanmıştır: Pinus wallichiana (saf), Pinus roxburghii (saf), Pinus wallichiana-Quercus baloot, Pinus wallichiana-Cedrus deodara, Pinus wallichiana-Abies pindrow, Pinus wallichiana-Quercus dilatata, Quercus dilatat-Cedrus deodara, Pinus roxburghii-Pinus wallichiana, Pinus roxburghii-Cedrus deodara, Pinus roxburghii-Quercus dilatata. Pinus wallichiana 8 standda monospesifik olarak baskınken, 5 yerde bulunan Pinus roxburghii-Pinus wallichiana topluluk türleri. Pinus wallichiana, Cedrus deodara ve Abies ile 4 yerde ayrı ayrı topluluk oluşturmuştur. Pinus wallichiana-Cedrus deodara ve Pinus roxburghii-Quercus dilatata topluluğunda, yani 128 ağaç/saatte elde edilen en yüksek meşcere yoğunluğu olarak gözlenmiştir. Pinus wallichiana (saf) meşcerelerinden kaydedilen en yüksek bazal alan (48.06 (m²/ha) olarak kaydedilmiştir. Pusus wallichiana-Pinus roxburghii toplulukları ağaç yoğunluğu ile anlamlı bir şekilde korelasyon göstermiştir (p <0.05). DO. PH, Sıcaklık, İletkenlik, Tuzluluk, ORP her topluluk türündeki kimyasal parametreler de gösterilmiş ve tartışılmıştır

    Prevalence of drug resistance associated mutations in plasmodium vivax against sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine in southern Pakistan

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    Background: In Pakistan, Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum co-exist and usage of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) against P. falciparum exposes P. vivax to the drug leading to generation of resistant alleles. The main aim of this study was to investigate frequency distribution of drug resistance associated mutations in pvdhfr, pvdhps genes and provide baseline molecular epidemiological data on SP-associated resistance in P. vivax from southern Pakistan.Methods: From January 2008 to May 2009, a total of 150 samples were collected from patients tested slide-positive for P. vivax, at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, or its collection units located in Baluchistan and Sindh Province. Nested PCR using pvdhfr and pvdhps specific primers was performed for all samples.91.3% (137/150) of the samples were tested PCR positive of which 87.3% (131/137) were successfully sequenced. Sample sequencing data was analysed and compared against wild type reference sequences.Results: In dhfr, mutations were observed at codons F57L, S58R and S117N/T. Novel non-synonymous mutations were observed at codon positions N50I, G114R and E119K while a synonymous mutation was observed at codon position 69Y. In dhps, mutations were observed at codon position A383G and A553G while novel non-synonymous mutations were observed at codon positions S373T, E380K, P384L, N389T, V392D, T393P, D459A, M601I, A651D and A661V.Conclusion: This is the first report from southern Pakistan on SP resistance in clinical isolates of P. vivax. Results from this study confirm that diverse drug resistant alleles are circulating within this region

    Skills, Competitiveness and Productivity

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    This study reviews selected indicators on skills and productivity for the period 2000-2008 using labour force survey data. The review of the labour market demonstrates the need of enhancement of skills as well as improved access to skills and education which are necessary to enter a virtuous circle of higher productivity, employment, incomes growth, and development. Without a workforce that is continuously acquiring new and improved skills, it will be difficult for Pakistan to be competitive in the globalising world. The analysis clearly emphasises the need for reforms in the technical and vocational education and training system. Keywords: Skills, Productivity, Labour Market, Competitivenes

    Sentence Embedding Approach using LSTM Auto-encoder for Discussion Threads Summarization

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    Online discussion forums are repositories of valuable information where users interact and articulate their ideas and opinions, and share experiences about numerous topics. These online discussion forums are internet-based online communities where users can ask for help and find the solution to a problem. A new user of online discussion forums becomes exhausted from reading the significant number of irrelevant replies in a discussion. An automated discussion thread summarizing system (DTS) is necessary to create a candid view of the entire discussion of a query. Most of the previous approaches for automated DTS use the continuous bag of words (CBOW) model as a sentence embedding tool, which is poor at capturing the overall meaning of the sentence and is unable to grasp word dependency. To overcome these limitations, we introduce the LSTM Auto-encoder as a sentence embedding technique to improve the performance of DTS. The empirical result in the context of the proposed approach’s average precision, recall, and F-measure with respect to ROGUE-1 and ROUGE-2 of two standard experimental datasets demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach and outperforms the state-of-the-art CBOW model in sentence embedding tasks and boost the performance of the automated DTS model