23 research outputs found

    The role of AmtB, GlnK and glutamine synthetase in regulation of transcription factor tnra in bacillus subtilis

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    The nitrogen is a macroelement for all alive cells, from bacteria to animals. Although NH3/NH4 are highly toxic to animal, they are the preferred source of nitrogen for the most microorganisms and are assimilated by glutamine synthetase in the GOGAT cycle. The nitrogen limitation triggers a number of regulatory processes and activates many genes, providing the utilizing of alternative nitrogen sources. In Bacillus subtilis the genes of nitrogen metabolism are regulated by the transcription factor TnrA. In a cells it is bound to AmtB-GlnK proteins, the interaction with Glutamine synthetase (GS) represses its DNA-binding activity. Here we show the lack of AmtB leads to the nitrogen deficiency in a cell and, consequently, the increased expression of TnrA-de-pendent genes. In the lack of GlnK the transcription factor TnrA is constitutive bound to GS, the TnrA activity is repressed even under nitrogen limit conditions. Apparently, the TnrA activity is subjected to permanent repression by GS. In the absence of GS, the TnrA activity is strongly higher in compare to control, even under nitrogen limitation, when GS is active. These data allow to suggest that TnrA activity is regulated by the competitive binding to GlnK and GS

    Prospects for using CRISPR-Cas9 system in the treatment of human viral diseases

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    The aim. To analyze the possibility of using the genetic mechanisms of CRISPR-Cas9 technology in the prevention and treatment of certain viral diseases.Materials and methods. The search for publications was carried out in Russian and foreign literature using the following search engines: RSCI, Cyberleninka, eLibrary, PubMed, Cochrane Library, etc. A review of domestic and international scientific papers on the research topic was carried out using search keywords: CRISPR, genetic engineering, genome editing, Cas9, sgRNA.Results. A review of using CRISPR-Cas9 method (“genetic scissors”) as a gene therapy for some viral diseases was carried out, and its main advantages and disadvantages were revealed. An analysis of the data of scientific studies on genetic research methods over the past decade discovers the main aspects of CRISPR-Cas9 technology, modern classification and prospects for using this technology in clinical practice for the treatment and prevention of human viral diseases. The possibilities of creating a more versatile and stable version of the CRISPR-Cas9 technology are considered. Particular attention is paid to the technological difficulties and obstacles that scientists face when implementing this system for targeted use in clinical medicine.Conclusion. One of the rapidly developing areas in science giving promising prospects for modern healthcare is genetic engineering, especially in cases where scientific developments are applied in clinical practice. The discovery of “genetic scissors” technology has revolutionized all medicine. Wide opportunities for developing new treatment methods for many viral diseases and creating conditions for their early prevention opened up for the medical community. In the future, with the introduction of this technology into clinical practice, it will become possible to treat diseases that have not previously responded to ongoing therapy and were considered incurable

    The role of AmtB, GlnK and glutamine synthetase in regulation of of transcription factor TnrA in Bacillus subtilis

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    Nitrogen is a macroelement for all living cells, from bacteria to animals. Although ammonia ions (NH3/NH4 +) are toxic to animals, they are the most preferable nitrogen source for the majority of bacteria and are assimilated by glutamine synthetase (GS) in the so-called GOGAT cycle. A lack of nitrogen for a cell triggers cascade regulatory processes and activation of a large group of genes for utilization of nitrogen from other compounds. Thus, in Bacillus subtilis, genes of nitrogen metabolism are regulated by the transcription factor TnrA. In the cell, it is bound to AmtB-GlnK proteins, with interaction with glutamine synthetase repressing its DNA-binding activity. Deletion of the protein AmtB responsible for ATP-dependent transport of ammonium ions into the cell from the medium has been shown to lead to a lack of nitrogen in the cell and, as a result, to an increased level of expression of TnrA-regulon genes. With a deficit of protein GlnK, the factor TnrA is constitutively associated with GS, with its activity also decreasing under conditions of deficit of nitrogen source. The factor TnrA activity in cells seems to be constantly repressed by GS: in the absence of GS, the TnrA activity is significantly increased as compared with control, even under conditions of nitrogen starvation, in which GS is highly active. These facts allow it to be suggested that the factor TnrA activity is regulated by competitive binding to GS and protein GlnK. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Perforated Peptic Ulcer Combined with Posttraumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia in Third Gestation Trimester: a Clinical Case

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    Background. Gastric and duodenal ulcers are extremely rare in pregnancy, according to published literature. Peptic ulcer is found in 1 per 4,000 pregnant women, a figure probably underestimated due to its hampered diagnosis in pregnancy. Pregnancy peptic ulcer is considered less expected. Perforated gastric and duodenal ulcers comprise about 1.5 % of total acute abdominal diseases, and the perforation rate in ulcer patients ranges within 5–15 %. This complication afflicts the ages of 20–40 years in men much more frequently than in women. Three perforation types occur: free into abdominal cavity (87 %), contained (9 %), into lesser omentum and retroperitoneal tissue (4 %).Materials and methods. The clinical case describes surgical management of posttraumatic diaphragmatic hernia-comorbid perforated gastric ulcer in a pregnant woman in third trimester. Surgery with postoperative patient management enabled for a favourable outcome.Results and discussion. Perforation-entailing gastric and duodenal ulcers in pregnant women have received negligible attention due to rarity in clinical practice. Paul et al. described 14 cases of duodenal perforation in pregnancy, all fatal.Conclusion. Early diagnosis of surgical pathology during gestation is still difficult contributing to the development of severe complications associated with high mortality. The patient’s admission to a level III interspecialty hospital was key to enable a timely consilium-driven decision of caesarean intervention for saving the child, diagnosing intraoperatively life-threatening complicated surgical diseases and opting for radical surgery that ended in a favourable outcome

    Оценка неравенства распределения доходов и образования в регионах Казахстана

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    Важной социальной проблемой является вопрос неравномерного распределения доходов. В связи с этим актуальным становится изучение региональных различий в распределении доходов в развивающихся странах, таких как Казахстан. Цель исследования - оценка влияния доходов, социальных расходов и неравенства на образование и затраты на образование в различных регионах Казахстана. В отличие от предыдущих научных работ в этой области, в данной статье анализируются панельные данные о распределении человеческого капитала и доходов в 17 регионах Казахстана. Для статистической оценки использован показатель дифференциации, отражающий степень социального и экономического неравенства. На основе предложенной методики проанализированы различия в уровне образования. Согласно полученным данным, неравенство меняется с течением времени и влияет как на образование, так и на затраты на образование в различных сферах. Неравенство доходов несколько выше в Карагандинской и Восточно-Казахстанской областях; в других регионах доходы распределены более равномерно, примерно на 0,05 коэффициента Джини. Спецификация регрессии показывает, что в крупных мегаполисах, таких как Шымкент, Алматы и Астана, исследуемые показатели оказывают большее влияние, тогда как в Мангистауской и Северо-Казахстанской областях их воздействие меньше. Полученные результаты подчеркивают важность образования для сокращения региональных различий и достижения равномерного распределения доходов.In the current social conditions, the problems of inequality associated with the uneven distribution of income in society is an important research problem. Thus, it is necessary to investigate the level of regional differences in income distribution in developing countries like Kazakhstan. The study aims to assess the influence of income, social expenditures, and inequality in the distribution of education and education costs between different regions of Kazakhstan. Unlike previous scientific papers in this area, this paper uses panel data on the distribution of human capital and income in 17 regions of Kazakhstan. The methodological framework of the research is represented by methods of statistical assessment of economic inequality, such as the indicator of differentiation, reflecting the degree of social and economic inequality. Based on the proposed methodology, we analysed the disparity in the level of education and obtained data on the standard deviations of the distribution of education for the population of the regions of Kazakhstan. According to these data, inequality changes over time and affects the distribution of education and education costs between different areas. Income inequality is slightly higher in Karaganda and East-Kazakhstan regions; other areas have a more equitable income distribution by about 0.05 Gini coefficients. The regression specification shows that large megacities like Shymkent, Almaty, and Astana have a more significant influence, while Mangystau and North-Kazakhstan regions have minor power. The obtained results emphasise the importance ensuring access to education for reducing regional disparities and achieving stability in income distribution.Статья подготовлена при поддержке Комитета науки Министерства науки и высшего образования Республики Казахстан, проект AP09259332 «Трансформация экономического сознания общества в условиях патологии экономики (на примере Республики Казахстан)».The article has been prepared with the support of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the project AP09259332 “Transformation of the economic conscious of society in the conditions of the pathology of the economy (on the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan)”

    Maintaining bilingualism through technologies: the case of young Russian heritage learners

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    The multicultural realities of modern society require an effective system to support the development and preservation of the heritage language of children growing and developing outside of their heritage culture. Digital technologies may come at hand to parents and educators who strive to create such a system for their bi-or multilingual children. This paper reports on the mixed methods research study that documented and analyzed attitude to and the usage of digital technologies by Russian-speaking parents raising bi-/multilingual children outside of Russia. Thirty-four participants from 12 countries completed an online questionnaire. Three native Russian mothers raising young Russian heritage language learners were also engaged into a case study. The study revealed that parenting efforts could include speech development learning activities with traditional and digital learning tools. Participants expressed their favorable view on the educational value of digital (computer, mobile, online) technologies. In practice, however, parents’ usage of these tools was very limited as most of them preferred a printed book and live communication for maintaining Russian. It was obvious that many parents are not well informed about the availability of high-quality digital resources for the development of Russian speech in preschoolers and/or do not see their advantages. The results of the research confirmed studies that indicated the importance of creating the “child-digital resource-teacher” interaction and the need for mediation by an adult in a situation where a child interacts with a computer or tablet. These results are of practical significance for formal and informal bilingual educators, teacher training institutions and parents of bi-/multilingual children

    Assessing Inequality of Income Distribution and Education in the Regions of Kazakhstan

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    In the current social conditions, the problems of inequality associated with the uneven distribution of income in society is an important research problem. Thus, it is necessary to investigate the level of regional differences in income distribution in developing countries like Kazakhstan. The study aims to assess the influence of income, social expenditures, and inequality in the distribution of education and education costs between different regions of Kazakhstan. Unlike previous scientific papers in this area, this paper uses panel data on the distribution of human capital and income in 17 regions of Kazakhstan. The methodological framework of the research is represented by methods of statistical assessment of economic inequality, such as the indicator of differentiation, reflecting the degree of social and economic inequality. Based on the proposed methodology, we analysed the disparity in the level of education and obtained data on the standard deviations of the distribution of education for the population of the regions of Kazakhstan. According to these data, inequality changes over time and affects the distribution of education and education costs between different areas. Income inequality is slightly higher in Karaganda and East-Kazakhstan regions; other areas have a more equitable income distribution by about 0.05 Gini coefficients. The regression specification shows that large megacities like Shymkent, Almaty, and Astana have a more significant influence, while Mangystau and North-Kazakhstan regions have minor power. The obtained results emphasise the importance ensuring access to education for reducing regional disparities and achieving stability in income distribution

    The role of AmtB, GlnK and glutamine synthetase in regulation of of transcription factor TnrA in Bacillus subtilis

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    Nitrogen is a macroelement for all living cells, from bacteria to animals. Although ammonia ions (NH3/NH4 +) are toxic to animals, they are the most preferable nitrogen source for the majority of bacteria and are assimilated by glutamine synthetase (GS) in the so-called GOGAT cycle. A lack of nitrogen for a cell triggers cascade regulatory processes and activation of a large group of genes for utilization of nitrogen from other compounds. Thus, in Bacillus subtilis, genes of nitrogen metabolism are regulated by the transcription factor TnrA. In the cell, it is bound to AmtB-GlnK proteins, with interaction with glutamine synthetase repressing its DNA-binding activity. Deletion of the protein AmtB responsible for ATP-dependent transport of ammonium ions into the cell from the medium has been shown to lead to a lack of nitrogen in the cell and, as a result, to an increased level of expression of TnrA-regulon genes. With a deficit of protein GlnK, the factor TnrA is constitutively associated with GS, with its activity also decreasing under conditions of deficit of nitrogen source. The factor TnrA activity in cells seems to be constantly repressed by GS: in the absence of GS, the TnrA activity is significantly increased as compared with control, even under conditions of nitrogen starvation, in which GS is highly active. These facts allow it to be suggested that the factor TnrA activity is regulated by competitive binding to GS and protein GlnK. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    The role of AmtB, GlnK and glutamine synthetase in regulation of of transcription factor TnrA in Bacillus subtilis

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    Nitrogen is a macroelement for all living cells, from bacteria to animals. Although ammonia ions (NH3/NH4 +) are toxic to animals, they are the most preferable nitrogen source for the majority of bacteria and are assimilated by glutamine synthetase (GS) in the so-called GOGAT cycle. A lack of nitrogen for a cell triggers cascade regulatory processes and activation of a large group of genes for utilization of nitrogen from other compounds. Thus, in Bacillus subtilis, genes of nitrogen metabolism are regulated by the transcription factor TnrA. In the cell, it is bound to AmtB-GlnK proteins, with interaction with glutamine synthetase repressing its DNA-binding activity. Deletion of the protein AmtB responsible for ATP-dependent transport of ammonium ions into the cell from the medium has been shown to lead to a lack of nitrogen in the cell and, as a result, to an increased level of expression of TnrA-regulon genes. With a deficit of protein GlnK, the factor TnrA is constitutively associated with GS, with its activity also decreasing under conditions of deficit of nitrogen source. The factor TnrA activity in cells seems to be constantly repressed by GS: in the absence of GS, the TnrA activity is significantly increased as compared with control, even under conditions of nitrogen starvation, in which GS is highly active. These facts allow it to be suggested that the factor TnrA activity is regulated by competitive binding to GS and protein GlnK. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd