25 research outputs found

    Application of Internet of Things (Iot) for Physicochemical Parameters Measurement in The PVC and Bamboo Material

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    Aquaculture is the practice of cultivating and farming aquatic organisms under controlled conditions. High pH conditions, more toxic ammonia is present which can be harmful to aquatic organisms, particularly fish. The presence of ammonia in water can have implications for dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. The purpose of this study was to develop Internet of things (IoT) for measurement pH, DO and ammonia-nitrogen using Blynk platform. Additionally, the study aimed to determine physicochemical parameters trend in aquaponic system using IoT application. The reading of pH and DO from IoT sensor were collected from Blynk platform every ten seconds and ammonia nitrogen was observed twice a month. The presence of ammonia nitrogen in aquaponic system was determined using Nitrogen-ammonia reagent set, TNT, AmVer (Salicylate), High range. The data from this study were statistically analysed using Microsoft Excel 2019 to perform one-way ANOVA. Through this study, it could be concluded that internet accessibility is statistically significant to intention to use internet of things (IoT) application and the use of IoT sensors in aquaponic systems has yielded advantage

    Comparison of prediction model using spatial discriminant analysis for marine water quality index in mangrove estuarine zones

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    The prediction models of MWQI in mangrove and estuarine zones were constructed. The 2011–2015 data em- ployed in this study entailed 13 parameters from six monitoring stations in West Malaysia. Spatial discriminant analysis (SDA) had recommended seven significant parameters to develop the MWQI which were DO, TSS, O&G, PO4, Cd, Cr and Zn. These selected parameters were then used to develop prediction models for the MWQI using artificial neural network (ANN) and multiple linear regressions (MLR). The SDA-ANN model had higher R2 value for training (0.9044) and validation (0.7113) results than SDA-MLR model and was chosen as the best model in mangrove estuarine zone. The SDA-ANN model had also demonstrated lower RMSE (5.224) than the SDA-MLR (12.7755). In summary, this work suggested that ANN was an effective tool to compute the MWQ in mangrove estuarine zone and a powerful alternative prediction model as compared to the other modelling methods

    Water Quality Assessment on Lake A at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) Besut Campus

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    Water is an essential nutrient in the human body and it plays a vital role. Water is required to work in every system in the body, from cells and tissues to vital organs. About 70% of human-used freshwater goes to cultivation. The study aimed to assess water quality and identify the water category of Besut Campus Lake A. Water Quality Index (WQI) related to this study because it is standard used to classify the class of the water body. Water sampling was done at three sampling stations in two different locations and were sampled from February 2021 until March 2021. According to HACH and American Public Health Associations (APHA) methods, ten water quality parameters were analysed based on in situ and ex situ analysis. The values of pH, TDS, Temp, TSS and AN had been classified under Class I referred to National Water Quality Standard (NWQS). At the same time, DO and BOD were classified under Class II. And COD had been classified under Class III according to NWQS classification. Based on WQI, the water quality status in Campus Besut Lake was classified under Class II with a value of 85.742. It had been considered as Clean which is suitable for recreational activities and safe for body contact as well

    Assessment of Water Quality Parameters and Heavy Metals Analysis at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin Besut Campus Lake

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    Water is the most crucial element for living organisms as a component for survival. Even water has become the habitat for some organisms. Therefore, assessment of water quality is vital to keep water in good condition. This study aimed to determine the water quality of Besut Campus Lake by assessing the physicochemical parameters. Water Quality Index (WQI) is related to the process of determining the status class of water according to beneficial use, with a higher index value indicate good water quality. National Lake Water Quality Standard (NLWQS) was also applied in determining the category of enclosed water systems like ponds and lakes. Water samples were taken from sampling stations at Besut Campus Lake and undergo in – situ and ex–situ analyses involving nine physicochemical parameters. In addition, heavy metal analyses were conducted in the laboratory according to American Public Health Association (APHA) methods. Based on the research conducted, Besut Campus Lake was classified as Class Ⅱ with an index value of 78.23 from the Malaysia Water Quality Index (MWQI), which means recreational activities can be conducted within the lake area involving body contact. Meanwhile, according to National Lake Water Quality Standard (NLWQS), the water category of Besut Campus Lake can be categorised as Category B, which means recreational activities with secondary body contact. Further in-depth analyses involving other microbiological parameters should be carried out before the water can be recommended for primary contact recreation such as swimming

    Prototype Design of Rainwater Harvesting and Solar Irrigation System for Small-Scale Farm

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    The current irrigation system at Taman Tanaman Dapur that used by the Faculty of Bioresources and Food Industry (FBIM) is operated manually, and the water source is directly from Syarikat Air Terengganu (SATU). The cost incurred to maintain the current system is expensive therefore, the UniSZA fund for maintenance purpose. By observing these factors, there is an opportunity to improve the irrigation system by utilising the available natural resources in the form of sun and rain, respectively, as a source of energy and water. Thus, the objectives of this project are to design and validate the prototype of rainwater harvesting and solar irrigation system for small scale farm use. By utilising the prototype, it is possible to take advantage of the available natural resources resulting in a technological advancement that optimises the energy usage producing a cost-effective, efficient irrigation system. The prototype design was carried out using a two-dimensional computer-aided design software, AutoCAD. Furthermore, the prototype development was carried out and validated with several readily-available types of equipment in the laboratory as well as equipment that could be obtained by local farmers or individuals. As a result, after going through phases of prototype creations, from the proof of concept, through mock-up testing, and pre-production, it has been well-function as designated.  The value of Gross Irrigation Requirement (GIR) for this study was 308.22 mm/month while the minimum requirement of power production from the solar panel output was 0.552 kWh. More improvement can be made for further development of the prototype by integrating with other technologies such as attach it with moisture sensor and timer for the optimum condition

    Seasonal Variation of Water Quality at Sungai Chanteq and Sungai Dendong

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    Water is important for all the living things as water is one of the components build up in plant, animal and human. Rivers are an important source for domestic, industrial as well as agriculture sector. The aim of this study was to assess the physicochemical and biological parameter from two rivers located at Pasir Akar Farm and Tembila. Water Quality Index (WQI) related to the quality status of the water. From the two sampling stations in different rivers were sampled from December 2017 until March 2018. Eight water quality parameters were analyzed based on in-situ and ex-situ analysis at two different time. According to HACH and American Public Health Association (APHA) methods. A total eight parameters were measured and analyzed for both rivers. Based on Malaysia Water Quality Index (WQI) shows the water quality value for Sungai Dendong 71.56 which is class III and for Sungai Chanteq value is 89.99 which in class II. Based on Water class and guideline of Malaysia, class II water quality need conventional requirement to treat the water while class III need extensive treatment required in order to serve for use in the agricultural sector surround the are

    Night Sky Brightness Assessment in Nigeria Using Environmetric and GIS Technique

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    High anthropogenic activities are rapidly increasing phenomenon and it is assumed to have global implications. In Nigeria, high anthropogenic activities rapidly increase above the standard of the threshold values especially the lighting sources. This increase due to the vastly growing of industries, residential and commercial uses and other sources such as street lighting in urban and semi-urban areas, which can make the night sky brightness in the area above the threshold set for polluted status. The study measures the night sky brightness at the most densely populated urban centers of Nigeria; to estimate and quantify the level of the night sky brightness from the sites nearby the cities of the planned research study. The research monitored the zenith sky brightness from November 2015 to March 2016 using Sky Quality Meter (SQM). However, typical values ranging from 20.14 to 22.00Mag.sqm /arc sec.2 were measured at different sites of the study area. This data recorded in the field was analyzed using Agglomerative Hierarchical Method via Ward’s Methods to cluster our data according to the pollution status of the areas. Result showed three clusters in which class 1 has low pollution; class 2 is moderate while class 3 has the high pollution status. The sites classified in class 3 are more polluted due to the high use of artificial light. However, geographical information system (GIS) software was employed to confirm the results obtained from environ-metric technique and concluded that this result is confirmed to be the same. Hence, it illustrated that sites in cluster 1 have an excellent dark location that can be used to build optical observatory stations and other astronomical observations due to their dark sky

    A preliminary study of marine water quality status using principal component analysis at three selected mangrove estuaries in east coast Peninsular Malaysia

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    This research presents marine water quality status in three different mangrove estuaries. The objective of this study is to evaluate the surface water quality of three estuaries in east coast Peninsular Malaysia. The parameters measured were Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), total dissolved solid (TDS), ammonium (NH4-N), turbidity (TUR), total suspended solid (TSS) and coliform. Monthly sampling was performed during the dry season, from June 2016 until September 2016. Data were analysed using principal component analysis (PCA). PCA yielded two PCs where VF1 forms strong factor loadings for pH, NH4-N, SAL, and TDS signifying saltwater intrusion in mangrove area. VF2 designed strong factors of BOD, TUR and Coliform and strong negative loading of DO indicating anthropogenic pollutions in the area. This study output will be a baseline setting for future studies in mangrove estuary marine water quality. Mangrove marine water samples of future monitoring studies in mangrove estuary will benefit by enabling understanding of pollution loading and coastal water quality. It is essential to plan a workable water quality modelling as powerful tool to simulate marine water quality and forecast future consequences to facilitate mangrove biodiversity conservation

    Identification and Characterization of The Causal Agent of Infected Iceberg Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa L.) in Perak, Malaysia

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    Lack of knowledge about the causal agent of infected crops lead farmers to use wrong treatment on their crops, which is causing negative effects on environment and human’s health. This study was conducted to identify and characterize the causal agent from the infected iceberg lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in Perak, Malaysia. The infected iceberg lettuces were sampling from Perak area and the causal agent was isolated by direct plating technique on a nutrient medium. The isolated bacteria were identified by molecular method and biochemical test. Molecular identification was carried out using 16S rRNA sequence and then, several tests such as amylase, catalase, oxidase and others were done for identification of bacterial species based on their biochemical activities. The obtained results showed that Serratia marcescenes and Stenotrophomonas sp. were identified as the causal agents. The pathogenicity has been confirmed by the establishment of Koch’s Postulate, which showed 100% disease infection on them. The environmental effects also have been tested on the bacteria to study the ability of bacteria to grow in different environmental conditions based on different in pH, salinity, and temperature. All the bacterial sample showed that they able to growth on the pH between 4.0 to 9.0, at the temperature 10 °C to 45 °C and at the addition salinity to the medium between 2.5 %, 5.0% and 7.5 %. Keywords: Stenotrophomonas sp., Serratia sp., lettuce, lettuce diseas