5 research outputs found


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    Higher education is broadly recognized as one of the most significant components of modern social and economic development. The quality of education at a university depends on factors such as how the university is managed, how effective the management decisions are, and what consequences they have for the advancement of society. While the consequences have numerous hardly equitable aspects, this article hypothesizes that it is possible to build a synthetic model for the assessment of university management, that takes into account a full range of existing quantitative and qualitative effects. The study aims to identify the relationship between the quality of management and the performance variables needed to build the model. The research methodology includes the application of econometric analysis for the formation, ranking, and determination of point values of a balanced scorecard (BSC). Finally, the findings of this research led to the creation of a workable model that allows both direct and reverse translation of a quantitative management assessment into a qualitative (verbal) one. Further, the verification using the available empirical data confirmed the model’s validity. We would thus recommend this model for solving a whole range of university management issues, especially in areas with predominant ripple and indirect effects, i.e., in the interaction of higher education entities with regional and local communities. &nbsp

    Economic Ecosystems and Their Classification

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    The most important trends in modern social development are economic convergence and digitalization. It is their interaction that creates new opportunities for increasing competitiveness and efficiency in the framework of joint business of representatives of various segments and sectors of the economy. The main institutional and organizational form of doing business within the framework of intersectoral economic convergence under the influence of digitalization is becoming an ecosystem. The aim of the article is to clarify the concept of an ecosystem as a form of joint business in the context of intersectoral economic convergence and digitalization, as well as to build a classification of ecosystems. The study puts forward the following hypothesis the ecosystem as an institutional and organizational form of running a joint business is the result of the simultaneous influence of intersectoral economic convergence and digitalization on it, and “the connection of the basic product provided to the client by the initiator of the intersectoral economic convergence before the creation of the ecosystem with digital and/or information technology ”can be used for the economic ecosystems classification. The novelty of the approach is the following. Considering an ecosystem as a form of joint business running with the simultaneous impact of economic intersectoral convergence and digitalization on it makes it possible to clarify the concept of an ecosystem, highlight as the ecosystem parameter used to the ecosystem classify and as its main characteristic, the values of which can be used to construct a classification of economic ecosystems

    Degradacija ali regeneracija? Perspektive razvoja stika pristanišča z mestom v Odesi

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    Iskanje najboljše strategije trajnostnega razvoja je glavni cilj lokalnih oblasti in inovativnih urbanistov po vsem svetu. Zaradi različnih pogledov in interesov so posegi na stiku pristanišča z mestom in obsežna regeneracija mestnega nabrežja med najzapletenejšimi urbanističnimi nalogami. Za sodobno mesto ima razvoj pristanišča nedvomno največje ekološke, družbene in prometne posledice in koristi. Največja svetovna morska pristanišča selijo tovorne terminale iz starih mestnih jeder in prevzemajo naprednejše funkcije, ki niso povezane s pomorstvom, projekti, pri katerih je delež zasebnih in javnih površin enakovreden, pa dobivajo čedalje večji zagon. Najopaznejši projekti umikanja tovornih pristanišč iz starih mestnih jeder in regeneracije pristaniških območij potekajo v evropskih mestih. Za boljše razumevanje različnih uporabljenih pristopov so v članku predstavljeni primeri regeneracije pristanišč v Bilbau, Barceloni in Oslu, ki omogočajo vpogled v izkušnje, pridobljene na različnih krajih in v različnih načrtovalskih razmerah. V raziskavi, predstavljeni v tem članku, se avtorja osredotočata na ukrajinsko pristaniško mesto Odesa, pri čemer poskušata določiti najuspešnejšo strategijo razvoja stika pristanišča z mestom v trenutnih gospodarskih in geopolitičnih razmerah. Z združevanjem zamisli in raziskav urbanistov s področja upravljanja, ekonomije in prometne geografije ter upoštevanjem politik in socioloških vidikov prispevata k boljšemu poznavanju in razumevanju te problematike, na podlagi česar se lahko zagotovi trajnostni razvoj obalnih mest držav v razvoju


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    The article discusses the problems and consequences of introducing in national universities effective contract management. The possibilities of using it as a tool for improving the system of remuneration, to motivate teachers to research activities and «harmonization» of the relationship between teachers and administrators. Special attention is given to the description of university management system and the characteristics of universities’ interaction with the academic personnel in terms of improving quality and competitiveness of the faculty in the world market of educational services. The article formulates a set of proposals improving the systems of remuneration and academic contracts for the faculty members at the universities of Russia