28 research outputs found


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    The BRAF oncogene demonstrates a characteristic mutation (V600E) in a significant fraction of cutaneous melanomas, leading to constitutive activation of the MAP kinase pathway. This genetic lesion endows tumor cells with proliferative and survival advantages, and metastatic melanoma patients treated with the BRAF(V600E)-specific inhibitor, Vemurafenib, have shown dramatic clinical responses. Here, I show that BRAF(V600E) induces transcription of the IL-1α and IL-1β genes in both melanocytes and melanoma cell lines and that this upregulation is specifically abrogated by targeted BRAF(V600E) inhibitors. Furthermore, treatment of melanoma tumor-associated fibroblasts (TAFs) with IL-1α/β significantly enhanced the ability of TAFs to suppress the proliferation and function of melanoma antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells. IL-1α/β treatment of TAFs upregulated multiple immunosuppressive factors, including COX-2 and the PD-1 ligands PD-L1 and PD-L2. Specific BRAF(V600E) inhibitors largely abrogated the ability of melanoma cells to confer T cell-suppressive properties on TAFs. These results support a model in which BRAF(V600E) promotes immune suppression in the melanoma tumor environment through an IL-1-mediated mechanism involving resident stromal fibroblasts. Based on these findings, combination therapies involving targeted BRAF inhibition and T cell-based immunotherapies are warranted

    Screening of previously reported microsatellite markers, associated with panicle characteristics, for maker assisted selection in Malaysian rice (Oryza sativa l.)

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    Rice (Oryzasativa L.) is an important crop that vital to the lives of billions of people providing almost 23percent of the calories intake. Most of the yield related traits are quantitative in nature. To improve these traits, quantitatively traits loci (QTL) are needed to be identified. Major QTLs have the tendency to be detected across populations and it mainly depends on high phenotypic variations for respective traits. Panicle characteristics are the main determinant of rice yield. Several investigations related to the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for these traits have been reported. Present studies were carried out to screen the QTLs in Malaysian rice cultivars for the selection of desirable plants through marker assisted breeding. Malaysian rice cultivars were evaluated for three panicle traits; panicle length, number of panicle per plant and number of grains per panicle. Eight microsatellite markers, which have shown association with panicle traits in the literature, were selected to identify the microsatellite loci for panicle traits. Among these microsatellites markers, RM310 distinguished the Malaysian rice varieties based on number of grains per panicle. It is therefore suggested to utilize microsatellite marker RM 310 in molecular screening of rice breeding populations to identify the plant possessing high numbers of grains

    Natural Splice Variant of MHC Class I Cytoplasmic Tail Enhances Dendritic Cell-Induced CD8+ T-Cell Responses and Boosts Anti-Tumor Immunity

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    Dendritic cell (DC)-mediated presentation of MHC class I (MHC-I)/peptide complexes is a crucial first step in the priming of CTL responses, and the cytoplasmic tail of MHC-I plays an important role in modulating this process. Several species express a splice variant of the MHC-I tail that deletes exon 7-encoding amino acids (Δ7), including a conserved serine phosphorylation site. Previously, it has been shown that Δ7 MHC-I molecules demonstrate extended DC surface half-lives, and that mice expressing Δ7-Kb generate significantly augmented CTL responses to viral challenge. Herein, we show that Δ7-Db-expressing DCs stimulated significantly more proliferation and much higher cytokine secretion by melanoma antigen-specific (Pmel-1) T cells. Moreover, in combination with adoptive Pmel-1 T-cell transfer, Δ7-Db DCs were superior to WT-Db DCs at stimulating anti-tumor responses against established B16 melanoma tumors, significantly extending mouse survival. Human DCs engineered to express Δ7-HLA-A*0201 showed similarly enhanced CTL stimulatory capacity. Further studies demonstrated impaired lateral membrane movement and clustering of human Δ7-MHC-I/peptide complexes, resulting in significantly increased bioavailability of MHC-I/peptide complexes for specific CD8+ T cells. Collectively, these data suggest that targeting exon 7-encoded MHC-I cytoplasmic determinants in DC vaccines has the potential to increase CD8+ T-cell stimulatory capacity and substantially improve their clinical efficacy

    Standardized analysis for the quantification of Vbeta CDR3 T-cell receptor diversity.

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    International audienceAssessment of the diversity of the T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoire is often determined by measuring the frequency and distribution of individually rearranged TCRs in a population of T cells. Spectratyping is a common method used to measure TCR repertoire diversity, which examines genetic variation in the third complementarity-determining region (CDR3) region of the TCR Vbeta chain using RT-PCR length-distribution analysis. A variety of methods are currently used to analyze spectratype data including subjective visual measures, qualitative counting measures, and semi-quantitative measures that compare the original data to a standard, control data set. Two major limitations exist for most of these approaches: data files become very wieldy and difficult to manage, and current analytic methods generate data which are difficult to compare between laboratories and across different platforms. Here, we introduce a highly efficient method of analysis that is based upon a normal theoretical Gaussian distribution observed in cord blood and recent thymic emigrants. Using this analysis method, we demonstrate that PBMC obtained from patients with various diseases have skewed TCR repertoire profiles. Upon in vitro activation with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 coated beads (Xcyte Dynabeads) TCR diversity was restored. Moreover, changes in the TCR repertoire were dynamic in vivo. We demonstrate that use of this streamlined method of analysis in concert with a flexible software package makes quantitative assessment of TCR repertoire diversity straightforward and reproducible, enabling reliable comparisons of diversity values between laboratories and over-time to further collaborative efforts. Analysis of TCR repertoire by such an approach may be valuable in the clinical setting, both for prognostic potential and measuring clinical responses to therapy

    Human Late Memory CD8 +

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