51 research outputs found

    Practical-oriented teaching of gifted youth in the field of natural sciences

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. In the article it is presenteds the author's concept of practice-oriented teaching of gifted adolescents to natural-science subjects on the example of chemistry. The main provisions of the concept are substantiated, on the basis of which individual educational trajectories have been developed. The essence of practice-oriented learning is revealed. Particular emphasis is placed on the formation of practical experience in applying theoretical knowledge to solve specific problems

    The UN forum and faculty lecture at NMUN : bringing expertise to MUN simulations

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    © 2015 Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The article is aimed at the development of theoretical and applied model of career guidance work with pupils and vocational college students in the integrated system "school – college – enterprise". The integrative, competence and personality oriented approaches are the main approaches in researching this problem. They were directed at the organization of career guidance work with pupils and vocational college students in the integrated system. The theoretical and applied model of career guidance work with pupils and vocational college students in the integrated system "school – college – enterprise" presented in the article includes the following units: theoretical and methodological, functional and purpose oriented, substantial, technological, methodical and criteria-estimated. Materials of the article can be used by schools teachers and teachers of vocational educational institutions while planning career guidance work at the educational institutions

    Formation of the future engineering chemical elite in lyceums for gifted adolescents at universities

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. It sets out innovations in formation of the future chemical engineering elite in the lyceums for gifted teenagers created at universities. Such as Small Chemical Institute, professorial lectures, professorial schools, professorial mentoring, regular trips to the enterprises of petrochemical complex of Tatarstan, the scientific community lyceum students. The results of additional education in chemistry are presented in the form of convincing victories lyceum students at the various olympiads and conferences


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    Introduction. Ovarian cancer is characterized by complex diagnostics and flow forecasting, which makes it important to search for prognostic criteria. However, the prognostic significance of some factors has not yet been studied.The purpose of the study: to identify the features of immune response in the localization of metastases in the large omentum in ovarian cancer.Tasks: to reveal the pathomorphological features of the cellular immune response to metastases in the large omentum in patients with ovarian cancer II–III stages; to conduct histomorphometry of elements of the immune system in the area of metastases.Material and methods. The study was carried out on the biomaterial of the large omentum of 94 women with ovarian cancer II–III stage. The measurements were carried out on paraffin sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin and included evaluation of the following parameters: the number of lymphocytes in the field of view at the border and away from the tumor, the continuity of the lymphocyte shaft at the border with the tumor, the number of neutrophils on the border with the tumor, the presence of plasmocytes on the border with tumor. The preparations were studied and photographed under a microscope with a microscope-microvision mVizo-103 and a microscope Micromed 3.The results. Observed 94 patients with stage II–III ovarian cancer. Over the three-year follow-up period, the disease-free survival rate was 79.8%. A total of 64 patients with stage III disease were observed. A recurrence-free survival rate among patients with stage III ovarian cancer was 74.32%. Without relapse during the follow-up period, those patients were found whose lymphocytes formed a continuous shaft at the border with the tumor, their number in the field of view ×200 was 400 or more, the plasmocytes were present in the composition of the shaft, and the neutrophils were absent or few.The conclusion. A detailed histological study to quantify and qualitatively determine the severity of lymphoid elements of the large omentum allowed an indirect assessment of the state of the immune system and the probability of an unfavorable outcome in patients with ovarian neoplasia. Введение. Рак яичников отличается затрудненными диагностикой и прогнозированием течения, что делает актуальным поиск прогностических критериев. Однако прогностическое значение некоторых факторов до сих пор не изучено.Цель исследования: выявить особенности клеточной иммунной реакции в местах локализации метастазов в большой сальник при раке яичников.Задачи: выявить патоморфологические особенности иммунной реакции на метастазы в большом сальнике у больных раком яичников II–III стадий; провести гистоморфометрию элементов иммунной системы в области метастазов.Материал и методы исследования. Исследовался большой сальник 94 женщин больных раком яичников II–III стадий. Измерения проводились на парафиновых срезах, окрашенных гематоксилином и эозином, оценивали параметры: количество лимфоцитов в поле зрения на границе и на удалении от опухоли, непрерывность лимфоцитарного вала на границе с опухолью, количество нейтрофилов на границе с опухолью, наличие плазмоцитов на границе с опухолью. Применялся микроскоп-микровизор mVizo-103 и микроскоп «Микромед 3».Результаты и их обсуждение. Наблюдались 94 больных раком яичников II–III стадий. За трехлетний период наблюдения безрецидивная выживаемость составила 79,8%. Всего наблюдалось 64 больных с III стадией заболевания. Безрецидивная выживаемость среди пациенток с III стадией рака яичников составила 74,32%. Без рецидива за время наблюдения находились те больные, у которых лимфоциты образовывали непрерывный вал на границе с опухолью, их количество в поле зрения ×200 составляло 400 и более, в составе вала имелись плазмоциты, а нейтрофилы отсутствовали или немногочисленны.Заключение: гистологическое исследование большого сальника позволяло косвенно оценить состояние иммунной системы и вероятность неблагоприятного исхода у больных с неоплазией яичников.

    Superplastic behavior of fine-grained Al-Mg-Li alloy

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    The superplastic behavior of fine-grained 1420 Al-Mg-Li alloy was investigated using a modern electron microscopy technique based on automatic analysis of electron backscattered diffraction patterns (EBSD analysis

    Subclinical markers of liver damage in patients with arterial hypertension and obesity

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    Aim. To investigate the possibility of preclinical detection of liver damage in patients with hypertension and obesity. Materials and methods. The study included 168 patients with hypertension aged 30 to 60 years. All patients underwent general clinical and laboratory-instrumental examination, including ultrasound of the abdominal organs with Doppler assessment of blood flow and determination of markers such as ALT, AST, TG, lipid profile indicators at inclusion, after a month, three months and nine months. Results. Depending on the presence of obesity, all patients with hypertension were divided into two groups. Obese patients had a statistically significant increase in office blood pressure, FSI, the ratio of TG and LDL-C to HDL-C, a more significant higher average levels of glucose, TG and ALT levels, as well as impaired hepatic blood flow according to ultrasound. Conclusion. Indicators of FSI, ALT/AST ratio, ratio of TG and LDL-С to HDL-C as well as assessment of hepatic blood flow indicators can be used for early diagnosis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, as they predict liver steatosis

    Serum cytokine signature that discriminates Helicobacter pylori positive and negative juvenile gastroduodenitis

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    © 2016 Khaiboullina, Abdulkhakov, Khalikova, Safina, Martynova, Davidyuk, Khuzin, Faizullina, Lombardi, Cherepnev and Rizvanov.Gastroduodenitis caused by H. pylori, often acquired in early childhood, is found in about 50% of the adult population. Although H. pylori infections can remain asymptomatic, its virulence factors usually trigger epithelial vacuolization and degeneration, loss of microvilli, disintegration of cytoplasm, and leukocyte accumulation. It is believed that leukocyte infiltration is driven by cytokines produced locally in infected tissue. However, so far little is known about changes in serum cytokines in juvenile patients infected with H. pylori. Serum cytokine profiles were analyzed in 62 juvenile patients diagnosed with gastroduodenitis using the Bio-Plex multiplex assay. H. pylori infection was confirmed in 32 patients, while 30 patients were H. pylori-free. Cytokines CXCL5 and CXCL6, potent neutrophil chemoattractants, were upregulated in all patients diagnosed with gastroduodenitis. Serum levels of IL8, a prototype neutrophil attractant, remained unchanged in subjects with gastroduodenitis relative to controls. Therefore, our data suggest that CXCL5 and CXCL6 play a role in directing neutrophil trafficking into inflamed gastroduodenal tissue. In addition, the CCL25/GM-CSF ratio differed significantly between H. pylori-positive and -negative juveniles. Further, study is needed to evaluate the role of CCL25 and GM-CSF in the pathogenesis of the different etiologies of gastroduodenitis

    Allergy-Clinical characteristics of children with asthma in the Republic of Bashkortostan

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    The characteristic of allergy-clinical status of children with bronchial asthma. A clinical, functional, immunological, allergy screening, evaluating the degree of asthma control. Noted the possible impact of smoking on lung function of respondents. Correlation between the values of AST-test, the level of bronchial lability and speed performance of the airway.Дана характеристика клинико-аллергологического статуса детей с бронхиальной астмой. Проведено клиническое, функциональное, иммунологическое, аллергологическое обследование, дана оценка степени контроля над бронхиальной астмой. Отмечено возможное влияние курения на показатели функции внешнего дыхания респондентов. Выявлены корреляционные связи между значениями АСТ-теста, уровнем бронхиальной лабильности и скоростными показателями проходимости дыхательных путей

    Сравнение эффективности и токсичности афлиберцепта и бевацизумаба в комбинации с режимом FOLFIRI во 2‑й линии лечения пациентов с метастатическим раком толстой кишки: ретроспективный анализ многоцентрового исследования

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    Objective: to compare the efficacy and toxicity of aflibercept and bevacizumab in combination with fOLfIRI in secondline therapy for patients with metastatic colon cancer.Materials and methods. we performed a retrospective analysis of data on patients with metastatic colon cancer treated in 9 clinics in the Russian federation. The inclusion criteria were as follows: metastatic or locally advanced colon cancer; treatment with bevacizumab or aflibercept plus fOLfIRI in the second-line therapy. The primary outcome measure was progression-free survival (PfS). Secondary outcome measures included objective response rate and incidence of adverse events.Results. A total of 271 patients with metastatic colon cancer who received second-line therapy with bevacizumab (n = 81) or aflibercept (n = 190) between 2014 and 2018 were selected for this study. Study groups were matched for main prognostic signs. The objective response rate was 18.1 % in the bevacizumab group and 20.5 % in the aflibercept group (p = 0.7). The median PfS was 5 months (95 % confidence interval 3.8–6.1) in the aflibercept group and 7 months (95 % confidence interval 0.81–2.1) in the bevacizumab group (hazard ratio 1.4; 95 % confidence interval 0.99–2.1; p = 0.04). multivariate regression analysis demonstrated that the type of the targeted drug independently had no effect on PfS (hazard ratio 1.3; 95 % confidence interval 0.9–1.9; p = 0.2). we observed no statistically significant differences in the incidence of complications of any grades between the groups (58 % vs 72 %, p = 0.1). Patients receiving aflibercept were more likely to develop grade III–Iv arterial hypertension (2 % vs 9.5 %) and diarrhea (0 % vs 5.4 %), whereas thrombotic complications were more common in the bevacizumab group (10 % vs 1.8 %).Conclusion. we observed no significant differences in objective response rate and PfS between patients with metastatic colon cancer receiving bevacizumab or aflibercept in combination with fOLfIRI as second-line therapy. The toxicity profiles were different. Our findings can be used for choosing an optimal targeted drug for second-line treatment.Цель исследования – сравнение эффективности и токсичности афлиберцепта и бевацизумаба в комбинации с режимом fOLfIRI во 2-й линии лечения пациентов с метастатическим раком толстой кишки.Материалы и методы. Проведен ретроспективный анализ базы данных пациентов с метастатическим раком толстой кишки в рамках наблюдательного исследования работы 9 клиник РФ. Критерии включения в исследование: больные метастатическим или местно-распространенным раком толстой кишки; проведение терапии с включением бевацизумаба или афлиберцепта в комбинации с режимом fOLfIRI во 2-й линии лечения. Основной критерий эффективности – выживаемость без прогрессирования (ВбП). дополнительные критерии: частота объективных эффектов, частота развития нежелательных явлений.Результаты. Отобран 271 пациент с метастатическим раком толстой кишки, которым в 2014–2018 гг. проводилась 2-я линия терапия с включением бевацизумаба (n = 81) и афлиберцепта (n = 190). группы статически значимо не различались по основным прогностическим признакам. частота объективных эффектов составила 18,1 % в группе бевацизумаба и 20,5 % в группе афлиберцепта (р = 0,7). медиана ВбП составила 5 мес (95 % доверительный интервал 3,8–6,1) в группе афлиберцепта и 7 мес (95 % доверительный интервал 0,81–2,1) в группе бевацизумаба (отношение рисков 1,4; 95 % доверительный интервал 0,99–2,1; р = 0,04). многофакторный регрессионный анализ не подтвердил независимого влияния характера таргетного препарата на ВбП (отношение рисков 1,3; 95 % дИ 0,9–1,9; р = 0,2). Не отмечено статистически значимых различий в частоте развития осложнений всех степеней (58 % против 72 %, р = 0,1); среди негематологических осложнений артериальная гипертензия III–Iv степени (2 % против 9,5 %) и диарея (0 % против 5,4 %) чаще наблюдались в группе афлиберцепта, тромботические осложнения чаще наблюдались в группе бевацизумаба (10 % против 1,8 %).Выводы. Не отмечено статистически значимых различий между бевацизумабом и афлиберцептом в сочетании с режимом fOLfIRI во 2-й линии терапии пациентов с метастатическим раком толстой кишки ни в отношении достижения объективного эффекта, ни в отношении ВбП. Профили токсических реакций были различными. Полученные данные можно учитывать при выборе таргетного препарата во 2-й линии терапии