249 research outputs found

    Environmental Efficiency Analysis of Basmati Rice Production in Punjab, Pakistan: Implications for Sustainable Agricultural Development

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    The intensive use of chemicals worked as a catalyst to shift the production frontier but the most critical factor of maintaining a clean environment was totally ignored. The present study attempts to estimate the environmental efficiency of rice production by employing the translog stochastic production frontier approach. The data are collected from five major Basmati rice growing districts (Gujranwala, Sheikupura, Sialkot, Hafizabad, and Jhang) of Punjab in 2006. Chemical weedicides and nitrogen are treated as environmentally detrimental inputs. The mean technical efficiency index is sufficiently high (89 percent) but the environmental efficiency index of chemical weedicides alone is 14 percent while the joint environmental efficiency index of chemical weedicides and nitrogen is 24 percent implying that joint environmental efficiency is higher than chemical weedicide alone. It indicates that substantial reduction (86 percent) in chemical weedicide use is possible with higher level of productivity. Moreover, it is likely to contribute a considerable decrease in environmental pollution which is expected to enhance the performance of agriculture labour. The reduction in chemical weedicides will save Rs 297 per acre and Rs 1307.3 million over all from the rice crop in Punjab, improving the profitability of rice growing farmers by the same proportion. Empirical analysis indicates that reduction in environmental pollution together with higher level of profitability in rice production is achievable.Rice Production, Environmental Efficiency, Weedicide, Fertiliser (NPK), Stochastic Translog Frontier

    The Effect of Supply Chain Integration, Management Commitment, and Sustainable Supply Chain Practices on Non-profit Organizations Performance Using SEM-FsQCA: Empirical Evidence in Afghanistan

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    This study investigates the impact of supply chain integration, management commitment, and sustainable supply chain practices on non-profit organization performance. The research, centered on non-profit organizations in Afghanistan, employs Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (FsQCA) to untangle intricate connections, involving a sample size of 169 participants. The findings suggest that integrating the supply chain positively affects sustainable practices, emphasizing the role of consistent integration in enhancing overall performance. Moreover, higher management commitment leads to improved supply chain performance. Additionally, supply chain challenges significantly influence non-profit performance, underscoring the importance of efficient supply chain management in enhancing overall organizational performance. The FSQCA of Non-Profit Organization Performance (NPOS) identified critical factors contributing to positive outcomes, including Supply Chain Practice (SSCP) and Management Commitment (MC) with high raw coverage values. The Integration of Supply Chain (SCI) combined with the absence of Supply Chain Challenges (SCC) demonstrated strong links to positive outcomes, highlighting the importance of overcoming challenges within an integrated supply chain framework and providing valuable insights for non-profit organizations

    Firm Level Determinants of Entrepreneurial Success

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    Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study is to determine those factors which contribute to achieve the success at firm level. Methodology: Questionnaire technique is used to determine the performance of the firms. A structured questionnaire is employed to collect data and test the model through snow ball sampling method. Findings: The results of chi-square in all four performance dimensions suggested that these dimensions have strong impact on the performance of the firm's. Limitations and Implications: The research was conducted in particular geographical area. The findings will help managers to put more focus on the mentioned four dimensions and their related variables like innovation, technology, structure, risk, resources, investment plan etc which affect these dimensions. Findings also tell the managers about the factors which are the true determinants of entrepreneurial success at firm level. The fore most limitation of this research is that the sample was collected from the population of Bahawalpur which has limited successful firms. This research may miss some of the key factors because of limited time available to researchers. Value: This study shows that firm's owners and managers should more focus more on firm level determinants like innovation, strategy, technology, structure etc which help to made firm successful. Keywords: entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, E-V-R Congruenc

    Environmental Efficiency Analysis of Basmati Rice Production in Punjab, Pakistan: Implications for Sustainable Agricultural Development

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    The intensive use of chemicals worked as a catalyst to shift the production frontier but the most critical factor of maintaining a clean environment was totally ignored. The present study attempts to estimate the environmental efficiency of rice production by employing the translog stochastic production frontier approach. The data are collected from five major Basmati rice growing districts (Gujranwala, Sheikupura, Sialkot, Hafizabad, and Jhang) of Punjab in 2006. Chemical weedicides and nitrogen are treated as environmentally detrimental inputs. The mean technical efficiency index is sufficiently high (89 percent) but the environmental efficiency index of chemical weedicides alone is 14 percent while the joint environmental efficiency index of chemical weedicides and nitrogen is 24 percent implying that joint environmental efficiency is higher than chemical weedicide alone. It indicates that substantial reduction (86 percent) in chemical weedicide use is possible with higher level of productivity. Moreover, it is likely to contribute a considerable decrease in environmental pollution which is expected to enhance the performance of agriculture labour. The reduction in chemical weedicides will save Rs 297 per acre and Rs 1307.3 million over all from the rice crop in Punjab, improving the profitability of rice growing farmers by the same proportion. Empirical analysis indicates that reduction in environmental pollution together with higher level of profitability in rice production is achievable. JEL classification: N5, O13 Keywords: Rice Production, Environmental Efficiency, Weedicide, Fertiliser (NPK), Stochastic Translog Frontie


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    Penelitian ini mengkaji pemutusan kontrak komersial di Afghanistan dan Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggali implikasi hukum pemutusan kontrak di Afghanistan dan Indonesia, memberikan wawasan berharga bagi praktisi, pembuat kebijakan, dan akademisi hukum komersial. Afghanistan dan Indonesia memiliki sistem hukum yang berbeda, terbentuk oleh sejarah, budaya, dan politik masing-masing. Meskipun keduanya mengakui hukum Islam, Afghanistan memiliki lanskap yang berbeda dengan latar belakang sosial politik yang rumit dan iklim ekonomi yang berubah dengan cepat. Hukum kontrak komersial berkaitan dengan pembuatan, pelaksanaan, dan penegakan kontrak. Hal tersebut melibatkan kesepakatan antara dua pihak atau lebih untuk pertukaran barang, jasa, atau hak keuntungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan hukum normatif legislatif untuk menganalisis pemutusan kontrak di Afghanistan dan Indonesia, dengan memeriksa kategori hukum, literatur terkait, serta undang-undang dan sumber-sumber otoritatif untuk pemahaman aturan kontrak bisnis. Kontrak komersial di Afghanistan dan Indonesia dapat diputuskan jika berakhir karena force majeure. Di Afghanistan, kontrak dapat dibatalkan jika ditetapkan oleh pengacara tak berwenang, sedangkan di Indonesia, pemutusan kontrak harus diputuskan oleh hakim. Pembatalan kontrak komersial di Afghanistan dan Indonesia bisa menimbulkan kewajiban hukum seperti pengembalian keadaan semula, pembayaran ganti rugi, atau pemulihan kerugian. Konsekuensinya bervariasi tergantung pada faktor kasus dan hukum yang berlaku

    Passive immunization against highly pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) strain H7N3 with antiserum generated from viral polypeptides protect poultry birds from lethal viral infection

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    Our studies were aimed at developing a vaccination strategy that could provide protection against highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (AIV), H7N3 or its variants outbreaks. A purified viral stock of highly pathogenic H7N3 isolate was lysed to isolate viral proteins by electrophresing on 12% sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), followed by their elution from gel through trituration in phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Overall, five isolated viral polypeptides/proteins upon characterization were used to prepare hyperimmune monovalent serum against respective polypeptides independently and a mixture of all five in poultry birds, and specificity confirmation of each antiserum through dot blot and Western blotting. Antiserum generated from various group birds was pooled and evaluated in 2-week old broiler chicken, for its protection against viral challenge. To evaluate in-vivo protection of each antiserum against viral challenges, six groups of 2-week old broiler chicken were injected with antiserum and a seventh control group received normal saline. Each group was exposed to purified highly pathogenic AIV H7N3 strain at a dose 105 embryo lethal dose (ELD50). We observed that nucleoprotein (NP) antiserum significantly protected birds from viral infection induced morbidity, mortality and lowered viral shedding compared with antiserum from individual viral proteins or mixed polypeptides/proteins inclusive of NP component. The capability of individual viral polypeptide specific antisera to protect against viral challenges in decreasing order was nucleoprotein (NP) > hemagglutinin (HA) > neuraminidase (NA) > viral proteins mix > viral polymerase (PM) > non-structural proteins (NS). Our data provide proof of concept for potential utilization of passive immunization in protecting poultry industry during infection outbreaks. Furthermore conserved nature of avian NP makes it an ideal candidate to produce antiserum protective against viral infection

    Relationship of Project Scope, Top Management Support, Skilled and Competent Project Team and Project Manager’s Leadership Qualities with Information Technology Projects

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    The aim of this research is to find out the relationship of Project Scope, Top Management Support, Skilled and Competent Project Team and Project Manager’s Leadership Qualities with Information Technologies Projects. It is widely reported from IT industry that many IT projects fail, this research is going to find out the elements which might be responsible for the failure. The research is based on empirical survey, based on questionnaire. The result shows that there are no relationships between Top Management Support with Information Technologies Projects. All of the other variables have significant relationships with IT Projects. The research results can be used by IT sector organizations and by management in order to decrease the chances of IT projects failure. Keywords: Project Scope (PS), Top Management Support (TMS), Skilled & Competent Project Team (SCPT), Project Manager’s Leadership Qualities (PMLQ) and Information Technologies Projects (ITP)

    Critical Success Factors for IT Projects in the Telecom Sector

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    This research is undertaken to address the critical issue of the high failure rate in IT Projects. The study is focused on the IT Projects in the Telecom Sector. The main reasons for the failure of the IT Projects are studied and then the corresponding success factors analyzed. After in depth study and analysis certain Critical Success Factors for the success of IT Projects in the Telecom Sector are proposed. A theoretical framework model has been developed to test the effect of the various variables on the successful completion of IT Projects in the Telecom Industry. The results and findings from the research will greatly benefit the Telecom industry in successfully completing their IT Projects and deploying their IT infrastructure. Keywords: Project Scope (PS), Top Management Support (TMS), Skilled & Competent Project Team (SCPT), Project Manager’s Leadership Qualities (PMLQ) and Information Technology Project Success (ITPS)

    Survival benefit of surgery in recurrent glioblastoma multiforme

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    There is an ongoing debate regarding role of surgery for recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Older literature hinted at only modest survival benefits with surgery and a high rate of morbidity. However, more recent literature suggests better survival that may be attributed to better surgical techniques and better options in adjuvant treatment. Herein the authors review recent literature with regards to the possible role of surgery in recurrent GBM and also look into the key factors impacting second surgery

    Typologies of didactical strategies and teachers’ pedagogical beliefs : a theoretical review

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    Didactical strategies are one of the most influential vehicles that directly contribute to transforming knowledge. Varying types of didactical approaches are being adopted and implemented in the preparation of future teachers in the initial teacher education set up. The current conceptual paper is based on rigorous literature review on the typologies of didactical strategies adopted in the initial teacher education. The purpose of this conceptual and theoretical study is to evaluate and contrast varying didactical approaches while navigating through literature. The study also aims at exploring the interrelationship of didactical approaches with teacher cognitions i.e., teacher pedagogical beliefs. The methodology of this study based on the selection of six types of didactical strategies by Van De Grift (2007) and to compare and contrast them with other typologies available in literature and to explore the interrelationship with teachers’ pedagogical beliefs. The study concludes that the varying typologies of didactical strategies are being adopted and implemented in the ITE set up and these strategies have strong relationship with teacher’s pedagogical beliefs. The study recommends that the teachers’ cognitions i.e., teachers’ pedagogical beliefs may be included in the curriculum when preparing future teachers in the initial teacher education setting. These findings are substantial for policy makers, curriculum developers, head teachers, and other stakeholders in the initial teacher education
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