1,285 research outputs found

    PP-192 Post-operative infections in coronary artery bypass graft surgeries

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    Introductory Chapter: Historical and Newest Perspectives

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    Educational and Behavioral Disparities among Kindergarten Children and their Peers Who did not enroll in it from the Point of View of the First Grade Teachers in the Light of Some Variables

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    This study aims to know the educational and behavioral differences between kindergarten children and their friends who did not enrolled in kindergarten from point of view of first grade teachers, the total sample of the study consist of 58 first grade teachers. to achieve the goals of the study the analytical descriptive approach  has been used, tool of the study has been developed by the researcher consisting 43 items distributed into four areas were checked by specialist professors. Results indicated that there are educational and behavioral differences in favor of the students who attend the kindergarten, which is presents the important of kindergarten stage Keywords: differences, kindergarten, educational, behavioral. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-4-1

    Clinical and haematological Findings in Sudanese patients With sickle cell disease Attending the hospitals in Elobeid, Kordofan

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    Objectives: This study aimed at assessing the clinical features and haematological parameters in sickler Sudanese patients attending El Obeid Hospitals in North Kordofan, Sudan. Materials and Methods: Eighty five patients with homozygous sickle cell (SS) disease, (both sexes) were included in this study. Their age ranged between 6 months to 42 years. Forty persons were used as control. Clinical manifestations were recorded at examination. Freshly obtained blood samples from patients and control were used to estimate haematological parameters which included: haemoglobin concentration (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV), red blood cell count (RBC), white blood cell count (WBC), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (E.S.R).                Results: The clinical investigations revealed that all patients presented with painful crisis, 96.5% had chronic anemia, 84.7% had recurrent malaria and 81.2% had different infections (76% was chest infection). 32.9% of the sickle cell disease (SCD) patients had no blood transfusion, while the rest had blood transfused once to five times. Haematological measurement indicate that all SCD patients in this study were reported anaemic, and their Hb, PCV and RBC count were significantly lower (P<0.001) compared with the control group, while WBC count and MCV were significantly higher (P<0.001, P<0.01). In this study the prevalence of SCD in Misseria tribe (24.7%) was highest compared to other tribes. Conclusion: This study affirmed the problem of sickle cell disease in Kordofan state, which should draw attention toward the need of further studies

    Comparison Between Gross Errors Detection Methods in Surveying Measurements

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    The least squares estimation method is commonly used to process measurements. In practice, redundant measurements are carried out to ensure quality control and to check for errors that could affect the results. Therefore, an insurance of the quality of these measurements is an important issue. Measurement errors of collected data have different levels of influence due to their number, measured accuracy and redundancy. The aim of this paper is to examine the detection of gross error capabilities in vertical control networks using three methods; Global Test, Data Snooping and Tau Test to compare the effectiveness of these three methods. With the least squares’ method, if there are gross errors in the observations, the sizes of the corresponding residuals may not always be larger than for other residuals that do not have gross errors. This makes it difficult to find (detect) it. Therefore, it is not certain that serious errors should be detected by just examining the magnitudes of the residuals alone. These methods are used in conjunction with developed programs to calculate critical values for the distributions (in real time) rather than look for these in statistical tables. The main conclusion reached is that the tau (τ) statistic is the most sensitive to the presence gross error detection; therefore, it is the one recommended to be used in gross error detection

    The Psychological, Behavioral and Emotional Effects on the Children at the First Three Grades in the Schools of Al Za'tari Camp for Syrian Refugees from the Teachers' Viewpoint

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    The present study aimed to reveal the psychological and behavioral effects of the children in the first three grades in the schools of Za'tari camp for Syrian refugees as a result of wars from the point of view of male and female teachers in the light of some variables. The study used the descriptive analytical method, where the study scale, which is the scale of recognition to estimate the psychological, behavioral and emotional effects on the children of the first three grades in the Za'tari camp for Syrian refugees from the point of view of male and female teachers, the questionnaire consisted of (65) subjects listed according to the Likert (high, medium and low) on the sample consisted of (118) male and female teachers it was of them (56 male teachers and 62 female teachers). The results of the study revealed that the psychological, behavioral and emotional effects on the children of the first three grades of the Syrian refugees in the schools of Zaatari camp as a result of the wars, came high, and that the emotional field came in the first rank, followed in the second rank the behavioral field. As the results showed that there are no statistical differences in the fields of psychological, behavioral and emotional effects, of the sample individuals due to gender and scientific qualification variables. While statistical differences were observed between the average estimates of sample members on all areas of psychological behavioral and emotional effects due to the variable years of experience for the benefit of individuals with experience of more than (10) years. Keywords: Behavioral psychological effects, Emotional Psychological effects, first three grades, Za'tari Camp, Syrian refugees

    Productive Performance of F1- (Damascus Goat × Desert) under Traditional Management in North Kordofan

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    This study carried out in North Kordofan state, Western Sudan (latitudes 12:15-16:32 N and longitudes 27-32 E), during the period Feb 2018 - Aug 2021 to assessment the productive and reproductive performance of crossed F1 (Desert× Damascus) under the traditional management systems, to evaluate adaptation of crossed to environmental conditions of study area, to study milk production of the crossed goats. 44 females crossed goat F1 (Damascus×Desert goat) were selected at weaning age. Two mature Damascus bucks were used in the experiment all animals were identified using ear tags and treated against external and internal parasites. All animals will set free during the day and kept in closed pen during the night. The behavior of the animals and the adaptation on the environment was observed and recorded in addition to any problems like disease; Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, software package (SPSS, V23, 2017). In this study, the Damascus Bucks were severely affected under the conditions of nature grazing and suffered from parasites and high temperature, Bucks have died as a result of tick fever according to Anatomical symptoms, The parameters of dams varied according to litter size, Females were born as a single reached puberty at (278.2±7 days) with body weight of 20.01 kg while the twins females was puberty age (291.6±9 days), and weight was 16.91kg , The average lactation period was 120 days with average total milk production of 40.46± 1.74 kg, this study conclude that the crossed Females are late in sexual maturity, So The genetic cross as a way to improve the herd without taking into account environmental conditions does not lead to the desired results.&nbsp

    Improvement of the operation and safety of nuclear power plants

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    This study investigated the importance of heating processes within a nuclear power plant. The application of Fourier’s law of heat conduction enables determining temperature distributions within the nuclear fuel rods. In contrast, convective cooling occurs on the road surface. The coolant, cladding, and fuel temperature distributions through a reactor are determined. In addition to heat transfer in the reactor core, some power plants engage heat exchangers to produce steam that is fed to a turbine-generator to produce electricity. Thermal power plants reject condenser heat to the environment through mechanisms such as cooling towers as according to a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics. These investigations provide a possible modeling approach and load the following control strategies for problematic nuclear power plants to provide an assessment of the concept designs. A load frequency control strategy and average temperature control mechanism are studied to get load following nuclear power plants. This study reports on the development and analysis of some novel versions and approximations of the fractional-order (FO) point reactor kinetics model for a nuclear reactor with slab geometry. These models evolve from the FO point reactor kinetics model, which has been derived from the FO Neutron Telegraph Equation for the neutron transport considering the subdiffusive neutron transport. This study also proposes a water level control system for a nuclear steam generator (SG). The control system consists of a feedback controller and a feedforward controller. The feedback controller comprised in the first order, the feedforward controller is of second order, and parameters of the two controllers are linked with the parameters of plant model; thus scheduling is easily implemented in practice. A model was developed for the thermal analysis of closed feedwater heaters in which wet steam is extracted from the steam turbine (and piped into the heater). Application of this model is of relevance to nuclear power plant diagnostics where the fluid flowing through the steam turbine is wet steam