464 research outputs found

    Bertolotti's Syndrome , An Important Etiology of Low Back Pain On X ray Lumbo-sacral Spine Among Young Population

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    Objective:  To find out frequency of Bertolotti’s syndrome on X–ray lumbosacral spine in young adults having low backache.Methodology:This is retrospective descriptive cross sectional study done in Radiology Department POF hospital Wah Cantt, from Nov 2017 to Oct 2019. Sample size was 600 X-ray lumbosacral spine of patients with low back pain between 15-40 years of age. 200 cases with history of trauma were excluded. Data analysis of 400 included cases was done by SPSS-22. Percentage of etiologies of low backache, lumbosacral transitional vertebra (LSTV), Bertolotti’s syndrome and Castellvi types of LSTV was calculated. Mean age with SD and percentage of gender distribution among cases of Bertolotti’s syndrome was calculated.Results: Among 400 patients, 120 (30%) had LSTV, 264 (66%)  had muscle spasm, 6(1.5%) had Pott’s disease and 10 (2.5%) had spinal metastasis. 120 patients with LSTV, 32 ( 26.6%)  had Bertolotti’s syndrome and 88(73.3%) had normal transverse processes. Mean age with Bertolotti syndrome was 29.96+0.417 years. 20 patients (62%, n=32) were female and 12 (37.5%, n=32) were male. Among 32 patients with Bertolotti’s syndrome, 4 (12.5%) were Castellvi type–I, 10 (31.25%) were Castellvi type-II, 12 (37.5%) were Castellvi type-III and 6 (18.7%) were Castellvi type- IV.Conclusion: Bertolotti’s syndrome is a frequently observed etiology of backache in young patients. Importance of imaging is not only in the diagnosis but also in identification and exact enumeration of LSTV, to avoid unintended level treatment

    Um estudo da relação causal de autonomia no trabalho, apoio social e intenção de rotatividade

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    Boredom at workplace is a negative well-being displayed by both blue and white collar employees who had lost their passion and value towards jobs under non stimulating working environment. Yet, there are limited studies in this area. Scholars had constantly associated boredom with negative working performance such as job dissatisfaction, high absenteeism, poor health condition and low organizational commitment. However, the association with turnover intention remains debatable. In Pakistan, the turnover intention among academicians of universities are in critical stage ever since year 2015. Although the Higher Education Commission Pakistan recognize the potential of private universities in supporting Pakistan to improve education in the countries, this issue remains unsolved which may jeopardize the success. Therefore, this study put forward the antecedents and consequence of boredom at workplace under a single model which includes the investigation of job autonomy, social support, and turnover intention among academicians. A quantitative study was conducted by obtaining data from 279 academicians working for 25 private universities in Lahore an Islamabad. The results showed that job autonomy was not significantly associated with turnover intention because job autonomy has no association with boredom at the first place. In contrast, social support was negatively associated with boredom which led to positive association with turnover intention. Moreover, the result confirmed the presence of boredom as mediator upon bootstrapping. It is suggested that private universities shall motivate academicians to actively participate in trainings, conferences, and seminars as the opportune time can be used to build good rapport among them.El aburrimiento en el lugar de trabajo es un bienestar negativo que muestran tanto los empleados de cuello azul como los de clase blanca que han perdido su pasión y valor hacia los empleos en un entorno laboral no estimulante. Sin embargo, hay estudios limitados en esta área. Los académicos han asociado constantemente el aburrimiento con el desempeño laboral negativo, como la insatisfacción laboral, el alto ausentismo, la mala condición de salud y el bajo compromiso organizacional. Sin embargo, la asociación con la intención de rotación sigue siendo discutible. En Pakistán, la intención de rotación entre los académicos de las universidades se encuentra en una etapa crítica desde el año 2015. Aunque la Comisión de Educación Superior de Pakistán reconoce el potencial de las universidades privadas para ayudar a Pakistán a mejorar la educación en los países, este problema sigue sin resolverse, lo que puede poner en peligro el éxito.. Por lo tanto, este estudio expuso los antecedentes y las consecuencias del aburrimiento en el lugar de trabajo bajo un modelo único que incluye la investigación de la autonomía laboral, el apoyo social y la intención de cambio entre los académicos. Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo mediante la obtención de datos de 279 académicos que trabajan en 25 universidades privadas en Lahore y Islamabad. Los resultados mostraron que la autonomía laboral no se asoció significativamente con la intención de la rotación, ya que la autonomía laboral no tiene ninguna asociación con el aburrimiento en primer lugar. En contraste, el apoyo social se asoció negativamente con el aburrimiento, lo que llevó a una asociación positiva con la intención de la rotación. Además, el resultado confirmó la presencia de aburrimiento como mediador en el arranque. Se sugiere que las universidades privadas motiven a los académicos a participar activamente en capacitaciones, conferencias y seminarios, ya que el momento oportuno se puede utilizar para establecer una buena relación entre ellos.O tédio no local de trabalho é um bem-estar negativo exibido por funcionários de colarinho azul e branco que perderam a paixão e o valor para empregos em ambiente de trabalho não estimulante. No entanto, existem estudos limitados nesta área. Os acadêmicos associaram constantemente o tédio ao desempenho negativo do trabalho, como insatisfação no trabalho, alto absenteísmo, condições de saúde precárias e baixo comprometimento organizacional. No entanto, a associação com a intenção de rotatividade continua a ser discutível. No Paquistão, a intenção de rotatividade entre acadêmicos de universidades está em fase crítica desde 2015. Embora a Comissão de Educação Superior do Paquistão reconheça o potencial das universidades privadas em apoiar o Paquistão para melhorar a educação nos países, esta questão permanece sem solução, o que pode comprometer o sucesso. Portanto, este estudo apresenta os antecedentes e conseqüências do tédio no local de trabalho sob um único modelo que inclui a investigação da autonomia do trabalho, apoio social e intenção de rotatividade entre os acadêmicos. Um estudo quantitativo foi realizado através da obtenção de dados de 279 acadêmicos que trabalham para 25 universidades privadas em Lahore e Islamabad. Os resultados mostraram que a autonomia do trabalho não estava significativamente associada à intenção de rotatividade, porque a autonomia do trabalho não tem nenhuma associação com o tédio em primeiro lugar. Em contraste, o apoio social foi negativamente associado ao tédio, o que levou a uma associação positiva com a intenção de rotatividade. Além disso, o resultado confirmou a presença do tédio como mediador no bootstrapping. Sugere-se que as universidades privadas motivem os acadêmicos a participar ativamente de treinamentos, conferências e seminários, já que o momento oportuno pode ser usado para construir um bom relacionamento entre eles

    Maternal and fetal outcome in pregnancy with heart disease in tertiary care hospital in India

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    Background: Cardiac disease is an important cause of maternal mortality and morbidity both in antepartum and postpartum period. The overall incidence of heart disease in pregnancy is <1%. Objective of present study was to determine maternal outcome in pregnant women with heart diseases in terms of fetal complication, maternal complication and Mode of delivery.Methods: This study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Government Lalla Ded Hospital, an associated of Government Medical College, Srinagar which is the sole tertiary care referral centre in the valley. 90 women with heart disease which were previously established   or diagnosed during pregnancy were enrolled in the study.Results: In 90 women pregnancies was complicated by heart disease in the study. The prevalence of heart disease amongst all pregnancies found in hospital was 4.3%. The principal cause of cardiac lesion was Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) (56.6%) while congenital heart disease was seen in 13.3%. Among the women who had RHD, mitral stenosis seen in 21 (23.3%) was most common lesion and Multiple cardiac lesions 21 (24.4%) women. Among the women with congenital cardiac disease, mitral valve prolapse was most common constituting 5 (5%) cases. Cardiomyopathy was the most common constituting 7 (7.3%). Heart failure developed in 10 (11.1%) whose NYHA class changed from class I/II to class III/IV. Majority of the women delivered by caesarean section 33 (36.7%) while (35.6%) had a normal vaginal delivery with spontaneous onset of labour. 7% had assisted instrumental vaginal delivered.  9% women had first trimester abortion. There were 4 maternal deaths. 85.6% live births were observed in these women. No baby had congenital heart disease.  72.8% babies born weighed more than 2kg.Conclusions: This study concluded that pre- pregnancy diagnosis, counselling, appropriate referral, antenatal supervision and delivery at equipped centre improve the pregnancy with heart disease outcome for both mother and baby

    Drying kinetics of potato using a self-designed cabinet dryer

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    Abstract: A laboratory scale cabinet dryer was constructed with an attached weighing balance to calculate changes in the weight of the product without removing it from the dryer. Experiments were conducted to study the effect of process parameters (temperature and thickness) on the drying kinetics of potato. It was observed that the drying process was characterised by a decrease in the moisture ratio with time and showed a non-linear behaviour. No constant rate drying period in the entire process was obtained and all the drying process occurred in the falling rate period, showing that drying in this experiment was mainly controlled by diffusion mechanism. Initially, a higher drying rate was obtained followed by slower moisture removal rate. Increased drying rate and decreased drying time were observed with increase in the dryer temperature

    Blindness in children at the Ida Rieu school for the blind and deaf

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    Objective: To identify the causes of blindness at the Ida Rieu school for the blind and deaf, Karachi, Pakistan.Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted at the Ida Rieu School for the blind and deaf. The data collected from medical record of students was entered into the WHO/PBL eye examination form for children with blindness and low vision.Results: Records of 144 pupils aged between 4-30 years were reviewed, including 67% males and 33% females. One third (31%) children had visual impairment (\u3c 6/18-6/60) and 69% were blind (\u3c 3/60-NPL). The commonest anatomical site was retina (41%) and whole globe (20%). The etiology was unknown in 49% cases. In 33% of cases, the data suggested hereditary cause as the etiology, 40% of cases were preventable and 13% treatable.CONCLUSION: Avoidable causes of blindness were seenin 53% of children, 58% of which were preventable and 19 were treatable

    Predictors of Outcome of Bronchiolitis in Children Using Children Hospital of Wisconsin Respiratory Score: An Experience of a Tertiary Care Hospital

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    Objective: To study the correlation of CHWR score and its various clinical markers with the length of stay in hospital bronchiolitis. Study Design: Cross-sectional analytical study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Pediatrics Combined Military Hospital, Lahore Pakistan, from Nov 2018 to Apr 2019. Methodology: This study included children aged 2 to 24 months, clinically diagnosed with bronchiolitis. The Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) was used to determine the discriminative validity of the CHWR score in predicting the length of stay. Results: One hundred thirty-eight children of either gender were enrolled in the study. The median age of the study population was 10.8 (9) months. ROC curve showed significant discriminate validity of CHWR score and its component criterion on admission. CHWR score of >10.5 predicted a longer stay (>24 hours) in ICU. Pearson correlation showed a statistically significant positive correlation between CHWR score at admission and length of stay (r=0.831, p=<0.001). Conclusion: CHWR scoring system on admission is an easy, safe and effective way to classify bronchiolitis severity and thus help predict the length of stay

    Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerves Injuries Based on Etiology and Site

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    Objective; To determine the brachial plexus and peripheral nerves injuries based on etiology and site.Materials and Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted at neurosurgery department of lady Reading hospital Peshawar from 1st January 2011 to 30th June 2012 with total 1½ year duration. After taking consent from ethical research committee operative records of all those patients were started to document who were admitted in the mentioned duration with brachial plexus and peripheral nerves injuries and documentation was done according to the preformed proforma including age, sex, etiology, type of nerve, site of injury according to operative findings while excluding neuropathies due to compression, metabolic, immunologic causes. Data was analyzed from different angles by SPSS software.Results: Total 36 patients were included in this study in which 28 were males and 8 were females having age distribution of 10 in first 2 decades, 14 in 3rd decade and remaining 12 patients in 4th – 7th decades. Among 36 cases of peripheral nerves injuries 22 were in upper limbs, 12 in lower limbs and right and left side distribution was equal while the most common cause was fire arm injuries followed by injuries due to the sharp objects .Based on location and nerve involvement the ulnar nerve injury at the wrist joint was most common followed by common peroneal nerve injury at popliteal fossa then sciatic nerve at gluteal region.Conclusion: Brachial plexus and peripheral nerves injuries occurs mostly due to FAI and sharp objects. in upper limbs Ulnar nerve at wrist joint while in lower limbs common peroneal nerve at popliteal fossa are most commonly injured


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    Las trematodiasis zoonóticas han surgido a un ritmo rápido y frecuente con un importante costo humano y financiero. La más importante y conocida zoonosis humana causada por trematodos, que afectan al hígado es la fasciolosis. El presente trabajo ha sido realizado para tener una revisión exhaustiva de la extensa bibliografía sobre la fasciolosis en detalle que está aumentando rápidamente en incidencia y alcance geográfico. Las razones para el aumento de la infección por Fasciola spp son probablemente multifactoriales. El uso de la parasitoproteómica como un poderoso enfoque experimental, y sus potenciales beneficios para la biología de trematodos también se examinan en relación con el control futuro de las infecciones por trematodos en animales y en seres humanos. El objetivo es hacer a los jóvenes investigadores más vigilantes sobre la importancia de esta temática crítica. Los esfuerzos mundiales para ampliar la planificación conjunta, el intercambio de información, y el apoyo financiero a una serie de esfuerzos mundiales encaminados a la detección, verificación y respuesta son cada vez más importantes. El fracaso por perseguir estos objetivos conjuntamente con un enfoque equilibrado, ya han contribuido a nuevas, a re-emergentes, y a agentes etiológicos resistentes terapéuticamente causantes de fasciolosis. La actual revisión resalta la necesidad de investigación básica de laboratorio para actualizar los conocimientos sobre la fasciolosis zoonótica