202 research outputs found

    A Microwave Imaging Procedure for Lung Lesion Detection: Preliminary Results on Multilayer Phantoms

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    In this work, a feasibility study for lung lesion detection through microwave imaging based on Huygens’ principle (HP) has been performed using multilayer oval shaped phantoms mimicking human torso having a cylindrically shaped inclusion simulating lung lesion. First, validation of the proposed imaging method has been performed through phantom experiments using a dedicated realistic human torso model inside an anechoic chamber, employing a frequency range of 1–5 GHz. Subsequently, the miniaturized torso phantom validation (using both single and double inclusion scenarios) has been accomplished using a microwave imaging (MWI) device, which operates in free space using two antennas in multi-bistatic configuration. The identification of the target’s presence in the lung layer has been achieved on the obtained images after applying both of the following artifact removal procedures: (i) the “rotation subtraction” method using two adjacent transmitting antenna positions, and (ii) the “ideal” artifact removal procedure utilizing the difference between received signals from unhealthy and healthy scenarios. In addition, a quantitative analysis of the obtained images was executed based on the definition of signal to clutter ratio (SCR). The obtained results verify that HP can be utilized successfully to discover the presence and location of the inclusion in the lung-mimicking phantom, achieving an SCR of 9.88 dB

    Evaluation of Radicular Dentin Thickness of Danger Zone in Mandibular First Molars

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    Objective: Better understanding of the furcation anatomy may serve to decrease the risk of root perforation. The purpose of this study was to measure the thickness of root walls in the danger zone in mandibular first molars.Materials and Methods: The roots of 53 extracted human mandibular first molars were sectioned in the horizontal plane 4 mm below the orifice of the mesial and distal root canals.For each cut surface buccal, lingual, mesial, and distal thickness of the root wall wasmeasured. Mean values of the thickness at each location were calculated and compared by ANOVA and t-test.Results: The results showed that the mean thickness in the distal portion of the mesial root was smaller in comparison to all other portions of the roots (P<0.05) and this difference was statistically significant except for the mesial portion of the distal root (P=0.463). The mean thickness of radicular dentin at the distal aspect of mesial roots was 1.2 millimeter.Conclusion: Our study suggests that knowledge of the root dentin thickness in the danger zone is essential for preventing endodontic mishaps leading to failure

    A phylogeny analysis on six mullet species (Teleosti: Mugillidae) using PCR-sequencing method

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    In this study, genetic differences and phylogenic relationships among six Mugillidae species (Mugil cephalus, M. capito, Liza subviridis, L. saliens, L. aurata, Valamugil buchanani) were determined using PCR-sequencing. M. cephalus, L. subviridis, and V. buchanani from the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea, and L. aurata and L. saliens from the Caspian Sea were collected. Samples of an imported, Egyptian species M. capito were obtained from the Gomishan Research Center in Gorgan. Total DNA from the samples were extracted according to phenol-chloroform procedure. The extracted total DNAs were amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and then sequenced. The number of bases in the mitochondrial 16s rRNA genome used in this study approximated 600 base pairs. The size of the bands was identical in all the studied species and no heteroplasmia was observed. In addition, the numbers of variable, preserved, and Pi sites were about 114/624, 488/624, and 110/624, respectively. Analysis of the sequences showed great differences between Mugil species and the other studied species. The phylogenetic tree obtained through Neighbor-Joining method revealed that L. saliens and L. aurata were in the same branch while L. subviridis was in a separate branch. In contrast, Maximum Parsimony tree located L. subviridis and L. aurata in a single branch and assigned L. saliens to a distinct branch. This result brings in the question of monophyletic origin of the genus Liza

    Dutch Nao Team: Team description paper: Standard Platform League: German Open 2010

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    This is the debut of the Dutch Nao Team in the Standard Platform League. The team is a recreation of the Dutch Aibo Team, which was active in the predecessor of the SPL (2004-2006). This year participation is mainly intended to gain experience. As basis for the competition the code release of B-Human is used, with two modifications. The first modification is improved kicking behavior to accommodate the new ball. The second modification is two use both Nao camera’s (one for ball control and one for localization)

    UWB Microwave Imaging for Inclusions Detection: Methodology for Comparing Artefact Removal Algorithms

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    An investigation is presented on Artefact Removal Methods for Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Microwave Imaging. Simulations have been done representing UWB signals transmitted onto a cylindrical head-mimicking phantom containing an inclusion having dielectric properties imitating an haemorrhagic stroke. The ideal image is constructed by applying a Huygens’ Principle based imaging algorithm to the difference between the electric field outside the cylinder with an inclusion and the electric field outside the same cylinder with no inclusion. Eight different artefact removal methods are then applied, with the inclusion positioned at \u1d70b and −\u1d70b/4 radians, respectively. The ideal image is then used as a reference image to compare the artefact removal methods employing a novel Image Quality Index, calculated using a weighted combination of image quality metrics. The Summed Symmetric Differential method performed very well in our simulations

    Free space operating microwave imaging device for bone lesion detection: a phantom investigation

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    In this letter, a phantom validation of a low complexity microwave imaging device operating in free space in the 1-6.5 GHz frequency band is presented. The device, initially constructed for breast cancer detection, measures the scattered signals in a multi-bistatic fashion and employs an imaging procedure based on Huygens principle. Detection has been achieved in both bone fracture lesion and bone marrow lesion scenarios using the superimposition of five doublet transmitting positions, after applying the rotation subtraction artefact removal method. A resolution of 5 mm and a signal to clutter ratio (3.35 in linear scale) are achieved confirming the advantage of employing multiple transmitting positions on increased detection capability

    Developing Artefact Removal Algorithms to Process Data from a Microwave Imaging Device for Haemorrhagic Stroke Detection

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    In this paper, we present an investigation of different artefact removal methods for ultra-wideband Microwave Imaging (MWI) to evaluate and quantify current methods in a real environment through measurements using an MWI device. The MWI device measures the scattered signals in a multi-bistatic fashion and employs an imaging procedure based on Huygens principle. A simple two-layered phantom mimicking human head tissue is realised, applying a cylindrically shaped inclusion to emulate brain haemorrhage. Detection has been successfully achieved using the superimposition of five transmitter triplet positions, after applying different artefact removal methods, with the inclusion positioned at 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°. The different artifact removal methods have been proposed for comparison to improve the stroke detection process. To provide a valid comparison between these methods, image quantification metrics are presented. An “ideal/reference” image is used to compare the artefact removal methods. Moreover, the quantification of artefact removal procedures through measurements using MWI device is performed

    Second generation of HIV surveillance system: A pattern for IRAN

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    Background: For the purpose of minimizing the HIV/AIDS epidemic effects, one of the programs is the promotion of scientific methods and setting of the suitable surveillance systems. The present research was conducted to design the HIV/AIDS surveillance system in Iran applying WHO recommendations and the experience of some countries. Methods: In 2009, based on the country's requirements, the HIV/AIDS surveillance system was proposed and designed for Iran. The Delphi technique was utilized to find the views of experts. Data analysis was conducted based on a comparison of the attributes of the HIV/AIDS surveillance systems in the countries under consideration using a descriptive and theoretical analysis. Results: The model was approved obtaining the final score of 36.3 out of 44, viz 82.5. Conclusion: Designing and performing of the HIV/AIDS surveillance pattern in the direction of "second generation of HIV/AIDS surveillance" can be considered as an important step in the improvement of the patient's control and precaution of HIV/AIDS. © Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal