8 research outputs found

    Framing Middle Eastern Ethnic Minorities in the U.S. Press

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    The main purpose of this study is to map out how leading newspapers in the U.S. are framing different ethnic groups in the Middle East in their daily reporting. For this analysis, a systematic random sample was drawn from published articles focused on two main ethnic groups in the Arab region, namely, Amazigh Berbers and Copts. There are 391 news stories in The New York Times and 408 news stories in Washington Post about Berbers and Copts during the last eight years (2011-2019). The study came out with the findings that American newspapers dedicated large spaces to cover the issues of minorities in the Middle East, and there was a greater tendency in the newspapers to cover Coptic minority compared to the Berber minority. The study newspapers heavily relied on minorities sources, both NYT and WP relied on 61% Coptic sources and 67% on Berbers sources. However, the data showed that Arabic sources were the least cited in stories published about minorities in the Middle East (6% in both NYT and WP). Different frames were used by NYT and WP, while NYT focused more on presenting Copts issues through international frames, WP tends to present Berbers through the cultural frame


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    In an era of global communication where efforts are increasingly paid to communicate with people of widely-varying cultures across the world, this study examines how one news organization communicates to international audiences of different languages, cultural backgrounds and interests. This study aims to identify which values are more prevalent in the content in both AJA and AJE to communicate to their audiences with different cultural, language, and interest backgrounds. The study tests three models developed from the literature in news production: The professional values model, the marketing values model, and the cultural values model. A total of 592 news stories – 234 from Al Jazeera English and 358 from Al Jazeera Arabic websites – published from Jan. 1, 2014, to April 30, 2014, were analyzed. The findings of this study indicate that Al Jazeera reflects professional values to a substantial degree, marketing values and cultural values were evident at a moderate level. However, a comparison of the news stories on the Arabic and English websites showed that Al Jazeera tailors its stories to the taste of the target audience in different ways. In fact Al Jazeera considers the cultural, social, language, religious, and interest backgrounds of its target audience when producing its contents. Specifically, although professional news values were most prevalent in both websites, AJA and AJE showed some differences in the prevalence of the three models. The findings show that AJE reflected a moderate level of marketing values, and a low level of the cultural values when communicating with its non-Arab readers. However, AJA reflects a moderate level of cultural values and a relatively low level of marketing values when communicating with its Arab readers. Scholarly implications, future studies and limitations were presented in this study

    Perception of Korean TV Drama Reality among Jordanian Youth

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    Based on questionnaire responses from a purposive sample of 400 Jordanian young viewers, this study attempts to examine reality perceptions of the events portrayals on Korean TV drama among them, and to explore how they relate to this drama such as realism perceptions, utility, and identity. The results revealed that viewers’ gender has a significant impact on their intensity of Korean TV drama viewing, their perception of its reality and their attitudes towards it. Our findings also indicated that intensity of this drama viewing influences the attitudes towards it; however, there is no significant effect for this intensity on perceived reality rate of this drama

    Gender as a moderating variable in online misinformation acceptance during COVID-19.

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    Misinformation remained a critical consideration during the COVID-19 that further cultivated fears leading to strong unrest among the public globally. This study clarifies certain misconceptions related to the pandemic by investigating whether factors such as altruism, entertainment, information-sharing, information-seeking, comprehensibility have impact on COVID-19 misinformation acceptance and sharing it in the UAE culture, with gender as a moderating factor. An online survey (google.com) was used, with a sample of 200 university students, and analyzed using PLS-SEM software to determine the effects of constructed factors. The findings indicated that entertainment, information-sharing, and information-seeking factors have impact on sharing COVID-19 misinformation, while comprehensibility has impact on acceptance of misinformation. Interestingly, gender was found to have no impact on all the constructed factors, suggesting that other moderating factors (e.g., age) need to be considered in future research. Generally, online users need to learn how to verify online information that they receive/share on other social media, especially regarding health concern. [Abstract copyright: © 2023 The Authors.

    The Marketing Values in News Production

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    The main purpose of this study is to test the proposed marketing model in news production by applying it to the contentofanon-Western news organization as well as to explore the degree to which this proposed model predicts the type of media content patterns. Content analysis was used on the English (AJE) and the Arabic (AJA) versions of Al Jazeera news websites from January 1, 2014 to April 30, 2014. A systematic random sample of 358 stories from AJA news stories was selected, and the same sampling procedure yielded 234 stories constituting the AJE sample. The findings of the study revealed that Al Jazeera reflects marketing values at a moderate level (5.93 out of 11) at the marketing model. At individual level of each news website, AJE scores higher on marketing measures than AJA. AJA reflects the marketing values at the end top of the low level (3.85 out of 11), and AJE reflects the marketing values in the middle of the moderate level (5.87 out of 11). The chi square test shows that there are statistically significant differences

    The concept of professionalism in media from the journalists’ perspective in Jordan

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    The study aimed at identifying the level of awareness of Jordanian journalists and social media activists of the professionalism concept in the media. This study was based on the survey method, which is an organized approach in obtaining information, data, phenomenon descriptions. As a result, there is a statistically significant difference in the awareness of Jordanian journalists and activists of social networking sites of how each group perceives their nature role towards their society in what they publish. In conclusion, journalists are more likely to violate ethical practices in journalism for the public good than activists.El estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar el nivel de conciencia de los periodistas jordanos y los activistas de las redes sociales sobre el concepto de profesionalismo en los medios. Este estudio se basó en el método de encuesta, que es un enfoque organizado para obtener información, datos y descripciones de fenómenos. Como resultado, existe una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la conciencia de los periodistas y activistas jordanos de los sitios de redes sociales de cómo cada grupo percibe su papel de naturaleza hacia su sociedad en lo que publican. En conclusión, es más probable que los periodistas violen las prácticas éticas en el periodismo para el bien público que los activistas

    Perception of Korean TV Drama Reality among Jordanian Youth

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    Based on questionnaire responses from a purposive sample of 400 Jordanian young viewers, this study attempts to examine reality perceptions of the events portrayals on Korean TV drama among them, and to explore how they relate to this drama such as realism perceptions, utility, and identity. The results revealed that viewers’ gender has a significant impact on their intensity of Korean TV drama viewing, their perception of its reality and their attitudes towards it. Our findings also indicated that intensity of this drama viewing influences the attitudes towards it; however, there is no significant effect for this intensity on perceived reality rate of this drama