18 research outputs found

    Real-Time Bi-directional Electric Vehicle Charging Control with Distribution Grid Implementation

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    As electric vehicle (EV) adoption is growing year after year, there is no doubt that EVs will occupy a significant portion of transporting vehicle in the near future. Although EVs have benefits for environment, large amount of un-coordinated EV charging will affect the power grid and degrade power quality. To alleviate negative effects of EV charging load and turn them to opportunities, a decentralized real-time control algorithm is developed in this paper to provide optimal scheduling of EV bi-directional charging. To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, numerical simulation is performed based on real-world EV user data, and power flow analysis is carried out to show how the proposed algorithm improve power grid steady state operation. . The results show that the implementation of proposed algorithm can effectively coordinate bi-directional charging by 30% peak load shaving, more than 2% of voltage drop reduction, and 40% transmission line current decrease


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    Enhanced oxidative stress and changes in antioxidant capacity are considered to play an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic diabetes mellitus. Wistar male rat (n=40) were allocated into three groups, control group (n=1O) and quercetin (QR) group that received 15mg/kg (IP) QR, (n= 10), and Diabetic group that received 55mgjkg (IP) streptozotocin (STZ) (n=20) which was subdivided to two groups of 10STZ group and treatment group. Treatment group received 55mgjkg (IP) STZ plus 15mg/jkg QR, daily for 4 weeks, respectivelyhowever, the control group just received an equal volume of distilled water daily(IP) . Diabetes were induced by a single (IP) injection of streptozotocin (55mg/kg). Animals were kept in standard condition. In 28 day after inducing diabetic 5 mL blood were collected for Total Af1tioxidant Capacity (TAC), Malondi Dehyde (MDA) and Oxidized Low density Lipoprotein (Ox-LDL) levels and kidney tissues of Rat in whole groups were removed then prepared for Apoptosis analysis by Tunel metho. Apoptotic cells significantly decreased in group that has received 15mg/kg (IP) quercetin (


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    Citrullus vulgaris is an antioxidant and has been shown to reduce oxidative stress. Previous studies confirmed that antioxidants have essential effect on infertility through participating in reactive oxygen’s species. Chronic hyperglycemia is known to cause infertility in diabetes disease. Wistar male rats (n=40) were allocated into three groups: control group(n=10), Citrullus vulgaris seeds extract (CVE) group that received 55mg/kg by gavage method (n=10), and Diabetic group that received 55mg/kg (IP) streptozotocin (STZ) (n=20). The last group was subdivided into two groups of 10. STZ group and treatment group. Treatment group received 55mg/kg (IP) STZ plus 55mg/kg CVE, daily for 4weeks; however, the control group just received an equal volume of (0.9% NaCl) daily (gavage). Diabetes was induced by a single (IP) injection of streptozotocin (55mg/kg). Animals were kept in standard condition. In 28th day, 5cc bloodn sample was taken from every rat for biochemical analysis. Collecting epididymis tissues, they were prepared for sperm analysis by WHO method. In comparison to other groups, sperm parameters were significantly increased in groups that received 55mg/kg (CVE) (

    A Robust Data-Driven Approach for Fault Detection in Photovoltaic Arrays

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    n this paper, a robust data-driven method for fault detectionin photovoltaic (PV) arrays is proposed. Our method is based onthe random vector functional-link networks (RVFLN) which has theadvantage of randomly assigning hidden layer parameters with no tuning. To eliminate the effect of measurement noise and overfitting in thetraining process which reduce the fault detection accuracy, the sparseregularization method is utilized which uses l2−norm with loss weighting factor to compute the output weights. To attain a strong robustnessagainst the outlier samples, the non-parametric kernel density estimationis employed to assign a loss weighting factor. Through rigorous simulation studies, we validate the performance of our proposed method in detectingthe short and open circuit faults based on only the output current andvoltage measurements of PV arrays. In addition to a stronger robustnesscomparing with the least square-support vector machine, we also showthat our proposed method provides 80% and 100% average detection accuracy for short circuit and open circuit, respectively