1 research outputs found

    Planning of Sustainable Industrial Zones and Means of Achieving them in Iraq

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    The development of industrial activity in cities and regions is one of the most distinctive features of postmodern urban planning. The industry in all its branches is considered one of the most important economic activities in cities, which is the main engine of economic life and the driving force of development at all levels. This development has been accompanied by the negative effects of this economic activity on ecosystems and on human life in its various aspects, namely, environmental pollution in various ways, depletion of renewable and depleted natural resources, and the serious consequences of climate change, environmental degradation and Collapse. Hence the need to find solutions that allow the continuation of industries because of the importance of human life and to overcome the problems resulting from them and reduce them as much as possible The emergence of the concept of sustainability as a solution to this problem. This paper discusses the theme of sustainable industry, sustainable industrial zone planning, global experiences and identification of deliberatestrategies for sustainability, As well as trends in Iraq towards the establishment of green industrial cities, And their analysis and knowledge of their shortcomings in comparison to international experiences. And recommend some policies to achieve sustainability