3 research outputs found


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    Background: In addition to physical issues, the critical condition that the ICU patients experience also causes a psychological impact that lasts until they leave the ICU treatment. Virtual reality is one of the latest innovations utilized to support the treatment in the ICU. Virtual reality is one of the supporting tools in non-pharmacology interventions to reduce anxiety, stress, and sleep deprivation, as well as mitigate post-traumatic disorder syndrome or PTSD. The research aims to describe the framework for utilizing virtual reality to reduce anxiety, stress, and sleep deprivation, as well as mitigate post-traumatic disorder syndrome. As well as to see how feasible it is to utilize this technology from the security and usage tolerance perspective. Method: The methode was a literature review. The author search the articles on Google Scholar by filtering search results based on the publication year, article title, and abstract. The research resulted in ten articles to be the literature review. Result: The search result found ten articles discussing virtual reality on ICU patients as an intervention to reduce anxiety, pain, and sleep deprivation. The research also found that it is feasible to use Virtual reality as an intervention media. From the safety perspective, the technology is safe due to being regularly disinfected and not affecting other life-support tools that the patients need. It also has minimum side effects during usage. Conclusion: Virtual reality is effective in reducing anxiety, pain, and sleep deprivation in ICU patients. From the safety viewpoint and usage tolerance, the technology is safe and feasible for ICU patients. &nbsp


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    ABSTRACT Introduction : It is the tendency for some adolescence to be maladaptive. This behaviour is sometimes evident as infringement. This maladaptive behaviour in Indonesia is significant. Family as background plays the role in forming a teenagers’ behavior. The aim of this oral presentation is to disseminate a study exploring the correlation between family support and maladaptive behaviour among adolescence Method : The study was conducted using correlative-descriptive and cross-sectional method. The samples were 135 adolescence both male and female students in a Junior High School in Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia. The tools were family support and maladaptive behaviour questionnaires developed by the researcher based on family support and maladaptive behaviour theories. The tools have pass the validity tests (family support questionnaire = 0,371-0,711 and maladaptive behaviour questionnaire = 0,615-0,866). Result : The results showed that 64% adolescence have adequate family support and 62,2% performed moderate maladaptive behavior. The result of Spearman Rank statistic test (α= 0,05 p value : 0,000) and the correlation coefisien was -0,528. Conclusion : There is a correlation between family support and students maladaptive behaviour. If family support is adequate, so students’s maladaptive behavior will decrease. Key words : Family Support, Maladaptive Behaviour, Adolescence Behaviou

    Hubungan Antara Dukungan Keluarga dengan Perilaku Maladaptif Siswa di Smp N 3 Kedungwuni Kabupaten Pekalongan

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    Perilaku maladaptif remaja adalah ketidakmampuan remaja dalam menyesuaikan diri terhadap aturan yang berlaku di lingkungan sosial. Perilaku maladaptif pada remaja yang juga merupakan siswa ditunjukkan dengan pelanggaran tata tertib sekolah. Faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku remaja yaitu perhatian, kasih sayang, empati dan simpati . Studi pendahuluan pada 10 siswa menunjukkan bahwa 7 diantaranya pernah melanggar tata tertib kategori ringan seperti mencontek dan terlambat ke Sekolah, sedangkan 3 siswa lain melanggar tata tertib kategori berat seperti merokok di Sekolah dan membolos lebih dari 5 kali. Hasil wawancara dengan guru bidang kurikulum menyebutkan bahwa orangtua dan keluarga bisa menjadi salah satu penyebab utama perilaku maladaptif remaja karena orangtua yang mayoritas berpendidikan rendah kurang peduli pada perilaku siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara dukungan keluarga emosional dengan perilaku maladaptif. Desain yang digunakan adalah desain deksriptif korelatif dengan metode cross sectional. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 135 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 64% siswa mendapatkan dukungan keluarga cukup dan 62,2% siswa memiliki perilaku maladaptif sedang. Hasil uji statistik Spearman Rank dengan nilai alpha 0,005 diperoleh p value : 0,000 dan koefisien korelasi -0,528. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dengan perilaku maladaptif, dengan arah hubungan terbalik, yaitu semakin baik dukungan keluarga maka akan semakin ringan perilaku maladaptif yang ditunjukkan siswa. Hasil tersebut diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan bagi Sekolah untuk melibatkan keluarga dalam mendidik siswa agar dapat membentuk siswa dengan kepribadian baik dan berperilaku baik ataupun adaptif terhadap aturan