32 research outputs found

    Understanding Technology Changes for ICT4D Projects through Modelling

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    ICT4D involves the study of design and development of ICT technology to the community. Based on our experience, most of the ICT4D projects are happening in one off solution. The projects will deliver with off the shelf products or services and hand over to the community upon the deployment and training. There is neither plan nor development to deal with changes. Hence, it may lead to the failure and unsustainable projects. We believe that dealing with technology changes is essential for sustaining the ICT4D projects. However, how to handle the changes in technology on ICT projects? This paper introduces a preliminary study on technique to handle the changes of technology through modelling. From the modelling, it showcases how the requirements have led to the technology change and how the business models affect the decision in designing the technology or solution for ICT4D projects. We adopt actor network theory to study the technology changes on ICT4D projects. We extend the actor network theory with networked actor modelling to study the actors’ needs and the impact of cost (e.g. business models) to deal with the technology adoption, translation and development for ICT4D projects. The agent oriented modelling is introduced as the modelling process for actor network theory. The agent modelling consists of models based on the integration of agent models and e3Value model. In order to evaluate the work, we demonstrate how the model can understand the technology changes (e.g. adoption and adaptation) for an electronic health record system (EHR)

    Modeling Emotion Oriented Approach through Agent-Oriented Approach

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    eLearning is introduced to promote self-learning anytime and anyway. To date, various components have been added into an eLearning platform to produce an interactive and engaging eLearning platform. Among an interest, component is embedded emotion into the eLearning system. While emotion is paying much attention nowadays, there is lacking a systematic way to model emotion-based eLearning. Without the systematic approach, it is hard to debug, design and develop an emotion-based e-learning system. This paper introduces emotion goals through the agent-oriented approach. Besides, we demonstrate how to design an emotion-based quiz master as an embedded emotion element for the eLearning system through the proposed modeling approach. This thesis suggests a standardized way to model an emotion-oriented application through Agent-Oriented Modelling (AOM). The AOM is extended to guide the elicitation, analysis, design and implementation of an emotion-oriented application, a kind of interactive application. With the emotion model, it can serve as a guide to design, redesign, discuss the emotional elements among the software development team. This is important for better debugging and project management, especially for emotion, led applications


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    Misuse case is one of the security requirement elicitation techniques that are easy to use and learn. Unfortunately, the current guideline provided is too general. The process of identifying the misuse case and threats is open for the analyst's interpretation. Lack of knowledge in security threats also can make it worse. These problems can lead to analysis paralysis situation. In this paper, we proposed a catalogue-based guideline to support misuse case techniques to elicit security requirements. This guideline consists of two catalogues used to assist software developers in identifying attacks and threats from a misuse case diagram. We experimented with selected students to evaluate the effectiveness of the guideline in identifying threats and types of threats. We also evaluated the usability of the guideline by conducting experts reviews. Experiment's result shows sufficient evidence that using the misuse case with the proposed catalogue-based guideline is more effective in identifying threats and types of threats than using the misuse case without a guideline. Expert review's result also shows that the catalogue-based guideline is more usable in identifying threats than without using the guideline

    Financial Sustainability of Mobile Technology Deployment for Rural Community Through e3Value Methodology

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    ICT4D is the study of the solution to bridge the digital gaps between the rural and urban area. Among the important projects is to set up a network or Internet facilities to the community. It has been indicated that ICT project is suffering from a sustainability issue. To what extent, the mobile network projects can sustain? We are dealing with a community that demands better network coverage. On one hand, the communication provider requesting for details study prior deployment. How to evaluate network projects? To date, there is neither a methodology or systematic way to evaluate the ICT4D projects. As e3value can measure the financial aspect of a business project, can e3value is used as a method to evaluate the financial sustainability of rural connectivity projects? This project investigates the adoption of e3value to simulate rural connectivity projects. In this paper, the e3value is used to evaluate rural connectivity projects by taking the mobile network infrastructure project as a case study. Hence, a new mechanism is introduced for accessing ICT4D projects. It can serve as a tool and method to justify the ICT4D projects

    Agent Oriented Methodology for Crime Modelling and Simulation

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    Agent-oriented methodology (AOM) is a comprehensive and unified agent methodology for agent-oriented software development. The potential of Agent Oriented Methodology has been revealed in domains like collaborative technology, video surveillance, and economics. However, it has not been explored in crime modelling and simulation. Although AOM is claimed to be able to cope with a complex system development, it is still not yet determined up to what extent this may be true. Therefore, it is vital to investigate to validate this methodology. This paper investigates the adoption of AOM in crime modeling and simulation. The novelty of this paper is to introduce a systematic way to model crime simulation. Through the AOM simulation, it is proven that the AOM can model the complex system in crime domain with various outcomes which supported a few existing research theories such as routine activity theory. AOM can provide a wider research platform which is useful for translating theories and micro-level behavior into models and simulation that can be studied, shared, tested and enhanced

    Developing fire evacuation simulation through BDIbased modelling and simulation

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    Fire evacuation simulation is used to simulate the fire evacuation procedures by involving human-like agents. In this paper, the fire evacuation simulation is designed and developed by adopting the BDI agent plug-in. BDI (Belief, Desires, Intentions) is a technique used in modelling the multi-agent system. A tool and BDI methodology are introduced to help in modelling human behaviour and the decision making of an agent. In this paper, the usability of the BDI methodology and BDI agent plug-in tool is studied through a case study of a fire evacuation environment. The case study covers the three main components needed in a fire evacuation simulation: the fire (the spread of the fire and smoke), the building layout (the classroom and physical objects), and the human-like multi-agents. Using the Unity game engine, a fire evacuation simulation system is built based on the requirements, methodology,and design. The usability of the BDI agent plug-in tool can be proven by observing the results of the fire evacuation simulation and the reaction of agents when encountering the fire situation. However, there are also some limitations of this fire evacuation simulation. Therefore, there are works to be done to develop a more realistic fire evacuation simulation and more human-like multi-agents in future

    Assessing Financial Sustainability of Community Network Project through e3value Modelling and Simulation

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    Many efforts had been done to make ICTs available in rural area to increase their incomes and productivities. For example, a community ecommerce is introduced to promote community handicraft and income generation; other projects like deploying VSAT to improve the internet connectivity at rural area. Although the project is developed, it is facing a challenge like how to sustain the ICT4D projects? This paper presents the study of financial sustainability of community network project through e3value modelling and simulation. Financial sustainability is one of the important factor for community projects. As a NGO or researcher that is trying to help the community, is it possible for us to access the feasibility of any projects for communities so that a realistic suggestion or proposal can be planned? To sustain the community commerce, it cannot be denied that a well planning and measurement on financial sustainability of the projects is required. Hence, we believe that e3value can be used as a tool to measure the financial sustainability of community network projects. With the use of 3value model, it can serve as a reference for various parties in resolving the financial sustainability issue

    How to Model an Engaging Online Quiz? The Emotion Modeling Approach

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    The article focuses on software technology used to provide a more engaging and exciting learning environment for students by introducing a variety of quizzes. Presently, quiz development can range from simple multiple-choice questions, true or false, drag-and-drop, dropdown menu selections, to 3D interactive techniques. This study introduces a systematic way of creating an engaging application using emotion modeling. Emotion models are being introduced in order to collect and model the systems’ meaningful emotional needs. According to the findings, agent-oriented modeling is capable of modeling the emotional requirements of a system and of transforming these into a specific solution enabling to rapidly prototype an engaging system. A quantitative study has been performed on the novel approach to determine the feasibility of the proposed methodology in terms of analyzing, designing, and developing engaging applications