65 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Team Assisted Individualization (Tai) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Biologi Siswa Kelas XI Pada Materi Sistem Peredaran Darah Manusia Ma Pp. Hasanatul Barokah Tambusai Rokan Hulu Tahun Pembelajaran 2014/2015

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    The study to determine the effect of cooperative learning team assisted individualization (TAI) on learning outcomes biology class XI MA PP. Hasanatul barokah. This is a quasi- experimental study with a sample of students class XI A and XI B. the design study control group postest-only design. The result of the analysis of data obtained an average of 79,8 experimental class learning outcomes and grade control 78. Can thus be concluded that the implementation of cooperative learning team assisted individualization (TAI) provides a positive effect on learning outcomes biology class XI MA PP. Hasanatul Barokah

    Pelayanan Rawat Inap Puskesmas Sungai Pakning Kec.bukit Batu Kab. Bengkalis

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    Service Take Care Of To Lodge Puskesmas Sungai Pakning Kec. Bukit Batu Kab. Bengkalis. This study aimed to know Take Care To Lodge sevice at Puskesmas Sungai Pakning, and to know factors resistor of execution of service at puskesmas sungai pakning. Indicator used at this research is according to theory concept of Zeithaml saying that service can be measured with indicator as following : Realibility, Responsive, Insurance, Emphaty, Including, indicator to know resistor in execution of service. Research method have the caracter of Qulitative descriptive, data collecting used by observatation method and interview. Of research rusult can know that service Take care of to Lodge at puskesmas Sungai Pakning the incluiding at categorynot yet is maximal, while factors esistor of execution of service take care of to lodge at puskesmas Sungai Pakning is officer attitude, coherence of leader and facilities.Key Word: Public Service, Take Care To Lodge, Puskesmas

    Pembahasan Rancangan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah dalam Percepatan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Jalan Tahun Anggaran 2013

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    Drafting the Regional Budget authority is a form of attention from the local government as well Indragiri Hulu in addressing road infrastructure damage. The research was conducted at Parliaments office and the Office of Local Government participating Indragiri Hulu discuss RAPBD road infrastructure. The purpose of this studywas to determine the discussion draft Regional Budget (RAPBD) to accelerate the development of road infrastructure Indragiri Hulu fiscal year 2013. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Data were obtained from the interview data, documentary studies, and field observations. Informants in this study are related parties to the discussion RAPBD road infrastructure using the snowball method. The results showed that the fund will determine the achievement of the development of road infrastructure. Lack of budget for the construction of roads lead to road infrastructure development level is only about 3-5% every year. Additionally musrenbang activity only partially understood by the public. Though musrenbang very important activity as the voice of the people.Keywords: Planning, Budgeting, Local Governmen

    Analisis Penempatan Pegawai Negeri Sipil pada Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Pekanbaru

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    Placement of the right employees are the way to optimize the capabilities, skills to the job performance of employees, it is an evolution of employee future directed to place employees in positions appropriate to their rules and their qualifications, but in reality there are still some institutions, especially government that ignores those principles. Employees are very important and key to any organization because employees determine the realization of the objectives of the organization, so that the objective will be easily achieved if the employee is placed at a position corresponding to the competency. The purpose of this study was to determine the placement of Analysis of Civil Servants at the Regional Employment Board Pekanbaru city and to determine the factor that influence it. The concept of the theory is used the staffing proposed by siagian three promotions, and demotions over the task. This study is using current methods of qualitative research with an assessment of descriptive data. In data collection the author uses interview, observation and documentation. By using key informants as source of information and triangulation techniques as source of data validity. The results of research by the author that the Placement Analyze On Civil Servants Personnel Board in Pekanbaru, placement is done as in the Regional Employment Board of Pekanbaru most positions occupied by most employees are not in accordance with the educational background. In addition, factors are affecting the Regional Employment Board of Pekanbaru is the employees placement who are still influenced elements are not objective, the proximity of families and certain groups. This study is focused on the placement of employees on the basis of expected employees more motivated and passion in order to gain new positions and tasks through a system of career coaching orderly and healthy to realize an apparatus and accountable government organization and quality

    Strategi Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Sosial Bagi Lanjut Usia di UPT PSTW Khusnul Khotimah Provinsi Riau

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    UPT PSTW Khusnul Khotimah is one of the organization in socialservices sector. The purpose of this research is to know and to analyze the strategyand also the factors wich influence the implementation of the strategy at UPTPSTW Khusnul Khotimah Riau Province to improve the welfare of the elderly.The teory concept of this research is organization strategy. It is consist of twoaspects, theh are innovation strategy and quality enhancement. The innovationstrategy can be seen from the implementation of working standards and thequality enhancement can be seen from the working valvation. This research usedqualitative methods with assessment the data descriptively. In collecting the data,the researcher used interview technique, observation, and documentation. Byusing the key informan as a source of information and triangulation technique as asource in examining the validation of the data. The result of this research showedthat the inplementation of enhancement strategy for the older persons welfare atUPT PSTW Khusnul Khotimah Riau Province is good enough. It can be seenfrom the older persons that can be handled at the UPT PSTW Khusnul KhotimahRiau Province only.Keyword: strategy, older persons, social welfar

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pemantauan Posisi Anggota Keluarga Berbasis Android

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    Penambahan fitur Global Positioning System (GPS) telah banyak dilakukan pada ponsel dan membuat fungsi ponsel menjadi lebih luas, seperti halnya ponsel berbasis Android. Pengguna ponsel Android dapat memanfaatkan GPS untuk mengetahui keberadaan pengguna lainnya. Kondisi seperti ini dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja, misalnya anggota keluarga. Aplikasi pemantauan posisi anggota keluarga yang dibangun menggunakan Eclipse dengan memanfaatkan GPS, jaringan komunikasi dan internet pada ponsel Android ini, dapat digunakan oleh para orang tua yang sibuk bekerja untuk mengetahui posisi anak-anaknya ataupun anggota keluarga lainnya ketika sama-sama sedang berada di luar rumah. Aplikasi ini akan menampilkan posisi seseorang pada peta Google Maps dan juga dilengkapi dengan fitur messenger dan berbagi foto. Dengan demikian, meski rutinitas dan aktivitas sehari-hari yang cukup padat, komunikasi dan pemantauan terhadap posisi setiap anggota keluarga bisa dilakukan dengan cara yang akrab dan menarik menggunakan teknologi

    Pengaruh Perhatian Orang Tua Terhadap Tingkat Stres Siswa

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    This study aims to identify parents 'attention to students, 2) To determine students' stress level, 3) To describe the attention of parents, 4) To describe the stress level of students, 5) To know how much influence the attention of the person Old to the stress level of students. The subjects of the study were all students of class VII of SMP Negeri 8 Pekanbaru which amounted to 375 people, but the researchers only took 50% of the students of grade VII. Determination of sample by using Random Sampling technique. Where researchers chose class VII students because of the results of the phenomenon and AUM-U which has spread the number of students who experience stress. The results showed that the picture of parents attention 29.26% almost half still less attention, and the picture of stress levels of students 62.77% more than half of students experience a moderate level of stress. The results of correlation coefficient calculations X1 and X2 is -549 and the coefficient of determination 0.298 this shows the effective contribution of parents attention to the stress level experienced by 29.8%. Hypothesis test states there is a significant negative effect of attention of parents to the level of stress experienced by students of class XII SMP Negeri 8 Pekanbaru
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