40 research outputs found

    Организационные аспекты реабилитационной помощи пациентам с травматической болезнью спинного мозга

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    Proposed organizational aspects of rehabilitative care for patients with traumatic disease of the spinal cord. Aim was to study the organization providing rehabilitation of spinal patients. Identified the following stages of rehabilitation services: a full-fledged conservative therapy, rehabilitation, improvement or compensation for lost functions, the restoration of household activity, the restoration of social activity. Properly set the organization of rehabilitation services, allows patients to our clinic undergo a complete rehabilitation, which greatly improved the results of treatment of this severe pathology.Предложены организационные аспекты реабилитационной помощи пациентам с травматической болезнью спинного мозга. Целью исследования явилось изучение организации оказания восстановительного лечения спинальных больных. Выделены этапы реабилитационной помощи: полноценная консервативная терапия, восстановление, улучшение или компенсация утраченных функций, восстановление бытовой активности, восстановление социальной активности. Правильно поставленная организация реабилитационной помощи позволяет проходить пациентам полноценную реабилитацию, что значительно улучшает результаты лечения этой тяжелой патологии

    The use of rehabilitation programs in the treatment of chronic generalized parodontitis

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    Presents the results of a study of 153 patients with chronic generalized parodontitis of moderate severity with clinical characteristics, functional characteristics of these patients. Developed a program of treatment with the use of lazerophores with Calgonat and ozone therapy. Determined the effectiveness of the program with positive dynamics, with lower hygienic index by 71% (p< 0.05), bleeding index by 84% (p < 0.05) and index Ramfjord by 88% (p < 0.05) with increasing efficiency by 33% in comparison with the control group.Представлены результаты исследования 153 пациентов, страдающих хроническим генерализованным пародонтитом средней степени тяжести с характеристикой клинических, функциональных особенностей этих больных. Разработана программа их лечения с применением лазерофореза с Кальганатом и озонотерапии. Определена эффективность программы с положительной динамикой, со снижением гигиенического индекса на 71% (р< 0,05), индекса кровоточивости на 84% (р < 0,05) и индекса Рамфьерда на 88% (р < 0,05) с возрастанием эффективности на 33% в сравнении с контрольной группой

    Theuse of modern physiotherapy technologies in the treatment of patients with periodontal disease and bruxism

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    The article presents the results of a study of 248 patients with chronic generalized parodontitis and bruxism. With characteristic clinical, functional features. New data on the violation in coordinated muscle maxillofacial region, manifested in toning and reducing the bioelectric activity of the masseter and temporal muscles. The developed program of treatment using amplipulse therapy, photodynamic therapy gel Lamifaren, and irrigation of the oral cavity propolisna water. Determined the effectiveness of the program. To have positive results, with a decrease of hygiene index by 77% (p < 0.05), bleeding index by 79% (p < 0.05) and parodontal index by 85% (p < 0.05), with the increase of treatment efficiency by 51% (p < 0.05) in comparison with the control group. And recovery of coordinated muscle performance: GM alone is 54%, with a load of 12%; VM alone 51%, with a load of 17%, in comparison with the control group.В статье представлены результаты исследования 248 пациентов, страдающих хроническим генерализованным пародонтитом и бруксизмом. С характеристикой клинических, функциональных особенностей. Получены новые данные о нарушении в координированной работе мышц челюстно-лицевой области, проявляющиеся в повышении тонуса и снижении биоэлектрической активности жевательных и височных мышц. Разработана программа их лечения с применением амплипульстерапии, фотодинамической терапии с гелем Ламифарен, и орошения полости рта прополисной водой. Определена эффективность программы. С положительной динамикой, со снижением индекса гигиены на 77% (р< 0,05), индекса кровоточивости на 79% (р < 0,05) и пародонтального индекса на 85% (р < 0,05), с возрастанием эффективности лечения на 51% (р < 0,05) в сравнении с контрольной группой. И восстановлением координированной работы мышц: ЖМ в покое на 54%, при нагрузке на 12%; ВМ в покое на 51 %, при нагрузке на 17%, в сравнении с контрольной группой

    Program of medical rehabilitation of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis caused by bruxism

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    The results of a comprehensive survey of 85 patients with chronic generalized parodontitis of moderate severity caused by bruxism. The characteristic of clinical, functional characteristics of these patients. Deals with diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic generalized parodontitis caused by bruxism with the use of the program, including base rehabilitation center, physiotherapy for the muscles of the maxillofacial region, the fluctuating and amplipulsetherapy. Determined the effectiveness of this rehabilitation program. There was a positive dynamics: the index of hygiene fell by 37%, the index of bleeding by 59% and gingival index by 55%. The effectiveness of the treatment in the control group was 23%, in the intervention group 37%. Under the influence of amplipulsetherapy bear increased: the masticatory muscles by 20%, the temporal muscle by 18%, the activity nadpochechnymi muscle decreased by 18%Представлены результаты комплексного обследования 85 пациентов, страдающих хроническим генерализованным пародонтитом средней степени тяжести, обусловленный бруксизмом. Дана характеристика клиническим, функциональным особенностям этих больных. Рассмотрены вопросы диагностики и лечения пациентов хроническим генерализованным пародонтитом, обусловленный бруксизмом с применением программы, включающей в себя базовый реабилитационный комплекс, лечебную физкультуру для мышц челюстно-лицевой области, флюктуоризацию и амплипульстерапию. Определена эффективность данной реабилитационной программы. Выявлена положительная динамика: индекс гигиены снизился на 37%, индекс кровоточивости на 59% и пародонтальный индекс на 55%. Эффективность лечения в контрольной группе составила 23%, в основной группе 37%. Под воздействием амплипульстерапии биоэлектрическая активность (БЭА) увеличилась: у собственно жевательной мышцы на 20%, височной мышцы - на 18%, активность надподъязычных мышц снизилась на 18%

    Program of medical rehabilitation of patients with chronic generalized parodontitis of moderate severity

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    The results of a comprehensive survey of 112 patients with chronic generalized parodontitis of moderate severity. The characteristic of clinical, f unctional-characteristics of these patients. Deals with diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic generalized parodontitis with the use of the program, including base rehabilitation complex, ozone therapy, rinse the mouth with water and propolis photodynamic therapy with gel Lamifaren. Determined the effectiveness of this rehabilitation program. There was a positive dynamics: the index of hygiene fell by 37%, the index of bleeding by 59% and gingival index by 55%. The effectiveness of the treatment in the control group was 23%, in the intervention group 37%.Представлены результаты комплексного обследования 112 пациентов, страдающих хроническим генерализованным пародонтитом средней степени тяжести. Дана характеристика клиническим, функциональным особенностям этих больных. Рассмотрены вопросы диагностики и лечения пациентов хроническим генерализованным пародонтитом с применением программы, включающей в себя базовый реабилитационный комплекс, озонотерапию, полоскания полости рта прополисной водой и фотодинамическую терапию с гелем Ламифарен. Определена эффективность данной реабилитационной программы. Выявлена положительная динамика: индекс гигиены снизился на 37%, индекс кровоточивости на 59% и пародонтальный индекс на 55%. Эффективность лечения в контрольной группе составила 23%, в основной группе 37%

    In a model of Batten disease, palmitoyl protein thioesterase-1 deficiency is associated with brown adipose tissue and thermoregulation abnormalities

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    Infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (INCL) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder caused by a deficiency of palmitoyl-protein thioesterase-1 (PPT1). We have previously shown that children with INCL have increased risk of hypothermia during anesthesia and that PPT1-deficiency in mice is associated with disruption of adaptive energy metabolism, downregulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator 1α (PGC-1α), and mitochondrial dysfunction. Here we hypothesized that Ppt1-knockout mice, a well-studied model of INCL that shows many of the neurologic manifestations of the disease, would recapitulate the thermoregulation impairment observed in children with INCL. We also hypothesized that when exposed to cold, Ppt1-knockout mice would be unable to maintain body temperature as in mice thermogenesis requires upregulation of Pgc-1α and uncoupling protein 1 (Ucp-1) in brown adipose tissue. We found that the Ppt1-KO mice had lower basal body temperature as they aged and developed hypothermia during cold exposure. Surprisingly, this inability to maintain body temperature during cold exposure in Ppt1-KO mice was associated with an adequate upregulation of Pgc-1α and Ucp-1 but with lower levels of sympathetic neurotransmitters in brown adipose tissue. In addition, during baseline conditions, brown adipose tissue of Ppt1-KO mice had less vacuolization (lipid droplets) compared to wild-type animals. After cold stress, wild-type animals had significant decreases whereas Ppt1-KO had insignificant changes in lipid droplets compared with baseline measurements, thus suggesting that Ppt1-KO had less lipolysis in response to cold stress. These results uncover a previously unknown phenotype associated with PPT1 deficiency, that of altered thermoregulation, which is associated with impaired lipolysis and neurotransmitter release to brown adipose tissue during cold exposure. These findings suggest that INCL should be added to the list of neurodegenerative diseases that are linked to alterations in peripheral metabolic processes. In addition, extrapolating these findings clinically, impaired thermoregulation and hypothermia are potential risks in patients with INCL

    Effect of a new coronavirus infection Covid-19 on the immunological status of pregnant women

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    The aim of the investigation was to review the foreign and domestic literature data on the immune system status of novel coronavirus infection COVID-19 during pregnancy, its effect on perinatal outcomes.Цель исследования – изучить данные зарубежных и отечественных источников литературы о состоянии иммунной системы при новой коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19 во время беременности, влияние ее на перинатальные исходы

    Ex Vivo VEGF Delivery by Neural Stem Cells Enhances Proliferation of Glial Progenitors, Angiogenesis, and Tissue Sparing after Spinal Cord Injury

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    The present study was undertaken to examine multifaceted therapeutic effects of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in a rat spinal cord injury (SCI) model, focusing on its capability to stimulate proliferation of endogenous glial progenitor cells. Neural stem cells (NSCs) can be genetically modified to efficiently transfer therapeutic genes to diseased CNS. We adopted an ex vivo approach using immortalized human NSC line (F3 cells) to achieve stable and robust expression of VEGF in the injured spinal cord. Transplantation of NSCs retrovirally transduced to overexpress VEGF (F3.VEGF cells) at 7 days after contusive SCI markedly elevated the amount of VEGF in the injured spinal cord tissue compared to injection of PBS or F3 cells without VEGF. Concomitantly, phosphorylation of VEGF receptor flk-1 increased in F3.VEGF group. Stereological counting of BrdU+ cells revealed that transplantation of F3.VEGF significantly enhanced cellular proliferation at 2 weeks after SCI. The number of proliferating NG2+ glial progenitor cells (NG2+/BrdU+) was also increased by F3.VEGF. Furthermore, transplantation of F3.VEGF increased the number of early proliferating cells that differentiated into mature oligodendrocytes, but not astrocytes, at 6 weeks after SCI. F3.VEGF treatment also increased the density of blood vessels in the injured spinal cord and enhanced tissue sparing. These anatomical results were accompanied by improved BBB locomotor scores. The multifaceted effects of VEGF on endogenous gliogenesis, angiogenesis, and tissue sparing could be utilized to improve functional outcomes following SCI

    Caveolin-1 Plays a Crucial Role in Inhibiting Neuronal Differentiation of Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells via VEGF Signaling-Dependent Pathway

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    In the present study, we aim to elucidate the roles of caveolin-1(Cav-1), a 22 kDa protein in plasma membrane invaginations, in modulating neuronal differentiation of neural progenitor cells (NPCs). In the hippocampal dentate gyrus, we found that Cav-1 knockout mice revealed remarkably higher levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and the more abundant formation of newborn neurons than wild type mice. We then studied the potential mechanisms of Cav-1 in modulating VEGF signaling and neuronal differentiation in isolated cultured NPCs under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Hypoxic embryonic rat NPCs were exposed to 1% O2 for 24 h and then switched to 21% O2 for 1, 3, 7 and 14 days whereas normoxic NPCs were continuously cultured with 21% O2. Compared with normoxic NPCs, hypoxic NPCs had down-regulated expression of Cav-1 and up-regulated VEGF expression and p44/42MAPK phosphorylation, and enhanced neuronal differentiation. We further studied the roles of Cav-1 in inhibiting neuronal differentiation by using Cav-1 scaffolding domain peptide and Cav-1-specific small interfering RNA. In both normoxic and hypoxic NPCs, Cav-1 peptide markedly down-regulated the expressions of VEGF and flk1, decreased the phosphorylations of p44/42MAPK, Akt and Stat3, and inhibited neuronal differentiation, whereas the knockdown of Cav-1 promoted the expression of VEGF, phosphorylations of p44/42MAPK, Akt and Stat3, and stimulated neuronal differentiation. Moreover, the enhanced phosphorylations of p44/42MAPK, Akt and Stat3, and neuronal differentiation were abolished by co-treatment of VEGF inhibitor V1. These results provide strong evidence to prove that Cav-1 can inhibit neuronal differentiation via down-regulations of VEGF, p44/42MAPK, Akt and Stat3 signaling pathways, and that VEGF signaling is a crucial target of Cav-1. The hypoxia-induced down-regulation of Cav-1 contributes to enhanced neuronal differentiation in NPCs

    Organizational aspects of rehabilitative care for patients with traumatic disease of the spinal cord

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    Proposed organizational aspects of rehabilitative care for patients with traumatic disease of the spinal cord. Aim was to study the organization providing rehabilitation of spinal patients. Identified the following stages of rehabilitation services: a full-fledged conservative therapy, rehabilitation, improvement or compensation for lost functions, the restoration of household activity, the restoration of social activity. Properly set the organization of rehabilitation services, allows patients to our clinic undergo a complete rehabilitation, which greatly improved the results of treatment of this severe pathology