26 research outputs found

    Optimization Schemes for Efficient Multiple Exciton Generation and Extraction in Colloidal Quantum Dots

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    Multiple exciton generation is a process in which more than one electron hole pair is generated per absorbed photon. It allows us to increase the efficiency of solar energy harvesting. Experimental studies have shown the multiple exciton generation yield of 1.2 in isolated colloidal quantum dots. However real photoelectric devices require the extraction of electron hole pairs to electric contacts. We provide a systematic study of the corresponding quantum coherent processes including extraction and injection and show that a proper design of extraction and injection rates enhances the yield significantly up to values around 1.6.Comment: 5 pages, accepted by The Journal of Chemical Physic

    Molecular properties of astaxanthin in water/ethanol solutions from computer simulations

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    Astaxanthin (AXT) is a reference model of xanthophyll carotenoids, which is used in medicine and food industry, and has potential applications in nanotechnology. Because of its importance, there is a great interest in understanding its molecular properties and aggregation mechanism in water and mixed solvents. In this paper, we report a novel model of AXT for molecular dynamics simulation. The model is used to estimate different properties of the molecule in pure solutions and in water/ethanol mixtures. The calculated diffusion coefficients of AXT in pure water and ethanol are (3.22+/- 0.01)10^{-6} cm^{2}s^{-1} and (2.7+/-0.4) 10^{-6} cm^{2}s^{-1}, respectively. Our simulations also show that the content of water plays a clear effect on the morphology of the AXT aggregation in water/ethanol mixture. In up to 75\% (v/v) water concentration, loosely connected network of dimers and trimers, and two-dimensional array structures are observed. At higher water concentrations, AXT molecules form more compact three-dimensional structures that are preferentially solvated by the ethanol molecules. The ethanol preferential binding and the formation of a well connected hydrogen bonding network on these AXT clusters, suggest that such preferential solvation can play an important role in controlling the aggregate structure

    Multiple exciton generation in nano-crystals revisited: Consistent calculation of the yield based on pump-probe spectroscopy

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    Multiple exciton generation (MEG) is a process in which more than one exciton is generated upon the absorption of a high energy photon, typically higher than two times the band gap, in semiconductor nanocrystals. It can be observed experimentally using time resolved spectroscopy such as the transient absorption measurements. Quantification of the MEG yield is usu- ally done by assuming that the bi-exciton signal is twice the signal from a single exciton. Herein we show that this assumption is not always justified and may lead to significant errors in the estimated MEG yields. We develop a methodology to determine proper scaling factors to the signals from the transient absorption experiments. Using the methodology we find modest MEG yields in lead chalcogenide nanocrystals including the nanorods

    Sandwiched confinement of quantum dots in graphene matrix for efficient electron transfer and photocurrent production

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    Quantum dots (QDs) and graphene are both promising materials for the development of new-generation optoelectronic devices. Towards this end, synergic assembly of these two building blocks is a key step but remains a challenge. Here, we show a one-step strategy for organizing QDs in a graphene matrix via interfacial self-assembly, leading to the formation of sandwiched hybrid QD-graphene nanofilms. We have explored structural features, electron transfer kinetics and photocurrent generation capacity of such hybrid nanofilms using a wide variety of advanced techniques. Graphene nanosheets interlink QDs and significantly improve electronic coupling, resulting in fast electron transfer from photoexcited QDs to graphene with a rate constant of 1.3 Ă— 10(9) s(-1). Efficient electron transfer dramatically enhances photocurrent generation in a liquid-junction QD-sensitized solar cell where the hybrid nanofilm acts as a photoanode. We thereby demonstrate a cost-effective method to construct large-area QD-graphene hybrid nanofilms with straightforward scale-up potential for optoelectronic applications

    Two-dimensional action spectroscopy of excitonic systems : Explicit simulation using a phase-modulation technique

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    Two-dimensional (2D) spectroscopy has been intensively used to study electronic and vibronic coherences in biological systems and semiconductors. This technique studies coherent as well as incoherent signals that arise from the nonlinear interaction of a sequence of laser pulses. In this paper we present a direct evaluation of the 2D signal based on elementary quantum kinetics in order to compare with the common approximate diagrammatic approaches. Here we consider incoherent action signals such as fluorescence or photocurrent as the observable, which is easily accessible in a measurement. These observables are calculated by solving the time evolution of the density matrix in the Lindblad form, which can take into account all possible decoherence processes. The phase modulation technique is used to separate the relevant nonlinear signals from the other possible interaction pathways. The approach can be used to calculate 2D spectra of any quantum system. For our model system we find a good agreement for the quantum beating between the coupled states

    Variations in the Composition of the Phases Lead to the Differences in the Optoelectronic Properties of MAPbBr3 Thin Films and Crystals

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    Photoluminescence (PL) spectra from thin films (TFs) and bulk crystals (BCs) of hybrid organo-halide perovskites are significantly different, the origin of which and their impact on the efficiency of the perovskite-based photoactive devices have been debated. We have used two-photon PL to study the temperature-dependent changes in the spectra of the TFs and the BCs of methylammonium lead bromide (MAPbBr3) perovskites in order to clarify the origin of the differences. Our results show that the differences in the spectra are due to the variation in the phase composition. At room temperature, the tetragonal (TE) phase is dominant in the BCs, while the orthorhombic (OR) phase is dominant in the TFs. The PL spectra of the TFs also show discernible contributions from the TE and the cubic phases. At lower temperatures, the increase in excitonic recombination causes a red shift of the PL spectra from the TFs, while a phase transition from the TE to the OR phase results in a blue shift of the PL from the BCs. The temperature-dependent narrowing of the PL linewidths shows a stronger coupling between the longitudinal optical phonons and the free carriers in the OR phase as compared to the TE phase, implying a reduced carrier mobility. However, as the OR phase is metastable at the room temperature, the slow phase transition to the TE phase should improve the photocurrent yield in the TFs, provided that the sample is shielded from other types of degradation

    Light-induced defect healing and strong many-body interactions in formamidinium lead bromide perovskite nanocrystals

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    Organic lead halide perovskite (OLHP) nanocrystals (NCs) have paved the way to advanced optoelectronic devices through their extraordinary electrical and optical properties. However, understanding of the light-induced complex dynamic phenomena in OLHP NCs remains a subject of debate. Here we used wide field microscopy and time-resolved spectroscopy to correlate the local changes in photophysics and the dynamical behavior of photocarriers. We demonstrate that light-induced brightening of the photoluminescence from the formamidinium lead bromide NC films is related to the film preparation condition and reduction of trap density. The density of trap states is reduced via halide ion migration from interstitial position. Our femtosecond transient absorption study identifies transient Stark effect due to the generation of hot carriers. Because of slow carrier trapping, Auger recombination through many-body carrier-carrier interactions dominates over trion recombination. This work presents unprecedented insights into the light-driven processes enabling better device design in the future