17 research outputs found

    The factors to improve commercialisation rate : a case study in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)

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    The aim of this study was to improve the commercialization rate in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), for achieving this goal variety factors and issues were examined to identify how they effect on the procedure of university commercialization. These factors include role of technology transfer office /center, availability of finance, availability of potential licensee and entrepreneurial orientation (EO) among university researcher. Among these four factors, this study focused more on the entrepreneurial orientation (EO) among academic researchers and its effect on the commercialization rate in UTM. This study was based on a qualitative research method and was designed to use a case study approach. For investigating the factors and issues in this study, a total of ten face-to-face interview was conducted. The respondents were chosen from inventors, researchers, academic entrepreneurs, and Technology Transfer Office staff in UTM. The researcher utilized the content-analysis approach to analyze the data obtained from the semi-structured interviews of the respondents. The results indicated that, the must critical factor was availability of finance. This study also addressed the implications and recommendation for research and practitioners

    Factors Encouraging Passengers to Prefer Rail Transportation in Iran Based On Law and Rights of Passengers

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    Platforms are critical components of every rail travel. At the train station, passengers can take benefit of a variety of platform-based amenities whose satisfaction is prioritized. Rail services play a critical role in carrying people and products from point of origin to point of destination. People's mobility has accelerated in recent years, with the ultimate goal of earning a living. Numerous forms of transportation are available to promote accessible modes of transportation to people in diverse parts of the world, including road, rail, air, and sea. Rail transport has developed into one of the most important modes of transport in recent decades in Iran, which is experiencing an increase in demand for rail services. The objective of this research is to identify and rank the elements that influence people's willingness to travel by train. The statistical population is comprised of all passengers who travel by rail on a daily basis, which amounts to approximately 75,000 persons. The statistical sample size was determined using the Morgan table, which yielded 382 passengers. Four factors can be examined when determining whether to increase people's desires: economy, station conditions, journey time, and train conditions, with economy and train conditions being the most essential. The study's conclusions can assist commercial and public railway businesses in providing the required infrastructure and circumstances to boost passenger appeal.Keywords: Economics; Passenger’s Law; Rail Transportation; Station circumstances Faktor Pendorong Penumpang Untuk Memilih Transportasi Kereta Api di Iran Berdasarkan Hukum dan Hak Penumpang Abstrak Platform adalah komponen penting dari setiap perjalanan kereta api. Di stasiun kereta, penumpang dapat memanfaatkan berbagai fasilitas berbasis peron yang mengutamakan kepuasan. Layanan kereta api memainkan peran penting dalam membawa orang dan produk dari titik asal ke titik tujuan. Mobilitas orang telah meningkat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, dengan tujuan akhir mencari nafkah. Berbagai bentuk transportasi tersedia untuk mempromosikan moda transportasi yang dapat diakses oleh orang-orang di berbagai belahan dunia, termasuk jalan raya, kereta api, udara, dan laut. Transportasi kereta api telah berkembang menjadi salah satu moda transportasi terpenting dalam beberapa dekade terakhir di Iran, yang mengalami peningkatan permintaan akan layanan kereta api. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengurutkan elemen-elemen yang mempengaruhi keinginan masyarakat untuk bepergian dengan kereta api. Populasi statistik terdiri dari semua penumpang yang melakukan perjalanan dengan kereta api setiap hari, yang berjumlah sekitar 75.000 orang. Ukuran sampel statistik ditentukan dengan menggunakan tabel Morgan, yang menghasilkan 382 penumpang. Empat faktor dapat diperiksa ketika menentukan apakah akan meningkatkan keinginan masyarakat: ekonomi, kondisi stasiun, waktu perjalanan, dan kondisi kereta api, dengan ekonomi dan kondisi kereta menjadi yang paling penting. Kesimpulan studi dapat membantu bisnis perkeretaapian komersial dan umum dalam menyediakan infrastruktur dan keadaan yang diperlukan guna meningkatkan daya tarik penumpang.Kata Kunci: Ekonomi; Hukum Penumpang; Transportasi Kereta Api; Keadaan stasiun Факторы, побуждающие пассажиров предпочитать железнодорожные перевозки в Иране на основании закона и прав пассажиров Аннотация Платформы являются важными компонентами любого железнодорожного путешествия. На вокзале пассажиры могут воспользоваться различными удобствами на платформе, удовлетворение которых является приоритетом. Железнодорожные услуги играют решающую роль в перевозке людей и товаров из пункта отправления в пункт назначения. Мобильность людей ускорилась в последние годы с конечной целью зарабатывать на жизнь. Существуют различные виды транспорта для продвижения доступных видов перевозок для людей в разных частях мира, включая автомобильный, железнодорожный, воздушный и морской транспорт. За последние десятилетия железнодорожный транспорт превратился в один из важнейших видов транспорта в Иране, где наблюдается рост спроса на железнодорожные услуги. Целью данного исследования является выявление и ранжирование элементов, влияющих на готовность людей путешествовать на поезде. Статистическая совокупность состоит из всех пассажиров, которые ежедневно путешествуют по железной дороге, что составляет примерно 75.000 человек. Размер статистической выборки определялся с помощью таблицы Моргана, которая составила 382 пассажира. При определении того, следует ли увеличивать желания людей, можно изучить четыре фактора: экономика, условия станции, время в пути и условия проезда в поездах, причем экономика и условия проезда в поездах являются наиболее важными. Выводы исследования могут помочь коммерческим и общественным железнодорожным предприятиям в обеспечении необходимой инфраструктуры и условий для увеличения числа пассажиров.Ключевые слова: Экономика; Закон о пассажирах; Железнодорожные перевозки; Инфраструктура станци

    The Role of Potential Licensee Availability in Facilitating Commercialization of Academic Research Results

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    AbstractThis paper mainly focuses on investigating the effects of the availability of potential licensee as a measure of academic commercialization. Moreover, a qualitative research method is adopted based on the case study approach. In order to explore the issues of this study, ten face-to-face interviews were conducted. The respondents were chosen among inventors, researchers, academic entrepreneurs and Technology Transfer Office staffs in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). The researcher used content-analysis approach to analyse the data obtained from the interviews. The results showed that the availability of potential licensee and awareness of the invention market potential facilitated the invention commercialization

    Enhancing commercialization level of academic research outputs in research university

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    The aim of this study was to improve the commercialization level in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). For achieving this goal various factors and issues were examined to identify how they affect the procedure of university commercialization. These factors include the role of technology transfer office /center, availability of finance, availability of potential licensee and entrepreneurial orientation (EO) among the university researchers. Among these four factors, this study focused more on EO among academic researchers and its effect on the commercialization rate. This study was based on a qualitative research method and was designed to use a case study approach. For investigating the factors and issues in this study, a total of ten face-to-face interviews were conducted. The respondents were chosen from inventors, researchers, academic entrepreneurs, and Technology Transfer Office staff in UTM. The researcher utilized the content-analysis approach to analyze the data obtained from the semi-structured interviews of the respondents. The results indicated that EO among the university researchers, the role of technology transfer office /center, the availability of potential licensee and availability of finance were significant to the research output commercialization at university. Overall, the most critical factor was availability of finance

    Palm Oil Mill Effluent as an Environmental Pollutant

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    In recent decades, Malaysia has been known as one of the world’s leading producers and exporters of palm oil products. Every year, the number of palm oil mills increases rapidly, thus increasing the capacity of fresh fruit bunch waste or effluent discharge. Based on the data from the Malaysian Palm Oil Board in 2012, Malaysia produced 99.85 million tons of fresh fruit bunch (FFB) per year. However, about 5–5.7 tons of water was required in order to sterilize the palm fruit bunches and clarify the extracted oil to produce 1 ton of crude palm oil resulting in 50% of the water turning into palm oil mill effluent (POME). POME is one of the major environmental pollutants in Malaysia. The characteristics of POME and its behavior, if discharged directly, in water are described in this chapter. The suspended solid and nutrient content in POME could be able to support the growth of algae. This chapter aims to demonstrate that POME could be used as a main source for algae production, and this effluent is one of the main environmental problems in the tropical region especially in Malaysia

    Development and psychometric properties of health care workers’ concerns in infectious outbreaks scale

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    IntroductionHealthcare workers are a crucial workforce; from a moral perspective, understanding their concerns and how to support them is crucial and makes it possible for health services to keep functioning. This study aimed to develop and validate Health Care Workers’ Concerns in Infectious Outbreaks Scale (HCWCIOS).MethodsThis exploratory sequential mix-method study was employed to design and validate the HCWCIOS. The initial tool was designed after searching similar studies and performing a qualitative phase under the semi-structured approach. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to evaluate the face and content validity. The content validity ratio, content validity index, and item-level content validity index were also calculated. Exploratory factor analysis was employed to evaluate the construct validity. Using a convenient sampling method, 354 Iranian healthcare workers participated in the study. Computing Cronbach’s alpha coefficient estimated the internal consistency for HCWCIOS and its subscales. Furthermore assessed was test–retest reliability.ResultsThe preliminary scale was designed with 57 items. By eliminating nine items in the content validity phase and 12 items during factor analysis, the final 36-item scale was developed on six factors: inadequate preparedness, lack of knowledge, risk perception, affected social relations, work pressure, and absenteeism. These six factors accounted for 46.507% of the total variance. The whole scale’s Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.912, and the intra-class correlation coefficient was 0.88.ConclusionA 36-item HCWCIOS has good psychometric properties and is suitable for measuring healthcare workers’ concerns during a pandemic

    Improved production of lipid contents by cultivating Chlorella pyrenoidosa in heterogeneous organic substrates

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    The study is aimed to enhance the productivity of microalgal culture by varying the organic and inorganic components during wastewater treatment. A model organism Chlorella pyrenoidosa (C. pyrenoidosa) was grown in four different sources of wastewater namely piggery, palm oil mill effluent (POME), mixed-kitchen, and domestic wastes. The growth efficacy of C. pyrenoidosa on POME was tested for their ability to remove nutrients. It was observed that POME showed the highest chemical oxygen demand of 700 mg L−1. Meanwhile, the piggery waste had the highest amount of total nitrogen of 590 mg L−1. C. pyrenoidosa species were reported to grow well with different nutrient sources and produce high levels of lipids. The highest content of chlorophyll a was obtained with POME (3 mg L−1) and domestic wastes (2.5 mg L−1). The optimum growth rate of C. pyrenoidosa was reported for POME as a substrate. Also, the results indicated the lipid content for POME (182 mg L−1), domestic sample (148 mg L−1), piggery (0.99 mg L−1), and mixed-kitchen wastes (117 mg L−1). The results above revealed that among the tested substrates, POME could be the best alternative for C. pyrenoidosa to improve the yield of lipids and ultimately, biofuels production. Therefore, the treatment of POME in wastewater using C. pyrenoidosa can boost clean technology and energy generation. In future studies, the screening of other waste effluents is needed to cultivate the microalgae and enhance biomass production to meet increasing energy demands and waste treatment applications

    Greenhouse gas emission of organic waste composting: a case study of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia green campus flagship project

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    Waste generation nowadays is rising in the world and it seems hard to prevent it. Solid Waste Management (SWM) has been a major problem worldwide in most of the fast growing towns and cities among the developing countries all around the world. Food waste and green waste constitute high volumes of municipal solid waste (MSW). The application of compost in the agricultural sector can contribute to sustainable soil health and other co-benefits. The compost produced from biological waste does not contain any chemicals unfavorable to living soil. The objective of this research was to calculate the greenhouse gas emission from the compost processed from the food and green wastes generated on-campus in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) as a pilot project. The result indicated that the composting process promotes the university as a green campus by converting organic wastes into valuable products such as organic fertilizer

    The status and characteristics of university-industry collaboration in a research university

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    The increasing reliance on knowledge in industry and services is generating strong incentives to develop more efficient ways to transfer the discoveries made in academia to business. This paper mainly focuses to identify the status and characteristics of university-industry (UI) collaborations at a research university. Moreover a quantitative research method was adopted in this study. The sample was selected from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). A total of 42 UTM centers participated in this survey. The findings demonstrate the type of existing UI collaborations and mobility at UTM. Furthermore, the result indicated the characteristics of university partners

    Table_1_Development and psychometric properties of health care workers’ concerns in infectious outbreaks scale.DOCX

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    IntroductionHealthcare workers are a crucial workforce; from a moral perspective, understanding their concerns and how to support them is crucial and makes it possible for health services to keep functioning. This study aimed to develop and validate Health Care Workers’ Concerns in Infectious Outbreaks Scale (HCWCIOS).MethodsThis exploratory sequential mix-method study was employed to design and validate the HCWCIOS. The initial tool was designed after searching similar studies and performing a qualitative phase under the semi-structured approach. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to evaluate the face and content validity. The content validity ratio, content validity index, and item-level content validity index were also calculated. Exploratory factor analysis was employed to evaluate the construct validity. Using a convenient sampling method, 354 Iranian healthcare workers participated in the study. Computing Cronbach’s alpha coefficient estimated the internal consistency for HCWCIOS and its subscales. Furthermore assessed was test–retest reliability.ResultsThe preliminary scale was designed with 57 items. By eliminating nine items in the content validity phase and 12 items during factor analysis, the final 36-item scale was developed on six factors: inadequate preparedness, lack of knowledge, risk perception, affected social relations, work pressure, and absenteeism. These six factors accounted for 46.507% of the total variance. The whole scale’s Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.912, and the intra-class correlation coefficient was 0.88.ConclusionA 36-item HCWCIOS has good psychometric properties and is suitable for measuring healthcare workers’ concerns during a pandemic.</p