136 research outputs found

    Replacing of live food with artificial diet on growth and survival rates of white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) larvae

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    Replacing live food with artificial diets in aquatic larviculture, especially in shrimp larvae not only is caused convenience feeding, but also in economical view is very important. With this object, in this survey, a density of 100.L -1 white leg shrimp larvae in 9 nutritional treatments each with three replicates were cultured in 20L tanks each one was held with 10L of 30% salty water using one air stone. The larvae were fed 4 times.day-1 with different diets, including live foods (Cheatoceros gracilis and Artemia nauplii), artificial diets (handmade and imported) and different combinations. The results showed that the growth rate and survival percentage in larvae fed with combination feed treatments, were more desirable than those fed with food and feed treatments and feeding with homemade and imported feeds alone, raised high mortality in shrimp larvae during the experiment. Also, it was denoted that even if the zoea larvae has been fed with live food, feeding with 100% artificial diets for the resting larviculture period won't be possible because of decreasing significantly in growth rate, total length and survival percent of shrimp larvae, compare to the other treatments. In addition, replacing partly of live food with artificial diet without adverse affects on growth and survival rates of white leg shrimp larvae will be possible and the observation supported that the handmade feed with given formulation, had more suitable results comparing to the imported one for mixing with live food economically. Therefore, we recommend that a mixture the formulated diet and algae plus Artemia nauplii is used for culturing white shrimp larvae

    The production of plant protein diet, and determination of their effects on western white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) growth indexes at earthen ponds

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    The effects of one diet contain of 42 percent soybean meal (experimental treatment with 38 percent crude protein) in comparison with commercial diet (control treatment with 39 percent crud protein) at 6 earthen ponds, each one with the area of 0.4 ha, ( 2 treatments and 3 replicates in each treatment) on growth indexes of western white shrimp (Litopenaeusvannamei) was determined. The initial weight of post larvae was 0.008±0.001g, with density of 25 ind/m^2 . The mean of culture periode in the experimental treatment and control treatment was 115 dayes, The mean of growth rate (GR) in the experimental treatment and control treatment was 15.70±0.88g and 15.60±0.52 g, respectively and significant statistically difference was between those (p0.05).The net protein utilization (NPU) in the experimental treatment and control treatment was 17.05 ±0.38 percent and 11.80±0.26 percent respectively, and significant statistically difference was between those (p0.05).The amount of diet consumption, in the experimental treatment and control treatment was 5144±112.23 kg and 5055±59.77 kg respectively, and significant statistically difference was between those (p<0.05). The price of 1 kg of plant diet and commercial diet computed 34.000 rials and 43.000 rials respectively. In the shrimp body analysis, crude protein percent, in the experimental treatment was more than control treatment and significant statistically difference was computed between those (p<0.05). Totally, the use of plant protein for the feeding of L.vannamei in the earthen pond, can decrease the cost of plant diet, 20 percent lower than commercial diet

    Manufacture of artificial diet to feeding of western white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in larval stages and in comparison with import diet

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    For the accomplish of project, nine treatments with three replicate in each treatment, used as follows. Control treatment: Feeding with natural foods (Chaetoceros sp and artemia nauplii) Treatment 1: Feeding with combination of inner artificial diet and natural foods. Treatment 2: Feeding with combination of imported artificial diet and natural foods. Treatment 3: feeding from zoea 1 to mysis 1 with chaetoceros sp and from mysis 1 to pl15 with inner artificial diet. Treatment 4: feeding from zoea 1 to mysis 1 with chaetoceros sp and from mysis 1 to pl15 with imported artificial diet. Treatment 5: feeding from zoea 1 to pl15 with project artificial diet. Treatment 6: feeding from zoea 1 to pl15 with imported artificial diet. Treatment 7: Feeding in zoeal stages with chaetoceros sp and from mysis 1 to pl15 with chaetoceros sp+artemia nauplii+ imported artificial diet. Treatment 8: Feeding in zoeal stages with chaetoceros sp and from mysis 1 to pl15 with chaetoceros sp+artemia nauplii+ project artificial diet. Larvae stocked at a density of 100 nauplii/ L-1 (1000 nauplii in each tank each tank), at the beginning of culture period The results showed that, in treatments 1, 2, 7 and 8 from zoea 1 to pl15, growth indexes were suitable and noticible, and in most treatment better than control treatment. Survival percent, in pl15 in treatment 1, 2, 7 and 8 was more than control treatment, and differention between treatment 1, 2 and 8 in comparision with control treatment was statictically significant (p0.05). But thereafter, significantly decresed. In treatments 3 and 4 from zoea 1 to late mysis 3 stage, survival percent in comparision with other treatments were suitable, and thereafter, significantly decreased, and with statictically significant with other treatments (p0.05), but in treatment 8, was more than other treatments. The mean of final length between treatments 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 and in comparision with control treatment, were not statistically significant (p>0.05). But in treatment 2, more than control treatment, and in other treatments less than control treatment

    Investigation of two crop culture of western white shrimp

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    Two crop culture of western white shrimp with 2 treatments and 2 replicates in each treatments in earthen ponds with area 0.4 hectares at a density of 20 pl 18 in each square meter were done. For the culture of shrimp in the second stage, the post larvae cultured in nursery pond with area of 0.25 hectare, and density of 96 post larvae in each square meter, and then transfer to the rearing ponds. In each pond, 2 aerators with potency of 3 horsepower fixed. Every day horsepower clarified at 21p.m. to 23 p.m and out at 6 a.m to 7 a.m. The first stage of culture begun in 19 April with pl 18. The yield pick-up after 96 days. The stocking of pl in the nursery ponds was done in 25 July with pl16 and after 38 days hunted and transferred to second stage culture. The second culture was done in 1 September and pick-up after 65 days. For feeding of shrimps we used commercial food numbers 4001 until 4006. In the first mount the feeding of shrimps were done as blind feed and then with the shrimps biomass and with research of feeding trays. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH daily in 2 times at the morning (6 a.m) and evening (at 15 p.m) and the salinity, transparency and water depth 1 time daily measured. In the first culture period (96 days), the mean weight, length, daily weight gain, FCR, survival percent shrimp production were 14.03 gr, 12.08 cm, 0.15 gr, 1.02 gr, 92 percent and 2132 kilograms and in the second culture period (65 days) 14.55 gr, 12.48 cm, 0.22 gr, 0.84, 73 percent and 2675 kilogarms measuered respectively. Totally, in the second period culture the initial weight of shrimps was higher than the first period culture 1.95 gr and 0.008 gr respectively, therefore growth indexes in the second period were better than the first culture period. Coefficient of determination of weight and lenth of shrimps with increase of cultue days, in the first and second culture periods, in the total cases the number were higher than 0.97. This shown that the role of increase of days on the increase of weight and lenth is higher than 97 percent. Also, determination of product moment, showed that there is very strong correlation between increase of days and increase of weight and lenth and between weight and lenth (0.97 to 0.99)

    Pulmonary Kaposi's sarcoma after heart transplantation: a case report

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    ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Kaposi's sarcomas have been associated with different conditions of immunosuppression and are also known to be a typical complication of solid organ transplantations. CASE PRESENTATION: We report of a 65 year old man of Turkish origin with a history of heart transplantation 10 months ago who presented for clarification of his dyspnoea. The patient had a known history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and a smoking history of 40 pack years. Radiologically, three progressively growing intrapulmonary nodules were detected. The histology was diagnostic for a Kaposi's sarcoma. Visceral and especially primary intrapulmonary Kaposi's sarcomas are very rare and have been described to have a rather unfavourable prognosis. CONCLUSION: Even with a history suggestive for conventional lung cancer, Kaposi's sarcomas should be considered in patients after transplantation of solid organs. It should be noticed that in a minority of cases this tumour exists in the absence of the typical cutaneous lesions

    Supply and protected different population of Litopenaeus vannamei subadult zero foster (F_0) from difference provinces Iran

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    Nowadays, Litopenaeus vannamei are the most important species of farmed penaeidae shrimp in the world that is rapidly replacing native species in areas aquaculture. Due to demand increase for this species culture, shrimp displacement to different areas may be associated with some potential pathogens transferred to new areas farmed. Therefore, in this study were prepared bi-osecurity conditions for specific disease-free production of L. vannamei. Thereafter, three populations (Molokaei, High health and mix of Molokaei and High health) of the shrimp various reserves were detected base on origin and genetic indexes such as: observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity, allele frequency, coefficient inbreeding, genetic differentiation, genetic distance and genetic identity. On the other hand, epidemiological studies indicate non pathogens (viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic) recognition of different populations selected in the quarantine salon. The bioassay results showed that the average weight and length of the populations of High health and Mix significantly greater than was a population of Molokaei. The shrimp populations were stocked in fiberglass tank (five ton) and were kept separated in the quarantine salon. During maintenance shrimp of populations in the quarantine salon were evaluated living and non-living pathogens with PCR, microbiology and biochemical methods. There is not any pathogens detection from shrimp populations stocking in the quarantine salon, so the shrimps were carried over to pond for broodstock culture of specific pathogenic free