91 research outputs found

    Haze in the Klang Valley of Malaysia

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    Continuous measurements of dry aerosol light scattering (Bsp) were made at two sites in the Klang Valley of Malaysia between December 1998 and December 2000. In addition 24-h PM2.5 samples were collected on a one-day-in-six cycle and the chemical composition of the aerosol was determined. Periods of excessive haze were defined as 24-h average Bsp values greater than 150 Mm-1 and these occurred on a number of occasions, between May and September 1999, during May 2000, and between July and September 2000. The evidence for smoke being a significant contributor to aerosol during periods of excessive haze is discussed and includes features of the aerosol chemistry, the diurnal cycle of Bsp, and the coincidence of forest fires on Sumatra during the southwest (SW) monsoon period, as well as transport modelling for one week of the southwest Monsoon of 2000. The study highlights that whilst transboundary smoke is a major contributor to poor visibility in the Klang Valley, smoke from fires on Peninsular Malaysia is also a contributor, and at all times, the domestic source of secondary particle production is present

    Optical, physical and chemical characteristics of Australian continental aerosols: results from a field experiment

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    Mineral dust is one of the major components of the world's aerosol mix, having a number of impacts within the Earth system. However, the climate forcing impact of mineral dust is currently poorly constrained, with even its sign uncertain. As Australian deserts are more reddish than those in the Northern Hemisphere, it is important to better understand the physical, chemical and optical properties of this important aerosol. We have investigated the properties of Australian desert dust at a site in SW Queensland, which is strongly influenced by both dust and biomass burning aerosol. <br><br> Three years of ground-based monitoring of spectral optical thickness has provided a statistical picture of gross aerosol properties. The aerosol optical depth data showed a clear though moderate seasonal cycle with an annual mean of 0.06 ± 0.03. The Angstrom coefficient showed a stronger cycle, indicating the influence of the winter-spring burning season in Australia's north. AERONET size distributions showed a generally bimodal character, with the coarse mode assumed to be mineral dust, and the fine mode a mixture of fine dust, biomass burning and marine biogenic material. <br><br> In November 2006 we undertook a field campaign which collected 4 sets of size-resolved aerosol samples for laboratory analysis – ion beam analysis and ion chromatography. Ion beam analysis was used to determine the elemental composition of all filter samples, although elemental ratios were considered the most reliable output. Scatter plots showed that Fe, Al and Ti were well correlated with Si, and Co reasonably well correlated with Si, with the Fe/Al ratio somewhat higher than values reported from Northern Hemisphere sites (as expected). Scatter plots for Ca, Mn and K against Si showed clear evidence of a second population, which in some cases could be identified with a particular sample day or size fraction. These data may be used to attempt to build a signature of soil in this region of the Australian interior. <br><br> Ion chromatography was used to quantify water soluble ions for 2 of our sample sets, complementing the picture provided by ion beam analysis. The strong similarities between the MSA and SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2−</sup> size distributions argue strongly for a marine origin of much of the SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2−</sup>. The similarity of the Na<sup>+</sup>, Cl<sup>−</sup> and Mg<sup>2+</sup> size distributions also argue for a marine contribution. Further, we believe that both NO<sub>3</sub><sup>−</sup> and NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup> are the result of surface reactions with appropriate gases

    Biomass burning at Cape Grim: exploring photochemistry using multi-scale modelling

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    We have tested the ability of a high-resolution chemical transport model (CTM) to reproduce biomass burning (BB) plume strikes and ozone (O3) enhancements observed at Cape Grim in Tasmania, Australia, from the Robbins Island fire. The CTM has also been used to explore the contribution of near-field BB emissions and background sources to O3 observations under conditions of complex meteorology. Using atmospheric observations, we have tested model sensitivity to meteorology, BB emission factors (EFs) corresponding to low, medium, and high modified combustion efficiency (MCE), and spatial variability. The use of two different meteorological models (TAPM–CTM and CCAM–CTM) varied the first (BB1) plume strike time by up to 15 h and the duration of impact between 12 and 36 h, and it varied the second (BB2) plume duration between 50 and 57 h. Meteorology also had a large impact on simulated O3, with one model (TAPM–CTM) simulating four periods of O3 enhancement, while the other model (CCAM) simulating only one period. Varying the BB EFs, which in turn varied the non-methane organic compound (NMOC) ∕ oxides of nitrogen (NOx) ratio, had a strongly non-linear impact on simulated O3 concentration, with either destruction or production of O3 predicted in different simulations. As shown in previous work (Lawson et al., 2015), minor rainfall events have the potential to significantly alter EF due to changes in combustion processes. Models that assume fixed EF for O3 precursor species in an environment with temporally or spatially variable EF may be unable to simulate the behaviour of important species such as O3. TAPM–CTM is used to further explore the contribution of the Robbins Island fire to the observed O3 enhancements during BB1 and BB2. Overall, TAPM–CTM suggests that the dominant source of O3 observed at Cape Grim was aged urban air (age  = 2 days), with a contribution of O3 formed from local BB emissions. This work shows the importance of assessing model sensitivity to meteorology and EF and the large impact these variables can have in particular on simulated destruction or production of O3 in regional atmospheric chemistry simulations. This work also shows the importance of using models to elucidate the contribution from different sources to atmospheric composition, where this is difficult using observations alone

    Hygroscopicity of secondary organic aerosols formed by oxidation of cycloalkenes, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and related compounds

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    A series of experiments has been conducted in the Caltech indoor smog chamber facility to investigate the water uptake properties of aerosol formed by oxidation of various organic precursors. Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from simple and substituted cycloalkenes (C5-C8) is produced in dark ozonolysis experiments in a dry chamber (RH~5%). Biogenic SOA from monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and oxygenated terpenes is formed by photooxidation in a humid chamber (~50% RH). Using the hygroscopicity tandem differential mobility analyzer (HTDMA), we measure the diameter-based hygroscopic growth factor (GF) of the SOA as a function of time and relative humidity. All SOA studied is found to be slightly hygroscopic, with smaller water uptake than that of typical inorganic aerosol substances. The aerosol water uptake increases with time early in the experiments for the cycloalkene SOA, but decreases with time for the biogenic SOA. This behavior could indicate competing effects between the formation of more highly oxidized polar compounds (more hygroscopic), and formation of longer-chained oligomers (less hygroscopic). All SOA also exhibit a smooth water uptake with RH with no deliquescence or efflorescence. The water uptake curves are found to be fitted well with an empirical three-parameter functional form. The measured pure organic GF values at 85% RH are between 1.09–1.16 for SOA from ozonolysis of cycloalkenes, 1.01–1.04 for sesquiterpene photooxidation SOA, and 1.06–1.11 for the monoterpene and oxygenated terpene SOA. The GF of pure SOA (GForg) in experiments in which inorganic seed aerosol is used is determined by assuming volume-weighted water uptake (Zdanovskii-Stokes-Robinson or ''ZSR'' approach) and using the size-resolved organic mass fraction measured by the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer. Knowing the water content associated with the inorganic fraction yields GForg values. However, for each precursor, the GForg values computed from different HTDMA-classified diameters agree with each other to varying degrees. Lack of complete agreement may be a result of the non-idealities of the solutions that are not captured by the ZSR method. Comparing growth factors from different precursors, we find that GForg is inversely proportional to the precursor molecular weight and SOA yield, which is likely a result of the fact that higher-molecular weight precursors tend to produce larger and less hygroscopic oxidation products

    Hygroscopicity of secondary organic aerosols formed by oxidation of cycloalkenes, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and related compounds

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    A series of experiments has been conducted in the Caltech indoor smog chamber facility to investigate the water uptake properties of aerosol formed by oxidation of various organic precursors. Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from simple and substituted cycloalkenes (C<sub>5</sub>-C<sub>8</sub>) is produced in dark ozonolysis experiments in a dry chamber (<i>RH</i>~5%). Biogenic SOA from monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and oxygenated terpenes is formed by photooxidation in a humid chamber (~50% <i>RH</i>). Using the hygroscopicity tandem differential mobility analyzer (HTDMA), we measure the diameter-based hygroscopic growth factor (<i>GF</i>) of the SOA as a function of time and relative humidity. All SOA studied is found to be slightly hygroscopic, with smaller water uptake than that of typical inorganic aerosol substances. The aerosol water uptake increases with time early in the experiments for the cycloalkene SOA, but decreases with time for the sesquiterpene SOA. This behavior could indicate competing effects between the formation of more highly oxidized polar compounds (more hygroscopic), and formation of longer-chained oligomers (less hygroscopic). All SOA also exhibit a smooth water uptake with <i>RH</i> with no deliquescence or efflorescence. The water uptake curves are found to be fitted well with an empirical three-parameter functional form. The measured pure organic <i>GF</i> values at 85% <i>RH</i> are between 1.09&ndash;1.16 for SOA from ozonolysis of cycloalkenes, 1.01&ndash;1.04 for sesquiterpene photooxidation SOA, and 1.06&ndash;1.10 for the monoterpene and oxygenated terpene SOA. The <i>GF</i> of pure SOA (<i>GF</i><sub>org</sub>) in experiments in which inorganic seed aerosol is used is determined by assuming volume-weighted water uptake (Zdanovskii-Stokes-Robinson or 'ZSR' approach) and using the size-resolved organic mass fraction measured by the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer. Knowing the water content associated with the inorganic fraction yields <i>GF</i><sub>org</sub> values. However, for each precursor, the <i>GF</i><sub>org</sub> values computed from different HTDMA-classified diameters agree with each other to varying degrees. Comparing growth factors from different precursors, we find that <i>GF</i><sub>org</sub> is inversely proportional to the precursor molecular weight and SOA yield, which is likely a result of the fact that higher-molecular weight precursors tend to produce larger and less hygroscopic oxidation products

    Addressing Retention in Youth Programs: A Survey for Understanding Families\u27 Experiences

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    Research on retention in the 4-H youth development program has consistently shown that one of the primary indicators for youths\u27 dropping out of 4-H is being a first-year member. Extension 4-H professionals from California, Idaho, Wyoming, and New Jersey formed a team to study this issue. Our team surveyed first-year members and their parents/guardians to better understand why youths were not reenrolling in 4-H after their first year. This article introduces the survey used to assess the first-year experience and intent to reenroll. We discuss the survey development process, survey testing, lessons learned, and conclusions related to its future use

    Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from the Ozonolysis of Cycloalkenes and Related Compounds

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    The secondary organic aerosol (SOA) yields from the laboratory chamber ozonolysis of a series of cycloalkenes and related compounds are reported. The aim of this work is to investigate the effect of the structure of the hydrocarbon parent molecule on SOA formation for a homologous set of compounds. Aspects of the compound structures that are varied include the number of carbon atoms present in the cycloalkene ring (C_5 to C_8), the presence and location of methyl groups, and the presence of an exocyclic or endocyclic double bond. The specific compounds considered here are cyclopentene, cyclohexene, cycloheptene, cyclooctene, 1-methyl-1-cyclopentene, 1-methyl-1-cyclohexene, 1-methyl-1-cycloheptene, 3-methyl-1-cyclohexene, and methylenecyclohexane. The SOA yield is found to be a function of the number of carbons present in the cycloalkene ring, with an increasing number resulting in increased yield. The yield is enhanced by the presence of a methyl group located at a double-bonded site but reduced by the presence of a methyl group at a non-double-bonded site. The presence of an exocyclic double bond also leads to a reduced yield relative to that of the equivalent methylated cycloalkene. On the basis of these observations, the SOA yield for terpinolene relative to the other cyclic alkenes is qualitatively predicted, and this prediction compares well to measurements of the SOA yield from the ozonolysis of terpinolene. This work shows that relative SOA yields from ozonolysis of cyclic alkenes can be qualitatively predicted from properties of the parent hydrocarbons

    Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from the Ozonolysis of Cycloalkenes and Related Compounds

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    The secondary organic aerosol (SOA) yields from the laboratory chamber ozonolysis of a series of cycloalkenes and related compounds are reported. The aim of this work is to investigate the effect of the structure of the hydrocarbon parent molecule on SOA formation for a homologous set of compounds. Aspects of the compound structures that are varied include the number of carbon atoms present in the cycloalkene ring (C_5 to C_8), the presence and location of methyl groups, and the presence of an exocyclic or endocyclic double bond. The specific compounds considered here are cyclopentene, cyclohexene, cycloheptene, cyclooctene, 1-methyl-1-cyclopentene, 1-methyl-1-cyclohexene, 1-methyl-1-cycloheptene, 3-methyl-1-cyclohexene, and methylenecyclohexane. The SOA yield is found to be a function of the number of carbons present in the cycloalkene ring, with an increasing number resulting in increased yield. The yield is enhanced by the presence of a methyl group located at a double-bonded site but reduced by the presence of a methyl group at a non-double-bonded site. The presence of an exocyclic double bond also leads to a reduced yield relative to that of the equivalent methylated cycloalkene. On the basis of these observations, the SOA yield for terpinolene relative to the other cyclic alkenes is qualitatively predicted, and this prediction compares well to measurements of the SOA yield from the ozonolysis of terpinolene. This work shows that relative SOA yields from ozonolysis of cyclic alkenes can be qualitatively predicted from properties of the parent hydrocarbons

    Reactive intermediates revealed in secondary organic aerosol formation from isoprene

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    Isoprene is a significant source of atmospheric organic aerosol; however, the oxidation pathways that lead to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) have remained elusive. Here, we identify the role of two key reactive intermediates, epoxydiols of isoprene (IEPOX = β-IEPOX + δ-IEPOX) and methacryloylperoxynitrate (MPAN), which are formed during isoprene oxidation under low- and high-NO_x conditions, respectively. Isoprene low-NO_x SOA is enhanced in the presence of acidified sulfate seed aerosol (mass yield 28.6%) over that in the presence of neutral aerosol (mass yield 1.3%). Increased uptake of IEPOX by acid-catalyzed particle-phase reactions is shown to explain this enhancement. Under high-NO_x conditions, isoprene SOA formation occurs through oxidation of its second-generation product, MPAN. The similarity of the composition of SOA formed from the photooxidation of MPAN to that formed from isoprene and methacrolein demonstrates the role of MPAN in the formation of isoprene high-NO_x SOA. Reactions of IEPOX and MPAN in the presence of anthropogenic pollutants (i.e., acidic aerosol produced from the oxidation of SO_2 and NO_2, respectively) could be a substantial source of “missing urban SOA” not included in current atmospheric models