20 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Anti-Vaccine Movement in Social Networks: A Systematic Review

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    The aim of this study was to analyze social networks’ information about the anti-vaccine movement. A systematic review was performed in PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL and CUIDEN databases. The search equations were: “vaccine AND social network” and “vaccine AND (Facebook[title] OR Twitter[title] OR Instagram[title] OR YouTube[title])”. The final sample was n = 12, including only articles published in the last 10 years, in English or Spanish. Social networks are used by the anti-vaccine groups to disseminate their information. To do this, these groups use different methods, including bots and trolls that generate anti-vaccination messages and spread quickly. In addition, the arguments that they use focus on possible harmful effects and the distrust of pharmaceuticals, promoting the use of social networks as a resource for finding health-related information. The anti-vaccine groups are able to use social networks and their resources to increase their number and do so through controversial arguments, such as the economic benefit of pharmaceuticals or personal stories of children to move the population without using reliable or evidence-based content

    Using “Diraya” System as a Complementary Tool in Nursing Process Education: A Controlled Clinical Study

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    The authors are grateful to all participants and to the TECNOVA company, especially for the assistance of Antonio J. Luna and Jose Caballero. The study was supported by the Educational Innovation Unit of the University of Granada (PI12-158, PI13-159).Background: Healthcare has been revolutionized by the application of information and communication technologies. The implementation of electronic health record systems improves the quality and safety of patient healthcare. Nursing students who start learning the nursing process without contact with real patients experience difficulties in its correct application. Purpose: To compare the acquisition of skills and competencies in the nursing process by undergraduate nursing students between conventional learning with books and learning with an academic electronic health record system (Diraya). Methods: A controlled experimental study was conducted and included 379 students with a mean age of 20.54 +/- 5.09 years, enrolled in the "Nursing Process and Basic Care" degree course at the School of Health Sciences in Granada. All participants gave their informed consent and were allocated by convenience sampling to a control group (n = 187; 21.20 +/- 5.77 years) or an experimental group (n = 192, 19.91 +/- 4.24 years). Findings: The experimental and control groups did not differ in sex distribution (p = 0.20), mean age (p = 0.01), or previous knowledge of the nursing process (p = 0.96). The groups did not significantly differ in multi-choice test results on the acquisition of theoretical knowledge (p = 0.13). However, the experimental group scored higher on clinical case planning (9.47 +/- 0.80 vs. 8.95 +/- 1.17; p < 0.001), took less time to complete it (46.9 +/- 8.76 min vs. 82.66 +/- 13.14 min; p < 0.001), and needed fewer autonomous learning hours to prepare for the final examination (2.26 +/- 2.41 vs. 9.58 +/- 3.83; p < 0.001). Satisfaction with the program and the rating of its quality were generally higher in the experimental group, while greater difficulty with most phases of the nursing process was reported by the control group. Conclusions: The academic electronic health record system "Diraya" is a useful tool to improve the learning and implementation of the nursing process by undergraduate nursing students.Educational Innovation Unit of the University of Granada PI12-158 PI13-15

    Evaluation of the Evolution of Digital Nursing Interventions in an Emergency Unit: An Observational Study

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    This study aimed to examine the influence of new ICTs on the recording of nursing interventions in the Emergency Unit of the High Resolution Hospital (HRH) of Loja (Granada), Spain. A descriptive observational study was conducted to analyze the evolution of the Nursing Interventions (NIC) records in the Emergency Unit of the Loja HRH (Granada) from 2017 to 2021. Results showed that 11,076 NIC registrations were exploited, which increased by 51.2% from 2017 to 2021. The linear correlation between the NIC and the years was analyzed with Spearman’s coefficient, obtaining a low level of correlation (p = 0.166), but one that is statistically significant (p < 0.001). The introduction of tablet devices in the emergency room of the Loja HRH (Granada) led to a significant increase in the percentage of NIC recorded and collated during the study period without increasing the number of emergencies attended. However, usability barriers of ICTs were detected, highlighting the need to guide and train health professionals in their use and in the culture of patient safet

    Prevalence and Predictors of Burnout in Midwives: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    The prevalence of burnout in midwives has been briefly studied. Given the negative effects of burnout syndrome in the physical and mental health, and also related to the quality of care provided, rates of absenteeism and sick leave; identifying related factors for the syndrome are needed. The aim was to determine the prevalence, levels, and factors related to the burnout syndrome, measured with the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory in midwives. A systematic review and meta-analysis were selected from CINAHL, LILACS, ProQuest, PsycINFO, PubMed, SciELO, and Scopus databases, with the search equation “burnout AND (midwife OR midwives OR nurses midwives)”. Fourteen articles were found with a total of 8959 midwives. Most of the studies showed moderate levels of personal burnout. The prevalence obtained was 50% (95% CI = 38–63) for personal burnout; 40% (95% CI = 32–49) for work-related burnout; and 10% (95% CI = 7–13) for client-related burnout. Midwives’ age, less experience, and living alone constitute the main related factors, as well as, the scarcity of resources, work environment, and the care model used. Most midwives present personal and work-related burnout, which indicates a high risk of developing burnout. Personal factors and working conditions should be taken into account when assessing burnout risk profiles of midwives

    Coping Strategies in Elderly Colorectal Cancer Patients

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    The author(s) disclose the receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article: this study was supported by a grant from the Education Ministry (Program FPU16/01437), Madrid, Spanish Government.In Spain, 34,331 new cases of colorectal cancer were diagnosed in 2018 and 15,923 individuals died from this disease in the same year. The highest incidence of colorectal cancer is among individuals aged 65–75 years and the physiological consequences of aging, alongside the effects of the disease and its treatment, can exacerbate their physical deterioration and cognitive impairment and reduce their social relationships. The learning of coping strategies may help to improve the quality of life of patients after cancer diagnosis. To test the hypothesis that the utilization of coping strategies can improve the quality of life of elderly patients with colorectal cancer, PubMed and EBSCO databases were searched, up to 2021, using the following terms: “coping strategies and colorectal cancer” with “anxiety”, “quality of life”, “depression”, “unmet needs”, “optimism”, “intimacy”, “distress”, “self-efficacy” and “self-esteem” with Boolean operators “AND”, “OR”. The literature search retrieved 641 titles/abstracts written in English. After an exhaustive analysis, only 7 studies met the inclusion criteria. Randomized evidence was scant and was reported only in 3/7 of the studies analyzed. Data from available randomized evidence support that patients improved on their depression and quality of life and felt more prepared to deal with their cancer. Coping strategies in patients with colorectal cancer were effective in improving patient adaptation to their new situation. Healthcare professionals working with these patients should receive training in this complementary treatment, to be able to conduct comprehensive care in order to improve the quality of life of these patients.Education Ministry, Madrid, Spanish Government FPU16/0143

    Burnout in Nursing Managers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Related Factors, Levels and Prevalence

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    This study forms part of the Doctoral Thesis of the first-named author within the Psychology Doctoral Program from the University of Granada.Burnout syndrome is a major problem in occupational health, which also affects nursing managers. The main aim was to analyze the level, prevalence and risk factors of burnout among nursing managers. A systematic review with meta-analysis was conducted. The databases used were Medline (Pubmed), PsycINFO, CINAHL, LILACS, Scielo and Scopus. The search equation was “burnout AND nurs* AND (health manager OR case managers)”. Nursing managers present high levels of emotional exhaustion and a high degree of depersonalization. Some studies show that variables like age, gender, marital status, having children or mobbing and other occupational factors are related with burnout. The prevalence estimation of emotional exhaustion with the meta-analysis was high; 29% (95% CI = 9–56) with a sample of n = 780 nursing managers. The meta-analytical estimation of the correlation between burnout and age was r = −0.07 (95% CI = −0.23–0.08). Work overload, the need to mediate personnel conflicts, lack of time and support from superior staff, contribute to the development of burnout among nursing managers.Junta de Andalucia P11HUM-777

    Compassion Fatigue, Compassion Satisfaction, and Burnout in Oncology Nurses: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Professionals working in cancer care are exposed to strong sources of stress. Due to the special characteristics of this unit, the appearance of burnout, compassion fatigue, and low compassion satisfaction is more likely. The principal aim was to analyze the levels and prevalence of burnout, compassion fatigue, and low compassion satisfaction in oncology nurses and interventions for its treatment. The search for the systematic review was done in Medline, ProQuest, Lilacs, CINAHL, Scopus, Scielo, and PsycINFO databases, with the search equation “burnout AND nurs* AND oncology AND compassion fatigue”. The results obtained from the 15 studies confirmed that there are levels of risk of suffering burnout and compassion fatigue among nursing professionals, affecting more women and nurses with more years of experience, with nurses from oncology units having one of the highest levels of burnout and compassion fatigue. The oncology nurse sample was n = 900. The meta-analytic estimations were 19% for low compassion satisfaction, 56% for medium and high burnout, BO, and 60% for medium and high compassion fatigue. The increase in cases of burnout and compassion fatigue in nursing staff can be prevented and minimized with a correct evaluation and development of intervention programs, considering that there are more women than men and that they seem to be more vulnerable

    Efecto de las terapias complementarias en pacientes con linfoma

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    El linfoma no Hodgkin tuvo 544.352 casos nuevos en todo el mundo en 2020 en ambos géneros según la organización mundial de la salud en la categoría de mundial cánceres hemáticos. Ocupa la undécima posición entre otros tipos de cáncer en 2020. En cuanto a su tasa de mortalidad, el cáncer de linfoma no Hodgkin tuvo 259 793 casos en 2020 en ambos géneros en todo el mundo. En España, en 2020, el linfoma no Hodgkin dentro de los cánceres de la sangre, fue uno de los más alto diagnosticado, ubicándose entre los nueve primeros puestos. El número estimado de casos en España en 2020 fue de 66.733. La mortalidad por este tumor se ha reducido desde finales de la década de 1990, a una tasa del 3% menos de mortalidad cada año, mostrando un claro avance en la eficiencia de tratamientos. Los tratamientos médicos convencionales para el linfoma no Hodgkin son la quimioterapia y trasplantes de médula ósea o células madre. Estas terapias pueden tener altas consecuencias adversas como la ansiedad, la depresión, la pérdida de la salud física y un alto riesgo de insuficiencia cardíaca; estas dificultades conducen a un deterioro de la calidad de vida. La prevención es necesaria para evitar posibles riesgos en el desarrollo del cáncer en general, incluyendo una buena dieta, ejercicio y buena calidad de sueño. Sin embargo, aquellos pacientes que ya están diagnosticados necesitan una estrategia de tratamiento para mitigar los síntomas de su cáncer o su tratamiento. El nuevo concepto de “Oncología Integrativa”, que utiliza las terapias complementarias junto a los tratamientos convencionales oncológicos para controlar los síntomas asociados al cáncer, está ampliamente aceptado en todo el mundo. Prueba de ello es la aparición de hospitales que basan sus intervenciones en este modelo o la inclusión de estas terapias en diferentes guías clínicas consensuadas por expertos de Asociaciones Oncológicas o Colegios Médicos para tratar síntomas relacionados con el cáncer. Por lo tanto, los objetivos de la presente Tesis Doctoral Internacional fueron i) comparar, mediante el control de variables de confusión, la HRV de los sobrevivientes de linfoma después de su primer año de tratamiento finalización con las de sujetos sanos (estudio I). ii) analizar la prevalencia de ansiedad entre pacientes con linfoma de Hodgkin y no Hodgkin; inspeccionar los métodos de recolección de datos, la frecuencia de las intervenciones, los tipos de instrumentos utilizados para reconocer la ansiedad en los pacientes y el propósito de la recolección de datos, tanto en sobrevivientes como en pacientes que están en tratamiento y con diagnóstico de linfoma de Hodgkin y linfoma no Hodgkin (estudio II). iii) detectar los efectos de un programa de Qigong presencial de ocho semanas de 60 min sobre parámetros psicológicos y la actividad del nervio vago con respecto al linfoma no Hodgkin, y comparar los resultados con un grupo control que no participó en el programa (estudio III). Los resultados de esta Tesis Doctoral Internacional aportan evidencia científica que apoyan el uso de las terapias complementarias como herramienta de apoyo al tratamiento oncológico tradicional con respecto a los pacientes con linfoma. Que ayudan con la mejora de la ansiedad y desbalance cardiovascular provocado por los tratamientos oncológicos y su estado de salud al momento del diagnóstico. Por último, estos resultados aportan al conocimiento de posibles nuevas formas de ayudar al paciente en su diagnóstico, planteando así la necesidad de incluir dichas terapias complementarias como parte de su rehabilitación oncológica.Non-Hodgkin lymphoma had 544.352 new cases worldwide in 2020 in both genders according to the world health organization in the category of global blood cancers. It ranks 11th among other cancers in 2020. In terms of its death rate, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cancer had 259.793 cases in 2020 in both genders worldwide. In Spain, in 2020, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma within blood cancers was one of the highest diagnosed, ranking among the top nine positions. The estimated number of cases in Spain in 2020 was 66.733. Mortality from this tumor has been reduced since the end of the 1990s, at a rate of 3% less mortality each year, showing a clear advance in the efficiency of treatments. Conventional medical treatments for non- Hodgkin's lymphoma are chemotherapy and bone marrow or stem cell transplants. These therapies can have adverse consequences such as anxiety, depression, loss of physical health, and a high risk of heart failure; these difficulties lead to a deterioration of the quality of life. Prevention is necessary to avoid possible risks in the development of cancer in general, including a good diet, exercise and good quality of sleep. However, those patients who are already diagnosed need a treatment strategy to minimize the symptoms of their cancer or its treatment. The new concept of "Integrative Oncology", which uses complementary therapies together with conventional cancer treatments to control symptoms associated with cancer, is widely accepted throughout the world. Proof of this is the appearance of hospitals that base their outbreaks on this model or the inclusion of these therapies in different clinical guidelines agreed by experts from Oncology Associations or Medical Colleges to treat symptoms related to cancer. Therefore, the objectives of this International Doctoral Thesis were i) to compare, by controlling for confounding variables, the HRV of lymphoma survivors after their first year of final treatment with that of healthy subjects (study I). ii) to analyze the prevalence of anxiety among patients with Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; inspect the methods of data collection, the frequency of interventions, the types of instruments used to recognize anxiety in patients and the purpose of data collection, both in survivors and in patients who are in treatment and diagnosed with lymphoma Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (study II). iii) to detect the effects of an eight-week, 60-minute face-to-face Qigong program on psychological parameters and vagus nerve activity with respect to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and compare the results with a control group that did not participate in the program (study III). The results of this International Doctoral Thesis provide scientific evidence that supports the use of complementary therapies as a support tool for traditional cancer treatment with respect to patients with lymphoma. That helps with the improvement of anxiety and cardiovascular imbalance caused by cancer treatments and their state of health at the time of diagnosis. Finally, these results contribute to the knowledge of possible new ways to help the patient in their diagnosis, thus raising the need to include these complementary therapies as part of their oncological rehabilitation.Tesis Univ. Granada.Fundación para la Investigación biosanitaria de Andalucía Oriental- Alejandro Otero (FIBAO); (PI-0540-2017)Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (PP2017-PIP07)Universidad de Granada, Plan Propio de Investigación 2015, PROY-PP-2015-0

    Autonomic Imbalance in Lymphoma Survivors

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    Among the types of blood cancers, non-Hodgkin lymphoma is the most common. The usual treatments for this type of cancer can cause heart failure. A descriptive observational study was conducted that included 16 non-Hodgkin lymphoma survivors and 16 healthy controls matched by age and sex. Vagal tone was evaluated in the short term with a three-channel Holter device, and the time and frequency domains were analyzed following a previously accepted methodology to evaluate cardiac autonomic balance. The results of the analysis revealed that the standard deviation of the NN interval (F = 6.25, p = 0.021) and the square root of the mean of the sum of the differences between NN intervals (F = 9.74, p = 0.004) were significantly higher in healthy subjects than in lymphoma survivors. In the heart rate variability (HRV) index, there were no significant differences between the groups (F = 0.03, p = 0.85), nor in the parameters of the frequency domains LF (F = 1.94, p = 0.17), HF (F = 0.35, p = 0.55), and the ratio LF/HF (F = 3.07, p = 0.09). HRV values were lower in non-Hodgkin lymphoma survivors in the first year after treatment, resulting in autonomic imbalance compared to healthy paired subjects.Education Ministry (Program FPU16/01437), Madrid, Spanish Governmen

    Nurses Training and Capacitation for Palliative Care in Emergency Units: A Systematic Review

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    Background and objectives: Palliative care (PC) prevents and alleviates patients´ su ering to improve their quality of life in their last days. In recent years, there has been an increase in visits to the emergency services (ES) by patients who may need this type of care. The aims were to describe the training and capacitation of nurses from ES in PC. Accordingly, a systematic review was performed. Materials and Methods: Medline, Scopus, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) databases were used. The search equation was “Palliative care and nursing care and emergency room”. A total of 12 studies were selected. Results: The studies agree on the need for training professionals in PC to provide a higher quality care, better identification of patient needs and to avoid unnecessary invasive processes. Similarly, the implementation of a collaborative model between ES and PC, the existence of a PC specialized team in the ES or proper palliative care at home correspond to a decrease in emergency visits, a lower number of hospitalizations or days admitted, and a decrease in hospital deaths. Conclusions: The development of PC in the di erent areas of patient care is necessary. Better palliative care leads to a lower frequency of ES by terminal patients, which has a positive impact on their quality of life. Access to PC from the emergency unit should be one of the priority health objectives due to increment in the aged population susceptible to this type of care