35 research outputs found

    Synthesis, structural and electrochemical properties of V4O9 cathode for lithium batteries

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    Single-phase three-dimensional vanadium oxide (V4O9) was synthesized by reduction of V2O5 using a gas stream of ammonia/argon (NH3/Ar). The as-synthesized oxide, prepared by this simple gas reduction method was subsequently electrochemically transformed into a disordered rock salt type-“Li3.7V4O9” phase while cycling over the voltage window 3.5 to 1.8 V versus Li. The Li-deficient phase delivers an initial reversible capacity of ∼260 mAhg−1 at an average voltage of 2.5 V vs. Li+/Li0. Further cycling to 50 cycles yields a steady 225 mAhg−1. Ex situ X-ray diffraction studies confirmed that (de) intercalation phenomena follows a solid-solution electrochemical reaction mechanism. As demonstrated, the reversibility and capacity utilization of this V4O9 is found to be superior to battery grade, micron-sized V2O5 cathodes in lithium cells

    Consequences of Utilizing a Redox-Active Polymeric Binder in Li-ion Batteries

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    Development of new polymeric binders can help enable the use of silicon-rich anodes in Li-ion batteries, by providing stronger adhesion to the active material particles. The compositional features that improve interfacial interactions and mechanical properties can often impart electronic conductivity and redox activity to these polymers, which are generally seen as beneficial to cell performance. Alternatively, it is also possible that the addition of charge-transferring centers to the electrode can accelerate cell degradation. Here, we use an aromatic polyimide (~320 mAh/g of reversible capacity) to explore how a redox-active conductive polymer can affect cell performance. We demonstrate that the lithiated polymer is less stable than the traditional binders upon storage, leading to increased rates of calendar aging. Furthermore, we show that the adhesion properties of the polymer deteriorate upon repeated cycling, to an extent that is proportional to the degree of delithiation of the binder. More critically, we show that progressive degradation of the redox behavior of the polymer leads to the release of extra Li+ into the cell, which can give the false perception of good performance even under conditions of poor stability. Our work suggests that redox-active conductive binders can sometimes be detrimental to cell performance, and that works evaluating new polymers must include careful experimental validation under realistic conditions

    Direct Observation of Lattice Aluminum Environments in Li Ion Cathodes LiNi<sub>1–<i>y</i>–<i>z</i></sub>Co<sub><i>y</i></sub>Al<sub><i>z</i></sub>O<sub>2</sub> and Al-Doped LiNi<sub><i>x</i></sub>Mn<sub><i>y</i></sub>Co<sub><i>z</i></sub>O<sub>2</sub> via <sup>27</sup>Al MAS NMR Spectroscopy

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    Direct observations of local lattice aluminum environments have been a major challenge for aluminum-bearing Li ion battery materials, such as LiNi<sub>1–<i>y</i>–<i>z</i></sub>Co<sub><i>y</i></sub>Al<sub><i>z</i></sub>O<sub>2</sub> (NCA) and aluminum-doped LiNi<sub><i>x</i></sub>Mn<sub><i>y</i></sub>Co<sub><i>z</i></sub>O<sub>2</sub> (NMC). <sup>27</sup>Al magic angle spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is the <i>only</i> structural probe currently available that can <i>qualitatively</i> and <i>quantitatively</i> characterize lattice and nonlattice (i.e., surface, coatings, segregation, secondary phase etc.) aluminum coordination and provide information that helps discern its effect in the lattice. In the present study, we use NMR to gain new insights into transition metal (TM)–O–Al coordination and evolution of lattice aluminum sites upon cycling. With the aid of first-principles DFT calculations, we show direct evidence of lattice Al sites, nonpreferential Ni/Co–O–Al ordering in NCA, and the lack of bulk lattice aluminum in aluminum-“doped” NMC. Aluminum coordination of the paramagnetic (lattice) and diamagnetic (nonlattice) nature is investigated for Al-doped NMC and NCA. For the latter, the evolution of the lattice site(s) upon cycling is also studied. A clear reordering of lattice aluminum environments due to nickel migration is observed in NCA upon extended cycling

    Composite of LiFePO \u3c inf\u3e 4 with titanium phosphate phases as lithium-ion battery electrode material

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    We report the synthesis of LiFePO4 (LFP) battery materials where during synthesis the iron has been substituted by up to 10 mol % with titanium. Analysis of the Ti-substituted materials revealed that at the substitution levels investigated, the Ti did not form a solid solution with the LFP, but rather minority phases containing Ti phosphates were formed and segregated at the nanoscopic scale. The minority phases were amorphous or not well-crystallized and accepted Li on first discharge in a lithium half cell, and solid state NMR spectra were consistent with one of the constituents being LiTi2(PO4)3. The Ti substituted materials had increased electrochemical capacities and discharge voltages relative to LFP prepared in an equivalent process, and the ability to accept Li on first discharge may find utility in using previously inaccessible capacity in battery cathode formulations and in balancing excess capacity from high energy cathode materials. © 2013 American Chemical Society

    Solution-Based Synthesis and Characterization of Lithium-Ion Conducting Phosphate Ceramics for Lithium Metal Batteries

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    High conductivity solid electrolytes are promising solutions for extremely high energy density battery systems including Li/air and Li/sulfur. Lithium aluminum titanium phosphate (LATP) ceramics have among the highest reported ionic conductivities and are promising candidates as solid electrolytes. Li<sub>1.3</sub>Al<sub>0.3</sub>Ti<sub>1.7</sub>(PO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub> powders were synthesized for the first time via a solution-based method at synthesis temperatures as low as 650 °C. The ceramic powders are characterized using X-ray powder diffraction, solid state magic angle spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The effect of Li and Al local structure and the presence of amorphous and crystalline impurities on electrolyte morphology and sinterability have been studied in detail

    Resolving the different silicon clusters in Li <sub>12</sub>Si <sub>7</sub> by <sup>29</sup>Si and <sup>6,7</sup>Li solid-state NMR spectroscopy

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    Structural signatures: The analysis of Si-Si and Si-Li connectivities by solid-state NMR spectroscopy allows the different types of silicon clusters to be discriminated in the model lithium silicide compound Li 12Si 7 (see picture, Si clusters red and blue, Li ions gray). The results provide new NMR spectroscopic strategies with which to differentiate and study the structures formed in silicon-based electrode materials.</p

    Si Oxidation and H<sub>2</sub> Gassing During Aqueous Slurry Preparation for Li-Ion Battery Anodes

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    Si has the possibility to greatly increase the energy density of Li-ion battery anodes, though it is not without its problems. One issue often overlooked is the decomposition of Si during large scale slurry formulation and battery fabrication. Here, we investigate the mechanism of H<sub>2</sub> production to understand the role of different slurry components and their impact on the Si oxidation and surface chemistry. Mass spectrometry and in situ pressure monitoring identifies that carbon black plays a major role in promoting the oxidation of Si and generation of H<sub>2</sub>. Si oxidation also occurs through atmospheric O<sub>2</sub> consumption. Both pathways, along with solvent choice, impact the surface silanol chemistry, as analyzed by <sup>1</sup>H–<sup>29</sup>Si cross-polarization magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) and attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR FTIR). An understanding of the oxidation of Si, during slurry processing, provides a pathway toward improving the manufacturing of Si based anodes by maximizing its capacity and minimizing safety hazards

    Correction to “Si Oxidation and H<sub>2</sub> Gassing during Aqueous Slurry Preparation for Li-Ion Battery Anodes”

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    Correction to “Si Oxidation and H<sub>2</sub> Gassing during Aqueous Slurry Preparation for Li-Ion Battery Anodes

    Silicon Nanoparticles: Stability in Aqueous Slurries and the Optimization of the Oxide Layer Thickness for Optimal Electrochemical Performance

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    In this study, silicon nanoparticles are oxidized in a controlled manner to obtain different thicknesses of SiO<sub>2</sub> layers. Their stability in aqueous slurries as well as the effect of oxide layer thickness on the electrochemical performance of the silicon anodes is evaluated. Our results show that slightly increasing the oxide layer of silicon nanoparticles significantly improves the stability of the nanoparticles in aqueous slurries and does not compromise the initial electrochemical performance of the electrodes. A careful comparison of the rate and cycle performance between 400 °C treated Si nanoparticles and pristine Si nanoparticles shows that by treating the silicon nanoparticles in air for slightly increasing the oxide layer, improvement in both rate and cycle performance can be achieved