997 research outputs found

    Intensive modes of study and the need to focus on the process of learning in Higher Education

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    In the context of a constantly evolving international higher education sector, this commentary emphasises the need for consilience between basic research on learning processes and observations from intensive modes of study. Following a discussion of conflicting evidence on optimal learning time frames, we advocate for seeking alignment between classroom practices with underlying learning mechanisms. We argue for a unified understanding of effective learning beyond notions of the credit point hour or volume of learning, focusing on processes rather than mere inputs and outputs. A collaborative approach between researchers, educators, and policymakers aiming for consilience has the potential to provide practical insights and strategies to enhance student learning and success. Understanding the mechanisms beneath the impact of intensive modes of study, as outlined in this special issue, has the potential to advance the conversation about quality higher education for the 21st century

    Odorants Differentiate Australian Rattus with Increased Complexity in Sympatry

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    Rowe, Kevin C., Soini, Helena A., Rowe, Karen M. C., Adams, Mark, Novotny, Milos V. (2020): Odorants Differentiate Australian Rattus with Increased Complexity in Sympatry. Records of the Australian Museum 72 (5): 271-286, DOI: 10.3853/j.2201-4349.72.2020.1721, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.3853/j.2201-4349.72.2020.172


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    We collected specimens of Sommer’s Sulawesi shrew-rat, Sommeromys macrorhinos, at three sites (1600, 2200, and 2600 m) and the Sulawesi small-bodied shrew-rat, Crunomys celebensis, at one site (1600 m) on Gunung Gandangdewata in the western block  of the central core of Sulawesi during November 2011 and May 2012. Prior to 2011, S. macrorhinos was known only from the holotype, which was taken on 2 August 1973 at 2400 m near the summit of Gunung Tokala (upper montane forest). Previously, C. celebensis was known only from tropical lowland evergreen rain forest in the Danau Lindu valley and nearby upper drainage of the Sungai Miu in the northern portion of the westcentral mountain block in Sulawesi’s central core. The new specimens of S. macrorhinos and C. celebensis extend their known range of habitats to include the transition between lowland and montane forest. Because the original description of S. macrorhinos was based on a single specimen, we describe some external morphological features and provide measurements of new specimens as a supplement to the original description.Key words: Crunomys celebensis, morphology, shrew-rat, Sommeromys macrorhino

    Exploratory RCT of art therapy as an adjunctive treatment in schizophrenia

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    Background There is no high quality controlled trial evidence for the effectiveness of art therapy in the adjunctive treatment of schizophrenia. Aims To conduct the first exploratory RCT of group interactive art therapy (AT) as an adjunctive treatment in chronic schizophrenia. Method The outcomes of 43 patients randomised to 12 sessions of AT were compared with those of 47 who received standard psychiatric care. Patients were assessed on a range of measures of symptoms, social functioning and quality of life at pre- and post treatment and six-months follow-up. Results Art therapy produced a statistically significant positive effect on negative symptoms (assessed by Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms) though had little and non-significant impact on other measures. Conclusions Limitations of the study included insufficient statistical power and a sub-optimal level of treatment. Nevertheless, the results were sufficiently promising to justify further research along these lines

    Fabrication of Electrochemical-DNA Biosensors for the Reagentless Detection of Nucleic Acids, Proteins and Small Molecules

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    As medicine is currently practiced, doctors send specimens to a central laboratory for testing and thus must wait hours or days to receive the results. Many patients would be better served by rapid, bedside tests. To this end our laboratory and others have developed a versatile, reagentless biosensor platform that supports the quantitative, reagentless, electrochemical detection of nucleic acids (DNA, RNA), proteins (including antibodies) and small molecules analytes directly in unprocessed clinical and environmental samples. In this video, we demonstrate the preparation and use of several biosensors in this "E-DNA" class. In particular, we fabricate and demonstrate sensors for the detection of a target DNA sequence in a polymerase chain reaction mixture, an HIV-specific antibody and the drug cocaine. The preparation procedure requires only three hours of hands-on effort followed by an overnight incubation, and their use requires only minutes

    Model responses to CO(2) and warming are underestimated without explicit representation of Arctic small-mammal grazing

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Rastetter, E. B., Griffin, K. L., Rowe, R. J., Gough, L., McLaren, J. R., & Boelman, N. T. Model responses to CO(2) and warming are underestimated without explicit representation of Arctic small-mammal grazing. Ecological Applications, (2021): e02478, https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2478.We use a simple model of coupled carbon and nitrogen cycles in terrestrial ecosystems to examine how “explicitly representing grazers” vs. “having grazer effects implicitly aggregated in with other biogeochemical processes in the model” alters predicted responses to elevated carbon dioxide and warming. The aggregated approach can affect model predictions because grazer-mediated processes can respond differently to changes in climate compared with the processes with which they are typically aggregated. We use small-mammal grazers in a tundra as an example and find that the typical three-to-four-year cycling frequency is too fast for the effects of cycle peaks and troughs to be fully manifested in the ecosystem biogeochemistry. We conclude that implicitly aggregating the effects of small-mammal grazers with other processes results in an underestimation of ecosystem response to climate change, relative to estimations in which the grazer effects are explicitly represented. The magnitude of this underestimation increases with grazer density. We therefore recommend that grazing effects be incorporated explicitly when applying models of ecosystem response to global change.This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under NSF grants 1651722, 1637459, 1603560, 1556772, 1841608 to E.B.R.; 1603777 to N.T.B. and K.L.G.; 1603654 to R.J.R.; 1603760 to L.G.; and 1603677 to J.R.M

    autopsych : An R Shiny tool for the reproducible Rasch analysis, differential item functioning, equating, and examination of group effects

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    In this paper, we present autopsych, a novel online tool that allows school assessment experts, test developers, and researchers to perform routine psychometric analyses and equating of student test data and to examine the effect of student demographic and group conditions on student test performance. The app extends current open-source software by providing (1) extensive embedded result narration and summaries for written reports, (2) improved handling of partial credit data via customizable item-person Wright maps, (3) customizable item- and person-flagging systems, (4) item-response theory model constraints and controls, (5) many-facets Rasch analysis to examine item bias, (6) Rasch fixed item equating for mapping student ability across test forms, (7) tabbed spreadsheet outputs and immediate options for secondary data analysis, (8) customizable graphical color schemes, (9) extended ANOVA analysis for examining group differences, and (10) inter-rater reliability analyses for the verifying the consistency of rater scoring systems. We present the app’s architecture and functionalities and test its performance with simulated and real-world small-, medium-, and large-scale assessment data. Implications and planned future developments are also discussed

    Understanding Exoplanet Atmospheres with UV Observations I: NUV and Blue/Optical

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    Much of the focus of exoplanet atmosphere analysis in the coming decade will be atinfrared wavelengths, with the planned launches of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST). However, without being placed in the context of broader wavelength coverage, especially in the optical and ultraviolet, infrared observations produce an incomplete picture of exoplanet atmospheres. Scattering information encoded in blue optical and near-UV observations can help determine whether muted spectral features observed in the infrared are due to a hazy/cloudy atmosphere, or a clear atmosphere with a higher mean molecular weight. UV observations can identify atmospheric escape and mass loss from exoplanet atmospheres, providing a greater understanding of the atmospheric evolution of exoplanets, along with composition information from above the cloud deck. In this white paper we focus on the science case for exoplanet observations in the near-UV; an accompanying white paper led by Eric Lopez will focus on the science case in the far-UV