26 research outputs found

    The Ozone Hole Indirect Effect: Cloud-Radiative Anomalies Accompanying the Poleward Shift of the Eddy-Driven Jet in the Southern Hemisphere

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    This study quantifies the response of the clouds and the radiative budget of the Southern Hemisphere (SH) to the poleward shift in the tropospheric circulation induced by the development of the Antarctic ozone hole. Single forcing climate model integrations, in which only stratospheric ozone depletion is specified, indicate that (1) high-level and midlevel clouds closely follow the poleward shift in the SH midlatitude jet and that (2) low-level clouds decrease across most of the Southern Ocean. Similar cloud anomalies are found in satellite observations during periods when the jet is anomalously poleward. The hemispheric annual mean radiation response to the cloud anomalies is calculated to be approximately +0.25 W m−2, arising largely from the reduction of the total cloud fraction at SH midlatitudes during austral summer. While these dynamically induced cloud and radiation anomalies are considerable and are supported by observational evidence, quantitative uncertainties remain from model biases in mean-state cloud-radiative processes

    Is climate sensitivity related to dynamical sensitivity? A Southern Hemisphere perspective

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    This study examines whether the spread in the climate sensitivity of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) models also captures the spread in the Southern Hemisphere dynamical response to greenhouse gas forcing. Three metrics are proposed to quantify the “dynamical sensitivity” of the Southern Hemisphere: the poleward expansion of the Hadley circulation, the poleward expansion of the subtropical dry zone, and the poleward shift of the midlatitude jet. In the CMIP5 abrupt 4 × CO₂ integrations, the expansion of the Hadley circulation is well correlated with climate sensitivity in all seasons; in contrast, the shifts in the subtropical dry zone and midlatitude jet are significantly correlated with climate sensitivity only in summer and fall. In winter, those responses are more strongly linked to the control climatology in each model. Thus, a narrow focus on traditional climate sensitivity alone might miss out on important features of the atmospheric circulation's response to increasing greenhouse gases, particularly in the extratropics

    The TropD software package (v1): standardized methods for calculating tropical-width diagnostics

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    Observational and modeling studies suggest that Earth's tropical belt has widened over the late 20th century and will continue to widen throughout the 21st century. Yet, estimates of tropical-width variations differ significantly across studies. This uncertainty, to an unknown degree, is partly due to the large variety of methods used in studies of the tropical width. Here, methods for eight commonly used metrics of the tropical width are implemented in the Tropical-width Diagnostics (TropD) code package in the MATLAB programming language. To consolidate the various methods, the operations used in each of the implemented methods are reduced to two basic calculations: finding the latitude of a zero crossing and finding the latitude of a maximum. A detailed description of the methods implemented in the code and of the code syntax is provided, followed by a method sensitivity analysis for each of the metrics. The analysis provides information on how to reduce the methodological component of the uncertainty associated with fundamental aspects of the calculations, such as monthly vs. seasonal averaging biases, grid dependence, sensitivity to noise, and sensitivity to threshold criteria

    On the structure of climate variability near the tropopause and its relationship to equatorial planetary waves

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    2011 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.The tropopause is an important interface in the climate system, separating the unique dynamical, chemical, and radiative regimes of the troposphere and stratosphere. Previous studies have demonstrated that the long-term mean structure and variability of the tropopause results from a complex interaction of stratospheric and tropospheric processes. This project provides new insight into the processes involved in the global tropopause region through two perspectives: 1) a high vertical resolution climatology of static stability and 2) an observational analysis of equatorial planetary waves. High vertical resolution global positioning system radio occultation profiles are used to document fine-scale features of the global static stability field near the tropopause. Consistent with previous studies, a region of enhanced static stability, known as the tropopause inversion layer (TIL), exists in a narrow layer above the extratropical tropopause and is strongest over polar regions during summer. However, in the tropics, the TIL possesses a unique horizontally and vertically varying structure with maxima located at ~17 and ~19 km. The upper feature peaks during boreal winter and has its largest magnitude between 10° and 15° latitude in both hemispheres; the lower feature exhibits a weaker seasonal cycle and is centered at the Equator. The spatial structure of both features resembles the equatorial planetary wave response to the climatological distribution of deep convection. Equatorial planetary waves not only dominate the climatological-mean general circulation near the tropical tropopause but also play an important role in its intraseasonal and interannual variability. The structure of the equatorial planetary waves emerges as the leading pattern of variability of the zonally asymmetric tropical atmospheric circulation. Regressions on an index of the equatorial planetary waves reveal that they are associated with a distinct pattern of equatorially symmetric climate variability characterized by variations in: 1) the distribution of convection in the deep tropics; 2) the eddy momentum flux convergence and the zonal-mean zonal wind in the tropical upper troposphere; 3) the mean meridional circulation of the tropical and subtropical troposphere; 4) temperatures in the tropical upper troposphere, the tropical lower stratosphere, and the subtropical troposphere of both hemispheres; and 5) the amplitude of the upper tropospheric anticyclones that straddle the Equator over the western tropical Pacific Ocean. The pulsation of the equatorial planetary waves in time provides a framework for interpreting a broad range of climate phenomena. Variability in the equatorial planetary waves is associated with variability in the tropical TIL and is linked to both the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). Evidence is presented that suggests that the MJO can be viewed as the linear superposition of: 1) the pulsation of the equatorial planetary waves at a fixed location and 2) a propagating component. Variability in the equatorial planetary waves may also contribute to variability in troposphere/stratosphere exchange and the width of the tropical belt

    On the signatures of equatorial and extratropical wave forcing in tropical tropopause layer temperatures

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    Temperatures in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) play an important role in stratosphere–troposphere exchange and in the formation and maintenance of thin cirrus clouds. Many previous studies have examined the contributions of extratropical and equatorial waves to the TTL using coarse-vertical-resolution satellite and reanalysis data. In this study, the authors provide new insight into the role of extratropical and equatorial waves in the TTL using high-vertical-resolution GPS radio occultation data. The results examine the influence of four different wave forcings on the TTL: extratropical waves that propagate vertically into the stratosphere, extratropical waves that propagate meridionally into the subtropical stratosphere, extratropical waves that propagate meridionally into the subtropical troposphere, and the equatorial planetary waves. The vertically and meridionally propagating extratropical stratospheric waves are associated with deep, zonally symmetric temperature anomalies that extend and amplify with height throughout the lower-to-middle tropical stratosphere. In contrast, the extratropical tropospheric waves and the equatorial planetary waves are associated with tropical temperature anomalies that are confined below 20-km altitude. The equatorial planetary waves dominate the zonally asymmetric component of the TTL temperature field, and both the equatorial planetary waves and the extratropical tropospheric waves are linked to large temperature variability in a 1–2-km-deep layer near the tropical tropopause. The fine vertical scale of the TTL temperature features associated with the equatorial planetary waves and the extratropical tropospheric waves is only readily apparent in high-vertical-resolution data

    Equatorial planetary waves and their signature in atmospheric variability

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    Equatorial planetary waves are a fundamental component of the tropical climate system. Previous studies have examined their structure in the climatological-mean circulation, their role in the climatological-mean momentum balance of the tropics, and their contribution to the climatological-mean upwelling across the tropical tropopause. In this study, the authors focus on the contribution of the equatorial planetary waves to variability in the tropical circulation about its climatological-mean state. The equatorial planetary waves that dominate the climatological mean exhibit considerable variability on intraseasonal and interannual time scales. Variability in the amplitude of the equatorial planetary waves is associated with a distinct pattern of equatorially symmetric climate variability that also emerges from empirical orthogonal function analysis of various tropical dynamical fields. Variability in the equatorial planetary waves is characterized by variations in 1) convection in the deep tropics, 2) eddy momentum flux convergence and zonal-mean zonal wind in the tropical upper troposphere, 3) the mean meridional circulation of the tropical and subtropical troposphere, 4) temperatures in the tropical lower stratosphere and subtropical troposphere of both hemispheres, and 5) the amplitude of the upper tropospheric anticyclones over the western tropical Pacific Ocean. It is argued that pulsation of the equatorial planetary waves provides an alternative framework for interpreting the response of the tropical circulation to a range of climate phenomena. Pulsation of the equatorial planetary waves is apparent in association with opposing phases of El Niño–Southern Oscillation and select phases of the Madden–Julian oscillation. Pulsation of the equatorial planetary waves also contributes to variability in measures of the width of the tropical belt

    On the role of radiative processes in stratosphere-troposphere coupling

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    Climate change in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) polar stratosphere is associated with substantial changes in the atmospheric circulation that extend to the earth’s surface. The mechanisms that drive the changes in the SH troposphere are not fully understood, but most previous hypotheses have focused on the role of atmospheric dynamics rather than that of radiation. This study quantifies the radiative response of temperatures in the SH polar troposphere to the forcing from long-term temperature and ozone trends in the SH polar stratosphere. A novel methodology is employed that explicitly neglects changes in tropospheric dynamics and hence isolates the component of the tropospheric temperature response that is radiatively driven by the overlying stratospheric trends. The results reveal that both the amplitude and seasonality of the observed cooling of the middle and upper SH polar troposphere over the past few decades are consistent with a reduction in downwelling longwave radiation induced by cooling in the SH polar stratosphere. The results are compared with analogous calculations for trends in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) polar stratosphere. Both the observations and radiative calculations imply that the comparatively weak trends in the NH polar stratosphere have not played a central role in driving NH tropospheric climate change. Overall, the results suggest that radiative processes play a key role in coupling the large trends in SH polar stratospheric temperatures to tropospheric levels. The tropospheric radiative temperature response documented here could be important for triggering the changes in internal tropospheric dynamics associated with stratosphere–troposphere coupling