4 research outputs found


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    The excel sheet labeled Data contains the genotypes of 791 Anopheles gambiae females for 13 microsatellite loci analyzed in the manuscript: Hodges et al. 2013. Large fluctuations in the effective population size of the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae s.s. during vector control cycle. Evolutionary Applications (in press). The format is that of typical microsatellite genotype data, which can be easily imported into the GENALEX program and also formatted into input files for a number of genetic data software programs. The genotype data is arranged as 1 population for each time point with the most recent time point first: Pop1 is April 2010, Pop2 is November 2009, Pop3 is September 2009, Pop4 Is July 2009, Pop5 is May 2009, and Pop6 is March 2009

    Anopheles melas genotype data for 15 microsatellite loci

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    The datafile is in GENEPOP format, and comprises genotype scores for 15 Anopheles melas-specific microsatellite loci. A total of 617 wild-caught specimens from 11 populations are included in the datafile. Locus names are listed at the beginning of the file under the title line, and correspond with the lines of data, left to right. Missing genotypes are coded as "000". Allele scores for each locus are concatenated into six digits, with the first three letters representing allele "A", and the second three letters representing allele "B"