74 research outputs found

    Combined autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) with supra-condylar femoral varus osteotomy, following lateral growth-plate damage in an adolescent knee: 8-year follow-up

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    We report the 8-year clinical and radiographic outcome of an adolescent patient with a large osteochondral defect of the lateral femoral condyle, and ipsilateral genu valgum secondary to an epiphyseal injury, managed with autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) and supracondylar re-alignment femoral osteotomy. Long-term clinical success was achieved using this method, illustrating the effective use of re-alignment osteotomy in correcting mal-alignment of the knee, protecting the ACI graft site and providing the optimum environment for cartilage repair and regeneration. This is the first report of the combined use of ACI and femoral osteotomy for such a case

    Non-operative management of posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction: design of a randomized clinical trial [NCT00279630]

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    BACKGROUND: Posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction (PTTD) is a common cause of foot pain and dysfunction in adults. Clinical observations strongly suggest that the condition is progressive. There are currently no controlled studies evaluating the effectiveness of exercise, orthoses, or orthoses and exercise on Stage I or IIA PTTD. Our study will explore the effectiveness of an eccentric versus concentric strengthening intervention to results obtained with the use of orthoses alone. Findings from this study will guide the development of more efficacious PTTD intervention programs and contribute to enhanced function and quality of life in persons with posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction. METHODS/DESIGN: This paper presents the rationale and design for a randomized clinical trial evaluating the effectiveness of a treatment regime for the non-operative management of Stage I or IIA PTTD. DISCUSSION: We have presented the rationale and design for an RCT evaluating the effectiveness of a treatment regimen for the non-operative management of Stage I or IIA PTTD. The results of this trial will be presented as soon as they are available

    Effects of barefoot and shod running on lower extremity joint loading, a musculoskeletal simulation study

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the current investigation was to utilize a musculoskeletal simulation based approach, to examine the effects of barefoot and shod running on lower extremity joint loading during the stance phase. METHODS: Twelve male runners, ran over an embedded force plate at 4.0 m/s, in both barefoot and shod conditions. Kinematics of the lower extremities were collected using an eight camera motion capture system. Lower extremity joint loading was also explored using a musculoskeletal simulation and mathematical modelling approach, and differences between footwear conditions were examined using paired samples t-tests. RESULTS: Peak Achilles tendon force was significantly larger (P=0.039) when running barefoot (6.85 BW) compared to shod (6.07 BW). In addition, both medial (P=0.013) and lateral (P=0.007) tibiofemoral instantaneous load rates were significantly larger in the barefoot (medial = 289.17 BW/s & lateral = 179.59 BW/s) in relation to the shod (medial = 167.57 BW/s & lateral = 116.40 BW/s) condition. Finally, the barefoot condition (9.70 BW) was associated with a significantly larger (P=0.037) peak hip force compared to running shod (8.51 BW). CONCLUSIONS: The current investigation indicates that running barefoot may place runners at increased risk from the biomechanical factors linked to the aetiology of chronic lower extremity pathologies. However, future analyses using habitual barefoot runners, are required before more definitive affirmations regarding injury predisposition can be made

    The Epidemiology, Genetics and Future Management of Syndactyly

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    Syndactyly is a condition well documented in current literature due to it being the most common congenital hand defect, with a large aesthetic and functional significance