133 research outputs found

    Flight of the European Corn Borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn.) as Followed by Light- and Pheromone Traps in Várda and Balatonmagyaród 2002. A kukoricamoly (Ostrinia Nubilalis Hbn.) rajzásának megfigyelése fény- és feromon csapdák segítségével 200-ben Várdán és Balatonmagyaródon.

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    ÖSSZEFOGLALÁS Vizsgálatunkat 2002-ben a zala megyei Balatonmagyaród, és a somogy megyei Várda települések határában végeztük. Az ott található egybefüggő kukoricatáblákhoz Jermy-tipusú fény-, és Arco-Pheron MZ feromon csapdákat helyeztünk ki a rajzás nyomon követése érdekében. A hozzánk beérkezett anyagból a kukoricamolyokat elkülönítettük és nemek szerint szétválogattuk. Meghatároztuk a területeken megjelenő populációk nemzedékszámát és a rajzás jellegzetességeit. Keszthelyről és Kaposvárról lekértük a területek adott időtartamára vonatkozó meteorológiai adatokat, és ezeket egybevetettük a rajzásadatokkal. Így meg tudtuk állapítani, hogy az egyes meteorológiai elemek milyen hatással voltak a rajzásra és a nőstény arány alakulására. Az eredmények mindkét helyen kétnemzedékes kukoricamoly jelenlétét igazolták. Balatonmagyaródi populációnál az első, míg Várdán a második nemzedék bizonyult népesebbnek. A vizsgált meteorológiai elemek szignifikánsan befolyásolták a csapdázhatóságot, amely mindkét nem tekintetében igazolódott. A nőstény ivararánynál szoros összefüggéseket tapasztaltunk a minimum- (P=100%; r=0,297), a maximum- (P=99,9%; r=0,267),az átlag hőmérséklet (P=100%; r=0,308) és a csapadék vizsgálatánál (P=98,2%; r=0,187). Jelentős aszinkronítást tapasztaltunk a két prognosztikai eszköz által szolgáltatott adatok között, amelyet a feromon csapda megbízhatatlanságának tulajdonítottunk. ABSTRACT The investigations were made in 2002 in the outskirts of two settlements: Balatonmagyaród (Zala county) and Várda (Somogy county). In the corn fields Jermy’s light- and Arco-Pheron MZ pheromone traps were placed in order to follow up the course of flight. From the material collected the corn borer specimens were isolated, then separated by sex. The generation number of the populations appearing on the respective areas, and the characteristics of the flight were determined. The meteorological data of the areas obtained from Keszthely and Kaposvár for the period concerned were compared woth the data of flight. In that way the effect of the different meteorological elements on the flight and on the trend of the female ratio could be established. The results showed the presence of two-generation corn borer populations in both places. In Balatonmagyaród the first- while in Várda the second generation proved larger. The meteorological elements significally influenced the possibility of trapping in the case of both sexes. As for the female sex ratio close correlations were found with the minimum (P=100%; r=0.297)-, maximum (P=99.9%; r=0.267)-, average (P=100%; r=0.308) temperature and precipitation (P=98.2%; r=0.187) data. Considerable asynchrony was observed between the data obtained with the two prognostic means that we ascribed to the unreliability of the pheromone trap


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    The investigations were made in 2002 in the outskirts of two settlements: Balatonmagyaród (Zala county) and Várda (Somogy county). In the corn fields Jermy’s light- and Arco-Pheron MZ pheromone traps were placed in order to follow up the course of flight. From the material collected the corn borer specimens were isolated, then separated by sex. The generation number of the populations appearing on the respective areas, and the characteristics of the flight were determined. The meteorological data of the areas obtained from Keszthely and Kaposvár for the period concerned were compared woth the data of flight. In that way the effect of the different meteorological elements on the flight and on the trend of the female ratio could be established. The results showed the presence of two-generation corn borer populations in both places. In Balatonmagyaród the first- while in Várda the second generation proved larger. The meteorological elements significally influenced the possibility of trapping in the case of both sexes. As for the female sex ratio close correlations were found with the minimum (P=100%; r=0.297)-, maximum (P=99.9%; r=0.267)-, average (P=100%; r=0.308) temperature and precipitation (P=98.2%; r=0.187) data. Considerable asynchrony was observed between the data obtained with the two prognostic means that we ascribed to the unreliability of the pheromone trap


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    The investigations were made in 2002 in the outskirts of two settlements: Balatonmagyaród (Zala county) and Várda (Somogy county). In the corn fields Jermy’s light- and Arco-Pheron MZ pheromone traps were placed in order to follow up the course of flight. From the material collected the corn borer specimens were isolated, then separated by sex. The generation number of the populations appearing on the respective areas, and the characteristics of the flight were determined. The meteorological data of the areas obtained from Keszthely and Kaposvár for the period concerned were compared woth the data of flight. In that way the effect of the different meteorological elements on the flight and on the trend of the female ratio could be established. The results showed the presence of two-generation corn borer populations in both places. In Balatonmagyaród the first- while in Várda the second generation proved larger. The meteorological elements significally influenced the possibility of trapping in the case of both sexes. As for the female sex ratio close correlations were found with the minimum (P=100%; r=0.297)-, maximum (P=99.9%; r=0.267)-, average (P=100%; r=0.308) temperature and precipitation (P=98.2%; r=0.187) data. Considerable asynchrony was observed between the data obtained with the two prognostic means that we ascribed to the unreliability of the pheromone trap

    The effects of surface fossil magnetic fields on massive star evolution. III:The case of τ Sco

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    τ\tau Sco, a well-studied magnetic B-type star in the Upper Sco association, has a number of surprising characteristics. It rotates very slowly and shows nitrogen excess. Its surface magnetic field is much more complex than a purely dipolar configuration which is unusual for a magnetic massive star. We employ the CMFGEN radiative transfer code to determine the fundamental parameters and surface CNO and helium abundances. Then, we employ MESA and GENEC stellar evolution models accounting for the effects of surface magnetic fields. To reconcile τ\tau Sco's properties with single-star models, an increase is necessary in the efficiency of rotational mixing by a factor of 3 to 10 and in the efficiency of magnetic braking by a factor of 10. The spin down could be explained by assuming a magnetic field decay scenario. However, the simultaneous chemical enrichment challenges the single-star scenario. Previous works indeed suggested a stellar merger origin for τ\tau Sco. However, the merger scenario also faces similar challenges as our magnetic single-star models to explain τ\tau Sco's simultaneous slow rotation and nitrogen excess. In conclusion, the single-star channel seems less likely and versatile to explain these discrepancies, while the merger scenario and other potential binary-evolution channels still require further assessment as to whether they may self-consistently explain the observables of τ\tau Sco.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. A full reproduction package is shared on zenodo in accordance with the Research Data Management plan of the Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy at the University of Amsterdam: 10.5281/zenodo.463340

    Changing of flight phenology and ecotype expansion of the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn.) in Hungary Part

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    The studies aimed to acquire the widest possible information on the annual flight in Hungary of the European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). The investigations used biomathematical (Part 1) and graphical (Part 2) evaluation to document changes in the individual population number.The study was conducted in Hungary using ECB moth capture records from the Plant Protection Information System black light trap system (1991–2004). We have drawn conclusions on the appearance of annual flights and the tendency of alterations in flight direction by means of light trap results in four different areas in Hungary. We calculated the flight peak quotients, the individual population numbers of the second flight peak, the distinctions of individual numbers of two flight peaks in this part.As previously published, alterations in flight direction of ECB flights began at different times in Hungary. In the current study, a gradual disappearance of the univoltine ecotype and gradual appearance of the bivoltine ecotype ECB in Hungary is confirmed by the data obtained between 1991–2004. Flight peak quotients and data concerning the second flight peak have confirmed change this process, too: the appearance of a second flight peak in Northwestern Hungary from 1995–1996 (FP = 1.27), the more significant appearance of flights in August in Western Hungary (FP = 1.05) and Northeastern Hungary (FP = 1.45), and a three and four times more individual number of the second flight peak in Southeastern Hungary (FP = 3.44). Flight peak quotients, individual population numbers of the second flight peak, the tendency towards a difference in population number of the two peaks, and size of increase of these values demonstrates the southeastern-northwestern presence of the bivoltine ecotype in Hungary