871 research outputs found

    Availability and implementation of guidelines in European child primary health care:how can we improve?

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    Background Clinical guidelines are important for providing high-quality child primary health care. We aimed to assess the availability, use and achieved delivery of guidelines in the European Union (EU). Methods We used a case study design to ascertain expert views on guidelines in six countries representing the EU. The experts completed an online questionnaire (response 49%), asking about their perception of guideline availability and implementation regarding three topics that represent prevention and care, i.e. vaccination, assessment of mental health and asthma care. Results According to the respondents all countries had guidelines available for asthma care. For vaccination and mental health assessment respondents agreed to a lesser degree that guidelines were available. Implementation of guidelines for vaccination was mostly perceived as intended, but implementation of the guidelines for mental health assessment and asthma care was limited. Notable barriers were complexity of performance, and lack of training of professionals and of financial resources. Important facilitators for guideline implementation were the fit with routine practice, knowledge and skills of professionals and policy support. We found no clear relationship of guideline availability and implementation with type of child primary health care system of countries, but strong governance and sufficient financial resources seemed important for guideline availability. Conclusions Availability and implementation of clinical guidelines in child primary health care vary between EU countries. Implementation conditions can be strongly improved by adequate training of professionals, stronger governance and sufficient financial resources as facilitating factors. This can yield major gains in child health across Europe

    Impact of bariatric surgery in the short and long term: a need for time-dependent dosing of drugs

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    Sparse information is available on pharmacokinetic changes of drugs over time after bariatric surgery. By reviewing the literature on the short- and long-term pharmacokinetic changes of drugs, several patterns were identified for 39 drugs. No relevant pharmacokinetic changes were identified for roughly a third of the drugs. Of the remaining drugs, levels were variable and partly unpredictable shortly after the surgery. In the long term, most of the drug levels remain altered, but in some cases they returned to preoperative values. Based on the changes and the efficacy-safety balance of each drug, clinicians may need to perform additional clinical monitoring for specific drugs, including measuring drug levels. This review provides suggestions for clinicians and pharmacists for specific time-dependent drug dosing advice.Pharmacolog

    Mattress and pillow for prone positioning for treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea

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    Conclusion: The new mattress and pillow for prone positioning (MPP) is efficient in reducing the apnoea-hypopnoea index (AHI) and oxygen desaturation index (ODI) in most patients with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), with satisfactory compliance. Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the prone body and head sleep position on severity of disease in patients with OSA after 4 weeks of adaptation to a mattress and pillow facilitating prone positioning. Methods: Fourteen patients with mild to severe OSA, 11 men and 3 women with a mean AHI of 26 (min, 6; max, 53) and mean ODI of 21 (min, 6; max, 51) were evaluated. Two polysomnographic (PSG) studies were performed. The first PSG study was without any treatment and the second was after 4 weeks of adaptation to the MPP for prone positioning of the body and the head. Results: Mean AHI and ODI decreased from 26 and 21 to 8 and 7, respectively (p 4 h per night during the 4-week study.Acta Otolaryngologica Foundation, Swede

    The Attitudes and Intention to Participate in Hemoglobinopathy Carrier Screening in The Netherlands among Individuals from Turkish, Moroccan, and Surinamese Descent

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    Objective. To explore factors that influence intention to participate in hemoglobinopathy (HbP) carrier screening under Dutch subjects at risk, since HbP became more common in The Netherlands. Method. Structured interviews with 301 subjects from Turkish, Moroccan, or Surinamese ethnicity. Results. Half of the participants were familiar with HbP, 27% with carrier screening. Only 55% correctly answered basic knowledge items. After balanced information, 83% percent of subjects express intention to participate in HbP carrier screening. Intention to participate was correlated with (1) anticipated negative feelings, (2) valuing a physician's advice, and (3) beliefs on significance of carrier screening. Risk perception was a significant determinant, while respondents were unaware of HbP as endemic in their country of birth. Respondents preferred screening before pregnancy and at cost < 50€. Conclusion. These findings show the importance of informing those at risk by tailored health education. We propose easy access at no costs for those willing to participate in HbP carrier screening

    Precision assessment of bowel motion quantification using 3D cine-MRI for radiotherapy

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    Objective. The bowel is an important organ at risk for toxicity during pelvic and abdominal radiotherapy. Identifying regions of high and low bowel motion with MRI during radiotherapy may help to understand the development of bowel toxicity, but the acquisition time of MRI is rather long. The aim of this study is to retrospectively evaluate the precision of bowel motion quantification and to estimate the minimum MRI acquisition time. Approach. We included 22 gynaecologic cancer patients receiving definitive radiotherapy with curative intent. The 10 min pre-treatment 3D cine-MRI scan consisted of 160 dynamics with an acquisition time of 3.7 s per volume. Deformable registration of consecutive images generated 159 deformation vector fields (DVFs). We defined two motion metrics, the 50th percentile vector lengths (VL50) of the complete set of DVFs was used to measure median bowel motion. The 95th percentile vector lengths (VL95) was used to quantify high motion of the bowel. The precision of these metrics was assessed by calculating their variation (interquartile range) in three different time frames, defined as subsets of 40, 80, and 120 consecutive images, corresponding to acquisition times of 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 min, respectively. Main results. For the full 10 min scan, the minimum motion per frame of 50% of the bowel volume (M50%) ranged from 0.6-3.5 mm for the VL50 motion metric and 2.3-9.0 mm for the VL95 motion metric, across all patients. At 7.5 min scan time, the variation in M50% was less than 0.5 mm in 100% (VL50) and 95% (VL95) of the subsets. A scan time of 5.0 and 2.5 min achieved a variation within 0.5 mm in 95.2%/81% and 85.7%/57.1% of the subsets, respectively. Significance. Our 3D cine-MRI technique quantifies bowel loop motion with 95%-100% confidence with a precision of 0.5 mm variation or less, using a 7.5 min scan time.</p

    The hibernation-derived compound SUL-138 shifts the mitochondrial proteome towards fatty acid metabolism and prevents cognitive decline and amyloid plaque formation in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model

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    Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most prevalent neurodegenerative disease worldwide and remains without effective cure. Increasing evidence is supporting the mitochondrial cascade hypothesis, proposing that loss of mitochondrial fitness and subsequent ROS and ATP imbalance are important contributors to AD pathophysiology. Methods: Here, we tested the effects of SUL-138, a small hibernation-derived molecule that supports mitochondrial bioenergetics via complex I/IV activation, on molecular, physiological, behavioral, and pathological outcomes in APP/PS1 and wildtype mice. Results: SUL-138 treatment rescued long-term potentiation and hippocampal memory impairments and decreased beta-amyloid plaque load in APP/PS1 mice. This was paralleled by a partial rescue of dysregulated protein expression in APP/PS1 mice as assessed by mass spectrometry-based proteomics. In-depth analysis of protein expression revealed a prominent effect of SUL-138 in APP/PS1 mice on mitochondrial protein expression. SUL-138 increased the levels of proteins involved in fatty acid metabolism in both wildtype and APP/PS1 mice. Additionally, in APP/PS1 mice only, SUL-138 increased the levels of proteins involved in glycolysis and amino acid metabolism pathways, indicating that SUL-138 rescues mitochondrial impairments that are typically observed in AD. Conclusion: Our study demonstrates a SUL-138-induced shift in metabolic input towards the electron transport chain in synaptic mitochondria, coinciding with increased synaptic plasticity and memory. In conclusion, targeting mitochondrial bioenergetics might provide a promising new way to treat cognitive impairments in AD and reduce disease progression

    Entangled Photons from Small Quantum Dots

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    We discuss level schemes of small quantum-dot turnstiles and their applicability in the production of entanglement in two-photon emission. Due to the large energy splitting of the single-electron levels, only one single electron level and one single hole level can be made resonant with the levels in the conduction band and valence band. This results in a model with nine distinct levels, which are split by the Coulomb interactions. We show that the optical selection rules are different for flat and tall cylindrically symmetric dots, and how this affects the quality of the entanglement generated in the decay of the biexciton state. The effect of charge carrier tunneling and of a resonant cavity is included in the model.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Somatic TARDBP variants as a cause of semantic dementia

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    The aetiology of late-onset neurodegenerative diseases is largely unknown. Here we investigated whether de novo somatic variants for semantic dementia can be detected, thereby arguing for a more general role of somatic variants in neurodegenerative disease. Semantic dementia is characterized by a non-familial occurrence, early onset (<65 years), focal temporal atrophy and TDP-43 pathology. To test whether somatic variants in neural progenitor cells during brain development might lead to semantic dementia, we compared deep exome sequencing data of DNA derived from brain and blood of 16 semantic dementia cases. Somatic variants observed in brain tissue and absent in blood were validated using amplicon sequencing and digital PCR. We identified two variants in exon one of the TARDBP gene (L41F and R42H) at low level (1-3%) in cortical regions and in dentate gyrus in two semantic dementia brains, respectively. The pathogenicity of both variants is supported by demonstrating impaired splicing regulation of TDP-43 and by altered subcellular localization of the mutant TDP-43 protein. These findings indicate that somatic variants may cause semantic dementia as a non-hereditary neurodegenerative disease, which might be exemplary for other late-onset neurodegenerative disorders

    Helminth parasites in the endangered Ethiopian wolf, Canis simensis

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    Ethiopian wolves, Canis simensis, are an endangered carnivore endemic to the Ethiopian highlands. Although previous studies have focused on aspects of Ethiopian wolf biology, including diet, territoriality, reproduction and infectious diseases such as rabies, little is known of their helminth parasites. In the current study, faecal samples were collected from 94 wild Ethiopian wolves in the Bale Mountains of southernEthiopia,betweenAugust 2008andFebruary 2010,andwere screened for the presence of helminth eggs using a semi-quantitative volumetric dilutionmethodwithmicroscopy.We found that 66 of the 94 faecal samples (70.2%) contained eggs from at least one group of helminths, including Capillaria, Toxocara, Trichuris, ancylostomatids, Hymenolepis and taeniids. Eggs of Capillaria sp. were found most commonly, followed by Trichuris sp., ancylostomatid species and Toxocara species. Three samples contained Hymenolepis sp. eggs, which were likely artefacts from ingested prey species. Four samples contained taeniid eggs, one of whichwas copro-polymerase chain reaction (copro-PCR) and sequence positive for Echinococcus granulosus, suggesting a spillover from a domestic parasite cycle into this wildlife species. Associations between presence/absence of Capillaria, Toxocara and Trichuris eggs were found; and egg burdens of Toxocara and ancylostomatids were found to be associated with geographical location and sampling season.Institute for Breeding Rare and Endangered African Mammals (IBREAM), the Born Free Foundation and the Wildlife Conservation Network. University of Salford.http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=JHL2016-01-31hb201
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