53 research outputs found

    The determinants of fertilizer microdosing adoption and impact on sorghum and maize yields in Burkina Faso

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    This research is financed by Académie de Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur (ARES) and supported by Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium. Abstract Fertilizer microdosing was developed in order to increase farmers' income through improvement of fertilizer use efficiency and investment cost reduction in the drylands of West Africa. The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants of fertilizer microdosing fertilization and to analyze its impact on sorghum and maize yields in Burkina Faso. Using endogenous treatment regression model with data collected on 1057 famers in 2011, the findings reveal that access to warrantage credit, participation in training and labor availability are the main factors in the adoption of fertilizer microdosing. In terms of impact, the study shows that fertilizer microdosing contributed to significantly increase sorghum and maize yields by 55% and 37% respectively. The results of this study challenge us to accelerate the process mechanization of fertilizer microdosing fertilization, the establishment of infrastructure such as warrantage shops and farmers’ capacity building. Keywords: fertilizer microdosing, endogenous treatment regression, sorghum, maize, Burkina Faso. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-6-13 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Profil Épidémiologique Des Pathologies Respiratoires Aux Services De Pneumologie De La Ville De Meknès (Maroc)

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    Introduction: Les pathologies respiratoires représentent l’une des causes majeures de morbidité et de mortalité. De ce fait, l’objectif majeur de la présente investigation est d’évaluer le profil épidémiologique des pathologies respiratoires des sujets hospitalisés aux services de pneumologie de Meknès (Maroc). Méthodes: Pour ce faire, une étude rétrospective et descriptive a été menée sur 2842 patients hospitalisés et traités aux services de pneumologie de l’hôpital Mohammed V et de Sidi Saïd, sur une période de cinq ans (1er janvier 2010 au 31 décembre 2014). Résultats: L’analyse des résultats a montré que les pathologies les plus répandues parmi les sujets hospitalisés ont été l’asthme (47,7 %), la tuberculose (17,48 %), les  pneumopathies (11,78 %) et la bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO) (11,29 %). L’asthme était plus prononcé chez les femmes (58,36 %) (p < 0,001) alors que la tuberculose et la BPCO étaient plus fréquentes chez les hommes avec, respectivement, des taux de 56,44 % et de 89,1 % (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Les pathologies respiratoires représentent un véritable problème à la fois sanitaire et socio-économique pour les familles et les structures sanitaires de la ville de Meknès. Introduction: Respiratory pathologies represent one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality. Therefore, the main objective of the present investigation is to evaluate the epidemiological profile of respiratory pathologies of subjects hospitalized at the pneumology department of Meknes (Morocco). Methods: For this purpose, a retrospective and descriptive study was carried out on 2842 patients hospitalized and treated at the Respiratory Departments of Mohammed V Hospital and Sidi Said, over a period of five years (January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2014). Results:  the analysis of the results showed that the most common pathologies among the hospitalized subjects were asthma (47.7%), tuberculosis (17.48%), pneumopathy (11.78%) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (11.29%). Asthma was more pronounced in women (58.36%) (p < 0.001) while tuberculosis and COPD were more common in men with rates of 56.44% and 89.1% (p < 0.001), respectively. Conclusion: Respiratory diseases represent a real health and socio-economic problem for families and health facilities in Meknes, a city in Morocco

    Effets des pratiques agroécologiques sur l’efficacité du système productif des producteurs maraîchers au sud du Bénin

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    La production maraîchère au Bénin est associée à l’usage des intrants chimiques pour améliorer les rendements. Mais face aux risques environnementaux qui pèsent sur le milieu de production, il est nécessaire de produire plus écologique. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer l’effet des pratiques agroécologiques sur l’efficience du système productif des maraîchers. A cet effet, une base de données du Centre VaLDERA renseignant sur les pratiques agricoles, comptes et résultats d‘exploitation de 197 producteurs des villes de Cotonou, Sèmè-kpodji et Ouidah en 2014 a été analysée. Une analyse en composante principale (ACP) a permis d’identifier des méta-variables : niveau d’utilisation d’engrais, pratiques agroécologiques et caractéristiques sociodémographiques. Ensuite une regression linéaire multiple log-log a permis d’identifier les variables : quantité de fientes, quantité de NPK utilisées, comme les principaux déterminants de l’efficience des producteurs. Les variables diversité écologique, association culturale, rotation sont faiblement corrélées à l’efficience. Il urge de former les producteurs sur les types de rotation qui puissent améliorer leur niveau de productivité et la qualité de leur production, mais aussi de les sensibiliser à l’usage des engrais organiques pour assurer la durabilité de la production.   Vegetable production in Benin is associated with the use of chemical inputs to improve yields. However, given the environmental risks that weigh on the environment, it is necessary to produce in a more ecological way. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of agroecological practices on the efficiency of the market gardeners' production system. To this end, a database from the VaLDERA Centre providing information on the agricultural practices, accounts and operating results of 197 producers in the cities of Cotonou, Sèmè-kpodji and Ouidah in 2014 was analysed. A principal component analysis (PCA) identified meta-variables: level of fertiliser use, agroecological practices and socio-demographic characteristics. Then a multiple log-log linear regression identified variables: amount of manure, amount of NPK used, as the main determinants of producer efficiency. The variables ecological diversity, crop association and rotation are weakly correlated with efficiency. There is an urgent need to train producers on the types of rotation that can improve their level of productivity and the quality of their production, but also to make them aware of the use of organic fertilisers to ensure the sustainability of production

    Les migrations agricoles participent-elles à la conservation de l’agrobiodiversité ? Cas de l’igname au Nord-Bénin, Afrique de l’Ouest

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    Les mouvements migratoires sont-ils favorables à la conservation de l’agrobiodiversité ? Cette étude apporte des éléments de réponse à travers une analyse des incidences des migrations sur l’agrobiodiversité de l’igname au Nord-Bénin. Un échantillon de 120 personnes (autochtones, migrants et non-migrants) a été constitué de façon raisonnée et par boule de neige. Les données sur les raisons des migrations, les variétés d’igname cultivées et les modes d’accès, les savoirs et savoir-faire de gestion de la biodiversité de l’igname et leur origine ont été collectées lors des entretiens individuels et des focus groups. L’analyse de discours, les tests de concordance de Kendall et t de Student ont été effectués sur les données collectées. L’insuffisance de terres cultivables et la baisse de la fertilité des terres sont les principales raisons des migrations rurales. Les migrants ont introduit 20 variétés d’igname et des pratiques associées dans la zone d’accueil, et 17 dans leur zone de départ lors de diverses visites après une quinzaine d’années de mouvements migratoires. Les adoptants de ces nouvelles variétés n’abandonnant pas les anciennes, leur portefeuille variétal est plus diversifié que celui des non-adoptants. Les migrations rurales contribuent à l’enrichissement de l’agrobiodiversité de l’igname. Elles apparaissent comme des canaux potentiels de diffusion de nouvelles variétés et de technologies pour les organismes de vulgarisation agricole. Une approche diachronique permettrait d’approfondir l’analyse des menaces de perte de l’agrobiodiversité à long terme en milieu paysan

    Profil épidémiologique des maladies cardiovasculaires dans la Ville de Meknès (Maroc)

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    Introduction: In Morocco, very little published work has focused on cardiovascular diseases. As a result, the main objective of this research is to evaluate the epidemiological profile of cardiovascular diseases in patients who are hospitalized and treated in the cardiology department of Mohammed V Hospital, Meknes (Morocco). Methods: This is a retrospective descriptive and analytical study of 1112 patients admitted to this department over a fouryear period (from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2014). Results: 54.49 % of patients were women and the most affected age group was 45-64 years old (42.08 %) (p < 0.001). The most common pathologies among hospitalized patients were: ischemic heart disease which represented the first cause of hospitalization with 341 cases corresponding to 30.66 %, followed by heart failure (20.59 %). Ischemic heart disease was more common in men (p = 0.05) while women were more affected by high blood pressure (p = 0.0096), heart failure (p = 0.06) and venous thrombosis (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Cardiovascular pathologies represent a real health and socio-economic problem for families and health facilities. The frequency and severity of these diseases should prompt us to do further research on this topic to find the most plausible solutions to reduce negative impacts

    Profil Epidémiologique des Pathologies Respiratoires Chez les Enfants Hospitalisés aux Services de Pédiatrie de la Ville de Meknès (Maroc)

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    Background: Respiratory diseases are a common cause of consultation and hospitalization in the paediatric service. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the epidemiological profile of respiratory infections among children in Meknes city. Methods: Data from records of children with respiratory infections admitted to the pediatric services in Meknes (Mohammed V Public Hospital and Sidi Said Hospital) in Morocco over a five-year period were extracted. Our cross-sectional observational study concerned 4040 cases hospitalized from January 1st, 2010 to December 31st, 2014, among children aged 0 to 15 and living in Meknes. Results: Hospitalizations for acute bronchiolitis (p < 0.001), asthma exacerbations (p < 0.001), acute pneumonitis (P < 0.001), bronchitis (p < 0.001), and laryngitis (P < 0.001) were more common in male patients, while females were more affected by whooping cough. Hospitalizations for bronchiolitis were more frequent in the automn-winter season in infants (< 2 years). Conclusion: Respiratory diseases constitute a significant burden of childhood illnesses. In our study, hospitalizations for respiratory illness were largely dominated by acute bronchiolitis and asthma exacerbation. Children under 5 were the most represented and the majority of hospitalized patients for respiratory diseases were male. Acute bronchiolitis was more frequent in the autumn-winter period and mainly affected the infants.Introduction: Les pathologies respiratoires représentent un motif fréquent de consultation et d’hospitalisation au service de pédiatrie. L’objectif de cette recherche est d’étudier le profil épidémiologique des affections respiratoires infantiles dans la ville de Meknès. Méthodes: Il s’agit d’une étude observationnelle transversale pourtant sur 4040 cas hospitalisés pour affectionsrespiratoires aux services de pédiatrie de la ville de Meknès(Hôpital public Mohammed V et Sidi Saïd) du premier janvier 2010 au 31 décembre 2014. Ont été inclus dans ce travail, les enfants âgés de 0 à 15 ans résidants à Meknès et ayant été hospitalisés aux services de pédiatrie pour affections respiratoires. Résultats: Les hospitalisations pour bronchiolite aiguë (p < 0,001), exacerbation d’asthme (p < 0,001), pneumopathie aiguë (p < 0,001), bronchite (p < 0,001) et laryngite (p < 0,001) étaient plus fréquentes chez les patients du sexe masculin, alors que le sexe féminin était plus touché par la coqueluche. Les hospitalisations pour bronchiolite étaient plus fréquentes en période automno-hivernale chez les nourrissons (< 2 ans). Conclusion: Les hospitalisations pour affections respiratoires ont été largement dominées par la bronchiolite aigue et l’exacerbation d’asthme. Les patients ayant moins de 5 ans ont été les plusreprésentés dans l’étude et la majorité des cas hospitalisés pour affections respiratoires étaient de sexe masculin. La bronchiolite aigue était plus fréquente en période automno-hivernale et touchait plus les nourrissons

    Utilisation Des Tubes A Diffusion Passive Pour La Surveillance De La Pollution Automobile Dans La Ville De Meknes

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    Road traffic emission is one of the major sources of air pollution which can cause several human health problems including cardiorespiratory diseases. The aim of our study is to monitor air quality in Meknes city (Morocco) by measuring nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and benzene (C6H6) concentration mainly generated by road traffic. To this end, we deployed passive diffusion tubes at 14 sampling sites during two measurement campaigns in the summer of 2014 and the winter of 2015 using car and underground proximity sites. In parallel with the winter measurement campaign, road traffic counting sessions were conducted on the main roads of the city in order to determine average daily traffic intensity. Results of this study show that the atmospheric concentrations of NO2 and C6H6 reach maximum values in the city center and decrease towards its periphery. The average value of NO2 in all targeted sites was around 32, 59 μg / m3, which is lower than the EU limit of 40 μg / m3. The average concentration of C6H6 in Meknes was equal to 1,77 μg / m3, a value close to the quality objective set by the European Union (2 μg / m3) and well below the annual Moroccan limit (10 μg / m3). The use of GIS (geographic information system) for coupling the results of measurement campaigns and those of traffic counting made it possible to determine the areas most affected by these tracers and thus to set up very high spatial resolution cartography

    Susceptibility of Spodoptera frugiperda to chemical insecticides and control failure likelihood estimation in Burkina Faso

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    The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) has recently invaded sub-Saharan African countries. It has been causing significant losses to maize, pearl millet, sorghum, rice, and other crops since 2016. Several insecticides have been promoted, but farmers have reported control failures. In this work, we collected seven fall armyworm populations in as many maize-producing areas of Burkina Faso. We used the approved IRAC foliar bioassay protocol to evaluate the susceptibility of third instar larvae to six chemical insecticides commonly used by maize farmers, including different modes of action (active ingredient): acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (methomyl, chlorpyriphos-ethyl), sodium channel modulators (deltamethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin), chloride channel activators (emamectin benzoate, abamectin). Lethal concentrations and control failure likelihood (CFL, using Guedes' 2017 formula) were calculated for each population and active ingredient. For all seven populations of S. frugiperda, LC80 values are significantly higher than the manufacturer's recommended rates and CFL values are high, 66-100% for both pyrethroids (deltamethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin) and abamectin. In contrast, the LC80 values for emamectin benzoate emamectin benzoate (0.001 mg/l), methomyl (43 - 278 mg/l) and chlorpyrifos-ethyl (284 - 659 mg/l) are lower than the recommended rates. Emamectin benzoate, methomyl and chlorpyriphos-ethyl insecticides have a negligible risk of control failure (i.e. their CFL values are below 0%) and are the most efficient for the control of the fall armyworm in Burkina Faso. These active ingredients should be alternated in the control of the pest to delay the development of resistance.PRD AGRO-EC

    Designing Gender-Specific Toilet and Urinal Needs Calculation Templates for Rural and Urban Schools: Lessons from the Republic of Benin

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    Gender equity, quality education, and sanitation in rural and urban areas are widely considered development imperatives. Therefore, many developed countries have scientifically and technically developed norms for the calculation and the design of toilet and urinal needs of their students, which is not yet the case in most developing countries, including the Republic of Benin, that lack socio-culturally adapted gender-specific toilets and urinal needs calculation and design norms. This paper fills this scientific and gender-specific norms gap, by discussing the process and the results of the design of school toilet and urinal needs calculation templates and norms in the Republic of Benin. The study that led to this design took place between June 2013 and October 2015 and consisted mainly of observing and recording defecation and urination needs satisfaction in toilets and open spaces by 8,160 female and 13,263 male students of 13 schools purposively selected in four agroecological and sociocultural areas of Benin. The main data recorded related, among other data, to the start and end times of the use of the toilets and open spaces; the needs satisfied; the peak times and durations of breaks and of toilet needs satisfaction; the numbers of female and male students and non-students who use and who can potentially use the toilets and urinals. These raw data were processed to infer and calculate eight parameters used in each template. This process led to the design of eight area-, gender-, and disability-specific templates and norms in use since 2016, in the target areas. Further studies will assess and report on the performance of these templates and norms

    La collecte des déchets : un art

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