2,113 research outputs found

    A look at profiler performance

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    Since about 1974, Doppler radars operating in UHF and VHF ranges have been used increasingly to study atmospheric winds. Historically, large systems capable of obtaining data from high altitudes have focused attention on the mesosphere and stratosphere, rather than on the troposphere wherein abides most of the weather considered by most meteorologists. Research address some questions the meteorologist must logically ask first, viz., what is the actual performance capability of these systems, how accurate is the wind data of interest to meteorologists, and from what altitudes in the troposphere are the data reliably obtained

    Prediction of Lower Urinary Tract, Sexual, and Bowel Function, and Autonomic Dysreflexia after Spinal Cord Injury

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) produces damage to the somatic and autonomic pathways that regulate lower urinary tract, sexual, and bowel function, and increases the risk of autonomic dysreflexia. The recovery of these functions has a high impact on health, functioning, and quality of life and is set as the utmost priority by patients. The application of reliable models to predict lower urinary tract, sexual, and bowel function, and autonomic dysreflexia is important for guiding counseling, rehabilitation, and social reintegration. Moreover, a reliable prediction is essential for designing future clinical trials to optimize patients' allocation to different treatment groups. To date, reliable and simple algorithms are available to predict lower urinary tract and bowel outcomes after traumatic and ischemic SCI. Previous studies identified a few risk factors to develop autonomic dysreflexia, albeit a model for prediction still lacks. On the other hand, there is an urgent need for a model to predict the evolution of sexual function. The aim of this review is to examine the available knowledge and models for the prediction of lower urinary tract, sexual, and bowel function, and autonomic dysreflexia after SCI, and critically discuss the research priorities in these fields

    Bacteriophages: what role may they play in life after spinal cord injury?

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    Bacterial infections are the leading cause of death in people with a spinal cord injury (SCI). Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses that solely infect and kill bacteria. The idea of using phages to treat bacterial infections, i.e., phage therapy, is very promising and potentially allows a more specific and personalized treatment of bacterial infections than antibiotics. While multi-drug resistant infections affect individuals from the general population, alternative therapeutic options are especially warranted in high-risk populations, such as individuals with SCI. However, more clinical data must be collected before phage therapy can be implemented in clinical practice, with numerous possible, subsequent applications

    Development of a documentation instrument for the conservative treatment of spinal disorders in the International Spine Registry, Spine Tango

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    Spine Tango is the first and only International Spine Registry in operation to date. So far, only surgical spinal interventions have been recorded and no comparable structured and comprehensive documentation instrument for conservative treatments of spinal disorders is available. This study reports on the development of a documentation instrument for the conservative treatment of spinal disorders by using the Delphi consensus method. It was conducted with a group of international experts in the field. We also assessed the usability of this new assessment tool with a prospective feasibility study on 97 outpatients and inpatients with low back or neck pain undergoing conservative treatment. The new ‘Spine Tango conservative' questionnaire proved useful and suitable for the documentation of pathologies, conservative treatments and outcomes of patients with low back or neck problems. A follow-up questionnaire seemed less important in the predominantly outpatient setting. In the feasibility study, between 43 and 63% of patients reached the minimal clinically important difference in pain relief and Core Outcome Measures Index at 3months after therapy; 87% of patients with back pain and 85% with neck pain were satisfied with the received treatment. With ‘Spine Tango conservative' a first step has been taken to develop and implement a complementary system for documentation and evaluation of non-surgical spinal interventions and outcomes within the framework of the International Spine Registry. It proved useful and feasible in a first pilot study, but it will take the experience of many more cases and therapists to develop a version similarly mature as the surgical instruments of Spine Tang

    Contrast media kinetics in multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging before radical prostatectomy predicts the probability of postoperative incontinence.

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    PURPOSE To evaluate the role of preoperative multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as predictor of post-prostatectomy incontinence (PPI). METHODS We analyzed patients who underwent robot-assisted radical prostatectomy for localized prostate cancer at our institution between July 2015 and April 2017. In these patients, we measured the perfusion quality of the pelvic floor with contrast media kinetics in the preoperative MRI of the prostate and compared the levator ani muscle (region of interest) to the surrounding pelvic muscle structures (reference). Prospectively collected questionnaires regarding urinary incontinence were then evaluated 1 year postoperatively. Outcomes were dichotomized into "continent" (ICIQ-Score = 0-5) and "incontinent" (ICIQ-Score ≥ 6). In each patient, we determined the perfusion ratio of the levator ani muscle divided by the surrounding pelvic muscle structures and compared them among the groups. RESULTS Forty-two patients were included in the study (n = 22 in "continent", n = 20 in "incontinent" group). The median perfusion ratio from the continent group was significantly higher compared to the incontinent group (1.61 vs. 1.15; 95% CI 0.09-0.81, p = 0.015). The median perfusion ratio in "excellent" (ICIQ-Score = 0) was significantly higher than in "poor" (ICIQ-Score ≥ 11) outcomes (1.48 vs. 0.94; 95% CI 0.04-1.03, p = 0.036). Further, a higher perfusion ratio was negatively correlated with ICIQ-Score (r = - 0.33; 95% CI - 0.58 to 0.03; p = 0.031). CONCLUSIONS Our data demonstrate a promising new strategy to predict PPI through the perfusion quality of pelvic muscle structures with contrast media kinetics. This may facilitate preoperative patient consulting and decision-making

    Behandlung von Harnwegsinfektionen mit Harnblasenspülungen: Vom Leitungswasser zu Bakteriophagen

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    Harnwegsinfektionen (HWIs) gehören zu den grössten medizinischen Herausforderungen, insbesondere stellt uns der weltweit dramatische Anstieg von Antibiotikaresistenzen vor ungelöste Probleme. Patienten mit Dauerkatheter oder intermittierendem Katheterismus haben ein hohes Risiko für rezidivierende HWIs, aber auch für eine Übertherapie mit Antibiotika. Harnblasenspülungen mit Leitungswasser oder physiologischer Kochsalzlösung respektive Harnblaseninstillationen mit säurehaltigen, antiseptischen oder antimikrobiellen Substanzen sind eine vielversprechende Option zur Prophylaxe und Therapie von HWIs. Im Kampf gegen Antibiotikaresistenzen könnten Bakteriophagen, Viren, die ausschliesslich Bakterien befallen und abtöten, zu einem Durchbruch bei der Therapie von HWIs und bakteriellen Infektionen im Allgemeinen führen – doch der Weg dazu ist weit, und gut geplante prospektive Studien werden die nötige Evidenz liefern müssen. = Les infections urinaires (IU) comptent parmi les plus grands défis médicaux; en particulier l’augmentation massive de la résistance aux antibiotiques dans le monde entier nous confronte à des problèmes non résolus. Les patients avec sonde à demeure ou avec cathétérisme intermittent ont un risque élevé d’IU récidivantes, ainsi que de surtraitement par antibiotiques. Les lavages vésicaux avec de l’eau du robinet ou d’une solution saline physiologique, ou l’irrigation intravésicale avec des substances acides, antiseptiques ou antimicrobiennes sont les options prometteuses pour la prévention et le traitement des IU. Dans la lutte contre la résistance aux antibiotiques, le recours à des bactériophages – des virus qui affectent et détruisent exclusivement des bactéries – pourrait conduire à une percée dans le traitement des IU et des infections bactériennes en général, mais le chemin est encore long et il faudra des études prospectives bien conçues pour obtenir les données nécessaires

    Bacterial species and antimicrobial resistance differ between catheter and non-catheter-associated urinary tract infections: Data from a national surveillance network

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    OBJECTIVE To investigate clinically relevant microbiological characteristics of uropathogens and to compare patients with catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) to those with non-CAUTIs. METHODS All urine cultures from the calendar year 2019 of the Swiss Centre for Antibiotic Resistance database were analyzed. Group differences in the proportions of bacterial species and antibiotic-resistant isolates from CAUTI and non-CAUTI samples were investigated. RESULTS Data from 27,158 urine cultures met the inclusion criteria. Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Proteus mirabilis together represented 70% and 85% of pathogens identified in CAUTI and non-CAUTI samples, respectively. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was significantly more often detected in CAUTI samples. The overall resistance rate for the empirically often-prescribed antibiotics ciprofloxacin (CIP), norfloxacin (NOR), and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) was between 13% and 31%. Except for nitrofurantoin, E. coli from CAUTI samples were more often resistant (P ≤ .048) to all classes of antibiotics analyzed, including third-generation cephalosporines used as surrogate for extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL). Significanty higher resistance proportions in CAUTI samples versus non-CAUTI samples were observed for CIP (P = .001) and NOR (P = .033) in K. pneumoniae, for NOR (P = .011) in P. mirabilis, and for cefepime (P = .015), and piperacillin-tazobactam (P = .043) in P. aeruginosa. CONCLUSION CAUTI pathogens were more often resistant to recommended empirical antibiotics than non-CAUTI pathogens. This finding emphasizes the need for urine sampling for culturing before initiating therapy for CAUTI and the importance of considering therapeutic alternatives

    Abnormal Resting-State Network Presence in Females with Overactive Bladder

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    Overactive bladder (OAB) is a global problem reducing the quality of life of patients and increasing the costs of any healthcare system. The etiology of OAB is understudied but likely involves supraspinal network alterations. Here, we characterized supraspinal resting-state functional connectivity in 12 OAB patients and 12 healthy controls (HC) who were younger than 60 years. Independent component analysis showed that OAB patients had a weaker presence of the salience (Cohen's d = 0.9) and default mode network (Cohen's d = 1.1) and weaker directed connectivity between the fronto-parietal network and salience network with a longer lag time compared to HC. A region of interest analysis demonstrated weaker connectivity in OAB compared to HC (Cohen's d > 1.6 or 1.9). The degree of deviation in supraspinal connectivity in OAB patients (relative to HC) appears to be an indicator of the severity of the lower urinary tract symptoms and an indication that such symptoms are directly related to functional supraspinal alterations. Thus, future OAB therapy options should also consider supraspinal targets, while neuroimaging techniques should be given more consideration in the quest for better phenotyping of OAB

    Adverse Event Assessment of Antimuscarinics for Treating Overactive Bladder: A Network Meta-Analytic Approach

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    BACKGROUND: Overactive bladder (OAB) affects the lives of millions of people worldwide and antimuscarinics are the pharmacological treatment of choice. Meta-analyses of all currently used antimuscarinics for treating OAB found similar efficacy, making the choice dependent on their adverse event profiles. However, conventional meta-analyses often fail to quantify and compare adverse events across different drugs, dosages, formulations, and routes of administration. In addition, the assessment of the broad variety of adverse events is dissatisfying. Our aim was to compare adverse events of antimuscarinics using a network meta-analytic approach that overcomes shortcomings of conventional analyses. METHODS: Cochrane Incontinence Group Specialized Trials Register, previous systematic reviews, conference abstracts, book chapters, and reference lists of relevant articles were searched. Eligible studies included randomized controlled trials comparing at least one antimuscarinic for treating OAB with placebo or with another antimuscarinic, and adverse events as outcome measures. Two authors independently extracted data. A network meta-analytic approach was applied allowing for joint assessment of all adverse events of all currently used antimuscarinics while fully maintaining randomization. RESULTS: 69 trials enrolling 26'229 patients were included. Similar overall adverse event profiles were found for darifenacin, fesoterodine, transdermal oxybutynin, propiverine, solifenacin, tolterodine, and trospium chloride but not for oxybutynin orally administered when currently used starting dosages were compared. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed generally applicable transparent network meta-analytic approach summarizes adverse events in an easy to grasp way allowing straightforward benchmarking of antimuscarinics for treating OAB in clinical practice. Most currently used antimuscarinics seem to be equivalent first choice drugs to start the treatment of OAB except for oral oxybutynin dosages of ≥ 10 mg/d which may have more unfavorable adverse event profiles

    Supraspinal Control of Urine Storage and Micturition in Men—An fMRI Study

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    Despite the crucial role of the brain in the control of the human lower urinary tract, little is known about the supraspinal mechanisms regulating micturition. To investigate the central regulatory mechanisms activated during micturition initiation and actual micturition, we used an alternating sequence of micturition imitation/imagination, micturition initiation, and actual micturition in 22 healthy males undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging. Subjects able to micturate (voiders) showed the most prominent supraspinal activity during the final phase of micturition initiation whereas actual micturition was associated with significantly less such activity. Initiation of micturition in voiders induced significant activity in the brainstem (periaqueductal gray, pons), insula, thalamus, prefrontal cortex, parietal operculum and cingulate cortex with significant functional connectivity between the forebrain and parietal operculum. Subjects unable to micturate (nonvoiders) showed less robust activation during initiation of micturition, with activity in the forebrain and brainstem particularly lacking. Our findings suggest that micturition is controlled by a specific supraspinal network which is essential for the voluntary initiation of micturition. Once this network triggers the bulbospinal micturition reflex via brainstem centers, micturition continues automatically without further supraspinal input. Unsuccessful micturition is characterized by a failure to activate the periaqueductal gray and pons during initiatio
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