26 research outputs found

    Data onmetals(Zn,Al,Sr,andCo)andmetalloid(As) concent rationlevels of ballastwaterincommercial ships entering Bushehr port ,alongthe Persian Gulf

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    In thisarticle,wedeterminedtheconcentrationlevelsofmetals including Zn,Al,Sr,andCoandmetalloidofAsofballastwaterin commercial shipsenteringBushehrport,alongthePersianGulf. Ballast watersamplesweretakenfromcommercialshipsentering Bushehr portfrom34portsaroundtheworldduring15February and 25August2016.Theconcentrationlevelsofmetalsand metalloid weredeterminedbyusingagraphitefurnaceabsorption spectrometer(AAS)

    Data onmetallevelsintheinletandoutlet wastewatertreatmentplantofhospitals in Bushehrprovince,Iran

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    In thispaper,wemeasuredthelevelsofmetalsincludingPb,Cr, Cd, Ni,Hg,Fe,andCuintheinletandoutletwastewaterofhos- pitals. ThesamplesweretakenfromwastewaterinBushehr's provincehospitals,Iran.Afterthecollectionofsamples,thecon- centration levelsofmetalsweredeterminedbyusinggraphite furnace absorptionspectrometer(AAS)method(Varian,SpectrAA 240, Australia).Statisticalanalysisofthedatawascarriedoutusing Special PackageforSocialSciences(SPSS16)

    Data ondaily fluoride intakebasedondrinking waterconsumptionpreparedbyhousehold desalinatorsworkingbyreverseosmosisprocess

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    In thisdataarticle,weevaluatedthedaily fluoride contentsin20 householddesalinatorsworking byreverseosmosis(RO)1 processin Bushehr,Iran.Theconcentrationlevelsof fluoride ininletandoutlet watersweredeterminedbythestandardSPADNSmethodusinga spectrophotometer(M501SingleBeamScanningUV/VIS,UK).The fluoridecontentinoutletwaterswerecomparedwithEPAandWHO guidelinesfordrinkingwater

    Dataonmetalcontents(As,Ag,Sr,Sn,Sb,andMo) in sedimentsandshellsof Trachycardiumlacunosum in thenorthernpartofthePersianGulf

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    In thisdataarticle,byusinginductivelycoupledplasmaoptical spectrometry (ICP-OES)1, weaimedto(1)determinethecon- centration levelsofAs,Ag,Sr,Sn,Sb,andMointhesedimentsand the shellsof Trachycardiumlacunosum simultaneously intwo separatedareas(unpollutedandpollutedareas)(2)comparison between themetalcontentsofsedimentsintheunpollutedand polluted areasaswellasshells.Analysisofdatashowedthat sediment aswellasshellsamplesinpollutedareacontainedsig- nificantly higherconcentrationlevelsofallmeasuredmetals compared withunpollutedare

    Fluoride ionadsorptionontopalmstone: Optimizationthroughresponsesurface methodology,isotherm,andadsorbent characteristicsdata

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    In somepartoftheworld,groundwatersourcecanbecomeunsafe for drinkingduetothehighconcentrationof fluoride ions[1]. The low costandfacile-producedadsorbentlikepalmstonecould effectivelyremoved fluoride ionsthroughadsorptionprocess.In this dataset,theinfluence of fluoride ionconcentration,solution pH, adsorbentdosage,andcontacttimeon fluoride ionadsorption by palmstoneswastestedbycentralcompositedesign(CCD) under responsesurfacemethodology(RSM).Thedatastonecar- bonized adsorbentwaspreparedbyasimpleandfacilemethodat relativelylowtemperatureof250 °C during3h.Theadsorbenthad the mainfunctionalgroupsofO–H, –OH, Si–H, C¼O, N¼O, C–C, C– OR, C–H, andC–Br onitssurface.Attheoptimizedconditions obtained byRSM,about84.78%of fluoride ionwasremovedusing the adsorbent.TheLangmuirisothermwassuitableforcorrelation of equilibriumdata(maximumadsorptioncapacity¼ 3.95 mg/g). Overall,thedataofferafacileadsorbenttowaterandwastewater workswhichfacetohighlevelof fluoride water/wastewater content

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in coastal sediments from urban and industrial areas of Asaluyeh Harbor, Iran: distribution, potential source and ecological risk assessment

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    The distribution and toxicity levels of 16 EPA priority pollutant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the sediments of Asaluyeh shore, Iran were investigated. The total concentrations of the PAHs in surface sediments ranged from 1,054 to 17,448 ng/g dry weights with a mean concentration of 8,067 ng/g. The spatial distribution of PAHs showed that PAH levels are much higher in the industrial areas in comparison with urban areas. Based on diagnostic ratios, pyrogenic activities were dominant sources of PAHs pollution in sediments comparing petroleum sources. The toxic equivalent concentrations (TEQ Carc) of PAHs ranged from 172 to 2,235 ng TEQ/g with mean value of 997.9. Toxicity levels were evaluated using sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) and toxic equivalent factors. Samples were collected from industrial and urban stations in Asaluyeh shores. According to SQGs, ΣPAHs concentrations in sediments of urban areas were below the ERL (effects range low), but the industrial samples had ΣPAHs concentrations between ERL and ERM (effects range median). Furthermore, ΣHPAHs (heavy PAHs) and some individual PAHs in some industrial stations exceeded ERM, indicating adverse ecological risk effects frequently occur. Findings demonstrate that the surface sediment from Asaluyeh shore is highly to very highly contaminated with PAHs

    Data onheavymetalsandselectedanions in thePersianpopularherbaldistillates

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    Inthisdataarticle,wedeterminedtheconcentrationlevelsof heavymetalsincludingPb,Co,Cd,Mn,Mg,FeandCuaswellas selectedanionsincludingNO� 3 , NO� 2 , PO�3 4 andSO�2 4 inthemost usedandpopularherbaldistillatesinIran.Itiswellknownthat heavymetalsmayposeaserioushealthhazardduetotheir bioaccumulationthroughoutthetrophicchain(“Heavymetals (Cd,Cu,NiandPb)contentintwo fish speciesofPersianGulfin BushehrPort,Iran” (Dobaradaranetal.,2013) [1]; “Comparative investigationofheavymetal,trace,andmacroelementcontents incommerciallyvaluable fishspeciesharvestedofffromthe PersianGulf” (Abadietal.,2015) [2]) aswellassomeother environmentalpollutions, “Assessmentofsedimentqualitybased on acid-volatilesulfide andsimultaneouslyextractedmetalsin Contents listsavailableat ScienceDirect journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/dib Data inBrief http:/

    Data on copper level in the blood of patients with normal and abnormal angiography

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    In this data article, we measured the levels of copper in the blood of patients undergoing coronary angiography. The samples were taken from patients with cardiovascular disease in Bushehr's university hospital, Iran. Patients were divided in two groups: normal angiography and abnormal angiography. After the chemical digestion of samples, the concentration levels of Cu in both groups were determined by using inductively coupled plasma optical spectrometry (ICP-OES). & 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY licens

    Association of metals (Cd, Fe, As, Ni, Cu, Zn and Mn) with cigarette butts in northern part of the Persian Gulf

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    Cigarette butts are the most common form of litter in the marine environment and represent potential point sources for environmental contamination. The metals leached from cigarette butts have not been studied well in the marine environment. In this study, the levels of metals (Cd, Fe, As, Ni, Cu, Zn and Mn) in cigarette butts were monitored at nine stations along the northern part of the Persian Gulf in Bushehr coastal areas in summer 2015 with a sampling time interval of 10 days. The Cd, Fe, As, Ni, Cu, Zn and Mn contents of cigarette butts were found to vary widely between 0.16 and 0.67 μg/g, 79.01 and 244.97 μg/g, 0.12 and 0.48 μg/g, 1.13 and 3.27 μg/g, 4.29 and 12.29 μg/g, 6.39 and 21.17 μg/g, and 38.29 and 123.1 μg/g, respectively. A Wilcoxon signed rank test showed that there were no significant differences between the Cd, Fe, As, Ni, Cu, Zn and Mn contents of cigarette butts at different sampling times. Considering the estimated number of cigarette butts littered annually, the results of this study indicated that considerable metals including Cd, Fe, As, Ni, Cu, Zn and Mn may enter the marine environment each year from cigarette litter alone

    Data onFe(II)biosorptiononto Sargassum hystrix algae obtainedfromthePersianGulfinBushehr Port, Iran

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    In thisarticle,weused Sargassum hystrix algae asbiosorbentfor removalofFe(II)fromaqueoussolutionsthatwascollectedalong the PersianGulfcoastline,Bushehr,Iran.Theconcentrationlevelof remaining Fe(II)inthesampleswasmeasuredbyusing flame atomic absorptionspectrometry(FAAS,VarianAA240,Australia). The isotherms,kineticsandmodelingdataofFe(II)biosorption onto Sargassum hystrix werealsopresented