1,857 research outputs found

    Organic carbon transport and C/N ratio variations in a large tropical river: Godavari as a case study, India

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    This study gives an insight into the source of organic carbon and nitrogen in the Godavari river and its tributaries, the yield of organic carbon from the catchment, seasonal variability in their concentration and the ultimate flux of organic and inorganic carbon into the Bay of Bengal. Particulate organic carbon/particulate organic nitrogen (POC/PON or C/N) ratios revealed that the dominant source of organic matter in the high season is from the soil (C/N = 8–14), while in the rest of the seasons, the river-derived (in situ) phytoplankton is the major source (C/N = l–8). Amount of organic materials carried from the lower catchment and flood plains to the oceans during the high season are 3 to 91 times higher than in the moderate and low seasons. Large-scale erosion and deforestation in the catchment has led to higher net yield of organic carbon in the Godavari catchment when compared to other major world rivers. The total flux of POC, and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from the Godavari river to the Bay of Bengal is estimated as 756 · 109 and 2520 · 109 g yr1, respectively. About 22% of POC is lost in the main channel because of oxidation of labile organic matter, entrapment of organic material behind dams/sedimentation along flood plains and river channel; the DIC fluxes as a function of alkalinity are conservative throughout the river channel. Finally, the C/N ratios (12) of the ultimate fluxes of particulate organic carbon suggest the dominance of refractory/ stable soil organic matter that could eventually get buried in the coastal sediments on a geological time scale

    Resource-use Efficiency of Paddy Cultivation in Peechi Command Area of Thrissur District of Kerala: An Economic Analysis

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    This study undertaken in the Peechi Command Area of Thrissur district in the Kerala state, has examined the resource productivity and allocative as well as the technical efficiency of paddy production. The study has used the primary data collected from 71 rice farmers of the command area using the stratified random sampling. The cost of cultivation of paddy in the command area has been found as Rs 21603/ha, resulting in a BC ratio of 1.34. The elasticity coefficients for chemical fertilizers, farmyard manure and human labour have been observed significant and positive. The allocative efficiency has indicated that marginal return per one rupee increase under these heads would be Rs 2.83, Rs 1.57 and Rs 1.17, respectively. The average technical efficiency of the paddy farmers in the command area has been found as 66.8 per cent. Education of the farmer and supplementary irrigation provided during the water-stress days have been identified as the factors which could enhance the technical efficiency. The study has called for an equitable distribution of canal water and enhanced extension services for resource management in the area.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Privatization of Water, Health and Education Sector in Rural India; Positives and Concerns

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    India opened her doors to liberalization, privatization and globalization, since the introduction of 1991 new economic reforms. Government gradually began to withdraw herself from its responsibilities and moving towards the role of indicator than provider of socio economic services. Today the privatization has gained momentum and is hugging all the sectors, now it is taking hold of water, health and education sectors. Water is the nature's gift to mankind and hence a public good. But World Bank has cautioned that 2/3 of the world population will be struggling to get drinking water by 2025. When the demand for water is expected to rise, how do the private companies be far away from encashing it? The irony is the World Bank itself is lobbying to privatize water as solution to water crisis! As a boost to increase profits for MNCS, of developed world

    The Progress of Social Security Measures for Labourers in India

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    Social security has gained paramount importance in the changed economic scenario. Social security programmes are actively undertaken even in developed nations. The USA social security administration points out that it is much more than retirement program. One in Six Americans (57 million) receives social security benefits in USA. India also has enacted many social security measures for its needy citizens. In order to protect the welfare of unorganized workers the legislative measures namely minimum wages Act, 1948, the employees compensation Act, 1923, the maternity benefit Act, 1961, the bonded labour system (Abolition) Act, 1976, the contract labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970, the inter-state migrant workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979, the building and other construction workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996, etc. were implemented. At the same time to ensure welfare of unorganized workers various welfare schemes was also undertaken by the government. The ministry of labour and employment enacted “The Unorganized Workers Social Security Act 2008” which came into force from 16th May 2009. The unorganized sector is fast expanding; hence government through its social security measures must provide the safety net to the needy workers. The entire ambit of unorganized sector should be covered by insurance and social security schemes so as to mitigate risk in this sector and boost the confidence of the workers. Government through its social security measures must cater to the disadvantaged sections of the society and it is the fundamental duty of the government in the globalized India

    Cytology of the alimentary tract of Lumbricus terrestris linnaeus

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    Unbelievable O(L1.5)O(L^{1.5}) worst case computational complexity achieved by spdspdsspdspds algorithm for linear programming problem

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    The Symmetric Primal-Dual Simplex Pivot Decision Strategy (spdspds) is a novel iterative algorithm to solve linear programming problems. Here, a simplex pivoting operation is considered simply as an exchange between a basic (dependent) variable and a non-basic (independent) variable, in the Tucker's Compact Symmetric Tableau (CST) which is a unique symmetric representation common to both the primal as well as the dual of a linear programming problem in its standard canonical form. From this viewpoint, the classical simplex pivoting operation of Dantzig may be considered as a restricted special case. The infeasibility index associated with a simplex tableau is defined as the sum of the number of primal variables and the number of dual variables, which are infeasible. A measure of goodness as a global effectiveness measure of a pivot selection is defined/determined as/by the decrease in the infeasibility index associated with such a pivot selection. At each iteration the selection of the simplex pivot element is governed by the anticipated decrease in the infeasibility index - seeking the best possible decrease in the infeasibility index - from among a wide range of candidate choices with non-zero values - limited only by considerations of potential numerical instability. Significant enhancement in computational efficiency can also be achieved by the utilization of the proposed concept of binding constraints. The algorithm terminates when further reduction in the infeasibility index is not possible; then the tableau is checked for the terminal tableau type to facilitate the problem classification - a termination with an infeasibility index of zero indicates optimum solution. The worst case computational complexity of spdspds is shown to be O(L1.5)O(L^{1.5}).Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Digital Data Theft Detection using Watermarking

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    Large amount of data is embedded in media and spread in the internet. This data can be replaced easily with the help of some software. Digital watermarking is a very useful technology in today2019;s world, to prevent illegal copying of data. Digital watermarking can be applied to all forms of multimedia

    Optimum Cropping Pattern for Sericulture-dominant Farms in Southern Dry Zone of Karnataka

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    Sericulture is labour-intensive and well-suited to small and marginal farms with surplus labour, especially female labour. Ample labour and a small land-base encourage farmers to practise sericulture as a subsidiary occupation. While income from crop production is seasonal, sericulture provides a year-round income, which is an important incentive for small farmers to take up sericulture. The agricultural production is seasonal, while consumption is evenly spread over the years. Under such circumstances, the planners and policymakers are confronted with the challenge of formulating a suitable agricultural production policy with which the desired growth of agricultural production can be achieved. In the present study, optimum cropping patterns for different categories of sericulturists have been suggested by selecting Siddlaghatta in Kolar and Kollegal talukas in Mysore as study areas. The primary data have been collected using the personal interview method. The deterministic linear programming technique has been employed to work out the maximum attainable returns by small, medium and large farmers through the optimum allocation of various crops, sericulture and livestock (dairy), using the available resources. The model has suggested fewer crops in the cropping pattern of both the areas. The model has also suggested shifting of the cropping pattern from subsistence-dominated crops like ragi to commercial crops like bivoltine sericulture in the Kolar area and crossbreed sericulture in the Musore area. The suggested cropping patterns have increased the gross income in the range of 83.55 to 388.68 per cent in the Kolar area and 2.71 to 10.70 per cent in the Kollegal area.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Choosing the professional career: a survey of library and information science students in Karnataka university, Dharwad

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    Choosing an appropriate career or a course of study reflects the individual'spersonality formation and his/her ambition in life. This is particularly important in aprofessional course like Library and Information Science (LIS). Looking into thebright future of the profession in the emerging Information Technology (IT) scenario,the present paper attempts to know the factors responsible for choosing Library andInformation Studies as a future career