33 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Phaleria macrocarpa ( Scheff.) Boerl. sebagai Larvasida Aedes aegypti

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    Nyamuk Aedes aegypti merupakan vektor penyakit DBD (Demam Berdarah Dengue). Daun mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl.) memiliki efek larvasida karena mengandung saponin dan alkaloid yang bersifat toksik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas ekstrak daun mahkota dewa sebagai larvasida Aedes aegypti, serta mengetahui Lethal Concentration (LC)50, LC90, LC95, Lethal Time (LT)50, LT90, dan LT95. Desain penelitian ini adalah eksperimental murni dengan subyek larva Aedes aegypti (540 larva), dibagi sembilan kelompok: kelompok kontrol negatif (akuades), kontrol positif (Temephos 1 ppm) dan tujuh kelompok perlakuan (2 ,5%, 2%, 1,5%, 1%, 0,5%, 0,25% dan 0,125%). Setiap kelompok terdiri atas 20 ekor dengan replikasi sebanyak tiga kali. Mortalitas larva dihitung setiap 4 jam selama 24 jam. Analisis probit digunakan untuk mengetahui LC50, LC90, LC95, LT50, LT90, dan LT95. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai LC50 = 1,175%, LC90 = 1,840%, LC95 = 2,029%, LT50 =0,811 jam, LT90 = 11,879 jam dan LT95 = 15,477 jam. Ekstrak daun mahkota dewa efektif sebagai larvasida Aedes aegypti. Analisis ANOVA menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara ekstrak daun mahkota dewa 2,5% dan 2% dengan Temephos 1 ppm. Konsentrasi ekstrak 2,5%, 2%, 1,5%, 1%, dan 0 ,5% berbeda signifikan dengan kontrol negatif (akuades) sedangkan ekstrak 0,25%, dan 0,125% tidak berbeda signifikan dengan kontrol negatif. Ekstrak daun mahkota dewa konsentrasi 2,5% dan 2% sama efektifnya dengan Temephos 1 ppm terhadap larva Aedes aegypti.Aedes aegypti mosquito is the main vector of DHF (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever). Mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl.) leaf known to have larvicidal effect because content saponin and alkaloid which are toxic. The objective of this research is to determine the effectiveness of Mahkota dewa leaf extract as larvacide Aedes aegypti, as well as knowing Lethal Concentration (LC)50, LC90, LC95, Lethal Time (LT)50, LT90, and LT95. This research was performed by using posttest only control group design. The subject were 540 larvae of Aedes aegypti, divided into nine groups: negative control (aquades), positive control (Temephos 1 ppm) and seven concentration of leaf extract (2.5%, 2%, 1,5%, 1 %, 0,5%, 0,25%, dan 0,125%). Each group consist of 20 larvae with three times replication in every treatment. Larval mortality was calculated every four hours for 24 hours. Probit analysis is used to determine the LC50, LC90, LC95, LT50, LT90, and LT95. The results of this research show that LC50=  0.230%, LC90= 0.286%, LC95= 0.302%, LT50= 0.987 hours, LT90= 12.547 hours, and LT95=  15.827 hours. Anova analysis result show that there is no significantly differences between mahkota dewa leaf extract 2.5 % and 2% with Temephos 1 ppm (p0,05). Extract concentration 2,5%, 2%, 1,5%, 1%, 0,5% and 0,25% have significant differences to aquades (negative control) (p0,05). Mahkota dewa leaf extract concentration 0,25% and 0,125% have no significant differences to aquades extract concentration 2.5% and 2 %  is as effective as Temephos 1 ppm to Aedes aegypti larvae

    Intestinal Parasite Infestation as Risk Factor of Malnutrition in under Five Year Children at Gamping Subdistrict of Sleman, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia

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    Intestinal parasitic infestation, although the light will result in loss of nitrogen, interfere the absorption of nutrients and reduce appetite. If this occurs in children, it will increase the risk of malnutrition. Malnutrition is still a public health problem in Indonesia. This study aims to reveal the role of intestinal parasitic infestation in children under five with malnutrition and the risk factors associated with intestinal parasitic infestation in children under five at Sub district Gamping of Sleman, Yogyakarta Province of Indonesia.Subjects were 54 under five year old children in Primary Health Care (PHC) of Sub district Gamping I-II and the last three months of not treated by anthelmintic drugs. Fecal samples are used for microscopic examination of intestinal parasitic infestation. Determination of nutritional status based on examination of blood serum (biochemical) and measurement of height and body weight (anthropometric). Biochemical parameters used were total protein and hemoglobin, whereas in anthropometry using a combination of three indicators: W/A, W/H and H/A. Risk factors supporting data obtained through a questionnaire. Stool examination conducted by wet mount method and floatation concentration Faust et al. to examine intestinal protozoan infection and saturated NaCl floatation for intestinal nematodes investigation. Intestinal parasite infestation prevalence data, risk factors and nutritional status assessed statistically by chi-square analysis to determine the relationship between variables.The prevalence of nutritional status of children was 64% normal, 34% acute malnutrition, and no severe malnutrition. The prevalence of intestinal parasitic infestation were 20%, those are Ascaris lumbriocoides (8%), hookworms (4%) and Entamoeba coli (8%). There is no significant relationship between intestinal parasitic infestation and nutritional status (p> 0.05). The factors associated with intestinal parasitic infestation of an under five year old children is parent’s education level, while comorbidities, home sanitation facilities, socio-economic status and access to health services is not significantly associated. Keywords: nutritional status, intestinal parasites, anthropometric, biochemical parameter

    Perbandingan Efektivitas Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) terhadap Larva Aedes aegypti Laboratorium dan Daerah Endemik Demam Berdarah di Yogyakarta

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    Until now control the vector mosquito of dengue high fever (DHF) are still using the insecticide chemistry because it is considered the most effective and inexpensive. Because of the possibility of resistance to insecticides and pollution of the environment, it is important to consider control measures alternative to more environmentally friendly. Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) has high pathogenicity against mosquito larvae, so the potential to create a handler with experience. Larvae of mosquitoes in endemic areas is estimated to have been affected by the Bti in nature. The research objective was to compare the effectiveness of Bti against larvae of Aedes aegypti in the laboratory and from areas endemic dengue This study is the experimental laboratory, using larval Ae. aegypti laboratory and endemic areas of dengue fever as the subject. Treatment was given by exposing the subject by the Bti in a variety concentration. The study consists of 13 groups, 12 groups contain a series of concentrations of Bti and the control group without insecticides. Each group consisted of 25 larvae 3rd stage included in the glass of200 ml of media with a series of concentrations of 0.4; 0.6, 0.8, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 20 ppm. Observations were made after 24 hours of exposure by counting the number of dead larvae in each cup. Data were analyzed using Probitt to determine LD50 andLD90 and paired T-test to determine the significance of differences between study groups. The results showed that Bti can kill the larvae of Aedes aegypti with LD50 1.732 ppm and 21.876 ppm LD90 for laboratory larvae, and 4.769 ppm LD50 and LD90 68.229 ppm for larvae from endemic area. Analysis of paired T-test showed p = 0.038, which means there is a significant difference in mortality between the laboratory with endemic areas of larvae after exposure for 24 hours of Bti.Sampai saat ini pengendalian nyamuk vektor demam berdarah dengue (DBD) masih menggunakan insektisida kimiawi karena dianggap paling efektif dan murah. Adanya kemungkinan resistensi terhadap insektisida kimia dan polusi lingkungan, perlu dipertimbangkan cara pengendalian alternatifyang lebih ramah lingkungan. Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) mempunyai patogenitas tinggi terhadap jentik nyamuk sehingga berpotensi sebagai bahan pengendali alami. Larva nyamuk di daerah endemik diperkirakan sudah terpapar dengan Bti di alam. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk membandingkan efektifitas Bti terhadap larva Aedes aegypti laboratorium dan dari daerah endemik DBD. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental laboratorium, menggunakan larva Ae. aegypti laboratorium dan daerah endemik DBD sebagai subyek. Perlakuan berupa pemaparan subyek dengan bioinsektisida berbagai konsentrasi Bti. Penelitian terdiri atas 13 kelompok, 12 kelompok berisi rangkaian konsentrasi Bti dan satu kelompok kontrol tanpa insektisida. Tiap kelompok terdiri atas 25 ekor L3 yang dimasukkan dalam gelas berisi 200 ml media dengan rangkaian konsentrasi berturut-turut 0,4; 0,6; 0,8; 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 dan 20 ppm. Pengamatan dilakukan setelah 24 jam pemaparan dengan menghitung jumlah kematian larva pada tiap-tiap gelas. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik Probitt untuk menentukan LD50 dan LD90 dan paired T-test untuk mengetahui signifikansi perbedaan antar kelompok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Bti mampu membunuh larva Aedes aegypti dengan LD50 1,732 ppm dan LD90 21,876 ppm untuk larva laboratorium, dan LD50 4,769 ppm dan LD90 68,229 ppm untuk larva daerah andemik. Analisis paired T-test menunjukkan p=0,038, berarti ada perbedaan signifikan angka kematian antara larva laboratorium dengan larva daerah endemik setelah pemaparan dengan Bti selama 24 jam


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    Abstrak: Lansia merupakan kelompok rentan terkena penyakit degeneratif dan komplikasinya. Abdimas ini bertujuan untuk deteksi dini dan meningkatkan pemahaman tentang penyakit tidak menular (PTM) dan pencegahannya di dusun Balong I, desa Banjarsari, kecamatan Samigaluh, kabupaten Kulon Progo. Sosialisasi dilakukan dengan metode ceramah dan dilakukan pengukuran kadar gula darah, tekanan darah, juga pada sebagian lansia komorbid diukur kadar asam urat dan kolesterol. Sosialisasi PTM diawali dengan pretes, penjelasan materi, tanya jawab dan diskusi, serta posttes. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan pretes dan posttes. Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh 39 orang lansia. Lansia di dusun Balong I memiliki tensi tinggi (69,23%) dan memiliki kadar glukosa darah di atas ambang normal (25,64%). Lansia, kader kesehatan dan perangkat dusun antusias mengikuti kegiatan sosialisasi PTM. Hasil pretes (59,05 ± 18,68) dibandingkan postes (79,05 ± 17,65) menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan bermakna pemahaman lansia tentang PTM dan pencegahannya (p<0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pemahaman lansia setelah dilakukan sosialisasi tentang PTM dan pencegahannya sebesar 33,87%.Abstract: The elderly are a vulnerable group for degenerative diseases and their complications. This community service aims to detect early and increase understanding of non-communicable diseases (NCD) and their prevention in the hamlet of Balong I, Banjarsari, Samigaluh, Kulon Progo. The socialization was carried out with lectures and blood sugar levels and blood pressure were measured. In some comorbid elderly, uric acid and cholesterol levels were measured. PTM socialization begins with a pre-test, material explanation, question and answer and discussion, as well as post-test. Evaluation is done by pretest and posttest. This activity was attended by 39 elderly people. Most of the elderly have high blood pressure (69.23%) and blood sugar levels (25.64%) above the normal threshold. Elderly, health cadres and hamlet officials enthusiastically participated in PTM outreach activities. The results of the pretest (59.05 ± 18.68) compared to the posttest (79.05 ± 17.65) showed a significant increase in the understanding of the elderly about NCDs and their prevention (p<0.05). It was concluded that there was an increase in the understanding of the elderly after socialization about NCDs and their prevention by 33.87%


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    Malaria is a health problem in many countries, including Indonesia. The problem is diffi­cult to be solved due to resistance on many antimalarial drugs. Therefore, alternative treat­ment is needed to be developed. Phyllanthus niruri before infection can increase the activ­ity of macrophages in mice were infected by Plasmodium berghei but there has been no research after infection. This study aims to compare the effect of P. niruri between before and after infection with malaria. 

    Aktivitas Fisik Rutin untuk Mencegah Penyakit Degeneratif

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    Degenerative or metabolic disease is a disease caused by excessive activities that give people no time to maintain their body health. This continuous condition can increase the death risk. This phenomenon is widely found with the existence of obesity in many places including in Gamping hamlet, Ambarketawang village, Gamping district, Sleman regency. Recently, the trend of this disease has gone up. Therefore, creating the society’s awareness about this issue is necessary to do through an empowerment program. This program is expected to decrease the death risk caused by metabolic or degenerative disease mainly for housewives who have never-ending activities. The society empowerment program is implemented through an organization for women namely Family Welfare Program. This program implementation is done in some stages namely:1) early physical quality examination (body mass index, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar and uric acid); 2) a group creation that concerns about healthy life; 3) socialization on healthy life pattern; 4) psychomotor routine gymnastics twice a week for 10 weeks; and 5) final physical quality examination. It is recorded from this empowerment program that 38.29 % suffers from obesity, 6.38 % suffers from diabetes mellitus (DM), 36.17 % suffers from high uric acid and 10.64 % suffers from hypercholesterolemia. After regular gymnastics twice a week in 10 weeks, it is recorded that the obesity decreases to 34.04 % and the DM decreases to 4.26%, while hypercholesterolemia increases to 17.02%. The uric acid, on the other hand, remains stable. To maintain their further health, continuous routine gymnastics, periodic medical check-up (at least once a year), especially for people aged 40 years. Another success of this program is the creation of Healthy Life Caring Community

    Proporsi Larva Aedes aegypti dan Aedes albopictus, Hubungannya dengan Kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue di Daerah Endemik Suburban Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus. Aedes aegypti chooses to live indoors and Ae. albopictus in outdoors. Aedes aegypti has been proven to play a role in dengue transmission in urban areas. It is assumed that suburbs dominated by gardens, so it is possible that Ae. albopictus acts as a vector. The study aimed to analyze the relationship between Ae. albopictus and DHF incidence in suburban area. The study was conducted in Godean, Sleman Regency. 280 ovitrap were placed indoors and outdoors at across seven villages. Each village was represented by one hamlet, so there were 40 ovitrap of each hamlet. The proportion of ovitrap containing Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus larvae was calculated. The results showed that Ae. aegypti larvae was more indoors (78.50%) than outdoors (21.45%) in all villages and negatively correlates with DHF (p=0.036; r=-0.776). Aedes albopictus larvae is more commonly found in gardens (80.64%) than in homes (19.36%) and does not correlate with DHF (p = 0.702). It was concluded that in suburban endemic area of ​​Sleman Regency, Ae. aegypti larvae was more indoors and negatively correlated with DHF. Aedes albopictus larva was more in the garden and did not correlate with DHF incidence

    Commuting Mobility as Risk Factor for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    Background:In Indonesia, there has been a change in the age group of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) patient population from children to adults since 1998. It raises the suspicion that an infection occurs not only in residential area but also from other places as a result of human mobility. Research on the role of people mobility as a risk factor for dengue incidence yielded different results. This study aims to reveal the relationship between human mobility and the incidence of dengue. Method: This is a case-control study that involved 276 respondents; 138 were sufferers (case group) while the other 138 respondents were non-sufferers (control group). The sample size was determined by using purposive sampling. Patient’s data and their addresses were obtained from Sleman Regency Health Office while the control group was patient’s neighbors. The people mobility data were obtained by conducting questionnaires that were divided into three categories, namely low, moderate, and high for commuting mobility and two categories, namely traveling outside and inside province for circular mobility. Chi-square analysis was used to determine whether mobility was a risk factor for DHF. Results:The result showed that commuting mobility was correlated with the DHF incidence (p=0.001) where the high mobility of 3.169 times raised the risk of DHF incidence (OR 3.169; 95% CI: 1.690-5.944) more than the low mobility. However, the DHF incidence was not correlated with moderate mobility (p=0,821). Furthermore, traveling outside the Yogyakarta Province reduced the risk by 6.175 times than non-traveling activity (p=0.000; OR 6.175; 95% CI: 2.759-13.822). Conclusion: The commuting mobility outside the village is a risk factor of DHF. Meanwhile, traveling outside Yogyakarta Province did not cause any risk for DHF and it instead tended to reduce the risk

    Distribusi Prevalensi Infestasi Parasit Usus pada Balita Penderita Gizi Buruk di Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta Berdasarkan Faktor Risiko

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    Malnutrition is still a public health problem in Indonesia. Severe malnutrition increasing susceptibility to the infection, and the infection is the direct factor influencing nutrition status. Intestinal parasite infestation make worse the sufferer and inhibit the elimination programme. The research purpose is to know the prevalence of intestinal parasite infestation in under five year children with severe malnutrition, and express to its risk factor of intestinal parasite infestation. The subject is all of under five children with severe malnutrition recorded in Primary Health Care in Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Questionnaire and medical record data used to find the risk factors: acces to primary health care, parent ’s formal education, history of chronic infection and social-economic status. Direct and indirect method of faeces examination were carried out by two persons to find cysts or nematode’s eggs. The prevalence of intestinal protozoa infestation are Entamoeba histolytica (56,2%), Entamoeba coli (43,48%), Giardia lamblia (21,74%) and Balantidium coli (4,35%). Infestation of intestinal nematodes are Ascaris lumbricoides (52,17%), hook worm (13,04%) and Enterobius vermicularis (8,96%). The protrude condition of subject family are 84% low social-economic status; 96% low and medium category of parent’s formal education degree; 40% have no sanitation facilities and 64% subject with chronic disease.Gizi buruk merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang penting di Indonesia. Gizi buruk menyebabkan penderita rentan terhadap infeksi. Infeksi merupakan faktor langsung yang mempengaruhi gizi buruk. Infestasi parasit usus mengakibatkan penderita gizi buruk menjadi lebih buruk lagi, sehingga menghambat usaha pemberantasan gizi buruk di masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi infestasi parasit usus pada balita penderita gizi buruk dan distribusi prevalensinya berdasarkan faktor risiko. Subyek penelitian adalah semua balita gizi buruk di Puskesmas Kasihan I dan II, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Kuesioner dan catatan medik untuk mendapatkan data faktor risiko yaitu akses dengan pelayanan kesehatan, tingkat pendidikan orang tua, riwayat infeksi kronis dan tingkat sosial ekonomi. Pemeriksaan feses dengan metode langsung dan tidak langsung untuk menemukan sista atau telur cacing, dilakukan sebanyak dua kali dengan pemeriksa berbeda. Prevalensi infestasi protozoa usus pada balita penderita gizi buruk adalah Entamoeba histolytica (56,52%), Entamoeba coli (43,48%), Giardia lamblia (21,74%), dan 4,35% Balantidium coli. Infestasi cacing usus: Ascaris lumbricoides (52,17%), cacing tambang (13,04%) dan Enterobius vermicularis (8,69%). Kondisi yang menonjol pada keluarga balita gizi buruk adalah 84% berstatus sosial ekonomi rendah, 96% orang tua berpendidikan rendah dan sedang serta 40% mempunyai sarana sanitasi memadai; 64% terinfeksi penyakit kronis