24 research outputs found

    Effets centraux de la toxine botulique : approche neurophysiologique chez le patient hémiplégique spastique aprÚs un AVC

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    Introduction : The therapeutic effects of intramuscular injections of Botulinum toxin type A (BTx) on spasticity can be largely explained by its blocking action at the neuromuscular junction. BTx is assumed to also have a central action by affecting the functional organization of the CNS. The aim of the present study is to assess the action of BTx on spinal motor networks by investigating the post-activation depression (Post-AD) of the soleus H-reflex in post-stroke patients presenting lower limb spasticity.Methods : Soleus H-reflex was investigated in chronic hemiplegic patients before and 3, 6, 12 weeks after BTxinjections in soleus. H-reflex amplitude was analyzed in response to electrical stimulation of the tibial nerve at 0.1 Hz and 0.5 Hz. Post-AD was quantified as the ratio H0.5 Hz/H0.1 Hz.Results : The Post-AD was significantly reduced in the affected side compared to the non-affected side before BTx injection. Three weeks after injection, the Post-AD was reinforced in the paretic leg and significantly higher than in pre-injection condition.Conclusion : BTx-treatment restores the Post-AD of soleus H-reflex in post-stoke paretic patients. As Post-AD amount is correlated to the severity of spasticity, it can be assumed that BTx’sIntroduction : les effets thĂ©rapeutiques des injections intramusculaires de toxine botulinique (BTx) sur la spasticitĂ© s'expliquent principalement par blocage de la jonction neuromusculaire. La toxine est supposĂ©e avoir Ă©galement une action centrale en affectant l'organisation fonctionnelle du SNC. Le but de l’étude est d'Ă©valuer l'action de la BTx sur les rĂ©seaux spinaux par l'analyse de la dĂ©pression post- activation (Post-AD) du rĂ©flexe-H du solĂ©aire chez les patients post-AVC prĂ©sentant une spasticitĂ© des membres infĂ©rieurs.MĂ©thodes : le rĂ©flexe-H du solĂ©aire est Ă©tudiĂ© chez les patients hĂ©miplĂ©giques chroniques avant et 3, 6, 12 semaines aprĂšs l'injection BTx dans le solĂ©aire. L’amplitude du rĂ©flexe est analysĂ©e en rĂ©ponse Ă  une stimulation Ă©lectrique du nerf tibial Ă  0,1 Hz et 0,5 Hz. La post-activation est Ă©valuĂ©e par le ratio H0,5 Hz/H0,1 Hz.RĂ©sultats : la Post-AD est significativement rĂ©duite du cĂŽtĂ© affectĂ© par rapport au cĂŽtĂ© sain avant l'injection BTx. Trois semaines aprĂšs l'injection, la Post-AD est renforcĂ©e dans la jambe parĂ©tique et significativement plus Ă©levĂ©e qu‘en prĂ©-injection.Conclusion : le traitement BTx restaure la Post-AD du rĂ©flexe H du solĂ©aire chez les patients post-AVC. La Post-AD Ă©tant corrĂ©lĂ©e Ă  la sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© de la spasticitĂ©, on peut supposer que l'efficacitĂ© de la BTx dans la rĂ©adaptation post-AVC est Ă©galement due Ă  des changements induits dans les rĂ©seaux spinaux

    Hitchcock Lost and Found: The Forgotten Films

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    Known as the celebrated director of critical and commercial successes such as Psycho(1960) and The Birds(1963), Alfred Hitchcock is famous for his distinctive visual style and signature motifs. While recent books and articles discussing his life and work focus on the production and philosophy of his iconic Hollywood-era films like Notorious(1946) and Vertigo(1958), Hitchcock Lost and Found moves beyond these seminal works to explore forgotten, incomplete, lost, and recovered productions from all stages of his career, including his early years in Britain. Authors Alain Kerzoncuf and Charles Barr highlight Hitchcock's neglected works, including various films and television productions that supplement the critical attention already conferred on his feature films. They also explore the director's career during World War II, when he continued making high-profile features while also committing himself to a number of short war-effort projects on both sides of the Atlantic. Focusing on a range of forgotten but fascinating projects spanning five decades, Hitchcock Lost and Found offers a new, fuller perspective on the filmmaker's career and achievements

    La pĂȘche maritime : son Ă©volution en France et Ă  l'Ă©tranger... / Joseph Kerzoncuf,...

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