161 research outputs found

    A vonalas és lepelerózió arányának vizsgálata vízgyűjtő léptékben

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    A talajerózió hatása a termőföldek mennyiségi és minőségi romlására közismert. Az elhordott, majd máshol lerakott talaj káros hatásairól valamivel kevesebb szó esik, pedig e folyamatok szintén jelentős problémákat okozhatnak. A szántóföldön eltemetik a növényeket, betakarják az utakat, feltöltik a csatornákat, tavakat, csökkentik a sankolóterek kapacitását, sőt közvetlen veszélyt jelentenek lakóépületekre, esetenként egész falvakra. Jellemzően a felszínen elmozduló talaj nem tesz meg nagy távolságot, jelentős része néhány 100m-en belül lerakódik. Bizonyos esetekben azonban a hordalék nagy távolságot képes megtenni és a pusztuló felszíntől távol halmozódik fel. Ahhoz, hogy a hordalék ellen hatékonyan tudjunk védekezni, szükséges az elhordott talaj eredeti helyzetének megállapítása. Egy durva csoportosítás szerint egy talajszelvényt két fő részre bonthatunk: a felső, kb. 20cm-es rétegre és az alatta fekvő, a talajművelés által szinte alig bolygatott részre. E felső réteg kiváló nyomjelzője a Cs-137 izotóp, mely kizárólag a közelmúlt légköri kihullásából származik és a talajhoz jól kötődik. A felületi rétegerózió, a csepperózió és a vonalas erózió egyes fajtái kizárólag csak a felszíni néhány cm-es réteget pusztítják. Egyedül az árkos erózió és a szuffózió erodálja a talajok mélyebb rétegeit is. A vízgyűjtő kifolyásánál felhalmozódó altalaj ez utóbbi két eróziós forma jelenlétére, minőségére és arányára utal. A Tetves-patak vízgyűjtő területe a Balaton D-i részvízgyűjtőjéhez tartozik. A völgyben hosszabb ideje folynak részletes talajeróziós mérések és kutatások. E területen vizsgáltuk a felhalmozódási térszíneken felgyűlt szedimentet. A sankoló nagymennyiségű hordalékot tartott vissza, feltöltődése szakaszosan, különböző szemcseösszetételű rétegekkel zajlott. A hordalék a sankolóban szétterülve nem osztályozódott a távolság függvényében. A minimális növényi keverés és átrétegződés ellenére a Cs-137 izotóp aktivitása vízszintesen és függőlegesen is nagy szórást mutatott a sankolótérben. A Cs-137-es módszer segítségével kimutattuk, hogy a sankolóban lerakott talaj nem csak a felületi rétegerózió hatására lepusztult feltalaj, hanem jelentős mennyiségű altalaj, illetve homokos lösz is. A vízgyűjtőn tehát jelentős a szerepe a vonalas eróziónak

    Different sensing mechanisms in single wire and mat carbon nanotubes chemical sensors

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    Chemical sensing properties of single wire and mat form sensor structures fabricated from the same carbon nanotube (CNT) materials have been compared. Sensing properties of CNT sensors were evaluated upon electrical response in the presence of five vapours as acetone, acetic acid, ethanol, toluene, and water. Diverse behaviour of single wire CNT sensors was found, while the mat structures showed similar response for all the applied vapours. This indicates that the sensing mechanism of random CNT networks cannot be interpreted as a simple summation of the constituting individual CNT effects, but is associated to another robust phenomenon, localized presumably at CNT-CNT junctions, must be supposed.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures,Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 201

    Two-dimensional array of magnetic particles: The role of an interaction cutoff

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    Based on theoretical results and simulations, in two-dimensional arrangements of a dense dipolar particle system, there are two relevant local dipole arrangements: (1) a ferromagnetic state with dipoles organized in a triangular lattice, and (2) an anti-ferromagnetic state with dipoles organized in a square lattice. In order to accelerate simulation algorithms we search for the possibility of cutting off the interaction potential. Simulations on a dipolar two-line system lead to the observation that the ferromagnetic state is much more sensitive to the interaction cutoff RR than the corresponding anti-ferromagnetic state. For R8R \gtrsim 8 (measured in particle diameters) there is no substantial change in the energetical balance of the ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic state and the ferromagnetic state slightly dominates over the anti-ferromagnetic state, while the situation is changed rapidly for lower interaction cutoff values, leading to the disappearance of the ferromagnetic ground state. We studied the effect of bending ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic two-line systems and we observed that the cutoff has a major impact on the energetical balance of the ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic state for R4R \lesssim 4. Based on our results we argue that R5R \approx 5 is a reasonable choice for dipole-dipole interaction cutoff in two-dimensional dipolar hard sphere systems, if one is interested in local ordering.Comment: 8 page

    Crossover of interface growth dynamics during corrosion and passivation

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    We study a model of corrosion and passivation of a metalic surface in contact with a solution using scaling arguments and simulation. The passive layer is porous so that the metal surface is in contact with the solution. The volume excess of the products may suppress the access of the solution to the metal surface, but it is then restored by a diffusion mechanism. A metalic site in contact with the solution or with the porous layer can be passivated with rate p and volume excess diffuses with rate D. At small times, the corrosion front linearly grows in time, but the growth velocity shows a t^{-1/2} decrease after a crossover time of order t_c ~ D/p^2, where the average front height is of order h_c ~ D/p. A universal scaling relation between h/h_c and t/t_c is proposed and confirmed by simulation for 0.00005 <= p <= 0.5 in square lattices. The roughness of the corrosion front shows a crossover from Kardar-Parisi-Zhang scaling to Laplacian growth (diffusion-limited erosion - DLE) at t_c. The amplitudes of roughness scaling are obtained by the same kind of arguments as previously applied to other competitive growth models. The simulation results confirm their validity. Since the proposed model captures the essential ingredients of different corrosion processes, we also expect these universal features to appear in real systems.Comment: 17 pages, including 7 figures; submitted articl

    Liquidity and the multiscaling properties of the volume traded on the stock market

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    We investigate the correlation properties of transaction data from the New York Stock Exchange. The trading activity f(t) of each stock displays a crossover from weaker to stronger correlations at time scales 60-390 minutes. In both regimes, the Hurst exponent H depends logarithmically on the liquidity of the stock, measured by the mean traded value per minute. All multiscaling exponents tau(q) display a similar liquidity dependence, which clearly indicates the lack of a universal form assumed by other studies. The origin of this behavior is both the long memory in the frequency and the size of consecutive transactions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Multifractal model of asset returns with leverage effect

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    Multifractal processes are a relatively new tool of stock market analysis. Their power lies in the ability to take multiple orders of autocorrelations into account explicitly. In the first part of the paper we discuss the framework of the Lux model and refine the underlying phenomenological picture. We also give a procedure of fitting all parameters to empirical data. We present a new approach to account for the effective length of power-law memory in volatility. The second part of the paper deals with the consequences of asymmetry in returns. We incorporate two related stylized facts, skewness and leverage autocorrelations into the model. Then from Monte Carlo measurements we show, that this asymmetry significantly increases the mean squared error of volatility forecasts. Based on a filtering method we give evidence on similar behavior in empirical data.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, updated some figures and references, fixed two typos, accepted to Physica

    Novel type of phase transition in a system of self-driven particles

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    A simple model with a novel type of dynamics is introduced in order to investigate the emergence of self-ordered motion in systems of particles with biologically motivated interaction. In our model particles are driven with a constant absolute velocity and at each time step assume the average direction of motion of the particles in their neighborhood with some random perturbation (η\eta) added. We present numerical evidence that this model results in a kinetic phase transition from no transport (zero average velocity, va=0| {\bf v}_a | =0) to finite net transport through spontaneous symmetry breaking of the rotational symmetry. The transition is continuous since va| {\bf v}_a | is found to scale as (ηcη)β(\eta_c-\eta)^\beta with β0.45\beta\simeq 0.45

    Studies of the limit order book around large price changes

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    We study the dynamics of the limit order book of liquid stocks after experiencing large intra-day price changes. In the data we find large variations in several microscopical measures, e.g., the volatility the bid-ask spread, the bid-ask imbalance, the number of queuing limit orders, the activity (number and volume) of limit orders placed and canceled, etc. The relaxation of the quantities is generally very slow that can be described by a power law of exponent 0.4\approx0.4. We introduce a numerical model in order to understand the empirical results better. We find that with a zero intelligence deposition model of the order flow the empirical results can be reproduced qualitatively. This suggests that the slow relaxations might not be results of agents' strategic behaviour. Studying the difference between the exponents found empirically and numerically helps us to better identify the role of strategic behaviour in the phenomena.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure