361 research outputs found

    A Model Procedure for Monitoring Student on the Internet at Cashmere High School

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    The purpose of this project was to develop a model procedure for monitoring students on the Internet at Cashmere High School, Cashmere, Washington. To achieve this purpose, current research, literature, software, and acceptable use policies concerned with educational Internet usage were reviewed. Additionally, specific policies; agreements, and forms were adapted and developed to meet the needs of the Cashmere High School community

    Doing good or doing harm? The factors affecting the provision of effective development aid: the case of Ukraine

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    Development aid is very complex, multifaceted and disputable topic which has changed tremendously since the modern development aid started after the World War II. Development aid has witnessed a number of different “phases” – once having a focus on economic growth, then on poverty reduction, and then on providing aid in order to achieve one’s self-interests. To start with, this thesis seeks to open the complex framework of development aid, give a brief overview of its history, introduce its key IR concepts, and show what is the motivation for countries to provide it. There are a number of questions in development aid which do not have one right and clear answer – does development aid work or not? Is it effective? It is important to study the factors affecting the provision of effective development aid because it could help finding out if the provision of aid needs only fine-tuning or fundamental changes. The framework which is the basis for the analysis consists of seven different factors that could affect the provision of aid. These factors are knowledge of local conditions, tied aid, aid fragmentation, security, corruption, targeting and timing. Some of these factors are donor-dependent, some recipient-dependent. The focus of this thesis is on Ukraine because since the Revolution of Dignity the need for development aid has increased rapidly and Ukraine has become a huge arena for the international donors. Ukraine is also always “in the picture” because of the ongoing war in the eastern part of the country. All the studied factors can be applied to the context of Ukraine and the most relevant out of them is the knowledge of local conditions together with aid fragmentation, targeting and timing. Other three – tied aid, corruption and security are not, at least in the case of Ukraine, factors which can affect much the provision of effective development aid.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5243217*es

    Progress on probabilistic encryption schemes

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    The purpose of this master\u27s project is to study different probabilistic cryptography schemes. The older probabilistic schemes, Goldwasser-Micali and Blum-Goldwasser, will only be covered briefly for a historical perspective. Several new and promising schemes have appeared in the last 7 years, generating interest. I will be examining the Paillier and Damgard-Jurik schemes in depth. This report explains the mathematics behind the schemes along with their inherent benefits, while also suggesting some potential uses. Details are given on how I optimized the algorithms, with special emphasis on using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) in the Damgard-Jurik algorithm as well as the other algorithms. One of the main benefits these schemes posses is the additively homomorphic property. I explain the homomorphic properties in the description of the schemes and give an overview of these properties in Appendix A. I create software based in the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) that is used to do a comparative study. This includes a simple message passing program for encrypted text. I create my own implementations of Paillier, Damgard-Jurik, and a variation of Paillier\u27s scheme as a Provider using the JCE. These implementations use the CRT along with other methods to increase performance and create optimized algorithms. The implementations are plugged into the message passing program with an implementation of RSA from another Provider. A comparative study of the timings of these three schemes is done to show which one performs better in different circumstances. Conclusions are drawn based on the results of the tests and my final opinions are stated

    Lab Package: Automated GUI Testing

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    Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on praktikumimaterjalide loomine graafilise kasutajaliidese testimise kohta Tartu Ülikooli kursuse “Tarkvara testimine” (LTAT.05.006) jaoks. Töös kirjeldatakse praktikumimaterjalide eesmärki, töö käigus loodud materjale, analüüsitakse tagasisidet ja tehakse ettepanekuid materjalide paremaks muutmiseks tulevikus. Loodud materjale rakendati 2019 kevadsemestril.The goal of this thesis is to create lab materials about a way of GUI testing for the course “Software Testing” (LTAT.05.006) at the University of Tartu. The thesis gives an overview of the motivation of this lab, introduces the created materials, analyzes feedback and makes suggestions for future improvements for the created materials. This lab was carried out in the 2019 spring semester

    Tõenäosustihedusfunktsioonil ja keskmistamisel baseeruv iirisetuvastus

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    In this thesis the basic concepts of iris recognition and a new algorithm using probability distribution functions were introduced. The first section familiarized the reader with the most important facts needed to be able to grasp the idea behind different iris recognition algorithms. The second part introduced some more or less popular algorithms. Daugman‟s proposed method is the most widely used one nowadays and most of the real-life applications take advantage of it. However, it is computationally rather complex. There is also the conventional principal component analysis (PCA) that creates eigenirises out of the initial database and a method proposed by Anbarjafari et al. that uses HSI colour space and majority voting to make the decision. The third part of the thesis proposed a novel iris recognition algorithm based on the mean rule. The algorithm converts iris images from traditional RGB colour space to HSI and YCbCr and creates probability distribution functions (PDF) from channels H, S, Y, Cb and Cr for both left and right iris. Kullback-Leibler divergence is used as the metric to calculate the difference between the corresponding channels. The recognition process includes calculating KLD values for all the channels for left and right irises (i.e. there are 10 channels) and then using the mean rule to get an average of them. This means that probability of compensating errors made by some channels is quite high. In order to test the algorithm, UPOL database was used. It includes three samples for both left and right iris for 64 people. The results are described in . Even though the algorithm achieved 100% recognition rate for both left and right iris, there are theoretically several ways to enhance the performance even more like using weighted average while calculating the KLD value