162 research outputs found

    Strukturprobleme bei der Implementierung von PflegestĂĽtzpunkten in Hessen [Structural problems in the implementation of Nursing Advice Centres in Hessia]

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    Röber M, Hämel K. Strukturprobleme bei der Implementierung von Pflegestützpunkten in Hessen [Structural problems in the implementation of Nursing Advice Centres in Hessia]. Pflege und Gesellschaft. 2011;16(2):138-153

    Weiterentwicklung der häuslichen Versorgung pflegebedürftiger Menschen. Anregungen aus Finnland [The further development of home care concepts for dependent people. Insights from Finland]

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    Hämel K, Kutzner J. Weiterentwicklung der häuslichen Versorgung pflegebedürftiger Menschen. Anregungen aus Finnland [The further development of home care concepts for dependent people. Insights from Finland]. Pflege & Gesellschaft. 2015;20(1):53-66.Für eine bedarfsgerechte häusliche Versorgung pflegebedürftiger Menschen werden Versorgungskonzepte benötigt, die dem oft komplexen Bedarf der Nutzer/innen gerecht werden; zugleich sollten sie auch in ländlichen und strukturschwachen Regionen funktional sein. Mit dieser Herausforderung steht Deutschland nicht alleine da. Daher ist es sinnvoll, international nach bereits etablierten Konzepten Ausschau zu halten. Der Beitrag zielt darauf, interessante Entwicklungen der häuslichen Versorgung in Finnland aufzuzeigen. Er basiert auf einer Literaturanalyse und leitfadengestützten Interviews mit Expert/inn/en der Versorgung und Pflege in Finnland. Aufgezeigt wird, dass in Finnland die Weiterentwicklung der häuslichen Versorgung mit einer Profilschärfung und Professionalisierung der Pflege einhergeht. Vielversprechende Elemente stellen zudem die teambasierte und multiprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit und ein am Case Management orientiertes Vorgehen in der Pflege dar. Die regional-kommunale Versorgungsgestaltung, die eine kleinräumige, gemeindeorientierte Arbeitsweise mit der zentralen Bündelung von Ressourcen und spezialisierter Kompetenz verbindet, bietet ebenso interessante Perspektiven. Anregungen die sich daraus für die Modellentwicklung der häuslichen Versorgung in Deutschland ergeben, werden abschließend diskutiert

    Gesundheitszentren in Spanien (Centros de Salud)

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    Hämel K, Vössing C. Gesundheitszentren in Spanien (Centros de Salud). PORT - Patientenorientierte Zentren zur Primär- und Langzeitversorgung. Stuttgart: Robert Bosch Stiftung; 2018

    Gesundheitszentren in Slowenien (Zdravstveni Domovi)

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    Hämel K, Vössing C. Gesundheitszentren in Slowenien (Zdravstveni Domovi). PORT – Patientenorientierte Zentren zur Primär- und Langzeitversorgung. Stuttgart: Robert Bosch Stiftung; 2018

    The collaboration of general practitioners and nurses in primary care – a comparative analysis of concepts and practices in Slovenia and Spain

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    Hämel K, Vössing C. The collaboration of general practitioners and nurses in primary care – a comparative analysis of concepts and practices in Slovenia and Spain. Primary Health Care Research & Development. 2017;18(5):492-506

    Gemeinsam eine gute Versorgung sichern

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    Schaeffer D, Hämel K. Gemeinsam eine gute Versorgung sichern. Die Schwester/Der Pfleger. 2018;57(5):78-81

    "Talking on the Phone Is Very Cold"-Primary Health Care Nurses' Approach to Enabling Patient Participation in the Context of Chronic Diseases during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    COVID-19; Chronic care; Patient participation; Primary health careCOVID-19; Atenció crònica; Participació del pacient; Atenció primària de salutCOVID-19; Atención crónica; Participación del paciente; Atención primariaStrengthening patient participation is considered a crucial element of primary health care (PHC) nurses' practice when working with chronically ill patients. The COVID-19 pandemic had extraordinary effects on PHC nursing routines and how chronically ill patients' could be involved in their own care. This study investigates the adaptation of Spanish PHC nurses' approaches to supporting the participation of patients living with chronic illness during the COVID-19 pandemic. To reach this goal, we interviewed 13 PHC nurses who practiced in PHC centers in Spain. The interviews were analyzed using thematic coding. Three themes emerged from the descriptions of the nurses: (1) High COVID-19-related workload, decreasing health promotion, and chronic care, (2) Emphasis on patients' and families' self-responsibility, (3) Expanded digital and telephone communication with fewer in-person consultations. Nurses felt especially challenged to uphold the support for vulnerable groups, such as older people or patients without family support. Future research should focus on how the participation of the most vulnerable chronic patients can be supported in the context of the growing relevance of remote care.This research was funded by the Stiftung Wohlfahrtspflege NRW (Public Welfare Foundation NRW) in the frame of funds for cross-sectional analyses regarding the subject of “Gesundheitskompetenz und Selbstmanagementförderung im Lebenslauf—Bedeutung im Kontext nutzerorientierter Versorgungsmodele (förges Q)” (Promotion of health literacy and self-management in the lifecourse—meanings in the context of user-oriented care models) (Ref.: SW-620 6852–6856) within the research network “Nutzerorientierte Versorgung: Förderung der Gesundheitskompetenz und des Selbstmanagements bei chronischer Krankheit und Pflegebedürftigkeit (förges)” (User-oriented care: Promotion of health literacy and self-management for chronic conditions and need of care)

    “Talking on the Phone Is Very Cold” - Primary Health Care Nurses’ Approach to Enabling Patient Participation in the Context of Chronic Diseases during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Strengthening patient participation is considered a crucial element of primary health care (PHC) nurses’ practice when working with chronically ill patients. The COVID-19 pandemic had extraordinary effects on PHC nursing routines and how chronically ill patients’ could be involved in their own care. This study investigates the adaptation of Spanish PHC nurses’ approaches to supporting the participation of patients living with chronic illness during the COVID-19 pandemic. To reach this goal, we interviewed 13 PHC nurses who practiced in PHC centers in Spain. The interviews were analyzed using thematic coding. Three themes emerged from the descriptions of the nurses: (1) High COVID-19-related workload, decreasing health promotion, and chronic care, (2) Emphasis on patients’ and families’ self-responsibility, (3) Expanded digital and telephone communication with fewer in-person consultations. Nurses felt especially challenged to uphold the support for vulnerable groups, such as older people or patients without family support. Future research should focus on how the participation of the most vulnerable chronic patients can be supported in the context of the growing relevance of remote care

    Advanced Practice Nursing in Primary Health Care in the Spanish National Health System

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    Hämel K, Toso BRG de O, Casanova A, Giovanella L. Advanced Practice Nursing in Primary Health Care in the Spanish National Health System. Ciência &amp; Saúde Coletiva. 2020;25(1):303-314.Abstract The primary health care in the Spanish National Health System is organised in health centres with multi-professional teams, composed of doctors and nurses specialised in family and community health, in addition to other professionals. This article analyses the role of primary health care nurses in the Spanish National Health System. In the last decade, new concepts of task sharing between doctors and nurses as well as advanced nursing roles have been evolved in the health centres that focus on improving care for chronically ill patients and access to primary care. With shared responsibility, nurses are responsible for chronic patients in stable conditions, health prevention and promotion. The scaling up of advanced nursing tasks is limited by uncertainties of roles, disparities between states, and legislations that do not cover the full extent of advanced nursing tasks. The case study of Spain indicates that a strong multi-professional model of primary health care teams is a crucial basis for the evolvement of advanced nursing practice and its acceptance in daily routines. However, advantageous education structures and legislations are needed to allow nurses to develop their contribution in the full potential.</jats:p

    "Pflege stationär - Weiterdenken!" Abschlussbericht der Wissenschaftlichen Evaluation des Modellverbunds

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    Röhnsch G, Hämel K, Vorderwülbecke J, Heumann M. "Pflege stationär - Weiterdenken!" Abschlussbericht der Wissenschaftlichen Evaluation des Modellverbunds. Durchges., leicht überarbeitete Fass. d. Erstberichts 2019. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2019
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