33 research outputs found


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    Identification of susceptibility loci for complex diseases in a case-control association study using the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 dataset

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    Although current methods in genetic epidemiology have been extremely successful in identifying genetic loci responsible for Mendelian traits, most common diseases do not follow simple Mendelian modes of inheritance. It is important to consider how our current methodologies function in the realm of complex diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the ability of conventional association methods to fine map a locus of interest. Six study populations were selected from 10 replicates (New York) from the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 simulated dataset and analyzed for association between the disease trait and locus D2. Genotypes from 45 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the telomeric region of chromosome 3 were analyzed by Pearson's chi-square tests for independence to test for association with the disease trait of interest. A significant association was detected within the region; however, it was found 3 cM from the documented location of the D2 disease locus. This result was most likely due to the method used for data simulation. In general, this study showed that conventional case-control association methods could detect disease loci responsible for the development of complex traits

    Linkage analysis of the GAW14 simulated dataset with microsatellite and single-nucleotide polymorphism markers in large pedigrees

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    Recent studies have suggested that a high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker set could provide equivalent or even superior information compared with currently used microsatellite (STR) marker sets for gene mapping by linkage. The focus of this study was to compare results obtained from linkage analyses involving extended pedigrees with STR and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker sets. We also wanted to compare the performance of current linkage programs in the presence of high marker density and extended pedigree structures. One replicate of the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 (GAW14) simulated extended pedigrees (n = 50) from New York City was analyzed to identify the major gene D2. Four marker sets with varying information content and density on chromosome 3 (STR [7.5 cM]; SNP [3 cM, 1 cM, 0.3 cM]) were analyzed to detect two traits, the original affection status, and a redefined trait more closely correlated with D2. Multipoint parametric and nonparametric linkage analyses (NPL) were performed using programs GENEHUNTER, MERLIN, SIMWALK2, and S.A.G.E. SIBPAL. Our results suggested that the densest SNP map (0.3 cM) had the greatest power to detect linkage for the original trait (genetic heterogeneity), with the highest LOD score/NPL score and mapping precision. However, no significant improvement in linkage signals was observed with the densest SNP map compared with STR or SNP-1 cM maps for the redefined affection status (genetic homogeneity), possibly due to the extremely high information contents for all maps. Finally, our results suggested that each linkage program had limitations in handling the large, complex pedigrees as well as a high-density SNP marker set

    Wnt signaling in triple negative breast cancer is associated with metastasis

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    Background Triple Negative subset of (TN) Breast Cancers (BC), a close associate of the basal-like subtype (with limited discordance) is an aggressive form of the disease which convey unpredictable, and poor prognosis due to limited treatment options and lack of proven effective targeted therapies. Methods We conducted an expression study of 240 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) primary biopsies from two cohorts, including 130 TN tumors, to identify molecular mechanisms of TN disease. Results The annotation of differentially expressed genes in TN tumors contained an overrepresentation of canonical Wnt signaling components in our cohort and others. These observations were supported by upregulation of experimentally induced oncogenic Wnt/β-catenin genes in TN tumors, recapitulated using targets induced by Wnt3A. A functional blockade of Wnt/β-catenin pathway by either a pharmacological Wnt-antagonist, WntC59, sulidac sulfide, or β-catenin (functional read out of Wnt/β-catenin pathway) SiRNA mediated genetic manipulation demonstrated that a functional perturbation of the pathway is causal to the metastasis- associated phenotypes including fibronectin-directed migration, F-actin organization, and invasion in TNBC cells. A classifier, trained on microarray data from β-catenin transfected mammary cells, identified a disproportionate number of TNBC breast tumors as compared to other breast cancer subtypes in a meta-analysis of 11 studies and 1,878 breast cancer patients, including the two cohorts published here. Patients identified by the Wnt/β-catenin classifier had a greater risk of lung and brain, but not bone metastases. Conclusion These data implicate transcriptional Wnt signaling as a hallmark of TNBC disease associated with specific metastatic pathways

    A novel procedure for genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms in trisomy with genomic DNA and the invader assay

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    Individuals with trisomy 21 display complex phenotypes with differing degrees of severity. Numerous reliable methods have been established to diagnose the initial trisomy in these patients, but the identification and characterization of the genetic basis of the phenotypic variation in individuals with trisomy remains challenging. To date, methods that can accurately determine genotypes in trisomic DNA samples are expensive, require specialized equipment and complicated analyses. Here we report proof-of-concept results for an Invader® assay-based genotyping procedure that can determine SNP genotypes in trisomic genomic DNA samples in a simple and cost-effective manner. The procedure requires only two experimental steps: a real-time measurement of the fluorescent Invader® signal and analysis with a specifically designed clustering algorithm. The approach was tested using genomic DNA samples from 23 individuals with trisomy 21, and results were compared to genotypes previously determined with pyrosequencing. Additional assays for 15 SNPs were tested in a set of 21 DNA samples to assess assay performance. Our method successfully identified the correct SNP genotypes for the trisomic genomic DNA samples tested, and thus provides an alternative to determine SNP genotypes in trisomic DNA samples for subsequent association studies in patients with Down syndrome and other trisomies