5 research outputs found

    Raman Spectroscopy identifies differences in ochronotic and non-ochronotic cartilage:a potential novel technique for monitoring ochronosis

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    Objective Alkaptonuria (AKU) is a rare, inherited disorder of tyrosine metabolism, where patients are unable to breakdown homogentisic acid (HGA), which increases systemically over time. It presents with a clinical triad of features; HGA in urine, ochronosis of collagenous tissues, and the subsequent ochronotic arthritis of these tissues. In recent years the advance in the understanding of the disease and the potential treatment of the disorder looks promising with the data on the efficacy of nitisinone. However, there are limited methods for the detection and monitoring of ochronosis in vivo, or for treatment monitoring. The study aim was to test the hypothesis that Raman spectra would identify a distinct chemical fingerprint for the non-ochronotic, compared to ochronotic cartilage. Design: Ochronotic and non-ochronotic cartilage from human hips and ears were analysed using Raman spectroscopy. Results: Non-ochronotic cartilage spectra were similar and reproducible and typical of normal articular cartilage. Conversely, the ochronotic cartilage samples were highly fluorescent and displayed limited or no discernible Raman peaks in the spectra, in stark contrast to their non-ochronotic pairs. Interestingly, a novel peak was observed associated with the polymer of HGA in the ochronotic cartilage that was confirmed by analysis of pigment derived from synthetic HGA. Conclusion: This technique reveals novel data on the chemical differences in ochronotic compared with non-ochronotic cartilage, these differences are detectable by a technique that is already generating in vivo data and demonstrates the first possible procedure to monitor the progression of ochronosis in tissues of patients with AKU

    Discrimination of ivory from extant and extinct elephant species using Raman spectroscopy : A potential non-destructive technique for combating illegal wildlife trade

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    The use of elephant ivory as a commodity is a factor in declining elephant populations. Despite recent worldwide elephant ivory trade bans, mammoth ivory trade remains unregulated. This complicates law enforcement efforts, as distinguishing between ivory from extant and extinct species requires costly, destructive and time consuming methods. Elephant and mammoth ivory mainly consists of dentine, a mineralized connective tissue that contains an organic collagenous component and an inorganic component of calcium phosphate minerals, similar in structure to hydroxyapatite crystals. Raman spectroscopy is a non-invasive laser-based technique that has previously been used for the study of bone and mineral chemistry. Ivory and bone have similar biochemical properties, making Raman spectroscopy a promising method for species identification based on ivory. This study aimed to test the hypothesis that it is possible to identify differences in the chemistry of mammoth and elephant ivory using Raman spectroscopy. Mammoth and elephant tusks were obtained from the Natural History Museum in London, UK. Included in this study were eight samples of ivory from Mammuthus primigenius, two samples of carved ivory bangles from Africa (Loxodonta species), and one cross section of a tusk from Elephas maximus. The ivory was scanned using an inVia Raman micro spectrometer equipped with a x50 objective lens and a 785nm laser. Spectra were acquired using line maps and individual spectral points were acquired randomly or at points of interest on all samples. The data was then analysed using principal component analysis (PCA) with use of an in-house MATLAB script. Univariate analysis of peak intensity ratios of phosphate to amide I and III peaks, and carbonate to phosphate peaks showed statistical differences (

    Photon migration of Raman signal in bone as measured with spatially offset Raman spectroscopy

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    Spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) is currently being developed as an in vivo tool for bone disease detection, but to date, information about the interrogated volume as influenced by the light propagation and scattering characteristics of the bone matrix is still limited. This paper seeks to develop our general understanding of the sampling depths of SORS in bone specimens as a function of the applied spatial offset. Equine metacarpal bone was selected as a suitable specimen of compact cortical bone large enough to allow several thin slices (600 μm) to be cut from the dorsal surface. Photon migration at 830-nm excitation was studied with five bone slices and a 380 μm-thin polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) slice placed consecutively between the layers. To optimize Raman signal recovery of the PTFE with increasing depth within the bone stack required a corresponding increase in spatial offset. For example, to sample effectively at 2.2-mm depth within the bone required an optimal SORS offset of 7mm. However, with a 7-mm offset, the maximum accessible penetration depth from which the PTFE signal could be still recovered was 3.7mm. These results provide essential basic information for developing SORS technology for medical diagnostics in general and optimizing sampling through bone tissue, permitting a better understanding of the relationship between the offset and depth of bone assessed, in particular. Potential applications include the detection of chemically specific markers for changes in bone matrix chemistry localized within the tissue and not present in healthy bone

    Assessment of photon migration for subsurface probing in selected types of bone using spatially offset Raman spectroscopy

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    Bone diseases and disorders are a growing challenge in aging populations; so effective diagnostic and therapeutic solutions are now essential to manage the demands of healthcare sectors effectively. Spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) allows for chemically specific sub-surface probing and has a great potential to become an in vivo tool for early non-invasive detection of bone conditions. Bone is a complex hierarchical material and the volume probed by SORS is dependent on its optical properties. Understanding and taking into account the variations in diffuse scattering properties of light in various bone types is essential for the effective development and optimization of SORS as a diagnostic in vivo tool for characterizing bone disease. This study presents SORS investigations at 830 nm excitation on two specific types of bone with differing mineralization levels. Thin slices of bone from horse metacarpal cortex (0.6 mm thick) and whale bulla (1.0 mm thick) were cut and stacked on top of each other (4-7 layers with a total thickness of 4.1 mm). To investigate the depth origin of the detected Raman signal inside the bone a 0.38 mm thin Teflon slice was used as test sample and inserted in between the layers of stacked bone slices. For both types of bone it could be demonstrated that chemically specific Raman signatures different from those of normal bone can be retrieved through 3.8-4.0 mm of overlying bone material with a spatial offset of 7-8 mm. The determined penetration depths can be correlated with the mechanical and optical properties of the specimens. The findings of this study increase our understanding of SORS analysis of bone and thus have impact for medical diagnostic applications e.g. enabling the non-invasive detection of spectral changes caused by degeneration, infection or cancer deep inside the bone matrix

    Compressive loading of the murine tibia reveals site-specific micro-scale differences in adaptation and maturation rates of bone

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    Summary: Loading increases bone mass and strength in a site-specific manner; however, possible effects of loading on bone matrix composition have not been evaluated. Site specific structural and material properties of mouse bone were analyzed on the macro- and micro/molecular scale in the presence and absence of axial loading. The response of bone to load is heterogeneous, adapting at molecular, micro- and macro-levels. Purpose/Introduction: Osteoporosis is a degenerative disease resulting in reduced bone mineral density, structure and strength. The overall aim was to explore the hypothesis that changes in loading environment result in site-specific adaptations at molecular/micro- and macro- scale in mouse bone. Methods: Right tibiae of adult mice were subjected to well-defined cyclic axial loading for two weeks; left tibiae were used as physiologically loaded controls. The bones were analyzed with µCT (structure), reference point indentation (material properties), Raman spectroscopy (chemical) and small angle X-ray scattering (mineral crystallization and structure). Results: The cranial and caudal sites of tibiae are structurally and biochemically different within control bones. In response to loading, cranial and caudal sites increase in cortical thickness with reduced mineralization (-14% and –3%, p<0.01, respectively) and crystallinity (-1.4% and –0.3%, p<0.05 respectively). Along the length of the loaded bones, collagen content becomes more heterogeneous on the caudal site and the mineral:collagen increases distally at both sites. Conclusion: Bone structure and composition are heterogeneous, finely tuned, adaptive and site specifically responsive at the micro-scale to maintain optimal function. Manipulation of this heterogeneity may affect bone strength, relative to specific applied loads